*Studying, Hanging Out Together and Threats

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A/N: Welcome back!! Remember, this is an original chapter, this is NOT part of the main storyline! This will follow the part of the Rp that me and Malrog_the_dragon are doing. Now, let's kick off this original chapter.

(Normal POV- RDA base, Hell's Gate)

Siera blinks her hazel eyes as she runs a hand through her short auburn hair and walks to where she last saw Grace Augustine. The redhead scientist turns to her and gives her a tight lipped smile. But nonetheless she walks up to her and wraps her arms around her.

"Your mother would've been proud of you," she tells her. "You know that?" The Irish-Navajo woman nods her head and smiles softly herself.

"Yeah, I know."

"So, shall we work on some things, maybe some studying? Do you still remember the teachings that I provided you with over the last couple years via video while you were still living on Earth?"

"Aye, I do." Grace gives the young woman a smile again.

"Good, then this won't take long." She leads her back through the bio lab but not to the link beds, instead she walks past them until they're in the clear and another scientist, who happens to be an Avatar driver as well, nods his head. Siera doesn't acknowledge him, instead walks past him.

"This is very amazing, it must be important to you and the research team." Siera says in Navajo to Grace. Grace nods.

"It is," she says. "I picked up on the fact that you're both Irish and Native-American. Which of the natives, and what side of the family?" Siera hums as she twists her hearing aids and answers the older scientist,

"My mother was Navajo Indian, my father was Irish." Grace smiles at how much she's improved on the Na'vi language over the years.

"You must've learned a lot about the language about the People for a while now, huh?" She asks. Siera blinks her eyes. She hadn't expected the redhead to reply in Na'vi, but she's pleased as well. It proves to the young woman that she's more than just a soldier in the field. But she nods anyways and replies,

"I learned from the best." Grace chuckles again but nevertheless doesn't pick up on the fact that the young woman clearly has a lot on her mind. She runs a hand through her hair, running her fingers over the feathers. She then gets up and walks out to see Norm, Jake and Alex chatting away. Alex turns to her with a smile as he walks up to her.

"I See you." He says in Na'vi to her, while Jake looks as confused as ever. Siera just smiles and replies in the same greeting before walking to her bedroom so she can get ready to use her Avatar in the morning. Just as she is, Alex walks up to her. She turns to him.

"What's up?" She asks him. He grins and answers,

"Just wanted to see how you were doing. You looked pretty tense at the briefing hours ago. Are you doing okay?" Siera nods, messing with one of the feathers in her hair.

"Aye, I'm fine. Don't worry 'bout me." Alex's eyes seem to narrow slightly, unamused, but nonetheless doesn't question it. He can see her tattoos from here, half-sleeves decorating her olive skin on her biceps in dark yet colorful ink. Roses on her left bicep, wolves on her right. They're in great detail, which shocks him as well as fascinates him. Not that he'll say anything. He can tell by her attitude things will change between them, and that she won't take no for an answer. He just hopes that they'll end up being good friends. She gives him another smile, then gets to work in working out. Taking off her jacket to reveal a black tank top underneath, she starts working out at her own pace. After a while, she drops down, sweating and panting as she does. Her hair sticks to the sides of her face, and the feathers stick to the back of her neck. Looking out the window, she can see that time has surely passed, and she doesn't have a lot of time left for her to get a shower and head to bed so she's ready for her avatar in the morning.

As Siera walks out with a fresh batch of clothes in hand, she quickly takes a shower, then dresses. With her hair dripping wet from her shower she goes to dry it, only for a hand to clap on her shoulder and push her into the nearest wall. Growling, she's about to punch whoever did it when she looks up and her hazel almond-shaped eyes widen at who's standing there.

It's Col. Quaritch and he doesn't look pleased. In fact, he's acting really sketchy, more than usual, which concerns Siera. She bares her teeth like a wolf and hisses,

"What do yah want, Col?" Quaritch smirks as he uses her strength to push her more into the wall, making her grunt slightly in pain, but she is good at not showing that she's in pain. Instead she just glares at him, teeth bared and eyes narrowed.

"Just wanted to make sure you know who's in charge around here," he says to her. "Fail to do that, and you won't have to worry about Pandora. Am I making myself clear?" Siera hisses at him as one of the feathers in her hair is pulled, and she is forced to look up into his eyes.

"Crystal," she spits, her eyes blazing. "But know this, I won't submit easily. I am a wolf, and I am strong. Yah think yer the Alpha here? Yer not." She struggles in his grip. Quaritch seems to laugh at her before leaning into her ear and hissing as he keeps her pinned to the wall,

"You think you're a wolf? All I see is a scared little puppy. And when I'm through with you, you'll be nothing more than a worthless omega." He shoves her into the wall once more before walking away. Siera glares at his retreating back as she snarls.

"Bastard." She hisses. She walks to her room only for Quaritch to turn back around and strike her cheek with a backhand. Pain explodes across her face and jaw as her head whips back against the door, the force of the backhand enough to make her get unbalanced and knock her into her own room. It makes enough noise to where some of the soldiers are getting up to see what the commotion is about. One of the soldiers, a female wearing brown cargo pants, black military issued combat boots and a white tank walks up to her, raven hair pulled back in a bun.

"Need some help?" She asks, holding out her hand. Siera nods and takes her hand, getting up as she still feels the lingering pain in her jaw and cheek, mostly her jaw.

"That son of a bitch," she hisses as she touches her cheek gingerly. She winces as the woman walks up to her carrying a water bottle and an ice pack. "Who are yah?"

"Name's Trudy, Trudy Chacon," she says. "Don't worry about Quaritch, he's an asshole." Siera chuckles. She holds the pack close to her jaw, where it's starting to slowly turn purple since it's bruised. Go figure.

"Siera Starling," she says. "Daughter of xenozoologist Stephanie Starling and General Oliver Starling." Trudy nods.

"I knew your parents," she says. "They were good people. I'm sorry they're gone." Siera shakes her head. "It's fine," she reassures the other woman. "Yah didn't know." Trudy nods before guiding the younger woman to her room then closing the door. Siera then sighs and puts her back to the door, mumbling in Na'vi.

This is gonna be a long day, and an even longer six years if she thinks anyone can try and outsmart her, maybe more or so.

She's gonna have to wait and see what tomorrow will bring and what will it have in store for her and her newfound friends.

A/N: And that's the end of this original chapter!! I will wait a little bit to write the chapter that will progress the story movie wise, since I'm busy throughout the day, however, on the 22nd, I will be very very busy cause I'm helping out with my work. But I do hope you guys love this original chapter, remember, all original chapters are scripted by yours truly, but for the movie portions, that are all owned by the amazing James Cameron!! Hayalovay!! Kíyevame!!

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