A Web of Secrets

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Due to an unlikely encounter with one of the ladies of the Kocho House, Giyuu finds himself encountering her much more than before and discovers the secret of why she's so revered in the first place.

A/N: This will take place in a Victorian era, but mostly due to the dress and how it'll work for Shinobu in this AU. I'll provide the sketch on how it'll work along with the victorian styled choker below since wealthy ladies in that era often adorned chokers as a fashion statement but this will be for a different reason. it was also well known in this era to call a woman handsome as a compliment!  It was usually applied to a woman who was well-groomed and from an upper-class background

also, i will be using prefixes even though it doesn't work

Also, this idea was inspired by the chapter dubbed "Just a Man and His Wife" in their 'Giyushino Oneshots' book by The-Dreaming-Dragon I'd recommend you'd go check it out and give them thanks and a follow after reading the work! Their works are absolutely splendid and so is their art. All credit goes to them. But anyway enjoy this chapter.


Giyuu would hardly regard himself as a confrontational person which is why he doesn't understand how he got himself into this little scuffle.

He had come to work with his two best friends at their bakers, his sister busying herself at home with her children as her husband was away at work as a chimney sweeper. Their lives aren't the best, but it's humble work for people like them. 

He goes to the baker almost day in and day out, rising with the sun doing the prep work and sometimes the end of the day deliveries, it's tedious laborious work but rewarding work nonetheless, it's work that he enjoys at the end of the day at the quaint, humble little shop he works at. He works with Sabito and Makomo, also known as Toto-kun and Momo-chan by those held closets. 

Originally, Sabito handles the deliveries, he's both strong and intimidating with his large stature but his eyes betray it all, so he does his best to hide them even if it means he wears a masquerade mask while doing it. Giyuu exactly isn't too keen on wearing his neither is Makomo but she never does run off to do the deliveries, it's just them. But of course, knowing his luck something has to happen on the off chance he is doing it. 

This is how he finds himself in this situation, in an alleyway, scrambling to pull his bag of baked goods from the thief, they don't give up and pull even harsher. It's not how he expected to spend his late evening but that's how he finds himself spending it. It's an unfortunate event. 

"Give him back his bag sir," It's a lady's voice that makes them both freeze before the man harshly tugs at his bag and he falls to his knees scrambling for the bag. "Wait- give me that back!" 

The thief scoffs and turns around ignoring the woman, but she is not one to be easily ignored. Shadows raise up behind her, long spindly, and thin ones. It's as if she raises herself a few inches off the ground from how she looms over the two of them. He can't help but thickly gulp, at the sight. There's an aura radiating off of her, annoyance and vexation, it grows thickly like a cloud, a veil of oncoming doom.

"And who do you think you're inquiring to lad? I have no problem crushing such filthy eyesores as yourself under my heel." The thief cowers under her gaze, under her burning ferocious gaze. "I'm a lady of the Kocho House, Shinobu, if you're so curious, I'll mind you, leave this man alone or I'll stay true to my words." With one good look in her eyes, the thief drops the bag of goods and scrambles. Tomioka is frozen, at a loss for words watching as a petty criminal cowers under the gaze of a noblewoman and then flees without a single word. 

It's impressive in its own right but scary as well. 

He stays frozen in his spot as he watches her watch the thief run off before looking back at him, he froze even more if that was possible. She stared at him for a bit, looking him up and down before huffing and walking towards the bag that was discarded on the ground. She picked it up and handed it to him, resuming eye contact. 

"This is yours I presume?" Speechless, Giyuu found himself only being able to nod flustered beyond belief of having to be saved, and by an aristocrat nonetheless. He was a laborer. a merchant of some kind but one that made bread; he should be more than able to fend for himself. 

"Well then you should get along now, it's far too dangerous to be out right now," With a nod, the slinging bag over his shoulder, he made haste out of the alleyway.

Tomioka doesn't dare look back.


Giyuu arrives at the baker's he works in a daze the next morning. 

He typically arrives earlier than the other two for prep work, depending on the weather depending on how early he rises, for cold weather he gets up earlier for hotter he can delay it by an hour or two. Baked goods are what they sell, so they need the yeast to have risen as soon as possible and the orders to be fulfilled quickly. It's hard work, preparing the morning orders and the batter for the next day but it's rewarding work as well. 

