Chapter 2

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(Y/N is seen training with Samurai Jack in the temple. They trained for 1 hour.)

(Then Y/N is seen at Dexter's Laboratory, where the genius creates a technological armor based on Optimus Prime)

Dexter: Nothing like working on a new invention.

(Suddenly Dee Dee comes closer to Y/N)

Dee Dee: Wow! You must be Dexter's new friend! Call me Dee Dee. I am this sister! What's your name?

(Y/N): My name is Y/N L/N.

Dee Dee: Wow! What a beautiful name!

(Y/N): Thank you... I guess...

Dee Dee: (giggles) You're cute, you know!

(Dee Dee kisses Y/N's cheek, causing him to blush. Unbeknownst to them, Dexter is close to finish the armor)

Dexter: Almost done.

(Dexter digitizes his computer)

Dexter: Only some final touches...

(The armor is completed)

Dexter: Ready.

(Y/N): Almost forgot.

(Y/N tests the armor, finding out it hides an axe inside one of his arms and a blade in another, then shoots some targets)

Dexter: This is perfect. I'm a genius! I can't wait to introduce it to the people.

(Suddenly Cyborg is seen on the screen)

Cyborg: You can start introduce it to the titans.

Dexter: Cyborg?

Robin: Some real tests must be done.

Beast Boy: And nothing better than some combat training with the Teen Titans!

Dexter: Oh. I almost forgot. I equipped the armor with a jetpack in case of flying.

(Y/N): Thanks, Dexter.

(Y/N is seen flying in his armor)

(Y/N): Incredible!!

(Then Y/N sees the Titans Tower and flies towards it)

(Y/N): Next destination: Titans Tower.

(Y/N lands in the courtyard of the Titans Tower)

Robin: Welcome to the Titans Tower. Time to start our training.

(The Combat Training starts. Y/N starts by shooting targets. The he has a spar with Robin, easily defeating him. Then Beast Boy, Cyborg and Starfire decide to go in a 3 vs 1 match. Y/N uses the armor's abilities and after 4 minutes, he emerged victorious)

Robin: Congratulations. You passed.

(Y/N and Robin shake hands. Then Ben 10 comes in)

Ben 10: Titans. It's an emergence! Some unknown beings are attacking the city!

(Y/N): City under attack?

Ben 10: That's right. We need every reinforcements available!

(Y/N): I'm going with you!

Cyborg: Are you sure about this?

Gwen: Like Ben said, every help is welcome!

(Then Y/N, Ben 10, Gwen and the Teen Titans are seen running towards the city under attack and what they see surprises them)

(Y/N): Holy Jesus... What is that? What the fuck is that?

Starfire: Language, friend Y/N.

(Y/N): Sorry.

(Then Samurai Jack, Dexter, Mordecai, Rigby, Super Saiyan Gumball and the DC Super Hero Girls come in)

Dexter: OK, Y/N. Let's show them what we are made of!

Supergirl: Okay, suckers. I'm ready for ya!

(The heroes then start fighting the evil forces)

(To be Continued)

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