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Name: Siera Hope Starling
Age: 18 (Avatar, Avatar: The Next Shadow) 32 (The High Ground) 34 (The Way of Water)
Looks: above, I know it's Able Ryder from the video game, but this is what I see her as. Also, I like the hair. She does have tattoos on her arms, half sleeves.

(These are her tattoos. Be mindful, the roses are on her left bicep in a half sleeve, the wolves are on her right bicep in the same manner.)

Human, Na'vi, avatar driver: Avatar driver

Avatar Appearance: (note, this will be in The High Ground and The Way of Water. Malrog_the_dragon she's supposed to match Alex's appearance a bit. Just a bit.)

Nicknames: Angel, (by Alex only), Indian Bitch, (by Parker), Sweetcheeks, Princess, Kitten, (by Col. Quaritch to piss her off, she HATES these names), Indian Wh0re, (by Quaritch when he's pissing both her and Alex off), Hope, (by Aiden)
Callsign: Wolf
Personality: Sweet, but get on her wrong side, she's vicious. Like a viperwolf. She's also a bit cold when you first meet her. She is also brave, strong-willed, and loyal. She also has a tendency to incorporate dancing in her fighting style.

She knows the Na'vi language really well, and as I progress through, her attitude will somewhat change.

I will be pairing her up with an OC, preferably Malrog_the_dragon 's OC, with permission of course.

This is a story only, not a Rp. I still have my Rp book, but it will take a while until I can update it again.

Voice Claim: Shailene Woodley

When she first lands on Pandora, she will start to have dreams. Dreams of what exactly, I will let you guys know as I progress through the story.

I will somewhat follow the movie, through both third person and first person POV, preferably Siera's, since she's Irish and has an attitude.

On another note: I DO NOT own Avatar, it belongs to James Cameron, my character is my own, and once I get permission, obviously, Malrog_the_dragon 's OC belongs to him, so got that out of the way. I also Do NOT own images of anything featured in this book! Also do NOT own any music featured in this book either. All music featured in this book belong to their rightful owners!!

Her bracelet that her father gives her on her birthday:

Her Avatar face on the front:(be aware though that her eyes are almond-shaped, and they're a green-gold color.)

Outfit she wears after joining the Omatikaya clan:

Art does NOT belong to me!! All art belongs to their respective owners and artists!!

Outfit in dreams:

Outfit in final battle:

(Should the second and third outfits be switched?? I want to know which ones can Siera wear in the dreams and what she'll wear during the final battle. I can't choose, I like them both.)

Ikran: Tsu'llu

This final outfit is what she will wear when she is in the Tree of Voices with Alex.

If Alex becomes Olo'ekytan instead of Jake, which probably will be unlikely, but if it does happen, then this will be their outfits:

Nationality: Irish-Native American, Navajo Indian on her mother's side, Irish on her father's side.

Theme Song:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Judgement Day by Five Finger Death Punch

Reason for Song: The reason I chose Judgement Day is that since she is a Marine, she has a right to pass judgement on those that deserves it, and she sometimes doesn't see herself as an angel or a savior sometimes, but Alex reminds her otherwise.

Song that will play for every single love scene with her and Alex:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Evening Falls by ENYA

The reason why I picked this song is because it is beautiful, and I think it would go good for both Siera and Alex.
Or this song:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Midnight Romeo by Push Play

Or this song, I can't choose:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We Are One by Kelly Sweet

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Trouble I'm in by Twinbed

She also wears feathers in her hair, despite her hair being short.

I have another outfit, courtesy of yours truly, that I think she would wear maybe for when she, Alex and Jake are at Iknimaya.

Her wedding outfit:

Outfit she wears during the Dreamhunt (Uniltaron)

I'm gonna do some more updates on her bio real quick:

Born: May 15, 2136 (age 18)
Died: August 24, 2154 (human body, 25 at death, did not age in cryo)
Lives in: Pandora
                Earth (formerly)
Clan: Omatikaya clan, Anurai, or Tomak'ta clan
Mate: Alex Maverick
Banshee: (image above, you guys already know this.) Tsu'llu
Occupation: Marine (formerly)
                      Tsahik (eventually)
Tsakarem (eventually)
                       Skilled huntress (this is only if Jake and Neytiri become leaders of the clan)

                                             Physical Description

Species: Na'vi (Currently)