Automatically, he grabs his apron from the rungs, it's a navy blue, he wanted orange but Sabito claimed that color for himself, Makomo got a pink one, and the owner, Gentlemen Urokodaki Sakonji got a light blue one with clouds on it. In actuality, they all got one, it was how you would be able to tell someone was in training when you officially became part of the staff you'd get your own colored one, it was a fun system he enjoyed to the fullest extent. So he grabbed his navy blue apron, slipped it on, tied the back, and got to work.

After tying his hair back, he worked on the batter while simultaneously working on the early order customers. Like usual an hour or two later Makomo will join him, and on schedule, an hour later she does, she follows the usual procedures as him and gets to work alongside him, working on the orders that Sabito will soon deliver as he works on making the goods that are to be put out for sale today. 

Giyuu isn't quite sure if she knows of Lady Shinobu of the Kocho house are had any prior interactions with her, but it wouldn't hurt to ask. 

"Momo-chan?" She looks up from the dough she's shaping to him raising a brow. "Yes?"

While he's never seen been the best at conversation when it comes to Sabito and Makomo it comes easily. "Tell me have you ever met one of the Ladies of a House before?" She nods, before tilting her head to the side, raising her other brow. "I've seen the ones from Lord Uzui's house, but pray, why do you ask?"

He contemplates telling her for a bit, focusing on the dough as he racked his brain around it, the idea of telling her about his encounter with one of the most revered ladies of the aristocrat court is nervewracking but he bites the bullet rather than keeping her waiting. "What about one of the Ladies from the Kocho House?" He's greeted with pure silence, right, there are three of them how could he forget?

"I'm referring to Lady Shinobu, she helped me when I had the delivery bag stolen last night." Instantly a sound of surprise leaves his friend's mouth as she sharply turns to look at him, her brows furrowed. 

"Not even Toto-kun dares to spare her a singular glance, and he glanced at Lord Uzui with a chest full of pride!" Makomo exclaimed, shaping the risen dough with haste before placing it back on the pan. Giyuu raised a brow at her still mystified about the two's relationship. 

"Aren't you two partners?"

"He typically gazes at people even I cannot resist admiring myself Yuu-kun, may you understand one day." But even Giyuu couldn't deny that he snuck glances at Lord Uzui, not that he'd admit it in words. 

"I don't have the time considering how much you two make me spend it in the kitchen."

"May you also understand one day that we don't call you our best chef because we're lazy as well." The owner of the shop, Urokodaki, joins them an hour later at the official opening time of the shop and Sabito joins them a half hour later, late, but ready to start on the early morning deliveries. 

He doesn't think much of the event the rest of the day. 


"And that's exactly what happened that night, so what do you think?" Shinobu asked as she looked at the man that sat across from her at the table they were at in her household.

Uzui, Lord Uzui Tengen, the aristocrat of the Uzui house and his three wives stared at her blankly, before blandly responding as such: "You know Lady Kocho, I just realized I don't care,"

She could only glare at him, thinly shadows raising up from behind her, most would tremble at the sight, cower in fear but Lord Uzui didn't even tremble in the slightest. "Still don't care, someone as short as you can hardly be considered scary."

Kocho let out a huff as the thinly veiled shadows disappeared behind her, pouting against her behind her gloved hand. "Well aren't you pleasant company," The lady drawled annoyed, fingers rapping against the mouth of the cup. Uzui shrugged at him, looking away as he sipped his cups, only for his brows to raise as his wine-red eyes sparkled in interest.

"And who created such a savory concoction as this?"

"That would be a tea shop run by that Shinazugawa-san fellow,"

"The one Lady Kanae has been eyeing?"

She nodded. "Exactly, I typically go there for my evening tea,"

"And I thought it was that bakery down in the East End,"

"The East End? Why would you go there, it's so close to the slums." Notorious for divers- also known as pickpocketers- those who have been orphaned to the street. 

"It may be close to such a drab place, but a quaint little bakers shop serves the most scrumptious of meals and baked goods."

"What's it called?"

"Oceanic Goods," He informed. "Such a strange name for bakers,"

"Well one of the bakers there looks like the man you recently described, there was a girl there that looked like one of my wives as well."

Shinobu begins to pour more tea into both of their cups, careful to not spill a single drop as she spoke. "You said it was on the East End correct?"

