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"Hey beautiful, I have already booked a room for me...can you tell me the room number and give me keys?" A man of 50s told the receptionist of the Hotel Paradise.

The receptionist put on a fake smile on her face and said,"Sure Sir.."

The girl checked the details on the computer screen and said,"Your room number is 709 and here is your key."
She handed him the keys.

"Thank you so much. " The man said happily.

"You're welcome.Have a wonderful stay ,Mr. Williams. " The receptionist said professionally.

The man walked away with his luggage which was a small bag and entered the allotted room.

He kept the luggage and sat on the bed.

After some time he went to take a shower and came back wearing his warm clothes to save himself from the cold weather.

Suddenly he heard a knock .

Without asking He opened the door ,thinking that the food which he had ordered came.

As soon as he opened the door,a man of mid 20s in a waiter's uniform entered and shut the door ,making Mr. Williams frown.

"Hey ,why did you do that?" He asked.

"You will know,Mr Williams." Saying this he removed his fake moustache and cap from his head.

"Ro..Romano..." Mr William started to stammer.

"Yes...but it's Mr. Romano for you. Now coming to the point,we heard that you are doing excellent in your profession means doing exceptionally good in hacking...." Romano said making Mr Williams gulp in fear.

"Listen...lea..leave me ....other....otherwise I will call the police." He threatened Romano.

"Yes...yes..Go on. But before that just talk with someone very special. " Romano said dialing a number and he gave it to the confused Williams.


Hearing the strong baritone ,a shiver ran down Williams's spine and sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Speak up, Williams...I know you are hearing me and also you remembered me very well. " The man told him, making him shiver.

"He...hel....hello." Mr. Williams said fearfully.

"Well ,as you can assume why my man is there for you .... Do as he says if you want to stay alive." After this the line went dead.

Romano snatched the phone from his hand and said, "I guess you have heard what he said....now let's move. You go first, I am coming after you. If you tried to show any type of smartness ,trust me you are so dead."

Mr. Williams gulped and nodded.

As he was told,he walked out of the room followed by Romano. To avoid people's suspicious gaze they chose the back side door to move out.

Soon they reached near a car (name of the car) .

Romano knocked the window of the car and the door was opened.

"Welcome Williams....we were waiting for you since long." The strong Baritone said from the car.

Mr Williams shivered and said ,"I...I di...didn't do any...anything...Elijah."

"Tsk tsk, It's Mr. Elijah Lockwood for you.... Now what you have done or not,we will see after we reach the place you deserve. So shall we?" Eijah said coldly which was enough for Williams to shiver in fear.

Saying this Elijah shut his car's door ignoring the man's protest.

Romano took Mr Williams in another car and drove towards their mansion.

After reaching there ,Mr. Williams was taken to a dungeon and made to sit on a chair. They tied his hands and legs.

"Why am I here? What will you guys do to me? What do you guys want?" Mr Williams asked. He was sweating out of fear. He was surrounded by muscular men who were wearing their uniforms -- black shirt and pants .

"You will know. And if you don't shut your mouth,I will personally do it." Romano threatened him.

Suddenly everyone stopped whatever they were doing,hearing the heavy boot sounds.

The sounds stopped indicating the man has entered and the lights of the room were turned on.

Mr. Williams gulped, seeing his nightmare in front of him...Elijah Lockwood.

"Mr. Lockwood ,I di...didn't do any....anything. " Mr Williams stammered.

"Let's talk about it later. Now we will do something interesting....a very interesting game." Eijah said darkly.

He signalled Romano who came with a sharp knife and gave it to Eijah.

"Wh...what will y..you do wi...with it?" Mr Williams asked in fear.

"Oh...nothing much. I will just cut your fingers if you don't open your mouth and tell me the truth. So tell me from which hand should we start ? I think that right hand will be perfect...." Eijah said pointing the tip of the knife on the Index finger of Williams's right hand.

"No...no..wait wait...please ,I am telling you everything. " Mr Williams shouted.

Eijah looked at Romano and both of them smirked devilishly and said,"Start ...what are you waiting for?"

"I was the one who cracked the codes of your security department. " Mr. Williams said.

"For whom?" Eijah asked, still pointing the tip of the knife.

As knowing Elijah who can do anything mercilessly, Mr Williams told everything.

"Very good...now you enjoy your stay here. I will be back once again ." Eijah said and got up.

He and Romano went out ignoring Williams's cries of protest.

"So our guess was right. It was that Bastard. " Romano said.

"Yes....but soon I will end his game." Eijah said.

"Don't mind boss,but you should have cut this old hag's finger." Romano said.

"Mental torture...mental torture is the way where you can ignite fear in Enemy's brain. If I would've cut his finger,he would have been almost sure that next time I will break his legs or hands or something and ultimately he will die. So he would've chose to die rather open his mouth.
But As I threatened him with my knife,now he will think what I will do next time... he will think about my next target which can be him or his family or loved ones.....that constant fear will be there in his mind always.
Because of that fear and anticipation,he will tell me everything to save him or someone else.
This way I played with his mind to make him say.

But if the person is stubborn ,you have to start physical torture. That's a different thing.

Moreover Williams is weakling ,he was easy to deal with so minimum mind game was enough. " Eijah said.

Romano said,"Interesting boss."

He is Elijah Lockwood,The deadliest Mafia . He is the only son of Joseph and Elena Lockwood.

He is a businessman who has his construction business and some others. But becoming Mafia was destined because it's actually started by his grandfather....so being the only son of the Lockwood family,he took up the Mafia title as well as the illegal business of guns. The Police department is unable to catch him .They couldn't point out any illegal works as Elijah never leaves any trace of his works and having a sharp mind,he deals with everything very carefully so that the Police can't point out his black money as well..thanks to his legal business of Construction and some more.

In this whole world he loves and trusts his family and friend Romano. It's a whole different and difficult task for him to trust anyone other than them.

The stone hearted mafia who doesn't believe in love ,who likes his solitude the most...doesn't know that very soon his life is going to change.

Here comes of our hero.

How's he?

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