Chapter 22: Assault on Hometree

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A/N: Alright, this is it!! The Assault on Hometree! You might want to get your tissues for this plus the next chapter! You guys already know the gist.

(Normal POV-Hometree)
Scorpions and Samsons follow a large Dragon gunship as they fly towards Hometree. The Dragon pilot is grinning in the seat.

"Time on target, one mike." He says as they continue flying, Quaritch standing next to the pilot.

"Copy. We have a visual." Scorpion says from the left. They fly in a straight line pattern.

"Roger that. Stay on heading 030." Dragon says.

"Roger, 030." Scorpion replies as they fly towards Hometree.

(Siera's POV-Hometree)

I am tied up with Jake, Grace and Alex, struggling in my binds as some of the warriors hold knives to our necks.

"Eytukan!" Jake yells.

"Eytukan!" Grace yells.

"Run to the forest!" He yells alongside Alex.

"They're coming!" Grace yells as we struggle in our binds.

"Please listen! They will destroy this place." Jake says while I growl and struggle in my binds.

"Neytiri, you must go now!" Grace says, as one of the female warriors yip, and I turn my head slightly to see that they're here. My heart sinks. No. No!

The gunships roll in, blowing the grass, our hair and braids as they do. I can see Quaritch in the gunship known as the Dragon, as he looks up at the tree.

"Run to the forest, run! No, goddamn it! Run!" Jake yells. I can only imagine Quaritch's look. I can hear Tsu'tey saying to his warriors,

"Have no fear." He then turns back to the approaching gunships. As they do, they hear the gunships getting ever closer until it's close enough to hear, and the Na'vi get their bows ready as the blades whir and the Na'vi's hair starts to fly. Quaritch looks up at Hometree, taking it all in. I then hear Eytukan ordering Tsu'tey,

"Take the Ikran, attack from above." Tsu'tey nods before ordering his warriors, his hunters to move out and get to their Ikrans in Hometree.

"That is one big damn tree." Quaritch says as he looks at Hometree, then zooms in a camera on us.

"Well, well, well," he says. "I'd say diplomacy has failed. Alright, people. Let's get this done. I want every gas round you've got, right at the front door." The pilot answers,

"Roger. CS.40's going hot." I watch as the mounted missiles with tear gas aim up, then my eyes widen.

"Fire." Quaritch says.

"Firing." The pilot says, as almost like a cannon, the tear gas is then released. I watch as the tear gas canisters are launched into the base of Hometree, where the children, elderly, Mo'at and many others that have no hunting skills are in.

I struggle once more in my binds.

"Neytiri!" I scream at her. She doesn't listen and prepares herself for battle. I can already hear the coughs of some of the villagers inside.

"Bingo. Mighty good shooting, ace." Quaritch says as he moves away from the cockpit.

"Attack!" Eytukan says as he, Neytiri and many of the hunters start shooting their arrows at the Dragon and the Scorpions, but to no avail. They're just making dents in the windshields, nothing more. I growl and struggle in my binds. No.

"Sir, they've opened fire." The pilot says as Quaritch moves to the front of the cockpit again, watching the arrows as they make dents in the windows.

"You've got to be kidding me," he says. He watches as Neytiri aims an arrow at the cockpit and shoots it, as it clatters against the windshield. "These dumb bastards ain't getting the message. All right, let's turn up the heat. Switch incendiaries!"

"Switching incendiaries." Scorpion says as they load up the incendiaries.

"Fire." Quaritch orders.

They then fire the incendiary rounds at the tree in a ripple fire effect, making me scream out in pain as the tree is hit. I then hear Jake yelling out,

"No!" I then look up as I cry out once more. Why? No! Eytukan turns his head as more missiles tear through the tree's mighty roots, and I hear him yell to his warriors, the ones still fighting anyways,

"Get everyone to the forest!" Neytiri turns her head to look at us before she takes off running after the other villagers. Quaritch seems to smirk as he says,

"And that's how you scatter the roaches."

"Neytiri!" Jake yells as he struggles once more to get out of his binds. He then turns to us.

"We gotta move! He's gonna blow the columns!" He says. I struggle once more against the binds, as Grace hisses out,

"My God!" I can then hear Neytiri arguing with her father just before he pushes on, telling her to go. She turns and immediately flees. Eytukan then helps out another villager, before I turn to see Mo'at walking up to us, a blade in hand. Shit. She walks up to Jake, holding the side of the rope in one hand, her blade in the other. I can see that she's been crying; her cheeks are wet and stained with tears.

