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Pearl's POV:

After the long ride for whole night we finally entered some deserted town and as I look outside the window there was no dead one roaming around. It seems that we can stay here for quite sometime. Namjoon moves beside Jin to guide him to the correct place. I just continue to look outside the window and inspect the surrounding.

We soon reach in front of the sweet Two storey house. It was not bigger and safer than the previous mansion but still it was just fine for temporary living. We all steps out of the bus and I hold the hand of Jungkook who was still sleeping. "I don't remember buying such thing in past but I am glad that I did." Jin says while still observing the house. "Come on let's already go in I am tired." Yoongi groaned while walking forward.

All of us entered the house and I must say that I am pretty impressed by the interior. It is just perfect for a joint family. "Okay first lets assign two teams, First for cleaning the house and second one to unload the supplies from the bus and settle it here and also fence the house for safety." Jin says. "I , Hoseok hyung , Namjoon hyung will unload all the bags from the bus and will safely place it in it's designated place and also do the fencing work." Jimin volunteers and the other two nodded. "Okay than its clear the remaining will help me to clean this house." Jin says  as looking at all of us. 


Finally we have cleaned the house and settled all the supplies at the place. I just throw myself at the couch. "No time of resting guys, clean yourself up and meet me at the drawing room I have Important things to discuss." Jin says with both of his hands on his waist. We all groaned. 

I was given my own individual room while all the other guys have to share. One of the perks of being a girl. I quickly take bath and wear some nice clothes. I try to look nice 'cause I want to and I love myself. After dressing up I head downstairs.

All of them were already there as I reached . I just sit  beside Jimin while ignoring everyone's stare. "Okay so everyone is already here." Jin says while eyeing me. "Guys!!You already know that I have other safe mansions." we nodded at his statement. "But I think I have changed my mind that we should choose them as safe accommodation. There is no guarantee that we may not be attacked there. Maybe not now but surely in near future. Its just that we will be running around for all our life and there is no probability that everyone of us can be safe either after yesterday's incident." Jin finished his talking. "You are right hyung but what else can we do instead of changing places?" Hoseok asks.

"Military base." Jin says while staring into space. My ears perked at his statement. " Military base!!! First of all how can we reach there and second we have Jungkook and Taehyung  with us,  If we go there they will shoot them at sight!!" I says angrily. Jin just stand there listening while still staring  into space. 

" About reaching military base and entering there we have no such serious issue about it just left that matter to me and the thing about Jungkook and Taehyung, Don't you remember what talk we have with each other last night before all of this happened?" Jin says while keeping his gaze stern at me. I just paused as I get what he was talking about. He proposed me the idea to let him test the antidote on both of them but then what about the complications?

"How can you be sure that testing this cannot backfire the plan." I says. Jin furrowed his eyebrows. " I mean that how can you be sure that if we test antidote on them it cannot convert them to something more dangerous." I says while shivering at the thought. "No this will not happen, the anything severe that can happen is only death." he says looking at me. I just turned statue with no thoughts.I cannot let them die.. "Parr.." Jungkook comes at me and shakes me to come out of my state. He was looking at me confusingly demanding for explanations. Right they both have no idea what we were talking about.

"Jin I have no saying in this. Explain this to both of them, if they want to do they can and if not then you will not force them." I says and sit on the couch while looking down. Jin nodded "Sit guys, I will  explain everything to you."

Jin was explaining everything thing to them while both of them was listening were carefully. "So are you guys in?" Jin finished his explanation. Both of them was just sitting silently as trying to gather everything. After few seconds Taehyung raised his head and meets his eyes with Jin sternly. " I  rea..dyy.." He speaks. "Very well Taehyung and what about you Jungkook." Jin beamed.

Jungkook was still looking at his interlocked hands and then suddenly he meet his gaze with mine. We were staring at each other for few seconds after Jungkook broke his gaze. "Oka..ayy." he muttered silently. " Awesome!! thank you for support guys and I am sure we will make this workout. So lets not delay this anymore and do our first testing now only. Please follow me!!" Jin says clapping his hands and standing up. Taehyung and Jungkook also stand up from their sitting position and quietly follow Jin.

I stare at them till they were out of my site. Please let this work...

Author's Note:

Hello guys!!! How are you all??  I hope that you are all fine and if not then trust me that you will be fine. By the way how was the chapter. Please vote and comment. It motivates me a lot. Happy reading!!  

Have a lovely day/night and stay safe!!

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