Human (Formerly)

Avatar (Formerly)

Eye Color: Hazel (human)
Green-gold (Avatar)
Status: Alive

Gender: Female

Height: 8'7 (262cm) (Avatar)

Family Information

Alex Maverick (mate)
Kai'lani (oldest daughter) (born 2155, age 15)
Sutko (oldest adoptive son) (born 2155, age 15)
Seina (younger daughter) (born 2156, age 14)
Artut (youngest son) (born 2162, age 8)
Jake Sully (adoptive brother)
Tom Sully (adoptive brother) ✝️
Neytiri (adoptive sister-in-law)
Neteyam (oldest adoptive nephew)
Lo'ak (adoptive nephew)
Tuktirey (youngest adoptive niece)
Kiri (adoptive older niece)
Sylwanin (adoptive sister-in-law) ✝️
Aiden Fisher (adoptive brother)
Stephanie Starling (mother) ✝️
Oliver Starling (father) ✝️
Mo'at (adoptive mother-in-law)
Eytukan (adoptive father-in-law)✝️

Me and the person I'm Rping with will discuss their children as we go through our Rp and as I go through this story.

Hufwe Makto
Tsahik (only if she and Alex are chosen)
Sergeant (formerly)

Omatikaya clan
Anurai clan or Tomak'ta clan (eventually, maybe.)
Humans (formerly)
Col. Quaritch ✝️ (formerly)
RDA (formerly, defect)

Behind the Scenes
Portrayed by: Shailene Woodley
First Appearance: Avatar
Last Appearance: Avatar: The Way of Water

Siera Hope Starling is the tetartagonist in Avatar followed by Alex Maverick. She is the love interest of Alex and adoptive sister to Jake Sully and Aiden Fisher. She is one of the 22 known Avatar drivers and later defects to the Na'vi species after witnessing the RDA's greed and brutality against the Na'vi. She has served in the Marine Corps in the First Reconnaissance in 2142, despite her young age, and the training from her Marine father, Oliver Starling. Her mother, Stephanie Starling, had been a xeno-zoologist before Quaritch found out about her mission, tried to turn her against the Na'vi and the Avatar Program, but then ultimately led to her death. Upon hearing about her mother's death, Siera decided to take on the Avatar Program for herself and take over her mother's Avatar. She has learned the Na'vi language thanks to Grace, her mother, and Sylwanin, surprisingly. When she had heard of Grace's school getting closed down, she had decided to undergo the military training her father had set up for her in the past, despite her reluctance to train. When Siera is around the age of around fourteen and fifteen, she meets David Maverick and his son, Alex. Joining the Marines was her next best choice afterwards. She had shed tears when she had returned home from the war in Venezuela, she had been happy to be at home with her family though. Despite her parents not being there, she at least had David and Alex. However, things don't go as planned.

When Siera is around seventeen years old, a month after joining the Marines and getting her first Purple Heart for her efforts in the war, she gets news that both her parents had perished on Pandora, and she will have to control her mother's Avatar. She gets most of her mother's stuff back from Pandora except for one: her mother's research journal. But she is then able to be accepted into the Avatar program, and takes the flight from Earth to Pandora, but not before gifting her adoptive brother with a tattered, torn, and bullet ridden American flag.

(The American flag that's around the neck of this woman is what Siera gives her adoptive brother before shipping off to Pandora. I DO NOT own this picture!)

Upon arrival to Pandora, Siera wakes from cryosleep, getting her hearing aids put in, her feathers having been in since she went under. She meets Alex Maverick and Jake Sully, then later meets Norm Spellman and Col. Quaritch. She is very skeptical of Quaritch and will mutter profanities in her native tongue from her mother's side of the family, which is Navajo, same as her father's native Irish tongue as well. She'll even mix in a bit of Na'vi under her breath as well. She then ultimately falls in love with Alex as they get closer to each other. This happens a couple times when Siera is confronted by Quaritch when she starts questioning what truly happened to her mother and why her journal never made it back to Earth. Alex was able to keep her calm so that she doesn't try and kill Quaritch, despite his sadistic behavior towards her. When she meets Max Patel and Grace Augustine, they become allies to her, Grace being like a motherly figure towards her. She even comes close to comforting Siera after Quaritch takes advantage of her. Upon falling in love with Alex, she becomes protective of him and he of her. She chooses him as her mate in both her human and Avatar forms. In the final battle, she fights alongside Jake, Neytiri, Alex and the Na'vi clans for Pandora.

