"Humanity's Greatest Mistakes"

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"Heeeelloooo everybody!" Jaggex smiles, staring at the large audience of people. "In case you are a new viewer, my name  is Jaggex and my lovely partner here is, Wylow and we are the hosts for the new hit show, 'Humanity's Greatest Mistakes'. It has been two days since our beloved and hated mistakes were put into the arena where 16 will die, and only 2 will live. If you have been watching then you know that they have all found their animals and their supplies." 

"So now, the game will really begin. But before we check in on the mistakes, we have a guest with us! Sarina Erixa!" Wylow smiles, as I step out of my seat in the first row, and walk up the stairs, sitting in the middle of them both. 

Both, Jaggex and Wylow look at me with smiles as the audience claps and cheers, and as it quites down, Wylow speaks. "So, Sarina, we have a couple of questions for you." 

"Ask away." 

"When it comes down to the two survivors, and they come out, what is it that you plan to do with them?" Wylow asks. 

"I plan to keep them in the custody of the government. If they are able to beat every other person in that arena, they must be very powerful....and very dangerous. I will have them trained and they will protect our beloved country, they will become human weapons." 

"Do you think their families will allow that?" Jaggex says, looking at me. 

"They don't have a choice. If they choose to argue and/or protest against me, they best have a good reason, which...they wont." 

"Sarina, do you mind if we ask....why did you bring them here in the first place? Obviously every single one were unaware of their abilities and their pasts'....why didn't you just let them go on with normal lives?" Wylow asks. 

"I'd prefer not to answer that." 

Jaggex raises his eyebrow. "Is it a secret?" 

"Yes. Yes, it is." 

Jaggex nods. "So, do you think the mistakes look at you as a bad person?" 

"Oh, certainly. I'm absolute certain that if they had the chance to, they'd kill me. But, my intentions are certainly not bad, which they don't understand." 

"Did you try explaining yourself to them?" 

"As if they'd listen to reason." I laugh cheekily. 

"I see your point." Jaggex laughs. "Well, thanks for coming here and talking with us!" 

I shrug. "It's not a problem!" 

"Shall we get back to the mistakes and see how they're doing?" 

"Definitely." I nod, as all the chairs turn and face the other side of the room towards a large black screen that turns on. 

Melody's P.O.V

"BLOODY HELL! STOP STANDING THERE AND HELP ME!" Octavia yells, stuck in quicksand. 

Aubrina laughs. "You look so vulnerable and helpless." She makes a pouty face.

"Stop being an asshole, Aubrina!" She shouts. 

I lean forward, slightly, and hold my hand out. "Grab my hand." 

"Are you insane?! I'll probably pull you in!" 

"Aubrina, grab my waist. Zarina, grab Aubrina's waist and Melanie grab Zarina's waist and pull when I say to. Got it?" 

Zarina nods. "Got it." 

Everyone gets in the position I told them to, and grab onto Octavia's hand. "Ready?" Octavia nods, and we all pull as roughly as possible, causing her body to get looser and looser until we pull her right out of the quicksand and fall onto the grass. 

"Awh damn! Im covered in this nasty shit!" Octavia groans. "Ew." 

I giggle. "At least you are out!" 

"True." She nods and Pablo comes over to her, staring at her with his big eyes, almost as if he'd be asking if she's okay. "Awe, I'm okay, Pablo." She pets his head and sits up, as he licks her cheek. 

"Pablo is such a cutie." Zarina giggles and pushes herself up, walking over to Karma, who's sleeping next to Razor and Echo who are play fighting. 

"Isn't he?" Octavia smiles. 

out of nowhere, all around me, I begin hearing something, something that is actually...people. It's loud. 

"Hey....do you guys hear that?" I look at everyone else. 

"Hear what?" Aubrina turns to me. 

"Don't you hear...." I pause and stare down at the ground. "Who are you...?" 

The voice grows louder, louder and louder drowning out everybody around me. She's speaking to me. 

"Ohhh Melody....Melody, Melody....It's been soooooo long since we last spoke. Ha. I was sitting on my couch the other day, and as I was scrolling through the channels, I seen that a new tv show was being aired live, Humanity's Greatest Mistakes, and then I seen you were going to be in it. And funny enough, it got me thinking of that time when we got into the fight before we broke up and I called you a mistake. Haha, I guess I was right. You really are one." 

