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Elijah's pov

I stood in front of my parents' house and rang the doorbell.

After sometime the door was opened by Martha who is our full time help.

At first seeing me she was shocked and then she smiled brightly.

"Elijah baba,you are home!!" She said .

I nodded  and asked,"Where are Mom and Dad?" 

Although she has always been very sweet to me since my childhood, I wasn't so comfortable showing my emotions with her. So it's very rare that I have shared my smile with her. But acknowledging her warm behaviour, I behave softly with her...as much as softly I can.
And Martha aunty has gotten used to it.

"They are in the study. "  Martha aunty said ,giving me a glass of water.

I thanked her and went upstairs after drinking the water.

I stood in front of the study and knocked on the door. 

"Come in.." I heard Dad's stern voice.

"Hello family …" I said entering the room.

Hearing my voice ,Mom and Dad looked up from their books and their expression changed from shocked to smiling.

"Oh my God!! Elijah...come come." Dad said getting up from his seat and he gave me a hug . I hugged him tight.

I looked towards my mom to see her still sitting in shock.

I walked towards her and said ,"Aren't you happy that I am at home?" 

Mom gave me a big smile and said ,"I still can't believe you are here."

I hugged her and said ,"Now"

She smiled warmly and kissed my cheek.

She said, "Welcome home." And ruffled my hair.

"Oh no...not my hair." I said frowning and my parents laughed. 

"Now come...Let's have dinner and you take rest after that...it's been a long journey for you." Mom said and I nodded .

I went towards my room and freshened up. After half an hour I went downstairs for dinner. 

I settled down on the chair and saw my Dad looking tensed. 

"What happened? Is everything alright?" I asked him as soon as 
Martha aunty went away after serving our dinner.

"Actually, before you came , Amelia's dad called me. " he said.

I straightened up hearing that.

"Okay what did he say?" Mom asked curiously.

"He said that Amelia doesn't want to marry Elijah…" Dad said .

"But she was the one who insisted her father for this alliance. " Mom said after recovering from the shock.

"Yeah...but now she said that after spending time with Elijah she felt that he isn't the one with whom she wants to spend her life with. I am sorry son,because of me you have to go through this rejection and humiliation.." Dad said  disappointedly. 

"What does she think of herself? She missed a diamond...now I will show her that my son deserves much better and beautiful girl than her….it will be the perfect reply for that humiliation…" Mom said in anger.

"Oh Mom..leave it. It doesn't matter. It's good that she told us early ….what if in future it created a big mess." I said politely.

"Yes that's correct.." Dad said. 

I smiled sadly.

After dinner I went towards my room and stood in front of the mirror.

Soon my sad smile turned into a smirk.

I smirked remembering Why Amelia rejected the alliance. 


Last night at 9 pm  ,I was working in my bedroom when a butler knocked at my door. 

"Yes," I said. 

"Sir,Amelia mam is here." He said.

"Okay...tell her to wait in the guest room." I said and he left.

I kept my laptop aside and stood in front of the mirror .

"This is going to be fun." I said to my reflection and went towards the room.

"Baby...why do you always make me wait in the guest room? I should be in your bedroom nah!!!" Amelia said as soon as she saw me entering. 

I looked at her to see her wearing a one piece which starts from the middle of her cleavage ,making half of her boobs spill out  and ends  two inches above her mid thigh. Anybody can tell her intentions seeing her dress .

"You will be there...but before that let me show you something very interesting. " I said ,patting her cheek.

She frowned but nodded.

I made her seat and went towards the led screen.

Setting everything up,I switched on the TV and looked towards Amelia.

Seeing the scenes infront of her,she was shocked. Soon her expressions started to change from shocked to fearful.

After the clip ended I stood in front of her ,switching off the TV.

"Liked what you saw!!" I asked her who looked scared but still tried to keep a brave expression on her face.


"Why...why did you show me these?" She asked me meekly.

"Nice question...but first tell me ,did you like how I tortured the man ? How did you feel?" I asked her.

"Are you insane? Who asks this type of questions after showing a torturous video where you cut a person's tongue brutally and killed the man ? Blood and only blood... It's scary as hell…" She yelled.

"Ssshhh…" I said bending in front of her and now we are face to face with just some inches gap.

" I don't like when someone shouts in front  of me….You know why I did that?" I whispered ,looking at her.

She shook her head in fear. She was shaking like a leaf.

"Because he betrayed me. He told me a lie….he deceived me… and I don't let that traitor go who tries to double cross me." I said.

Amelia looked at me with wide eyes and started sweating. 