As she finished up, Uzui took the arm of his teacup so he could take a sip, nodding along with her statement. "If you need any tips on courting I'll be happy to provide them,"

"Then be wary of your mail if the only thing I can suggest,"

"I'll be looking,"

Shinobu simply sipped her tea. 


It's a week later the door to the bakery opens with the signature jingle and no one bothers looking up from where they're stationed at. Makomo's straightening out the top of the counter while Giyuu is placing the last of the baked goods and Sabito is readying himself for the early morning deliveries. Footsteps sound against the floorboard, the small clicks of what sounds like thuds.

"Excuse me, but I believe this bakery is dubbed 'Oceanic Goods'," The voice is soft and smooth, a woman's voice as well. Giyuu heard Sabito let out a small snicker and he can imagine in an overdramatic gesture he stood up with a spin holding out his arms and grinning widely. "Well yes, my fine Lady that'd be u-" He stopped so suddenly that it caught him so off guard that he couldn't help but look to see who it was that made him act like this.

Behind the glass view, he saw a familiar face, Lady Shinobu

The tray of biscuits fell into place with a loud clatter as he stood up and hit his head on the opening of the glass, falling backward onto his backside rubbing his head. This prompted Makomo to look forward and see her and the tip jar suddenly went askew over their side of the counter and she managed to catch it before it dropped.

Why was she here? Was the only thing he could ask inwardly, she was not someone who was seen outside of her house during the daytime, only at night, yet here she was visiting them in the morning. That was practically unheard of, did that mean she had business with them, but the question was what kind? The questions rattled around in his head inducing anxiety each time a new one appeared, Sabito however, was not one to let onto his anxieties being the smooth talker he was, and approached the situation with tact. 

"Excuse my colleagues, dear Lady. Not all of us can wake up and be as such a fine fettle as I am today dear Lady!" Yet despite his claim, Giyuu could see how he didn't dare spare her a gaze and the sweat that was building up on his face and how his brows furrowed ever so slightly. He leaned on the counter with his arm, putting on the most charming grin he could as he let his eyes flutter closed not peering at him with them. "Now what can I get for you today?"

Closing the glass case he turns to enter the kitchen where Makomo has occupied herself for the time being. They looked from the doorway and watched as he chatted her up before turning towards them and walking towards the kitchen peeking in. "Yuu' go check her out, she wants biscuits, some bread, and some cinnamon rolls." 

Giyuu looked at him confused, letting out a noise to confirm his friend however just nodded. "You got more history with her, here," He grabbed a basket off the counter and shoved it into his chest before squirming around him and pushing him into the main room. "Good luck!" He echoed and gave him a thumbs up before he ducked back into the kitchen with Makomo. He huffed and looked forward and got the packing. Alining the round basket with wax paper he moved to the glass case that held the freshly baked goods, pulling out the tray along with tongs so he could transfer the biscuits into the basket. 

"I believe we've met before sir," She started so suddenly it started him, but thankfully he didn't jump this time and instead added haste to his work. "Yes," He answered, laying another piece of wax paper on top of the biscuits so the icing wouldn't drip onto them. "In the alleyway, I believe so?" He nodded and the questions continued like this until he was all done, laying one last sheet of wax paper on it to protect the bread before he laid on the counter, accepting the money when she paid it. He expected it to be done there, but apparently, she wasn't finished just yet. 

"What is your name good sir?"

He couldn't bear himself to look her in the eyes, not an aristocrat such as herself. Giyuu settled with staring down at his own hands folded over his lap, someone in his class couldn't after he had already stared at her so long the week before. "Tomioka Giyuu..."

"My eyes are up here. I cannot hear you when you mumble like that," She brought a periwinkle-colored gloved hand in front of his face and snapped as she talked. His hands shaking in nervousness, he forced himself to look up from them so he could stare down at her. "Your name?"

"Tomioka Giyuu,"

"Such a pretty name for such a pretty fellow as yourself, it'd be a shame if a pretty thing such as you were to get hurt for being out so late at night as you were. Tell me,"  As she spoke she tilted her head innocently to the side but he could tell from that gleam in her eyes there was not an ounce of innocence in her. "what were you doing out at such a dangerous time?"

"I was doing a delivery,"

"I'd be careful if I were you, scum like that has the aptness to walk the streets at that time of night," His brows furrowed as his gaze flickered from her to the counter where his friend was packaging the food. "They do?" He asked, hesitant yet careful of his words, who knows what she'd say next.

