Chapter 5. Saturday!

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( 🚨 Long chapter ahead 🚨)


"Saturday, Saturday! Ooh..ooh...ooh. Saturday, Saturday!"

"Will you stop already? I am tired of hearing that song all day," Surbhi complained and threw a pillow at me. I dodged it and kept dancing as I took out clothes from my wardrobe.

🎙️"Kudi Saturday, Saturday!
Karti rehndi hai
Kudi Saturday, Saturday!"🎙️

Girl, Saturday, Saturday!
Keeps saying
Saturday, Saturday!)

I sang aloud and Surbhi pounced on me.

"Urgh... I will kill you if you won't shut up."

"Okay okay. Now get off me you sumo."

I pushed her and she fell down. I laughed at her.

She huffed and crawled on my bed. I threw the tops I had chosen at her. She gave them a glance and threw them away.

"You didn't like any?" I searched for more clothes.

"You have poor taste, my girl," she said while examining her manicured nails.

"Help me then!"

"Okay." She got up and emptied the whole closet.

After searching for what seemed like hours she handed me a silver top which had glitter stars on sleeves. It was a high-low top and had net work on the back.

"I already showed that to you!" I glared at her.

She just shrugged and plopped down on bed again.

"You need a wardrobe update."

I picked up the top and got in the bathroom to change. I showed her my look and she gave me a thumbs up. I asked what hairstyle I should do for the party and she just told me to let my hair fall freely.

I didn't want to but I got no other choice. My hair was too long for me to braid it by myself. My mom helped me everyday. Forget about those complex hairstyles.

I changed back into my pyjamas and laid down beside Surbhi. She was lost in her own world, smiling to herself. I looked at the clock and it read 11:45 pm. Better get some sleep. Today was so tiring. Lectures after lectures, no free class.

I even bumped into Ved when I was rushing towards my class. Luckily he didn't pay much attention and I rushed past him after saying a quick sorry.

Guess, I wouldn't have to worry about him finding about me. It had been three days since he joined but still hadn't recognized me though we had some classes together. Did he even know my name? He was always surrounded by girls or his admirers. Plus point for me.

I sighed and thought about Parth's party. I was so going to enjoy it. I closed my eyes and groaned when I heard Surbhi snoring. I would need to buy earplugs for the times I called her over at my house. I covered my ears and forced my eyes shut. Fortunately, I fell asleep.

The sun shone bright in the sky and Surbhi was long gone before I woke up. She must have gone to pick up Aryan. I looked at the clock. 11 am. Nice. I had a good sleep. I checked my phone and saw 2 missed calls and a message from Parth. I called him up.

"Good morning," I said.

"Finally awake, sleepyhead? I called you two times," he complained.

"Who wakes up at 6 on a holiday?"

"I do and you should too. Now tell me, you are coming to the party right?"

"Of course, Parth. You have asked me that like million times."

"I know... but you are coming right?"

"Parth!" I shouted. I heard him laughing loudly and after few minutes of his laughter marathon, he calmed down.

"If you ask me that once again, I will punch you through the phone," I tried to make my tone serious.

"Oh my god. I am so scared," he squealed in a shrill voice. That was childish but I began laughing with him. It seemed like we were friends since ages.

After talking for few more minutes, we hung up. I got hungry with all the talking. I made my way towards the kitchen and looked for food.

Samosas! I jumped with joy. Mom never disappointed me. I grabbed a handful and jumped on the sofa.

( Samosa👆)

"Did you brush your teeth?" Dad asked while changing channels on TV.


He shook his head in disapproval and I smiled cheekily.

"Where's mom?" I asked.

"Shopping with her friends," he replied.

I motioned to him with my foot to go back to the channel he just changed. My hands were full you see.

"Mahesh Babu? Come on Sandhu, you have watched this movie so many times already," he groaned.

I shrugged and glued my eyes to the screen. How could I miss my favorite actor's movie? Mahesh Babu to the infinity!

"So your Mom told me about this party you are going to," he said and smiled widely when the movie ended.

"Yes. I am going to a friend's party at his house today. His name is Parth Singhania. Gender, Male. Age, 18. Plays football, Honor Student, excels both in academics and sports. Surbhi knows him too." I told him.

"Did you say Singhania?" he asked.

"Yes. Why?"

"Is he the son of Mahesh Singhania?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Maybe?" I tilted my head. Do I need to know who his father is? Of course I do. How could I be so careless? What if he turns out to be the son of a mafia leader?

I quickly searched him up on Facebook and showed dad his picture. He nodded in approval. He told me Mahesh Singhania was a reputed man and his son was also well known among his business circle.

"I made a good friend, didn't I?" I smiled goofily.

He patted my head and told me to be back home by 10 pm. I hugged him and he told me to take a shower. I hugged him more.


"Yes bhaiyya. This is it. You can stop here." I paid the auto-rickshaw driver and thanked him for dropping me off safely. 7 pm. Just in time.

