When The Kids Ask How You Meet

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As usual, Rai couldn't sleep and flipped his lamp on. It was darker than he thought it would be at four in the morning, but knowing his father would still be awake at this hour.

Rai got up and went downstairs only to find his mother sleeping in his father's arms. He forgot they had a movie night last night.

"Dad," Rai said, "why are you still down here?"

Darkrai smiled and kept stroking your hair. "I felt too comfy with your mother in my arms to get up to go to the bedroom."

Rai nodded, but there was one questioned he needed to get out. "I've been wondering. How did mom and you meet?"

"How else? By nightmares."

"That's it?" He blinked at his father. "You were giving her nightmares so you could get with her? So, you used mom?"

"No I-"

He paused, trying to think that wasn't the real reason. It became an awkward silence after that as Rai slowly went upstairs.


Dia was playing with her old watch clock when she was a child. She remembered being jealous of all the other little girls and their dads playing with them at the park.

Now that she has her father, she doesn't know what to do with him. Dialga came into the living room and saw the watch in her hand.

"Playing with your old toys I see. You know, looking at that watch reminds me of how I met your mother."

"Wait, how did you meet mom?" Dia ask with real curiosity.

Dialga laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I saw the event coming soon and knew when she was coming. Turns out she didn't like the early welcoming embrace."

"But if you saw mom early in your vision, and you're the God of Time, why didn't you just meet her sooner? I mean, it wouldn't have interrupted the flow of time, wouldn't it?"

Dialga sat there, still with puzzling thoughts. He was going to rethink his whole life over.


"Dad, did mom have a title of champion of winning?"

Vic asked him this question while it still lingered at the side of his mind. Victini stood there, trying to remember fully.

"I believe so. But she got a rage fit when I beat her butt in a battle." He chuckled and got out a bottle of soda. "That was funny. You think your mother's anger problem is bad? It was worst back then."


Victini sighed and shoved the open soda cat to his son. "I might be dead before I come back home. Just remember the code to the safe at the bank."

"Wait, what?"

But he didn't get an answer after that because he watched as his father ran for his life away from his wife.


"Should we ask them?"

"Why? I think the answer is quite obvious."

Latios came around the corner and stopped in his tracks. "What are you girls taking about?"

"Dad!" Lat exclaimed and gave him hopeful eyes. "Please tell me how you met mom!"

"Ummmm..." Latios laughed weakly and looked down. "I... went at high speeds and almost killed your mother. But, I did catch her in time before she could become a sea-pancake!"

"Dang it" Sky groaned out loud.

"Pay up."

Latios watched as Sky gave Lat twenty dollars. The girls betted that dad almost killed mom when they first met, or for Sky's case and wanted to believe the opposite.


"Dad, how did you and mom met? Was it, at the gym or something?"

Lucario stopped punching the tree and looked at his son. He sat down on the tree truck and looked back on the forgotten days of old. "Not quiet at all. You see, I was alone for a long, long time. I was only walking down the street when I heard a scream, found it was your mother almost getting rapped."

"What?! You guys never told me about that!"

Lucario sighed and looked away. "She... has nightmares about it still. I don't bring it up, but she remembers me yelling at her to run away. It wasn't until a while I found your mother again and we began to click."

"Wow!" Aura eyes sparkled with amazement. "You're amazing dad!"

Lucario only rolled his eyes at his son, but enjoyed the compliment either way.


Hope looked around and found his father outside watering the flowers. It was a rare thing for him to do, since he was afraid one wrong step could kill your flowers. But then it hit him, how did someone like you and him meet?

He opened the front door and cleared his throat. "I have to ask a question. How did you and mom meet?"

Yvetal froze, his arm locked in place and only watering those two flowers. "Ummm... do I have to answer?"

"Was it a bad thing...? Is it why you don't tell me? Wait, don't tell me I was a mistake being born!"

"Never!" Yvetal hugged his son tightly too him. "You were never a mistake! I... ummm... well... your mother's life force was... very appealing to me and I wanted it... so I almost killed her..."

Hope looked up at his father and blinked. "How did mom take it?"

"Shhh!" He covered up his mouth. "We shall never speak of this again."


"Well, when I met your mother, I seen her the few times she walked around the forest. I surprised her when I knew name and her favorite spot in the whole forest. Quiet romantic, don't you agree?"

Berry looked at her father and blinked. "I only asked how mom felt about it. And no, it's not romantic. It's creepy in a way that you stalked her and knew her name. I mean... don't take it too offense dad... it's... weird..."

The air around them became silent. Inside, Xerneas was crying and hitting himself over and over. "Everyone has their opinion. I respect yours as well, Berry."