She eventually becomes either Tsahik of the clan, and if not, she becomes a mother of four children, two daughters (Kai'lani and Seina) and two sons (Sutko and Artut), the latter being adopted by her and Alex as a baby a year after the war. When she is around 34 years old, she and Alex alongside their children end up as refugees alongside Jake, Neytiri and their family as they flee to the Metkayina clan among the reefs.

On Earth

Siera was born on Earth to Stephanie Starling and General Oliver Starling on May 15, 2136. She was a bright child as a young girl. She was fascinated by her mother's studies as a xeno-zoologist also as a xenolinguist as well. She learned the languages of the Navajo Indians from her mother, followed by the Na'vi language from her, Grace Augustine and the Omatikaya clan leader's daughter, Sylwanin. She also learned the Irish language from her father. Her father was the one to train her in the military combat at a young age. She was around at least four to five years old when this happened. It is still unknown whether or not she had the dreams when she was on Earth. But as soon as she was seventeen years old, everything changed, and she was well on her way.

However, by 2148, when she's around twelve years old, Earth's population has grown, to around 20,000,000,000, and its resources rapidly depleting with pollution,famine, poverty, and war. Siera never once looked back on this, staying true to herself, her beliefs in her people, well her mother's people, so to speak. Surprisingly enough, she is able to pay the bills on everything much to some people's shock, given the fact her parents are on Pandora, and she's hoping to see them soon. But then, tragedy sets in.

Siera is then approached by RDA forces who tell her what happened on Pandora, and that if she agrees, they will do whatever she wants. She just blinks her eyes and had immediately told them no. She tells them that she'll think about the offer.

By the time 2152 rolls around, as she's now sixteen years old, she hears what happened at Grace Augustine's school and is saddened by the loss of Sylwanin. She genuinely wishes that she could've done something to save them; the Na'vi and everyone who perished, however her trust in the RDA has diminished slightly. So she makes the plan to go to Pandora. She then meets with her adoptive brother, and even offers for him to go with her. However, he refuses, saying that there are people on Earth who need him. In return, she hands him a gift: a torn, tattered and bullet ridden American flag with her and her father's codename: Wolf imprinted on the underside of the fabric. Once she gifts it to him, she places her head upon his and whispers softly that she will see him one day. He just tells her that this isn't goodbye, and she tells him that she knows.

Arrival on Pandora
Siera had then opened her eyes, realizing that she had been in cryosleep for several years. Five years, nine months and twenty-two days. She is able to get her hearing aids then takes a shuttle down to Pandora afterwards. Once she lands, she meets Jake Sully, Alex Maverick, and even talks crap about one of the soldiers that tries to flirt with her, and even defends Jake against the talk bad about him just because he's in a wheelchair. She then meets Col. Quaritch during the briefing. Later on, she meets Norm Spellman.

The Avatar Program
Once she's inside the bio-lab, Siera, Jake and Alex meet Dr. Grace Augustine, a xenobotanist and head of the Avatar Program. They also meet Max Patel as well, who introduces them to their Avatars. Siera eventually makes the comment that the Avatar she will be driving looks like her mother, but notices some features on her that are slightly different, but doesn't question it, thinking it has something to do with the Navajo blood that runs in her veins. When she meets Grace, she speaks fluently to her in Na'vi, surprising her. Alex had done the same. But she was more shocked when she figured out why Jake was actually there for; his twin brother, who was the actual scientist. Of course she had already known this. Once she links up with her Avatar, she is just shocked that she can actually hear; then notices some slight differences to her Avatar, not only does her skin seem darker and more hourglass shape in appearance, and her body is more toned, she notices that she has four fingers instead of the five that most of the Avatars have. She wants to question this, but knows that she can't. So she just follows Jake and Alex outside. She had then climbed a tree, attempting to surprise Alex,(he had blown a kiss to her before they linked with their Avatars.) but instead of kissing his cheek, he had turned his head and ended up kissing her lips instead, taking her by surprise. She had then fled up a tree, and had stayed there until she was calm enough to come down from the tree.