"H-hey....stop that....don't...don't say that!" I look around. Aubrina, Zarina, and Octavia are all staring at me, trying to talk to me, trying to calm me down and to see if I am alright but honestly, I can't even hear a word they are saying. It's like I have tiny little ear buds in my ears and it's turned up so loudly that it's drowning everything out and it will not stop! 

"I hope you die in a slow, painful way, Melody Everett. I hope everyone abandons you because you are one of the biggest mistakes in that arena. You are a disgrace to humanity, Melody Patrice Everett. Go join your biological mother and father in hell." 

After her final words, everything goes back to normal. I stare at the ground, unable to speak, unable to lift my head upwards. 

"Melody...?" Zarina puts her fingers under my chin and lifts my head slowly up, staring into my eyes. "Hey, what happened?" Her voice was actually calm, incredibly calm. 

"I-I...don't know...Everything was drowned out and the only thing I could hear was this voice, and as it grew louder and as it...or...she, kept speaking I realized that it was my ex, Zoe. I couldn't even hear you guys and she told me that I'm a disgrace to humanity and..." I begin to tear up and lean forward gripping onto Zarina, she hugs me. 

"Hey...don't listen to them, Mels. It's just the government trying to mess with you. I'm sure it was just a trick or something, they probably are trying to get you to be vulnerable or try to get down to what will make you weak." 

I sniffle and pull away, shaking my head and rub my eyes. 

Aubrina rolls her eyes. "Those bastards! First they snatch us away from our homes and families, then they treat us like shit in some shitty building with expired food that tastes like it came out of a elephants ass, and tell us we are going to be thrown into an arena to kill each other, and then actually do throw us into an arena to do such things, and NOW THEY ARE GOING TO GET PEOPLE WE EITHER LOVE OR USED TO LOVE TORTURE US FROM OUTSIDE OF THE ARENA TOO?! ARE YOU BLOODY KIDDING ME?!" The anger and rage was easily spotted. She looked more angry then we have ever seen her. 

"Hey...calm down, okay? It's bullshit but there isn't anything we can do!" Zarina looks at her. "So calm down!" 

"Don't you dare tell me what to do, Palma." Aubrina gives Zarina a death glare. 

"Hey, if you are going to act like a psychopath then please leave and come back later or never. Melody just got told some horrible shit by someone she used to love, and your damn attitude is not helping." Octavia says sternly.

"Are you seriously telling me that I'm being a psychopath because I am pissed off that this did happen to her? Are you kidding me?! It's not right!" She snaps. 

"No, no it isn't right. But the way you are acting right now, sure as hell isn't going to make the situation any damn better! Don't you get it?! They are watching us, you idiot! They are seeing how pissed off you are and now, they know how to get to you. Of course they are going to do shit like this to us, they want to break us down, piss us off, and drive us into insanity, because lets face it, they think we are fools, we are their entertainment so of course they are going to get people we love or used to love and use them against us from outside of the arena. So we have to keep our cool, which means not getting pissed off, and not getting depressed or else they know how to drive you into suicide, or being a mass murderer. So chill the hell out, or get the hell away." Octavia says, taking in a deep breath and crossing her arms. 

Aubrina takes in a deep breath. "I need to be alone right now." She walks over to Razor and pats his head and signals him to follow her, and they both walk off into the woods. 

I stand up, and dust myself off, clearing my throat. "Guys, I'm sorry if this sounds rude but, I'd like to be on my own for a little while." 

"You don't sound rude at all." Zarina smiles slightly. 

"Yeah, you don't." Octavia agrees. "We are going to get going, but, no worries, we will around this area, alright?" 

I nod. "Sounds good." 

"Good." Octavia smiles and walks over to Pablo and hops on him, Zarina and Melanie go to their animals and hop on theirs too. 

"See ya in a bit, Mels. Be careful." Zarina waves, and they all take off. 

I wave and walk over to Echo, and sit down next to him, caressing his snow white hair, and close my eyes. "I may be a mistake, but at least I am a fabulous one." 

Aubrina's P.O.V

"I just want things to go back to the way they were." I say quietly, playing with the blade on my sword. 

