Human Eevee x Reader

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Requested by Black_requiem

Y/N's P.O.V.

I ran through the dark forest. I was lost. I had no idea where I was, and how to get back to my house.

I tripped on a rock and fell onto the leafy grass. I lay there, not bothering to attempt to get back up.

I closed my eyes as tiredness began to take over my body...

I awoke in a strange place. I was lying in a bed in a house I didn't recognize. A boy with light brown hair and a fluffy cream scarf around his neck was leaning over me, looking worried.

"You're awake," he said.

I tried to sit up, but I was still very weak, and flopped back down onto the pillow.

"W-where am I?" I asked the boy.

"You're in my house. I'm Eevee, by the way. What's your name?"

For a second I struggled to remember what had happened. I was lost in the forest and then... I ended up here.

"I'm Y/N," I eventually replied.

Eevee smiled. "Nice name."

I tried to get up again, feeling stronger now, but Eevee pushed me back down. "You need to rest," he told me. "I'll go get you some food." He disappeared out of the room.

I closed my eyes, thinking about what had just happened. I wondered what would have happened if Eevee hadn't found me in the forest. It was scary to think about.

Eevee returned with a sandwich on a plate. I ate it gratefully as Eevee explained what had happened.

"I was just walking through the forest, looking for some berries, when I found you," he explained. "I carried you here and looked after you for the last three days. To be honest, I was beginning to think you'd never wake up."

"Well, I'm awake now," I said, smiling as I finished the sandwich. "Thank you, Eevee, for everything."

"You're welcome, Y/N." Eevee sat next to me on the bed. We looked at eachother for a moment, unsure what else to say. Then Eevee gently leaned in and kissed my cheek.

I blushed. "E-eevee...?"

"I know it sounds weird, but the moment I saw you in the forest, I felt like we were meant to meet. Like we were meant to be together. I love you, Y/N, even though I've only known you properly for about ten minutes."

"I love you too Eevee," I hugged him. "Without you, I probably wouldn't be alive right now."

Eevee smiled. "I'm glad I saved you then."

So that happened!!! This was my first Pokémon oneshot and idk if it's any good. Let me know what you guys think of it!!!!

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