First Contact With Pandora
Siera had then gone with Jake, Alex, Norm and Grace, tagging along as security detail, despite the fact that even though she trained as a Marine, she refuses to use any of the guns that the RDA uses, settling for a boot knife instead. However, things don't go the way they do as she follows Jake away from the team, Alex as well, then while messing with the helicoradians, they run into a Hammerhead Titanothere. She ends up making some snarky comments, but other than that, she had kept her mouth shut until the thanator chased them, and as a result, her, Jake and Alex were separated from Grace and the rest of the team. Once they'd jumped off a cliff to escape being thanator food, Siera and Alex then start getting closer as they do. However, they're attacked by viperwolves. As Jake kills some in the process, Siera screams in emotional pain, wanting him to stop, however, they are saved by none other than the princess of the Omatikaya Na'vi clan herself, Neytiri. Siera had said nothing, not wanting to anger the princess, but it seems to her that she recognizes her as soon as the Seeds of the Sacred Tree land on them, and Neytiri notices the three limbs on Siera's Na'vi hand (not including the thumb). She then leads them to her clan for Mo'at to take a look at them and decide their fate.

Becoming One of the People

As Siera, Jake and Alex follow Neytiri, they run into Tsu'tey, the head warrior, Neytiri's betrothed and future clan leader. He looks to kill them, but Neytiri suggests that she bring them to her mother, the Tsahik and have her look at them for herself. They are then introduced to Eytukan, the leader of the Omatikaya clan and Neytiri's father, who suggests that they leave. Just then, they are interrupted by Neytiri's mother, and the spiritual leader, Mo'at, who is intrigued to find out more about them. She then takes notice of Siera's limbs, noticing that she has the same limbs as them. She then oversees Siera's training, noticing that the young female dreamwalker has dreams herself, has been having them for a long time. During all of this, she and Alex eventually get closer. Siera learns how to ride a direhorse, despite being taught by Mo'at, since she sees her as one day becoming the future Tsahik. She even sees Alex becoming a clan leader someday. (She doesn't tell Siera this for many reasons). Once Siera has learned how to ride pa'li, she is then taught many herbs and remedies from Mo'at that will help heal the clan.

Siera joins the Avatar team in moving the link site up to the Hallelujah Mountains, and hers and Alex's relationship grows into something more. They even end up kissing one night as Siera talks about her dreams and her mother to him, and they end up falling asleep in each other's arms. They join Jake and Neytiri into hunting a hexapede for their final trial, then once they make their kills, Neytiri says that they are ready to tame an Ikran and do Iknimaya.

Siera is the second to last one to tame an Ikran, and she tames one that goes by a name: Hufwe, meaning Wind in Na'vi. She calls her Tsu'llu though. After their flight, Siera and Alex get lost in each other's arms. After spending the night together in their human bodies, she, Alex, Jake and Neytiri are chased by a Great Leo, and Neytiri tells them the story on how her great-great grandfather was Toruk Makto, and how both he and Hufwe Makto saved the Na'vi from the Sky People.

However, things go awry. Siera then gets a message from Quaritch, who tells her to come back to Hell's Gate, only to show her the video of her and Alex kissing and making love, then gives her a solo mission to spy on the Na'vi. She refuses, so he takes advantage of her. Just before he could do so much worse, she is rescued by Jake, Alex and Grace. As they escape, she is haunted by nightmares. She even joins Jake and Alex into going back and reporting to Quaritch just before they undergo the ceremony that will make them part of the People. On the way back, Siera backhands Jake, telling him that it was a stupid move for him to report to Quaritch, knowing that she doesn't trust him.

Later that night, Siera undergoes the ceremony alongside Jake and Alex that will make her become part of The People. Eytukan makes them one of their own and forever a part of The People, with Grace and Neytiri looking on proudly. As Neytiri takes Jake to one of the most sacred places to the clan, the Tree of Voices, Alex and Siera go for a swim together. After swimming for a bit, Alex then starts naming potential male candidates that would be perfect for Siera to mate with, but she just laughs it off and says that she has already chosen a man, but he must also choose her. He agrees, telling her that he already has, and they become mates. Once they mate, just like they did in their human bodies, they are mated for life. She wouldn't have chosen any other male as her mate. They spend the night together in each other's arms.