I stood up straight and said ,"Do you have any confession to make?" 

She kept mum.

I asked her a few more times but she didn't open her mouth.

"Well,I heard that David Jones is doing very well in his business….I am thinking to pay him a visit...I need to know his techniques of doing so good." I said. 

As soon as I said those,Amelia started to sweat.

"Why are you sweating ,baby? " I asked her feigning innocence. 

"You'll not do anything to him." She said sternly although she was literally shivering in fear.

"You know David Jones!!!... But Why do you think that I am talking about the one whom you know?" I asked feigning innocence. 

She looked at me in fear. 

"Okay ..now tell me the truth ." I said sternly. 

"David…umm..David.." She said.

"I am telling you...David is the one with whom you are sleeping and your long time boyfriend. 
You wanted to marry me so that you can get the money you want. 
Later you wanted to ask divorce from me with a demand of huge monthly alimony so that you could live happily with your boyfriend. Your Dad also wanted the share.
Also your Dad, Mr. Gomes  wanted to transfer half of my company's share on his name as he will be our business partner after your Marriage With me.
Am I right?" I asked her.

She nodded. 

"So...you thought it's good to cheat my family. Remember one thing I don't leave those who cheat me or my family. " I said darkly.

" Please Elijah ..leave us.Trust me I will break the alliance of my own. Please leave us." Amelia started crying .

"Well , I will leave you...but your Dad will pay for the game he wanted to play with me. And if your Dad comes to know any of these conversation here,I will personally kill your boyfriend ....Now get lost." I said.

Amelia started to plead for her Dad . 

But seeing my angry glare,she gulped and left.

Flashback ends.

"You will pay for the double cross you plotted, Mr.  Gomes. Just wait and watch." I said, smirking. 

Next morning….

I woke up and got ready. 

I went downstairs to see Mom and Dad having their breakfast. 

"Good morning. " I said. 

Mom smiled and wished me.

"Morning son...so going somewhere?" Dad asked.

I decided not to tell him about the search mission of that missing link. 

"Yes, I have some work." I said.

Dad looked at me skeptical but nevertheless nodded.

After having breakfast, I left .

I went outside to see Romano waiting for me in his car.

"Did you get him?" I asked Romano as soon as I  sat on the passenger seat.

"No...I have heard he comes to the market nearby the beach on Saturdays. " he said.

"Let's go there." I said and he drove towards the market. 

We are waiting in our car which is beside the road at an angle from where we can see the market and the people clearly .

Suddenly Romano's phone rang and he picked it up.

Seeing his expression I understood that it was a bad news.

He hung up the call and looked at me.

"Bad news…!!" I said.

He nodded and said,"That Bastard ran away from Goa….last night."

"Fuck…" I said hitting the dashboard. Romano jumped on his seat hearing the sound.

I was shaking in anger. 

I needed to calm myself down so I searched for Cigarettes in my pocket. 

Fuck!!! I forgot to bring it.

"You sit here..I am coming." I said as I needed a cigarette. Romano opened his mouth to say something but seeing my anger he stopped. 

I got down from the car and went to the shop opposite of our car.

I stood there and asked for a packet of cigarettes.

I was waiting and cursing my men for being so impotent. My head was bursting in anger. 

The shopkeeper was making me wait for a damn cigarette packet which was adding fuel to the fire. 

I was about to bash him when suddenly a beautiful Lavender fragrance hit my nostrils. 

"Bhaiya , 1kg Maida dena.(Brother,give me 1kg Floor.)"

Hearing the sweet voice ,I turned towards my right and looked at the source of voice and the fragrance. 

She was a girl probably a year younger than me...tall,thin and beautiful. She was looking amazing in black sleeveless top and comfy trousers. Her face was void of any makeup. The most striking feature of hers was her height. All in one she was natural and beautiful beyond words.

Suddenly I felt my nerves calming down. Anger left my body and a sudden peacefulness engulfed my senses.

She looked at me once but soon turned around which somehow irked me.

She took her order and left before I could do anything and I kept looking at her retreating back like a awestruck teenager. I kept looking at her till she disappeared from my sight.

"Your cigarettes. " 

Hearing the shopkeeper, I turned towards him and took it. Paying the money once again I turned around and walked towards my car.

I settled down on my seat and told Romano to move. 

As he started driving my mind drifted towards the mysterious girl I saw today.

Who can she be?

So Elijah saw Ankita...
Now let's see when Ankita will see him.

Share your thoughts on the chapter.

Thank you so much for this beautiful cover vizag_forever

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