"Mo'at! No!" Grace yells, as Mo'at says,

"If you are one of us, help us." She then surprises Jake and myself by cutting him loose, then myself, Alex and Grace. Quaritch then says,

"All call signs, switch missiles. Give me HE's at the base of the west columns." The Scorpions start getting more missiles ready to hit the Hometree.

As we get out of our binds, I rub my wrists, only for a scream to once again erupt from my throat in agony. I hate this. I hate that the humans are willing to cause so much pain, so much damage, so much suffering, so much destruction to this beautiful planet, this world, and it honestly makes my stomach churn in disgust. Jake immediately yells to us,

"Come on! This way!" He then starts leading us just as the Scorpions start getting more missiles ready to fire again at Hometree.

"Rider section, switch missiles." An officer says on the radio. Quaritch seems to smirk. Two pilots immediately answer,

"One's good."

"Two's rocks up." A third one then replies,

"Three's up." Wainfleet cheers from where he's on the door gun of Trudy's Samson and says,

"Yeah, baby, get some!" Another pilot says,

"Charlie Oscar, Gunrunner standing by." Quaritch then gives the order,

"Bring it down."

"Cleared hot." The pilot says before more explosions hit Hometree once more, and I once again scream in agony. As another round hits the tree, Grace is knocked off her feet as Jake pulls her.

"Come on, Grace, move!" He yells. He begins pushing her as Alex grabs ahold of my hand. We climb over more logs as the tree is hit once more, flames extending from the roots, the entire tree starting to burn at its very core. I want to cry, scream and shout, but I can't. The cries are caught in my throat. I can barely see in front of me cause of the flames. I cough heavily, then Alex pulls me.

"Siera! Move, now!" He orders. Nodding, I follow his lead, as more incendiary rounds hit the tree. I wonder where Tsu'tey and the warriors are, hopefully they have made it to their Ikrans and are getting out. Jake then jumps over a log as he yells to Grace, Mo'at, Alex and myself,

"Down! Head down!" He pushes us to the ground, Alex's hand resting on my back to keep me steady. I watch as Jake pulls Mo'at over the log as another incendiary round hits the tree.

"Come on, come on! Down!" As he keeps us down, I look up slightly to see Neytiri struggling as with every explosion, she seems to fall. Trudy then gets ready to shoot, then shakes her head as the radio chatters,

"Solid hits."

"Solid rocks on target." Trudy then shakes her head as she says finally,

"Screw this." She puts the safety down on the trigger then starts steering her Samson away as Wainfleet yells,

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" He turns to her as Trudy replies to him,

"I didn't sign up for this shit!" She then flies her Samson away while Quaritch continues to sip out of his mug, watching the destruction of Hometree. An officer then says over radio,

"Repeat, ripple fire." I don't see this, cause I have my head down, but as soon as more and more incendiaries hit the tree, Eytukan is hit with debris and he groans in pain, while I'm still hearing the screams and the explosions around me. Then, it stops, and Alex and I both look up. Neytiri's eyes are wide in alarm and horror. Smoke billows from the many flames surrounding the large tree, as Jake looks up as well. Then I hear it: the roots are starting to snap at the base. No! Jake's eyes widen as he gets us to move once more as I see that the tree is......oh Eywa, it's starting to fall! Gasping, I get up as Jake pushes Grace, Alex, Mo'at and myself to run.

"Go! Go! Go!" He yells as we start running, the villagers screaming as we burst into the fastest speeds we could go to escape from the now falling Hometree. If only I knew what was happening to Tsu'tey and the other warriors, but I don't. Hopefully, they got their Ikrans and made their escape. We continue running as the tree's branches start to hit the ground. I gasp as Alex pulls me back by the arm. I can see Jake doing the same to Grace as he yells again,

"No, no, get back! Back!" I can hear Neytiri screaming then the rest of the villagers as the tree falls, and I black out as a piece of the debris cuts the side of my face.

A/N: Holy crap, this was a doozy as well! I'm literally in tears!! Now I wanna wring Quaritch's neck!! Anyways, hope you guys liked this chapter!!

Next Chapter Title: Aftermath

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