The Destruction of the Hometree

Neytiri is then awakened by a huge bulldozer after she spends the night with Jake. She then sees Alex and Siera passed out a few feet away. She then starts dragging their bodies, unaware they are in their human bodies at the moment. She puts their Avatar bodies down and starts trying to wake up Jake. Siera finally opens her eyes, and so does Alex. She stays behind with Neytiri as Alex and Jake destroy the cameras before they race away. Unfortunately, Quaritch had seen them, and known that it was Jake and Alex that destroyed the cameras. Once they get back, they notice that Eytukan and Tsu'tey have assembled a war party to take on the RDA for the destruction of the Tree of Voices. As Jake is confronted by Tsu'tey over mating with Neytiri, he then grabs ahold of Siera's queue, but Alex intervenes and protects her. Siera's Avatar is the first to go down, having been disconnected. As she wakes up at the link site, Quaritch takes her by the throat, and holds her down while he then gets Grace, Alex and Jake out of their Avatars. He then takes them back to Hell's Gate.

When they do, Siera mentions her brother, saying to wait till he hears about this. Quaritch then backhands her across the face. Siera listens as Grace starts talking to Parker about how the roots of the trees are like neuron synapses in a human brain. Later, when Trudy tells the Avatar team that Quaritch is gonna destroy Hometree, Siera is not pleased, and uses her brass knuckles on a soldier that is too close to her for comfort. Luckily, she and Jake are able to persuade Parker to trust in them and he gives them an hour to persuade the Na'vi to evacuate their home. Unfortunately, things don't go as planned as Jake initially tells the clan about his mission which results in Neytiri being heartbroken and rejects Jake. Eytukan then orders Grace, Jake, Alex and Siera to be bound and then prepares his warriors for the defense of the Hometree.

A large strike force led by Quaritch drives the Na'vi from their home with gas and incendiary rounds, consuming Hometree in flames. A desperate Mo'at releases Siera, Grace, Alex and Jake from their bindings and pleads with them to save her tribe. As the Na'vi begin to flee, Quaritch orders his strike team to switch to high-explosive missiles and to open fire on the roots of the Hometree, causing it to collapse onto many of the fleeing Na'vi. Eytukan, who was evacuating the Na'vi that were still inside the burning Hometree, is impaled by a piece of wood sent flying by the rocket explosions. Another piece of wood was also sent flying and cuts Siera's right side of her face, over her eye. As Mo'at helps her escape, she is then forced out of her Avatar by Quaritch who proceeds to take her once again to his office and enact her "punishment" for betraying him.

As for her Avatar, after she was forced out, Mo'at insisted that her Avatar stay with the Omatikaya, after all, she did help them escape, as did Alex. They take her Avatar body alongside Alex's with them to the Tree of Souls, where Mo'at works to recover Siera's vision in her right eye. Later, in her human body, after Quaritch is done using her, he throws Siera in the cell alongside Jake, Grace, Norm, and Alex. Alex gets all pissed at him for what he has done to her, but then Jake asks Siera on how she mentioned her brother before. She just nods and tells him and the others that she and her brother, who goes by the codename of Rook, used to do some crazy stuff together, and she even tells Grace that even though he's crazy, he's loyal. They then escape with the help of Trudy and Max Patel, but not before Siera takes a slight detour to call in reinforcements. However, Quaritch spots her in his office and attempts to shoot her, but misses. Then, they escape, but not without Grace getting shot in the stomach. The team then flies the camp container holding the Avatar link units from Site 26 into hiding near the Tree of Souls, where the remaining Omatikaya have fled to safety.

As Siera links back to her Avatar, she notices that she and Alex are at the Tree of Souls, where Mo'at has just buried Eytukan and more of their dead, and she asks Alex and Siera if they could sing the prayer. They start singing until a large shadow flies over their heads. Siera turns, despite her wounds and is shocked to see the large Toruk that chased them in the forest months ago. She is even more shocked to see who is on the back of the Great Leo. She can only watch as Jake walks up to Neytiri, then after reaffirming his love for her, turns to Siera and calls her Hufwe Makto, meaning Wind Rider. He even calls her sister and asks if she could fly with him. She eventually agrees and says that she will for the sake of the People. She then watches alongside Alex as Jake walks up to Tsu'tey and asks him otherwise. Tsu'tey then acknowledges him as Toruk Makto, and says that he will fly with him. Siera then turns to Mo'at and both her and Jake tell her that Grace is dying and they need Eywa's help to ensure her survival. Unfortunately, Grace succumbs to her wounds and passes away, and Siera is in grief.

