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15 years later~ 

Also, just a reminder I will update from time to time, just no like every other week like I use to.


A boy with dark hair, darker than the endless twilight came onto the hill, crying as his blue eyes were lighter than clear class. He was always bullied at school for giving people nightmare accidentally, but he never really means to give people the nightmares.

As you can guess he was the outcast, the freak at the school who had the powers of a pokemon. Others thought it was cool, many think he was a freak and shouldn't even be in human world, but in the wild. Rai came up to his favorite place when he was sad and that was the hill close to his house.

His mother always told him his father was Darkrai, and wondered if the spell would soon end. Rai soon sighed and leaned back on the grass.

"I'm always going to be lonely, with no friend nor with people close my powers."

"What makes you say that?"

He bolted upright and turned around. Behind him was a man with the same color hair as him, but he looked just like a copy of the man. He... even had the same colored eyes as him. Rai breathed in shock. "D-Dad...?"

Darkrai broke into a run and hugged his child, crying into his shoulder. "Rai... how much you've grown..."


Dia wasn't the only odd ball as her cousin Pearl was just like her, only she could control space and Dia alone could control time. It was a gift and a curse at the same time. If she had the ability and strength she would go back in time to meet her father.

It was the end of the school day while she was walking towards her house, the tiny one with blue flowers everywhere around the whole house. It was a way to remind her mother of her husband, Dialga.

She froze when she came to her house to see a man with the same blue hair as hers, but only her's had a lighter shade of blue. Even when he turned around, the same red eye color. Could it be...? Was the magic restored?

"Who are you?" Dia asked, caution as she hearted pounded.

Dialga smiled and waved towards her. "I thought you were my child at first, but when you turned around I knew you were when I saw your beautiful eyes, Dia."

Her whole world felt like repairing itself. She finally had her father back into her life. Without another word she opened up the gate and jumped into her father's arms, crying tears of joy.


Just like his father's powers he was able to win at any battle or game. Yup, he was a pokemon trainer, but he played fair and didn't use his powers when he wanted to win during a gym battle.

He remember his mother telling him he drank and lot an gambled, so he swore to himself to never do the things his father did when he was a human. His mother said it was his way of hating the fact that he always won at anything.

Vic was just done with a pokemon battle when a tall who was taller than him, but had the same color of hair walked by. He smiled when he looked up at Vic. "I have to say, that was a pretty good pokemon battle. You didn't use your powers when you fought?"

That was the question that always annoyed him. Using his powers to win, when he clearly didn't. "No, I always play fair and square. It's not right to use your power to win when the other person has the same skills as you."

Victini laughed and ruffled his hair. "Yup, you're my kid alright. How are you doing Vic?"

Vic stood back in shock and looked up at his father, memories of him coming back. "It really is you... father..."


The twin helped out ranger when they had missions in the sky. It was a way to help out not only rangers, but the pokemon up inside the sky. Sky and Lat always helped each other out when anything one couldn't handle, the other could save the other.

It was clear day riding when an object faster than a jet came speeding by. Lat saw first and headed towards the object, using physic powers to talk to Sky. "There is a pokemon speeding fast in northwest. I'll track it down while you use your power to slow it down."

"Got it." Lat replied.

The figure was coming closer to them, and to Sky's surprise it was heading towards her, but it was faster than she was. Sky yelped and dodged it when it stopped in the air, clouds trailing by a man with blue hair.

Lat came over and glared at him. "Hey! Watch where you're going! I don't care who you are, but you almost hit my sister!"

The man face held shock as he came over, bowing towards them. "I'm sorry I almost hit you too! Lat and Sky! I didn't think you were inside here! Please forgive me!"

The girls looked shocked to have the man know their names. "What the, how do you know our names?"

Latios smiled ruffled their hair. "Why, I'm your father. It's been a good long years, my girls."


Aura trained in the forest like usual, but something was on his mind and he couldn't get it out of his head. He was the top fighter in his class, the strongest in his school, girls love him (but he doesn't have a girlfriend).

But the fact that he couldn't master his aura sphere. His father could do it so easily, noted by his mother. He straightened his back and let the aura flow inside him, giving him the energy he needed. He released it, but it didn't cut down the tree.

"That was a good Aura Sphere, but it doesn't have enough energy to cut through things like it should."

Aura jumped and turned to see a man looking just like him, only he was dressed differently. Aura's friends where only pokemon as they smiled when they saw the man, calling him Lucario. He couldn't believe it, it was his father.

"Dad...?" Aura spoke, remembering his turning back when he turned into a pokemon.

Lucario nodded and hugged his son. "I'll teach you how to wile it better. It seems my lessons as a pokeon weren't enough."


Hope always hang out with his cousin Barry, but today he didn't want to bother her since he was the freak of the year. People in school always feared him, heck, he even had to be teach alone by only a teacher because of his powers.

Though his father was Yveltal was his father, Hope never really sucked the life forced out of anyone or anything. He couldn't blame the people who feared him thought, they had all the right to hate him.

He came into his house when a man he never seen before was on it, reading books. Hope grabbed the coat rack, carefully making his way over to the man. How on earth did he get in here...? Was the backdoor unlock?

When he swinged the coat rack, the man caught it easily. He turned around with a smirk. "I've lived years and years of people trying to kill me. This wasn't even worth the time to even breathe to think how to even dodge this one."

Hope gasped in shock. "You're... you can't be... dad...?"

Yveltal nodded and stood up, everything about him screamed father. "Yup. It's... been so many years... I've missed you so much... my son."

Hope cried in joy and jumped into his father's arms, not even caring if didn't seem manly. "DAD!"