"if it were up to me, I'd close my eyes and have all the filth disposed of instantaneously." He nods, not sure what to say to her however that only seems to please her more as her smile grows larger. "I'm glad we could agree on that,"

It's custom to wrap a ribbon around the arm of the basket, they have types when it comes to their clients, Kocho is one of their higher profiles so the ribbon for her own is a silk periwinkle ribbon tied into a bow with too many loops. She awes at the bow when he hands off the basket to her, surprisingly enough patting him on his head before turning quietly on her feet and waving them all goodbye. 

The door rings signaling her departure and they can only watch her walk off from the passing by the window not saying a single word.




"Noblewoman sure are a different kind, aren't they?

"Such a handsome kind as well!" Makomo claps her hands together and they soon find a home at the side of her cheek as she nuzzles into it. Momo-chan had always wanted at least one pretty dress like the ones the noblewoman wore on a daily, it's why he kept quiet when he saw Sabito sneaking money from the register. 

In a haze, he watched her as she left, staring even after she left and his friends went behind the counter. "They sure are..." He said, his voice low to a whisper.

"She sure is..."


Lady Kocho comes back even earlier the next morning, right as he begins his prep work. There's a knock on the door and he goes to get it, expecting it to be Makomo but he was surprised to see it wasn't.

"Lady Kocho?" He inquired, peeking his head out from the crack of the open door. She looked up from her pocket watch and at him, closing it with her thumb before tucking it in her jacket pocket. "Ah! There you are,"

"What are you doing here so early?"

"I just wanted to come visit, is that so wrong?" He shakes his head but says nothing. "Well, it's rude to keep a lady waiting. Are you going to let me in or what?"

Noticing his mistake, he straightened up and hurried to open the door as she giggled, stepping carefully in and turning aside as she watched him close the door and turn back to her. "Do you need something," She shook her head. "Not really,"

"Then I'm afraid I'll have to go back to work," He said moving behind the counter. She followed him leaning over the counter as she watched him work. It took a while but eventually, it clicked on why she was here.

"Did you really come here just to annoy me?" Playing coy she shook her head, staring at him with mischief painting her rose-colored lips. 

"There is just something about the early morning and how calm it is." She smiled looking up at the ceiling wistfully. He shook his head, holding back his chuckle. "At early dawn where you have me all to yourself?" She smirked at that and looked at him, leaning across the counter. 

"Yes, so pray, what's being served today?"

"Our specials would be Cinnamon Rolls in the morning and for the evening Crossaints with chocolate in them," He hears a sound of utter delight comes from her mouth, as she stares at him with sparkly eyes. "May I have some delivered to me then?"

He shrugs, focusing on sprinkling the sliced-up pieces of dough with cinnamon and sugar. "I can give you some when you leave but you'd have to pay extra for ordering so late." This time it was Shinobu's turn to shrug instead, smiling at him with a smile as sweet as honey. "Can you deliver the croissants to me in the evening then?"

He shrugged, the corner of his lips quirking upwards as he shook his head fondly. "You'll have to pay extra," 

She rolls her eyes and watches him as he works with interest in her eyes. "Do you do this every day?" Giyuu nods at her watching as her eyes sparkle at the revelation. "Except on Sundays, it's hard work yet rewarding."

"Is it?" She inquires, and he nods at her once more.

Yet somehow Giyuu thinks he doesn't quite believe her.


It's confirmed when she comes by even earlier the next day and waits for him by the door. She only says one thing to say to him after they greet each other, her intentions crystal clear. 

"I want... I want to work," He nods and helps instruct her on what to do, even giving her a light blue, cloud-patterned apron to start. The problem with this all soon arises, making itself clear as day.

Kocho has never worked a day in her life, let alone in the kitchen.

It's a fact that should be obvious, she's an aristocrat, she has her servants who she has to work with her, her life was planned out at birth, and that was to never work a day in her life. It shows in how clumsy she is, questioning so many appliances and how to work them, stubbornly going ahead thinking she knows what to do when she's so horribly wrong. Her attempts are adorable but the work simply isn't for her, especially at recipes so far out of her reach she's struggling like a fish out of water.

By the time they have to finish she's managed to make at least a batter that was decent enough to use for biscuits. Not everyone is cut up for this kind of work, but at least she tried.