The Final Battle
As Jake rallies the Omatikaya clan then the rest of the clans together as he flies out to gather the rest of the Na'vi clans for a final attack, just as the previous Toruk Makto had once did, Siera had gone with him as backup alongside Neytiri and Alex. Then as Jake connects to the Tree of Souls and asks for help, Siera chats with Mo'at, who reveals to her that the young Avatar driver is pregnant, and that it is Eywa's gift to her. Siera is taken aback by this, and is nonetheless shocked. She is about to protest to Mo'at, but the Tsahik is happy for the new mother nonetheless. Alex then walks up and Mo'at leaves the couple be. Alex then tells Siera that he's sorry that he couldn't save her eye. She tells him it's not his fault, that the RDA is to blame for it. She then asks him about starting a family, since he had asked about it before. (They had mentioned it when they first made love in their human bodies, but Alex was reluctant because of Quaritch and he didn't want the child to be used as leverage.) Alex then nods, answering yes that he remembers. She then asks him what about now and had placed his hand on her belly, indicating that she indeed was pregnant and that he would be a father. Alex is ecstatic and had picked her up in his arms, and all the while, she is thinking that she can protect her newfound growing family.

Surveying the Na'vi with satellites, Quaritch learns that the other clans have converged with the Omatikaya at the Tree of Souls and decides to destroy them and their holy ground to put an end to their defiance once and for all. A huge military fleet commandeered by Quaritch approaches the Tree of Souls, using the Valkyrie shuttle as a makeshift bomber and mining explosives as "daisy cutter" munitions to destroy the tree. Thousands of Na'vi warriors led by Jake, Siera, and Tsu'tey take to the skies and attack the fleet, while Norm rides with the cavalry on the ground. The Na'vi forces on the ground are easily defeated by human infantry and their powerful AMP suits and suffer heavy losses as a result. In the skies, a massive air battle ensues between the human air fleet and Na'vi hunters riding banshees. The Na'vi inflict some casualties on the humans with their initial strike, managing to take down several human gunships. However, the humans' superior firepower sees them inflict heavier casualties on the Na'vi, and they look to resume their bombing run.

While Quaritch has his eyes on Jake and gives chase to his Toruk, Siera starts taking out more and more of the humans in the Scorpions, even getting help from Trudy on her Samson as well. She then sees the Ikrans starting to get taken out. She even witnesses the deaths of Neytiri's banshee, Seze, and Tsu'tey as he jumps on the open platform of the Valkyrie. He attempts to take out a couple of the soldiers, but not until he is shot himself and falls off the shuttle, his body riddled with bullets. Siera can only hope that Alex is still alive. She will not live with herself if she finds out her mate is dead. She also refuses to raise the child she is carrying by herself. She even witnesses Quaritch's Dragon taking aim at Trudy's Samson before the entire thing blows, and she too perishes. Taking to the skies once more, Siera searches frantically for Alex, fearing the worst. He reappears in front of her and tells her what's going on with the ground forces, that the RDA is pushing them back, and Norm's Avatar has been shot and killed. Siera growls upon hearing this and tells Jake that she'll join him in taking out the Valkyrie before it gets to the Tree of Souls. As more and more Na'vi are killed, Siera starts having doubts about the war, thinking that if they don't drive the humans away, they will wipe out the Na'vi off the face of Pandora. She then hears Neytiri over comms, the female saying that her Ikran, Seze is dead, and she is willing to take on the RDA's ground forces single-handedly. Siera shakes her head at this, as she's still in the skies. While Jake gets on comms to tell Neytiri to fall back and don't attack, Siera continues to circle the skies and take out more Scorpions. She then sees the stampede of hammerhead titanotheres attacks the RDA ground forces, tramping their infantry and smashing AMP suits, followed by viperwolves. Neytiri is further surprised when one of Pandora's deadliest creatures, a thanator, allows her to make tsaheylu with it. She even calls Siera on the ground to join her in battle. Siera is quick to join her after Alex joins Jake in destroying the Valkyrie shuttle and then going after Quaritch's Dragon Gunship. As the skies fill with wild Ikran going after the Scorpions and Samsons in the air, viperwolves go after the remaining RDA forces on the ground. Siera joins Neytiri as a white thanator, a white Palulukan, appears, and bows its head to her, letting her ride it and make tsaheylu with it.

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