( Bhaiyya:- A term used for older brothers or guys older than us who aren't blood related. The use of this term depends on users' personal opinions.)

I walked towards Parth's house which actually looked like a mansion and was blasting music loudly. Did the party start already? The bass was so much that I felt the ground under my feet shaking.

{Parth's house👆( Images used for representational purpose only.)}

I moved towards the gates and noticed a lot of cars already parked in his driveway. Wow. So many gorgeous cars. If I could sell all of them, I would be a millionaire.

"Do you have the invitation?" the security guard asked bringing me back to reality. What invitation?

He looked at me suspiciously when I didn't answer him. Parth didn't tell me anything about the invitation. I called him up but he didn't pick up. I told the guards that I knew the host but they refused to let me in. I cursed under my breath.

I called Parth again but no response. Should I go back home?

"What's the problem?" I saw Mayank making his way towards us, swirling his car keys around his finger. He was dressed in a red button down paired with a denim jacket over it. He stopped beside me and put his car keys in his jeans' pocket.

I sighed in relief and told him that the guards wouldn't let me in. I had been arguing with them for past 20 minutes. Instead of helping me, he began laughing at me.

"She doesn't have the invitation, Mayank sir," one guard said.

"You trying to gatecrash the party?" Mayank teased me. He knew Parth was my friend but he was enjoying this too much. I pursed my lips and looked down in embarrassment. Coming here was a bad idea. I will strangle Parth when I see him next time.

"Sandhya, why aren't you coming in?" I heard Parth's voice. I frowned at him when I saw him on the other side of the gates. He looked dashing but I was angry at him. If looks could kill, he would be already six feet under the ground.

"You forgot to give me an invitation?!" I exclaimed and saw security guards changing curious glances.

"You didn't even pick up my calls. Why did you even invite me?" I asked seething with anger.

He told the guards to open the gates and dragged me inside before I stomped off.

"I am really sorry, Sandhya. I forgot my phone in my room. I promise it wasn't my intention to embarrass you. It was all a mistake and it was foolish of me to not give you the invitation. I am extremely sorry," he panicked.

I cooled down a bit. What was the use of being angry? He was sincerely apologizing.

"Don't worry. I forgive you because you are my friend."

I patted his back and he gave me his signature smile. All this time, Mayank was observing us quietly. I glanced at him and he smirked.

"Where's the booze man? I am getting thirsty," he asked and Parth told us to follow him.

We went in his house and I took in the scene in front of me with wide eyes. Was this a house or a pub? I nudged Parth and he chuckled at my reaction.

The dance floor was so big that I could hold a marriage reception here. There was a bar on the left and sofas were combined to make a seating arrangement in the right. A disco ball hung from the ceiling illuminating the whole room in rainbow colours.

I was awestruck. Parth told me to relax and call him if I needed anything. He had to go to welcome more guests.

I roamed around a bit and sat on one of the sofas. I clicked some pictures and sent it to Surbhi. She must be having her romantic date with her BF. I would go to meet Aryan tomorrow.

'Saari raat besharmi ki height' blasted through the speakers and I covered my ears. I would go deaf at this rate.

After sometime, I got used to the music volume. More people started arriving and the place soon became crowded. I got up to get myself a drink.

I reached the bar and sat on a bar stool. I ordered an orange juice and turned around to watch some guys dancing maniacally while some were trying to protect their girls from them. I laughed at the scene.

"Enjoying the party?" Parth asked and sat beside me.

I nodded and pointed at one guy who was doing some weird moves which made him look boneless. We laughed together and he excused himself again. He apologized for leaving me alone but I waved him off.

The bartender gave me my drink and I enjoyed it so much that I ordered it again. I turned around and almost spit my drink when I saw Rajeev talking casually to some girls. My student was doing great. I could almost cry.

As if on cue, he turned his head in my direction and his eyes widened. I smirked and held up my drink as a sign of appreciation. I gave him a thumbs up but he glared at me. Again? I was tired of it. I so wanted to poke his eyes.

He stomped towards me leaving the girls in confusion. What was he doing? He grabbed the drink from me and smelled it.

"That's mine! Get your own if you are that thirsty," I yelled. He scowled and asked if I was drunk.

"Hell no! I don't take alcohol."

I wouldn't drink until I reached the legal age. I guess. He gave back my drink and scared off the guys who were looking at us.

"Listen, kid. Cover your drink with your hand when you are not drinking or looking somewhere else other than your glass. Don't get in trouble. Do you get me?" he said seriously. I nodded.

"Yes sir. As you say, sir," I mock saluted him. He shook his head and scanned the area like an FBI agent.

"What are you doing here Rajeev bhaiyya? Everyone is waiting for you. Let's go," Ved said and Rajeev turned towards him.

Ved glanced at me but I quickly ducked myself behind Rajeev. For once, I was thankful for his big built. I checked Ved's appearance from behind Rajeev. He adorned a plain white shirt and denims but still looked like a model. Why did he get all the best things? Rajeev bro hugged Ved and told him he would be there soon.

