Chapter 29: Preamble to Battle

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A/N: Alright, here we go!!! This is the preamble to the battle. Credits to MissRockerTammy for the amazing art of Jake Sully above, and there will be some chatting between Mo'at and my OC, then Alex and her as well. Can you guess why my OC is so protective more over her home now more than ever??? I really want you guys to guess.

(Quaritch's POV-Hell's Gate)

I look around at all the assembled men and women in the room that I have prepared for this war. I then start my speech.

"Everyone on this base, every one of you, is fighting for survival. That's a fact!" The blinds behind me close as the room darkens then the satellite feed of the forest comes up with the hostiles. "There's an aboriginal horde out there massing for an attack. Now, these orbital images tell me that the hostiles' numbers have gone from a few hundred to well over 2,000 in one day." I press a button as the enemy forces seems to have almost taken over the entire satellite feed. "And more are pouring in. In a week's time, there could be 20,000 of them." I press the button again as the enemy forces seems to have multiplied once more. I look at everyone as I continue,

"At that point, they will overrun our perimeter. Well, that's not gonna happen! Our only security lies in pre-emptive attack. We will fight terror with terror." I then switch screens again to where their despicable stronghold is. "Now, the hostiles believe that this mountain stronghold of theirs is protected by their...." I scoff and say scornfully, "their deity." The soldiers seem to snicker some. "And when we destroy it, we will blast a crater in their racial memory so deep that they won't come within 1,000 klicks of this place ever again. And that, too, is a fact." As I close it off, the soldiers cheer.

I then start ordering everyone to get their payload ready and arm the Valkyrie with daisy cutter bombs.

(Siera's POV-Site 26, Tree of Souls)
I can see Trudy getting her gun ready at my side, and so is Norm as well. Alex and Jake are still going over the plan just in case. Then we get a call from Max, so we patch him on through.

"Jake, it's crazy here," he explains. "It's full mobilization. They're rigging the shuttle as a bomber. They've got these huge pallets of mine explosives. It's for some kind of shock-and-awe campaign." I shake my head as Trudy says,

"Fricking daisy cutters!" I just nod as I look at her and say,

"Aye, yah've got the right word there, Trudy." She just sends a smile my way. I then turn back to listen to Max as he says,

"Quaritch has taken over. He's rolling, and there's no stopping him."

"When?" Jake asks him. Alex would've answered as well, but since Jake beat him to it, he doesn't say anything. I look at him then turn back to Max.

"0600 tomorrow." He answers. I then hear a woman saying Max's name and Max saying,

"I gotta go." He then shuts off the screen, cutting off the link. Norm shuts off the communications and says,

"We're screwed!" Trudy just laughs and says,

"And I was hoping for some sort of tactical plan that didn't involve martyrdom." She shifts her weapon as she says to Jake and Alex,

"We're going up against gunships with bows and arrows." Jake, not looking the least bit upset, says,

"I have 15 clans out there. That's over 2,000 warriors. Now, we know these mountains. We fly them. You fly them. They don't. Their instruments won't work up here. Missile tracking won't work. They'll have to fire a line of sight. If they bring the fight to us, then we have the home-field advantage." I look at him. I really hope this plan of his works, otherwise we are screwed in more ways than one. Alex looks at him.

"Are you sure?" He asks. Jake nods.

"Yes." He says to him. He then looks at me, but I wave him off.

"You know he's gonna commit that bomber straight to the Tree of Souls?" Trudy asks.

"Yeah, I know." Jake answers.

"If they get to the Tree of Souls, it's over," Norm says. "That's their direct line to Eywa, their ancestors. It'll destroy them." Jake nods and remarks,

"Well, I guess we'd better stop them." Trudy sighs.

(Tree of Souls)

I blink my eyes as I am back in my Avatar body, same with Jake and Alex. We are dressed for war, but something else is on my mind. I sit a little bit away as I look to Jake as he walks to the Tree of Souls. Mo'at then walks up to me.

"Something wrong?" She asks me. I shake my head.

