He Confronts The Guy

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He was going back to his old ways. Living in the dark, unloved by people, and even hating himself. He missed you deeply, but little did he know you missed him too. It was the middle of the night as he was going from shadow to shadow, making the night at least fun before going to sleep in some strangers shadow.

He was about to step into one, until the familiar scent of that cologne hit his nose. His blue eyes widen in the dark as he hurried along to the person's sent. The guy was right there, getting pizza from Pokepizza. He just came to his car right when Darkrai came from his shadow and pinned him down, his eyes a blazing dark blue.

"You took my only happiness away from ME! YOU BASTARD!"

"Hey man! I was only helping her with the pizzas! You're the asshole who got jealous and left her! She's been depressed lately so I've been giving her pizza to make up for my mistake."

"Give me that!"

Darkrai's heart fluttered with hope as he pushes the guy away from him and took the pizza box, disappearing into the shadows...


Dialga was waking in the park to clear his mind. He regret leaving you, but you cheated on him so it was the right thing to do, right? Dialga sighed as he watched a leaf crumble under him. He knew that was going to happen, but he couldn't see how you were doing. Something was blocking him of seeing your future.

"I'll see you next time, John!"

"See ya later!"

The name clicked inside his brain, which was the name of the jerk. Dialga looked at him and saw (y/n)'s aura was around him. Dialga growls as he quickly when up to the guy and grabbed him by the cola of his shirt. "You're the guy who when out with (y/n)! She was my girlfriend first!"

"Whoa dude! You got it all wrong! I've be sad lately and (y/n) has been cheering me up! She's sad because of you, jerk!"

Dialga spat at in his face before throwing him down. "Shut up you weak human! But... thanks for the information..."

Dialga opened up a portal for himself and disappeared into it.


The bar tender was going to have to band Victini from the bar. Ever since the breakup he's been drinking every day. This gamble buddies are worried about him, but didn't know what to do. Victini was sobber by the time someone came out from the same room you came from the last time. His eyes widen as it was the same guy.

Victini growled as he grabbed his empty beer bottle and threw it at his head, just barely missing his head. "You asshole! I'm miserable because of your fuck boy nights!"

"The hell- Oh your her ex-boyfriend. You're an idiot. She wasn't sleeping with me, that's the room leading to the dancing area!"

Victini blinked slowly at him. "Theirs's a dance area?"

"You fucked up, drunk boy."

Victini growled but ignored him as he quickly ran out of the bar.


He wasn't in the mood to fly at all... his sister was noticing it, but couldn't help much. Latios decide to take an evening fly just for that day. Almost at the end he spotted your house and sighed deeply. His eyes widen as the same guy from before was coming out of his car with a bundle of flowers.

Latios didn't know what came over him, but he dove down and punched the guy right in the face. "YOU! You're the fucker who ruined by life."

The guy held his bloody nose and glaring at Latios at the same time. "I'm not a jealous asshole for breaking up with my innocent girlfriend! I was only practice pickup lines with her for a girl I really like! I'm bring her flowers to cheer her up, something you can't do."

Latios punched him in the stomach and took the flowers for himself. "I can make it up too her!"

Latios dashed to your door with speed so quick he never thought he could do...


Lately he hadn't been going to the gym like he use to before. He was sad whenever he saw auras, not finding yours in everywhere he goes. One day Lucario was testing out the punching bag, weakly with little strength. Someone from the corner of his eyes caught his attention as he turned around to the shoe boy.

Lucario growled as he came up to him and pinned him against the wall. "You cleaning bastard... I'll kill you!"

"E-Easy man! I was only cleaning her shoes! Wasn't my fault you got the wrong idea! Just let me go so I can return this for her!"

"Next time you won't be cleaning her shoes for her!"

Lucario looked down at his hand to find your shoe. He grabbed it and dropped the guy, trying to find your aura around the gym.


The carnival was still in town surprisingly. Yveltal had a few bucks to spare and thought about going to it again, hoping to see you. It was huge and crowed with people everywhere. People were looking at Yveltal strange as he dipped his head down.