"Still shy," Ved commented before leaving.

I was not shy! Just a little scared maybe? Why did I act like a coward whenever he was around? Natural instinct? I would need to come over my fears soon. I couldn't always keep hiding.

"Kid!" Rajeev shouted.

"What?! I have a name too you know. Sandhya. My name is S. A. N. D. H. Y. A."

He raised his eyebrows at me and put up his hands in surrender.

"I called you three times! And it's up to me what I call you. Kid. Sandhya. Sandhya. Kid. It's all same to me," he mocked.

He ruffled my hair and went in Ved's direction. My hair! I spent hours straightening them.

I checked the time. 7:45 pm. Two more hours to go. I was getting bored now. I thought I should leave early.


I picked up my phone and saw Surbhi's caller ID. She was video calling me. I picked up the call and she moved her phone to show Aryan's face.

I waved at him and he waved back. I asked him if Surbhi was troubling him or not and he just laughed. I got my answer. Only he could handle her. By the background, it looked like they were in an open terrace restaurant.

"Show me around. I want to see what kind of party Parth has thrown," Surbhi said excitedly.

I flipped to back camera and showed her my surroundings. She was as awestruck as me.

"Parth is loaded. Isn't he?" she asked.
I nodded chuckling at her reaction.

"Now move your butt and show me what's outside." She motioned with her hands. I could use some exercise right now. My behind had gone numb after sitting for almost an hour.

I got up and kept my phone in front of me as I showed her Parth's house. I got out and went around it.

There was a huge swimming pool and a smaller one, one third its size in the backyard. Some couples were lost in their own world as they roamed around hand in hand.

Parth was chatting with some girls while Rajeev was busy digging holes into guys who looked like they could cause trouble. Mayank was hanging around the pool with a beer in hand while others laughed at something Ved said. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You must be lonely right now. Tell Parth to give you company," Surbhi said with concern. I waved her off. I was not his only friend. He got others to pay attention too. He was the host afterall.

"I am sorry for not being there with you," she pouted and I laughed.

"Don't worry bestie. You enjoy your time with Aryan. I am leaving in one hour as it is," I assured her. She gave me a smile and told me to be careful on my way home.


I saw a person rush past me and jump into the pool. The water splashed all around and soon the other guys jumped in too. I blinked my eyes and quickly checked if my phone got wet or not.

"What was that?" Surbhi asked.

"Just some boys acting like boys," I said and we laughed. We said our goodbyes and I hung up. I went near the smaller pool and bent down to touch the water.

I wanted to jump in right now but controlled my urge. I loved swimming. It helped me take my mind off things that were troubling me. I got up and gazed at the still water. I checked my appearance in my phone and saw a reflection of a person sneaking behind me.


I stepped aside in time and the guy lost his footing. He slipped and fell down in the pool.

I burst out laughing. Shree emerged from the water and swiped his hair like a model.

"Nice try Shree but that trick has gotten old. Don't you think?" I teased.

"Yeah man! Come up with something new already," Mayank shouted from the other side.

Shree looked at him and gave him the middle finger. He got out and shook his head like a dog. He sprayed water all over me. So I pushed him back in the pool but he grabbed my wrist and dragged me along with him. I managed to throw my mobile away in time. We both fell in the pool and I hit him on the head.

"Happy now?" he smiled at Mayank who rolled his eyes.

"Idiot," I said and was about to get out when Mayank decided to jump in splashing water all over us. Great. Parth came near the pool and extended his hand to me. I got out and he gave me a towel to dry myself.

"I am happy you are having fun, Sandhya," he teased. I gave him a tight lipped smile and pushed him in the pool. He wasn't expecting that, was he? Let's have some fun before I leave.

I rubbed the towel on my head and saw Rajeev coming towards us. He came and stood beside me. I quickly scooted away a little. What if he tried the same trick? But he took off his jacket and jumped in. The pool looked crowded now that he had joined the guys. I should make more girl friends.

I chuckled when I saw Mayank and Rajeev trying to dunk each other's heads in the water. Few girls also came and landed themselves into the pool. Now it was almost full.

Rajeev's expression was hilarious. His face paled and I wiggled my eyebrows at him. He tried to get away but Mayank held him hostage. Where did his all confidence go?

A girl started flirting with him. She inched closer to him and we all waited in anticipation for his reaction. Just when she was about to touch his chest, he shrieked and jumped out in a snap. I went into a laughing fit.

"I thought I taught you better than that, Tomato," I accused and fell on my knees unable to keep myself up. My stomach ached with all the laughing.

"Look at your face," I pointed and he blushed harder. He picked up his shirt and smacked behind my head before leaving. He distanced himself and sat on a lounge chair staring daggers at the guys who were laughing at him too.

"I took you as a shy person."

I looked up and saw Ved looking at me with curious eyes.

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