"No, jus' hopin' that ma brother got the transmission," I answer. Mo'at raises an eye ridge and asks,

"Your brother?" I nod and say,

"Aye. His codename is Rook. He didn't want me ta leave for Pandora, but I was stubborn and wanted ta. Otherwise, I never would've met yah an' the others. Not even ma own mate." Mo'at nods then says,

"You're glowing." I blink at her and say,

"Wha'?" She nods and says,

"It's how every new mother is that is blessed with Eywa's gift." I blink in shock. Is she hinting at...? Oh gosh. I put my hands to my belly in shock.

"I'm.....pregnant?" I ask. "I.....I had no idea...." Mo'at takes my hands in hers and says,

"It is a gift. From Eywa. She has granted you this opportunity to be a mother and make sure the clan grows and thrives." I shake my head and I say,

"Mo'at, I-..." she cuts me off again.

"No, Daughter. You are with child now, and you are a brave warrior. No doubt you will make a great mother in the future." I nod and say,

"Thank yah, Mother." Mo'at just smiles as Alex then walks up.

"Am I interrupting?" He asks. Mo'at shakes her head, gets up and walks away. Alex just watches her leave then turns to me.

"So....this is it," he says. "The final battle for our new home. You ready?" I nod and take his hand.

"Aye," I say. "I am." I place my forehead against his. He closes his eyes and we stay like that for a while. Then I pull away. I then see the look in his eyes.

"Alex, what's wrong?" I ask him. He then runs his fingers over the nasty scar left behind on my right eye and says,

"I'm sorry. Had I been any closer, I would've saved your eye." I shake my head.

"Alex, it's not yer fault," I tell him. "This was meant ta happen. The humans did this, not yah, not anyone else."

He just nods. He then pulls me in for another kiss, then he pulls away. I can clearly see the look in his eyes.

"Alex...." I start. "There's something I have ta say. It's important." Alex blinks his eyes at me.

"Okay.....?" He says. "What is it?" I then suck in a breath and ask,

"Well, remember what we talked 'bout back in the Hallelujah Mountains, about startin' a family one day?" Alex chuckles.

"Yes," he answers. "I do." I smile then kiss him and take his hand, placing it on my stomach.

"Well, how 'bout now?" I ask. He looks at me for a second, then looks to where his hand is, and his eyes widen.

"No way," he says. "You're.....pregnant?" I nod, tears in my eyes. I didn't expect him to pick me up in his arms and twirl me around. I laugh into his chest and neck as he does this, then sets me down and kisses me.

"I can't believe it," he says. "I'm gonna be a father. I promise you I will do whatever I can to protect you and our child through this war." I nod and say to him,

"Aye. I know yah will. An' I know fer a damn well fact yer gonna be a great father." Alex nods as he kisses me again and we hold each other, as the realization hits me.

This might be the last time I hold my mate like this.

(Jake's POV-Tree of Souls)

I walk up to the Tree of Souls. We are ready for battle, we have trained day and night, we know the weaknesses of the Samsons and Scorpions, I just hope that we win this. I may not be the religious type, but something tells me otherwise. So I sink to my knees.

"I'm probably just talking to a tree right now," I say. I then sigh before I continue. "But if you're there, I need to give you a heads-up." I then take my queue and connect it to the Tree of Souls. "If Grace is with you, look into her memories. See the world we come from. There's no green there. They killed their Mother. And they're gonna do the same here. More Sky People are gonna come. They're gonna come like a rain that never ends. Unless we stop them." I don't even notice Neytiri walking up behind me.

"Look, you chose me for something. I will stand and fight," I continue. "You know I will. But I need a little help here." As soon as I stop and disconnect my queue, Neytiri comes up behind me and places her hands on my shoulder.

"Our Great Mother does not take sides, Jake," she tells me. "She protects only the balance of life." I then look up at the Tree of Souls then turn to her.

"Well, it was worth a try." I say. She places her hands on my biceps and I place my hands on her arms as we lean in, pressing our foreheads together, as we stand there, our breaths even, and I can only think of one thing:

Protect The People, protect my home, and protect my beloved through this war.

A/N: Dun dun dun!!!! We are so close to the final battle!!!! Also, if you guys didn't get the hint, surprise! My OC is pregnant with Alex's child, which means she will have a lot more to fight for than just her home!! See ya in the next chapter!!! Also, I own NOTHING except for my OC, Malrog_the_dragon owns Alex!!!

Next Chapter Title: Battle for Pandora

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