It's half an hour later that the two have to depart, it's best they keep these secret meetings between them. Right before she leaves, with a towel, he wipes the flour off her forehead and wishes her off with a smile.

She leaves, giggling and smiling as well, he silently awaits for her next visit.


Giyuu knew this day would come. The apartment complex he lives in is not the best, it's inferior to most, but you get used to that when your leave on the East End of town. But he did not expect it to happen so soon.

He lays in bed, sickly like his parents had once, he knows what'll await him soon, death. Days pass by, Gentleman Urokodaki is the first to visit him, staying most of the day to reassure he's well cared for, Makomo comes the next day with a doctor, Sabito the next to keep him pleasant company. The fourth is Lady Shinobu, and the fifth is well... 

His condition worsens.

The fifth day and the following are a blur, there are urgent voices, but it's too hard to focus on them fully.

"...Bad... Doctor..."

"...Finest... Known... Mansion..." He can only gain bits and pieces of the conversation, his consciousness is flitting in and out until it completely deadlines. 

Giyuu allows himself fall into a deep sleep.


Giyuu wakes up with his limbs heavy and his head even heavier. 

He gasps for breath, taking in a deep breath, as he heaved in a deep breath after a deep breath. Giyuu looked around, he was in his house in his bedroom, he could tell by the window across his bed, a half-dead plant on the window sill. 

The last few days have been a blur, his mind stuffed to the brim with cotton as he weaved his way through the foggy haze that had become his life. Quite frankly it was terrifying and he's glad he managed to escape with his life.

He lets out a groan, pushing himself up with his forearms and looking wearily around his room. There's a blanket on top of his own, it looks new, freshly woven with a white and purple pattern sewn into it; it looks expensive. He doesn't remember owning one of these but accepts it either way. 

A loud thumping of footsteps rings out in another room and he shrinks back into the headboard of his bed as the footsteps hastily approach his room before the door opens with a swing. One thing he didn't ever expect to see was Lady Kocho standing in the doorway, her eyes wide with panic. Picking up the fabric of her dress she rushed toward him. Quickly on her feet, she was at his side cupping his cheek and tilting it towards him. 

"Giyuu!" She had never called him that before! Nor had she cupped his face or looked this panic before. "L... Lady Kocho?" He said, his voice raspy, he grabbed her wrist and moved it away but she just snatched it out of his grip before cupping his cheek again. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Of course I'm okay, it was a simple illness,"

"But you-"

"I'm fine, it was a-"

"You almost died Giyuu!" He felt his breath be caught in his throat as he stared up at her, pupils dilated as his body shivered. "I... I did?..." His voice quivered and she nodded, her lip trembling.

"Living in such drab conditions has done nothing but expose you to such dangerous medical conditions." Her hand finds his and clasps it, he can feel her shaking. "You must reside in my house, it'll provide you more safety than this place ever could." The offer knocks the air out of his lungs but he quickly regains his composure. 

"I cannot Kocho," He said, brows furrowing as she stared at him confused. "Whatever do you mean 'you can't'?"

"My home is the bakers I reside in, I can't leave it to live with you as much as I'd love to."

"You can still work there, I have no ill wishes with you working there at all! Then I'll hail a carriage for you every morning no matter the time if it means I can assure your safety!" Her hands grip tightly at the fabric underneath her, staring at him intently. "Well..."

He thickly swallows looking away. He'd have to get up even earlier than before and ride all the way to work, but he'd be living in far better conditions than before, and he also wouldn't have to pay rent. It... Did sound like a nice deal, not having to deal with the occasional draft and ceilings that leaked when it rained he honest to god would consider it. They were close after all so it didn't seem like that bad of a deal, even if he was a little reluctant.

He nodded up at her as she grinned with mirth. "Okay," Then Kocho squealed, reaching down and bringing him into a tight hug, pecking him on his cheek. 

"Lady Kocho-" She just hugs him tighter.

"Please, call me Shinobu,"


Despite Lady Shinobu being an aristocrat, her house is littered with spider webs, even the kitchen, and don't get him started with the kitchen. Well, he's going to get started either way.

The kitchen is Amazing. It's up to date on the appliances he could only wish he had and the staff is efficient and deft when it comes to working there. He wants to work in there himself but he's ushered out of there by the staff, but at night he likes to sneak in and put his skills to work. It's how he met the Young Lady Kanao and her friend Nezuko, with the promise of a share of the food if they kept quiet no one ever found out about his nightly exploits. 