"Thanks for playing my game! Here's your stuffed Pokemon!"

Yveltal looked up to find it was the same guy who kissed you. He handed a girl a huge push Pikachu. Yveltal growled as he when up to it and grabbed him, holding back from draining him of life.

"You're the guy who kissed my girl! What the hell man?!"

The guy when pale with horror. "I'm sorry about that! I forgot she was taken and kissed her! I didn't mean to break you up with her! She's in the carnival right now!"

Yveltal's grip slacked. "Where is she?! TELL ME!"

"B-By the Mudkip Mud Slide is where she told me she would be at!"

"You're safe, for now."

Yveltal dropped him and dashes into the crowed, ignoring all the stares as he tried his best to not let his emotions get the best of him.


Ever since breaking up with you Xerneas has been lonely. Plants wouldn't light up like they use to before when he was around. His brother was also sad so he couldn't go to him for help... A Rattata came up to him and reported to find the guy at the front steps that day. Xerneas didn't waste time and tracked the guy down.

He was in a garden shop as Xerneas when to him. "What made you think it was okay to hit on MY woman?"

"Sorry dude, she comes to this flower shop a lot and I wanted to thank her for buy flowers so I decided to be nice and give her some... I didn't know you two were dating..."

Xerneas sighed. "I messed up... can I get some flower?"


Xerneas was grateful the guy was super nice to him and thanked him by giving his shop rare and wonderful flowers before running towards your house.


He remembered the number on the tri-pod. It was stuck in his mind and it hurt his heart took when seeing your crying face. Palkia sighed as he called the number and tracked the signal from space. It was a rich dude, not helping his anger here.

Finding the mansion was easy as he sneaked past the gates and knocked out the serious guards. The signal was leading upstairs as he ran towards it. He found him in his office and barged in. "You! What was your phone number doing on my girlfriend- I mean... her tri-pod?!"

The rich guy looked at him like he was crazy. "How the hell did you get in here?! Also I had my phone number on her tri-pod so I could call and buy another one! I wouldn't take her, I'm already married."


Palkia felt so stupid... it hurt. Palkia just rushed out of their and thought of things to buy before begging for forgiveness


The bakery was selling pretty well as usual with the help of you. Hoopa decided to stand back and watch as you make the bread without him. Hoopa shook his head and decided to confront the guy. Making his way into the new bakery was weird, but he made it to him.

Hoopa grabbed him with his other arm from inside his hoops and held him where he was while he was finding him. The guy trashed around before Hoopa retrieved his hoop back. "I want answers. Why did you give bread to us- I meant her- when she is your rival?!"

"What rival? I was just being nice and giving bread out to local bakers."

Hoopa looked in the travel log and it was true. Every bakery in town got the same gift like you.

Hoopa sweat dropped and exited through the hole to you.


It was chilly in the park as he wanted to go for a walk and clear his mind. He didn't realize you were what made his life better and happier. He was alone and cold without you. Some pokemon dogs came up to him and started licking his hand. Arceus smiled and petted them back as a figure came running up.

Arceus looked up to find it was the same guy from before. He waited for him to come up, grabbed the pokemon dog's leases, and grabbed him by the throat.

"I have done everything for you humans and you steal away my love?! Is this what I deserve?!"

The man clawed at his throat as Arceus loosened to let him talk. "S-She was just helping me walking the pokemon dogs! Nothing else h-happened!"

Arceus when through his head and found him true. He let him dropped to the ground as he panted for breath. "If I find you with her again I'll make sure to end your life."

He when off as the guy glared at Arceus's back the whole time...


It wasn't the same without you in his life. It was like his old life, cold and unwanted by everyone. He sat at the same lake he dumped the guy in the lake, hoping to catch you there and say sorry. He didn't want to break in the house and make things bad between you two.

Fish pokemon jumped up from the water and splashed him. Gira growled and was about to destroy them, until he saw the guy from the boat on the lake. An evil smirk formed on his face as he opened up a portal in the lake and when into it.

He when close to the boat in the lake, open up the portal, and grabbed the guy, almost making him fall into the portal. The guy's eyes widen to see people on a huge rock far away behind Gira.