The Tree of Life was covered in Barry's art work. Xerneas didn't mind it at all, it gave life to it a whole meaning. He walked up to one of the pasting, a girl standing near himself in pokemon form. It was beautiful... flawless.

Barry stiffened when she saw the man staring at her artwork. "Can I help you...?"

Xerneas turned and smiled at her. "It was just looking at the art. You've got talent, like your father always saw inside you."

Barry narrowed her eyes at the man. He... looked just like her father... wait... was it? She dropped her paint brush and walked closer to him, memories of him holding her when she was only a baby.

"Wait... dad... no... Yes...?"

Xerneas chuckled and nodded. "Yes it's me. I was the one to convince your mother to let you paint, and look where it got you."

Barry didn't say anything more and ran into her father's arms, sobbing and laughing at the same time while getting Xerneas covered in paint.


Always of every day and night she went up to the hill her mother and father once took her when they went to see the stars. It was always beautiful when it was around winter, because of the aura lights.

Pearl sighed in bliss as the stars were clearer than before, maybe because it was close to her birthday? Or... was someone else controlling them? She looked around and jumped when a stranger was right next to her.

"Beautiful aren't they? But not as beautiful as your mother is."

"Why are you talking about my mother? Who are you?"

He turned and kissed her forehead. "You're father silly. I thought the pearl at my side would have given it away."

Pearl gasped and backed away. "No... dad...?"

Palkia nodded and hugged her to his chest. "I'm back, my baby girl."


Hoop helped run the family's baker along with his mother. He wished he could have seen what it was liked when his father was around to bake the bread. Mother always said it was the best bread she had ever tasted.

He tried to recreate it, but he could never get the bread just right like his mother said. It was protracted for the costumer to come around this time, but it was around winter and no everyone wanted bread during winter.

The bell rung to signal someone had entered the shop. "Hello?" A familiar voice called out. "Is anyone in here?"

Hoop quickly dusted the yeast off his hands and came up to the counter. "Sorry about that. What do you need, sir?"

When the man rose to have his face seen, Hoop gasped in shock. Pink hair... the face features of this face... he looked like his father in the pictures. Hoop couldn't seem to talk, but Hoopa smiled and hugged him.

"It's okay if you can't talk right now. I'm loss of words at how big you've grown..."


The twins were watching over the world, the galaxy to be exact. They smiled and saw all the other human children coming together with their long lost fathers. It was sweet and all... but where was their father?

Jewel turned to look at Life. "Do you think... he just forgot after so many years?"

"Forgot?" Arceus's voice rang inside the room. "How could I forget my children and wife? I thought of all of you for the past 15 years!"

The twins turned and cried in joy. They ran up to Arceus and hugged him tightly, sobbing and speaking at the same time. "Dad! You did come back!"

Arceus smiled and kissed both their cheeks. "I'll always come back for the people I love. I thought I told you both that?"

"You did..." Life started, "But we always held onto it, so don't worry about it."


Tina kept her promise and never killed anyone, never even hurting a person. The darkness inside her was strong, but the promise her father made was strong inside. She was sitting on his throne, hoping it would make him come back.

"Dad... I miss you... you don't even... have pictures of you..."

"Because I hate pictures of myself. I thought your mother told you that?"

Tina jumped and looked at Gira. His smile and eyes shining proudly at the sight of Tina. "I'm back, my little princess."

She couldn't express the words and ran into his arms. They were warm and filled with love, the hug she always dreamed off. She sobbed like crazy as Gira smiled and gently patted her back, giving her the touch she always she have been given.


Bre always came late at night to explore the forest. It felt at home with her and even gave a sense of peace, belonging when the moon shined during the night. Tonight though, she felt lonely, like someone was missing.

She sat down on a tree truck and started writing words into it. "I wish... dad would come back... I want him... my dad."

The trees rustled as a tall man came out, smiling as his yellow rings glowed in the darkness. "And I always wanted my daughter to see who I really was when I gave her lessons. Fate is funny at times, isn't it?"

Bre stared at the man, remembering pictures of him in her mother's bedroom. "Dad... but I thought..."

"The magic came back." He spread his arms out. "Come here, Bre."

She didn't need to be told twice and ran into her father's arm, crying lightly and feeling the hug her father was giving her. Nothing was more real than this moment right now.


Rom got banned from another school again because she was fighting with another girl. Rom got anger enough the phone in the girls hand has shocked her to dead, and that didn't go well with the image that you're a legendries daughter.

She sighed and walked home with a red paper in her hand. She didn't need to know what it was talking about. "Maybe mom can just home school me... she was home schooled before."

A hand stopped her as she froze. "You don't need to be home schooled. I'll teach you everything you need.

Rom slowly turned around and gasped, seeing a man that almost looked just like her. Zekrom laughed and ruffled her hair. "Sorry kido, didn't mean to scare ya."

She couldn't believe it. After all these years... she was starting to lose hope, now he was back for real. Rom cried and hugged him, letting Zekrom hug her back while he gave her an electric zap, telling her he loved her.


XY was the freak, really a freak, in his school. People and teacher didn't get alone with him well as he had to be teached in a non-electric area. It was a pain, but he couldn't blame his father as well since he also had this problem.

He was walking room with picture of a meteor. "They say the meteor is too pass our planet tonight... maybe mom will take me..."

Suddenly, he was picked up and spun around. "Or maybe your dad will take you! Take me! It'll be a father and son bonding!"

XY gasped when he got a glimpse of his face. It was... his father. XY's memory as a baby was clear and clean... he remembered the day he left... and now he was back. He made Deoxys stop spinning him and hug him.

"Dad... you're back... you're really back."

Deoxys smiled as tears of joy escaped from his eyes. "I missed you and your mother so much... you have no idea what it was like..."

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