That was how he met Nezuko and her family, her older brother Tanjiro who had soon enough come to work at the same bakers he worked at. Thankfully they could afford another member of staff, when the occasional aristocrat or two visited the place you labored you'd get more business, and currently, their business was booming. Things were starting to look up and from the looks of things, the morning rush was easier to deal with, and soon enough Sabito would be able to get Makomo a beautiful dress as she had always wanted.

There was nothing that could ruin this. 


Giyuu didn't understand why Shinobu was feared, she was a lovely lady, kind but knew how to put her foot down when needed, something he struggled with. She was a revered noble and he could admire her for that. He never considered another reason until now.

It was a Sunday, meaning he had a day off work. It was the early hours of the morning, and he had just started to rouse from his sleep, blearily looking around to see where Shinobu had gone off to. He was greeted with a sight.

His beloved was dressed in a nightly frock, still having not changed out of it, however, that wasn't the odd thing about it, it was the spider legs protruding from out behind her. Giyuu couldn't help the audible gasp that left him as he stared at her, even after she whipped around and stared back at him with wide eyes full of surprise and terror

It took him a while to snap out of it but when he did she was right in front of him, the spider legs retracted back to hide behind her the best they could her hand on his shoulder. She looked like she was about to cry. "Sh... Shinobu?..." He stuttered at, freezing completely in his spot.

"Do you fear me, my love?" Her voice is low and deliberate, her violet eyes shining, resembling glass. The lithe hand on his shoulder gives him a gentle squeeze, and her eyes twinkle like stars in the night sky. Giyuu just shook his head. 

"No," However the older man couldn't admit that he felt a little breathless for a multitude of reasons. "Not at all,"

Shinobu was taken aback, she had given up most hopes at love when you're half spider not many people would go out with you, she didn't need to be in a relationship to know that. She had gotten used to living a life of independence but now... Now she didn't? This was like a dream coming true, a fairy tale of some kind, it simply couldn't be true!

Feeling tears well up at the back of her eye, she tilted her head at him, feeling the corners of her lips twitching upwards. "Are you sure my love? Are you really sure?"

A hand slides its way up to her cheek and pulls her in for a tender kiss, gently thumbing away the tears on her cheeks. 

Not even her being half spider could ruin it, not one bit.


Giyuu wouldn't exactly call it a nightly routine but it was growing into one. Almost every night before they went to bed, she'd brush his hair out of his ponytail. Tonight was one of those nights.

As the moon was in the sky, Shinobu carefully ran the brush through his velvety locks, carefully taking it section by section with deft hands. He'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it, it was nice being doted on, being cared for, he wouldn't mind doing it every night if he could. 

Something lacy wraps around his neck and he goes to scratch it but the pads of his fingers bump against something smooth. It makes a small clacking noise against his nails. He hooks his finger around the lacy ribbon and looks down, he doesn't need more than a glance to know what it is by the purple jewel the choker adorned and the velvety black lacy that's wrapped around it. The sight of it brings tears to his eyes as he looks up at his lover, shakily. 

"Your choker?" His voice had grown soft and gentle, low and shakily.

With flush dusting across her face, she nodded at him eyes full of adoration. "It's yours now my love,"

Giyuu could only stare at her for longer than needed, then briefly looked down to the jewelry he now adorned, thickly swallowing. It felt so weird to be wearing it now. "It... It is?"

Her soft hand traced his cheek tenderly. "Whatever is mine is yours my dear as yours is mine," Then she tilted her head to the side, a smile adorned on her face. "I shall hope you'll wear the Kocho's name and symbol with pride."

Tears streaming down his cheeks, Giyuu curtly nodded at her not being able to help the smile that slipped on his face as he pressed a kiss into her palm. "Of course, I'd be more than honored to my beloved."

As if her smile couldn't get any brighter, it did, rivaling the sun itself. Shinobu's arms wrapped themselves around his neck, peppering his face with kisses as he giggled underneath him. her long spindly spider legs wrapped themselves around, tightening the embrace. He smiled up at her as he wrapped his arms around her waist humming a happy tone.

"I will always be yours, my beloved,"

"And I shall always be yours, my doll,"

A/N: here's the sketch!

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