He helps heals you up (Emotionally/Physically)

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Darkrai panicked as you hit the ground falling into a nightmare. Adrenaline surged threw him as he held you trying to take the nightmare away from you weeping sleeping form.

"I'm so sorry, (y/n)! I didn't mean to hurt you! I love you with all my heart! My heart broke into two when you hit the ground! J-just please be alright!"

Hot tears hit your face as you slowly woke up to a crying Darkrai. Once he saw you wake and burst into tears hugging you to dear life.

You were a bit tick off from his actions before, but you couldn't stay mad at him for his. You comforted him as he did to same thing to you. Promising himself to never hurt you again.


Diagla quickly time travel to where you when as he barley caught his balance. He stood on a cliff side where a tiny village could be seen in a distance.

Your scream snapped him out of his daze as he ran towards it. You hanged onto a single tree branch on the cliff edge as your grip started to loosen.


Diagla reached for you, his reach getting closer and closer... until the branch snapped. You screamed in terror as Diagla heart leaped with him as he dived down towards.

Diagla grabbed you and covered his body over yours as he hit the ground back first. Diagla groaned as he look at your unconsciousness body. He put a blue healing light over you as he too, was slowly recovering.

"Thank goodness I caught you in time. Because if you died my heart would stop beating, forever."


The people at the bar gasped at Victini. His blood draining his face as ran over too you. Tears fell down your face as the pain your back felt like needles digging into your skin.

"(y/n), I-I'm s-so sorry!"

One of the gang members from the poker game threw him the money he won at his feet.

"Forget about her! She just a piece of trash! The money in that bag is worth more than her!"

Victini glared at them he gently picked you up. Trying not to hurt your back, "I don't need any damn money! That money almost cost me the life of the one of I love! I would rather have her than a sack of greed in Mankind's hands!"

The poker guy started at him, taking in his words as Victini brought you home. He started healing you up as he kissed your face all over, "Please forgive m-me, (y/n)... even if you don't I understand..."

You smiled as kissed his cheek while he looked at you in surprise, "Silly. Once you've won something you can't give it back. And, my heart is yours, forever."


Your whole body shook from the ride Latios gave you. He landed immediately down on land as he caught you in time before you fell down into the grass.

"Are you alright?! (y/n), I swear to Arceus I promise to never do something like that again!"

You shook your head, still dizzy from the ride. "Y-you better..."

Latios pulled you into a gentle hug. His free hand stroking your hair, "Good. Because you're the wind in my life now. Without you my other wing cannot fly without your love."


The Aura Sphere burned a good part of your hand. It's pain was breathtaking as Lucario was healing your hand with Heal Plus.

"I'm so sorry, (y/n). It was a fighting instinct. I swear if I knew it would happen I would kill myself."

"Don't say that..." Lucario looked up into your watery (e/c), "I still love you... I understand it was a reflex... but please, don't say that word again..."

Lucario's eye softened as he pulled you into his chest to cry. He kissed the top of your head while rubbing your back, "Okay. I promise you that, (y/n). Because if I had the powers I would have stopped myself in time before harming you. Because my heart can't bear to see you in sorrow and pain."

You heard his words and softly smile in his chest as the Healing Pulse on your hand began to heal twice as faster then, maybe from his love.


Yveltal, ran towards you as your face was draining away from the lack life energy. Yveltal body shook with despair as he cradled your almost lifeless body into his gentle hug.

"(y/n)... p-please... d-don't die... fate don't t-take away the only l-love I only have... j-just please... hear out my w-w-words..."

Just then, Yveltal energy leaked into your soul. It was combining until it was completed. Life was brought back into you face as you coughed up for blood. Yveltal jumped in surprise as he kept saying sorry to you over and over again all night long.


Xerneas ran up to you and checked your wrists. They were bleeding pretty bad as Xerneas started healing them quickly.

"(y/n), I'm so, so sorry! Please find it in your heart to forgive me! I didn't hear you and this is what happens... I'm a horrible boyfriend..."

You smile and kiss Xerneas on the cheek, "I didn't hear and begun picking the berries... so it was really my fault in the first place... I was just hungry and wanted something to eat..."

"Food? Here." He held out the same berries you picked, "You can eat these. It won't affect the Tree of Life, because these berries has all my love into it."


Palkia immediately let go of your shoulder and held you tightly to him. He began healing your shoulder as you softly cried.

"(y/n), please believe me when I say it was an accident! I just got angry and lost control... I'm a horrible boyfriend..."

"N-no... y-you're... n-not..." You said while falling asleep to Palkia's peaceful healing, "I-I... l-lov....y-yo..."

You fell asleep in Palkia's arm as he softly smile and snuggled with you in bed. Healing you while creating a universe all for your own to search and look at.


Hoopa let go of your hand as you screamed in pain. Your hand was at an angle, seeming to be broken.

"I'm so sorry!" Hoopa face paled pure white as he slowly came up to you. "I-it was that monster inside me... no... Maybe I am the monster..."

You couldn't let Hoopa hurt himself, so you ran up too him and hugged him tightly, avoiding hurting your hand, "You're not a monster! I love you! Ya hear?! And if you say that one more time I will never forgive you about this."

Hoopa's face filled with shock, before meeting your eyes and quickly kissing you, "Okay. I see you've won this."

Hoopa took you to a hospital as he told himself he would help you out in that state, no matter what.


Arceus quickly rushed over to you. Your head bleeding pretty bad as you were knocked out cold.

Arceus gently picked you up and started healing you. His heart almost stopped, you were almost in the state of a coma.

Tears fell down his face as he cursed to himself, "I hate myself! I hurt my love when I was to protect her! My bad mood almost killed her... please, (y/n)... if you can hear me... stay with me..."

About a second later, your arms twitch and your body jerk a bit. You coughed out a tiny bit of blood as Arceus heart filled with pure joy at the fact you lived, to see him.


Giratina followed you into the distortion world. He spotted you as your leg was broken. Giratina grabbed you and took you back to your world.

Giratina nuzzles his face into your hair, softly crying, "I-I thought I l-lost you..."

You smiled and hugged him, "Well you didn't now stop beating yourself."

Giratina nodded, "alright then."

"Oh and... who are the people in there from?!"

Giratina chuckled as he sent out one of your pokemon who could heal, "Nowhere."


Umbreon ran to your side with a First Aid Kit in hand. He started healing the spot where the most damage was dealt.

"I'm so sorry, (y/n)... maybe you should find a guy who can't hurt you..."

You shook your head as you let him do the work of healing, "It's alright. I should have jumped out of the way."

Umbreon quickly kissed your cheek before setting you down on his lap, "I will always protect you. Even if you were dead I would still fight for you."


You could barely hear from both your ears as Zekrom was checking them. You could only hear three words from his sentence.

"It's.... bad... (y/n)."

You sighed and looked down. Zekrom shook his head as he sat down by you, "I knew it was worst..." You said, sadly.

Zekrom thought of an idea, and kissed you. He filled you up with warming electricity before he pulled back to breath air.

Your ear popped. You could hear clearly again.

Zekrom blush as he quickly kissed you, "I am sorry for what I did. But, you don't need words to heal, only love."

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