"Alright who are you taking my girl out fishing?! You better not have made out with her!"

"No I didn't! I was teaching her how to fish! She's coming in ten minutes for another lesson!"

"Out of my way!"

The guy barely missed entering the portal when Gira threw him aside into the lake. Gira got on the boat and started pushing it to land.


His moon rings glowed faint with orange instead of the bright yellow they usually had. People would make way for him when he walked the streets, mostly because he was glowing and looked weird. Plus people were still getting use to people and pokemon dating.

Umbreon crossed a dinner, but stopped moments after as he looked through the window to see the same guy before. Rage build inside him as he when inside, and mashed the guys face on the table. Everyone stopped and stared as the guy groaned in pain.

"You deserved it! You jackass! Kissing my girl on the cheek! It's your fault about this!"

He glared at him through his bangs and kicked him in the knee. "That was my twin brother! You dumb ass! He's gay, and there he is."

A guy looking like the same as Umbreon hit stared at him with horror as he stared at his brothers bloody face. "What the hell happened?!"

"YOU Happened! Kissing my girl you punk!"

"I'm gay! Just because I gave her a kiss doesn't mean anything! I was thanking her for paying for my meal! Now back off before I call the cops on your weird ass!"

Umbreon gripped the table edge, having a hard time controlling his anger, until he thought of you. What had he done... he messed up. Umberon cursed under his breath and exited through the door.


Lately his generator has been low on electricity. He didn't know what to do to power it up, he never had this problem before, so he just sulk alone in the mountains he use to live before. Lights from the city were beautiful as always.

Zekrom thought about it and when into the city to clear his mind. He when inside a bar, hearing some shouting on the other side where another bar connected to another bar, but with a dance floor. He ordered his beer and sat down at a boot while drinking it.

The bell went off as some people came in with a group. Zekrom looked at the mirror at the end of the room, and froze when it was the same guy from that night... he sat with his buddies, laughing and talking with them. Zekrom stood up and glared down at him.

"Hey fuckboy, we need to talk."

The group stopped laughing as the guy glared up at him. "What did you call me emo?"

Zekrom growled as his beer bottle exploded in his hand. The guys jumped at the sudden noise. "Call me that again, girlfriend stealer!"

"Oh... you're that dude who made (y/n) sad. You're the real jackass here guy. I woke up in time to see what the hell was going on. (y/n) and I were just old friend and hung out together. Nothing sexual happened between us, so you're the real bad guy here."

The other guys nodded their heads in agreement. Zekrom stood their shocked, he didn't even think about that, he was to busy being angry and mad at you. "Whatever, thanks for the information."

Zekrom dashed out of their in the rain, running towards your house in full speed.

For the emo thing it's just him saying Zekrom has all black on and look dark, not trying to offed people who are emo it's just a comeback to Umbreon so I don't want complaints about this.


Everything about this breakup was new to him. He would only think of you and sob whenever he saw someone happy and not him. He would fly around the sky, hoping this feeling would go away, it wouldn't.

One night, Deoxys sensed your aura around another guy. His brain was clicking, maybe it was the same guy who stole you away him. Deoxys changed into his speed form and raced down where he was.

The guy was at the beach, hanging out. Deoxys stood out the most as he when up to the guy.

The guy froze and looked at him weird. "Oh, you're those pokemon turned into humans. What do you what?"

"I-I want you to stop hanging out around (y/n)! She's my girl and you're the reason she doesn't love me anymore! I-I'm asking you to stop being around her! P-Please!"

Deoxys finished and looked at the ground, amazed he said anything like that to a human. The guy laughed and punched Deoxys in the arm lightly. "You got it wrong buddy. She was helping me study for a test so she had to be around me to help me. I didn't do anything wrong with her."

The beat box was starting to hurt Deoxys head, his vision going cross-eyed. "So... (y/n) does love me?"

"Yup, but I would go to her. She's sad without you."

"T-Thank you!"

Deoxys was glad to leave that area and was already going towards your place, hoping you would forgive him of his big mistake.

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