You get sick

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It was that magical time of the year. Flu season. A headache, runny nose, and cough fit in well with the illness you were having.

Darkrai saw this as a opportunity to take care of you for the first time. He came up to you with chicken noodle soup as he still believed that old saying, 'chicken noodle soup in one scoop will case the sickness away!'

You were hacking up a cough as Darkrai came in and sat the bowl down in front of you. You when to pick up the spoon, but Darkrai grabbed it first as he held it with a smile.

"May I feed you~?"

You blush, and not from you sickness or fever, "S-sure!"

Darkrai grinned as he started feeding you. Sooner than later, you sickness was gone.


Diagla cooked dinner for the first time. Worst mistake in your life. Your face turned green after the first bite as you ran for the toilet and started puking.

Diagla panicked and ran with you to the bathroom as he rubbed your back while you hacked up the nasty dinner.

After you were finished, Diagla gently picked you up and tucked you into bed as he recovered you in kisses.


Good news, he was fine. Bad news, you were sick. Victini didn't know how, but you somehow got a terrible migraine from out of nowhere as it made you groan in pain.

Victini helped dab your forehead with a washcloth as it helped a tiny bit, "Do you needed anything else?" Victini asked.

You nodded as you pulled Victini down making him yelp. You pulled him into the bed as you used him as a pillow.

You sighed in bliss at the comfort as Victini chuckled and let you have him be a body pillow.


The high winds were a bit too cold while flying and it ended up in having a shivering, sick you. You felt cold on the outside but warm on the inside having you shivering all over.

Latios came upstairs after getting more blankets too keep you warm. He sighed as he tucked you in as you were almost half asleep, "Do you want me to snuggle with you to keep you warm?"

You nodded sleepy as Latios quirked a quick smile as he carefully snuggled with you in bed making you warm and healing up fast.


You trained out in the rain without Lucario while he was taking a nap. It was a three hour training work out as Lucario did this in the rain, so you thought everything would be fine.

You were so wrong. By the time you came in you were soaking water and sneezing a lot as Lucario yawned while walking by. His eyes when wide with shock before they shrank back into the normal eyes you knew, but with anger in them.

"(y/n), I've told you not to train out in the rain like I do!"

"I'm sorry... I-I just wanted to t-try it!"

You sneezed as Lucario sighed and picked you up carefully and set you down into a warm bath.


An illness was going around as it caught up to you. You ran a high fever as it reached almost up to 103 degrees. Yveltal worried for your health as he did the best he could in taking it down.

Cold baths, cold drinks, cold everything. By two days later Yveltal almost lost you in the battle, but you fought through it as you recovered healthy.


You caught a type of insomnia as you couldn't sleep almost at all for a week. The most sleep you had was three hours. Xerneas did his best to care for you as he rocked you to sleep almost every night you still had the insomnia.

Your sleeping improved bit by bit as you soon were able it sleep just fine again as Xerneas smiled at the results. (He would still rock you to sleep now and then after that situation)


The car ride to your guy's hill made you a tad car sick. Palkia pulled over on the side of the road and let you cool off in the cool night air and grass outside. Palkia set you down on his chest as you rested you head in the crook of his neck.

You sighed in sight at the even feeling as your stomach didn't hurt as much. Palkia smiled as you both looked up at the stars in the sky as time passed in a blink of an eye that night.


You ate a bad biscuit. It was two months old as it had you lightheaded and throwing up every hour. Hoopa rushed over to your side as he rubbed your back and made you a light dinner that night. The morning came as Hoopa gave you your favorite donut.

You gladly took it as Hoopa cared for you all day for the after sickness.


Fate was horrible as you fell with a disease. It made you cough up blood so much that Arceus had to stay by your side and heal you in order for you to not die from blood lost.

You coughed some more as blood spilled out, "O-ow..."

Arecus stayed with you in bed as he stared healing you with glowing powers, "Please, (y/n). Don't lose this battle..."

You nodded your head weakly as you tried not to cough up so much blood. A week later, you won the battle. Arceus smiled as you played around with the baby pokemon in his kingdom. He was glad you won two battles already, calling you his warrior queen.


You were getting sick from all the traveling you two did in the last week for seeing other regions. You stopped at a local pokemon center as Giratina decided to stop there for the bit until you got better.

In order for you to not get bored, Gira accidently hurt himself on purpose like a cartoon character. You giggled at some of the things as your happiness lead you to quick recovery


You decide to go for a midnight swim in the lake as the moon was as clear as day. Ten minutes later in the pool you started shivering pretty badly. Umbreon took you out bridle style as you started sneezing.

To make it up, he built a campfire and roosted some s'more for you to eat.


You decide to get a drink of whiskey. Bad news, your stomach couldn't take in the alcohol. You groaned as you got sick the next morning. Zekrom sighed at you as he nursed you back to health with hugs, kisses, and snuggles all day as the warm happiness healed you up fast.

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