After that it was an awkward tea time, even when you came down you noticed something between the two, but didn't bother to ask.


"Dad, if you're from outer space, how did you met mom in the first place?"

Palkia jumped in his chair. It was an hour before you were supposed to come home from work and Palkia didn't even know Pearl was right there. She was silent, like her mother could be and scare the living soul out of him.

"Ummm... that's a good question... for another time."

"Why are you avoiding my question?" Pearl asked, edging him on.

Palkia did his best to ignore his own daughter, but when your daughter acts like you, poking your head and being an annoying little-

"Alright!" He pushed her away and sat her down on his lap. "I met your mother by turning into a star and almost crashed into her. Me, never knowing how to communicate with humans, acted like some weirdo and knew her name! I then left, leaving her confused and worried that I was stalking her."

Pearl blinked, four time in a row. "Maybe I shouldn't have asked in the first place."


Hoop was counting the money from a hard-worked day and looked over at his dad, knowing he was a special kind of pokemon and knew he got his powers from him. But... the way he looked met he was a legendary or rare pokemon.

"Papa, are you even from this world?"

Hoopa stopped stretching out the dough and looked at his son. "Well... yes... but your mother found me when I had just escaped from my bottle. I was rude to her, but I'm glad I've changed into a better man."

"What are you two talking about?" You came in, closing the backdoor behind you.

"Nothing!" They both shouted and continued their duties.




Arceus looked up and saw his two pride and joys. He smiled and motioned them to come in. They came in and saw on his lap, Jewel was braiding his long hair when Life asked the question first.

"Father, how did you meet mother? Was she the most beautiful woman of Earth and you just had to be acquainted?"

Arceus sighed deeply. He knew this question would come, but he didn't think at a time and day like this. He looked around quickly before smiling at them both. "Your mother wasn't the happiest woman alive. She lost a lot in her lifetime and wanted to end her life. A soul pure as hers didn't deserve the pain, so I stopped her before she could end her own life."

"Mama wanted to end her own life?" Jewel said, eyes tearing up a bit.

Arecus ruffled her hair and gently kissed the cress of her forehead. "Fear not, for she is happy now. You will never lose her, for she is the Queen of the Universe."


"Dad, I heard you were purvey when you met mom. Is that true?"

"I was not!" Gira shouted and busted a bubble, almost killing a pokemon trainer. "It was the middle of winter and happened to notice her while passing by..."

"But what stood out against her from the winter chill?"

"My chest!" You shouted from the living room. "And don't you dare deny it Gira! I saw your eyes first on my chest than my whole face!"

Tina looked at her dad with a smug smile. "Well, is that true?"

"Tina, go to your room." Gira growled and pointed at her bedroom door.


Bree was alone in the forest, waiting for you two to come back from date night. The moon was peaceful, even warming her from the chills of the bitter cold of twilight. Voices were heard in the dead of night as her ears perked up.

"Dad," Bree asked, just when her parents came back. "How did you meet mom?"

"Your mother has a horrible sense of direction and I just so happened to find her in the woods." He says, casually.

"What?!" You shouted and punched his arm. "I do not!"

"Hon, you always follow me when we come back to your house. And don't even make me mention that time when you became lost and circled over and over the forest barrier."

You blushed and started smacking him over and over. Bree smiled at her parents and closed her eyes, enjoying the voices rather than the quiet voice of twilight.


It was an power outage as both Zekrom and Rom didn't want to bother fixing it. Plus, you were asleep, so what was the point? Even in the darkness Zekrom sparked a tiny light on his finger so he could read.

"Dad, how did you and mom meet? She hates lightning, so it makes me wonder."

"Ummm..." Zekrom mumbled, turning the page of his book. "I stopped the lighting in her area... and just... met her..."

"Seriously, that's it?"

"Were you hoping something romantic?"

".... Maybe."

"Sorry kid, when you're a legendary, barley turned into a human, you don't know how to act around other humans."


XY was always the curious boy, even from birth. You were asleep on the blanket you shared with Deoxys as he stared up at the stars, smiling a ghost of a longing passion. XY stood up and sat next to his dad.

"Dad, how did you meet mom? You're an alien... took on a human life form... and now I'm here."

"Son, I can barely remember, but the only reason you're human is because I possessed this body. So, in other terms, my meteorite accidently killed a man that was stargazing here, took control over his body, fell in love with your mother, and had you. Don't worry, I love you just for who you are."

XY blinked, wondering if his dad even saw the problem. "So... I'm not supposed to look like this?"

"Not at all. Why? Is that problem?" Deoxys asked innocently.

"Nope, not at all." XY regretted ever even asking that question.

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