You're on your monthly

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Cramps and pain were all swelling up inside you as you groaned in pure pain of the feeling of it.

Darkrai took notice into it as he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"Hey, what's wrong? I've seen this happen before, but you've never told me"

Your face winced up in pain as you looked up at Darkrai, "J-just get me some food p-please... I'll tell you about this l-later..."

Darkrai just gave you a warm filled smile, "Okay."

He soon later came back with your favorite food as Darkrai took care of you the whole week without knowing until the end what was happening too you.


"Dia!! Make time go back so I can relive my childhood days!!"

Diagla pouted as he stroked you hair as you lay your head down into his lap, "If I do that then I wouldn't be able to give you kisses and snuggles!"

You sighed, before wincing in pain, "That's true... I don't wanna lose you..."

Dialga smiled as he covered you up with a blanket, "That's right. And the same goes for me to you."


You screamed in anger in the bathroom as Victini jumped at the sound. He ran up to the bathroom as he lightly tapped on it.

"(y/n)... a-are you alright?"


Victini sighed as he fixed the bed, set the pain killers on the nightstand, and put on your favorite movie with your favorite food as he was prepared for the whole thing.


The pain was so bad you didn't wanna go flying outside. Latios understood why as he snuggled with you in bed and started to softly sing a song.

The soothing melody ringed in your ears as sooner than later you fell asleep in Latios arms. A couple of hours later you woke up to the pain gone.


You were angry. Angry at life. You when to the gym and started beating up the punching bag as the martial inside started spilling out.

Lucario sweat dropped at the sight as he slowly backed away before you finally punch the punching bag before it rip out a hole spilling all the martial.


"Yveltal, do you know the best away to get rid of the pain?"

You said as pain started to kick in. Yveltal smiled as he sat you on his lap.

"Yes. It's called kiss your lover away the pain."

You giggle as Yveltal when to kiss you. Let's just say you couldn't feel any pain all day after that make out session.


You shivered as you were cold as on the inside. Your mean period only made the inside warmer, not the outside.

You shiver some more as you wrapped yourself in blankets. The bed sifted with weight as you could feel someone next too you before they snuggled with you before going to sleep.

You smiled and turned around to a tired Xerneas as his body kept your 'cold' body warm.


You couldn't go out stargazing tonight as the clouds blocked the moon. You got angry as you paced back and forth in the living room.

"Stupid moon! That thing will pay! I'll kill it if I have too!"

Palkia panicked as he hugged you, "Maybe I should check on your sanity meter more often."


You craved sweets on your period. Like, any sweets. Later at night when Hoopa was asleep in bed you would sneak into the kitchen and eat frosting.

Tonight you were eating your favorite frosting in the dark. You enjoyed it's tasted and savored it. Until the light when on.

You froze as the frosting was all over your face.

"Really, (y/n)?"

You turned around to have him face a messy face you, "Sorry. I got period cravings."


Arceus knew what women did and acted on their periods. So, in order to protect himself he would lock himself in in the bedroom and only come out if he needed to help you with anything.

You screamed in pain a lot so this was the best opinion for him to not hear it.


You got VERY angry on your periods as Giratina knew when they began to start because you would start to complain about everything.

Giratina then decided to hide in the reverse world for a week and then come out of hiding. Until next month.


You looked up at the moon as tears leaked down your cheeks.

Umbreon saw and began to panic, "(y/n)? Are you okay?!"

"Y-yes... the moon is so beautiful... it makes me cry!"

You burst into tears as Umbreon comfort you for the day... make that a week.


You punched Zekrom as he yelped, "What was that for?!"

You smirked as you quickly punch him in the gut, "Because I can!"

Zekrom was your punching bag as Zekrom sighed and when along with it as you 'defeated' him.

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