"Back to normal? Yeah, you aren't the only one. I'm pretty sure everybody else in this arena would love if things went back to normal, but unfortunately that isn't going to happen." 

I turn around to be greeted by Marsa, Eternal, and Zachary. 

"What do you guys want??" I give them a look. 

"Your Sarina's favorite." Marsa stares at me, blankly. 

"Excuse me?" Suddenly I feel a sudden shock go throughout my entire body. 

"We know that Sarina wants you to win this." Zachary walks forward, and grabs my wrist tightly. 

"Let go of me...." I glare at him. "I don't know what you are even talking about!" 

He turns me around and shoves me against a tree, putting his ear up to my back. 

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" I shout and squirm around. 

"Yup. Its there." He pulls away. "I can hear the beeps." 

"BEEPS OF WHAT!? YOU DONT MAKE ANY DAMN SENSE!" I break from his grip, and shove him roughly onto the ground. 

"We received a note from someone outside of the arena." Marsa pulls a note out of a little brown satchel and opens it. 

I walk up to her and snatch it out of her hands. "Kill Aubrina Frost and take the chip out of her back. She is Sarina's favorite, and wants her to win, so with that chip, she's bound to." I lift my head and stare at them. "No....I didn't even know this....I didn't know!" 

"If you win, you'd be winning by cheating." Marsa walks closer to me. "I'm sorry, Aubrina, but that's not fair." 

Zachary stands up and walks up to me, grabbing my wrist. Marsa pulls out a small pocket knife and flips it open.

"Are you seriously going to kill me? How pathetic." I stare deeply into Zachary's eyes. "I can understand taking the chip out, in fact I wouldn't give a shit if you did, I don't even need it. But for you to then still kill me, are you really that afraid I'll win?" I tilt my head off to the side as a smirk creeps onto my face. "Oh Zachary....That's why you want me dead? Because of this chip, you think it gives me a bigger advantage to winning and you don't want that because you want the winners to be you and Marsa?" 

"How the he-mind reader. You're a mind reader...." He glares. 

"But if you want me dead then....you must believe that....I am stronger than her. Huh? How selfish of you! I didn't do anything and it's not even guaranteed that I would even win!"

"You are not better than me you little bi-" 

Zachary grips onto me tighter. "Just kill her, Marsa!" 

I look at Marsa, smirking. "You are pathetic. Go ahead. Kill me, I don't care."

Marsa stares at me blankly, before grabbing my neck, squeezing it in her grip. "You are a sociopath, hell, a psychopath and Sarina likes you! You two are up to something....aren't you? You two are working together aren't you? You planned to act insane in the cafeteria, didn't you? It was a trick to get out of the cafeteria and to be around Sarina! She knows you are crazy-"  

I furrow my eyebrows at her. "Do you realize how crazy you sound, Marsa?" I use my free hand, and grab her wrist, digging my nails into her skin. "I am not working with Sarina..." I growl, pulling her hand off of my neck. "I hate her as much as you do. Why she likes me? I don't even know! Why she would put a chip in my back to 'help ' me, I don't know!" 

I stare deeply into her eyes. "I still have a reason to kill you." 

I giggle softly. "Yeah? What is it?" 

"You killed my little brother...You're the murderer who killed eighteen people at my little brothers school, and one of those eighteen were my little brother...." 

I roll my eyes. "You two weren't even biologically related!"

Marsa grinds her teeth in anger. "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN HE WAS MY LITTLE BROTHER!" She lifts the pocket knife and plunges it into my eye before I can do a thing to stop her. I fall onto the ground, shaking, and reach my hand up and before I can pull out the knife, Marsa jumps onto my stomach and pushes it in as deep as it can go, and twists it, then pulling it out. The pain is so horrible, so vile that I am unable to scream, or to even cry.

"Nighty, night, psychopath."  Are the last words I hear before the feeling of a chain being slammed down onto my forehead, slicing through the skin and my skull, causing nothing but darkness. 

Zachary's P.O.V

I take in a deep breath and set my blood covered chain down. "Should we get the chip out of her back and throw it into some water?" 

Marsa nods and gets off Aubrina's body, flipping her over and sitting down on the lower part of her back. "We had good reasons to kill her, right?" 

"Of course we did. Plus, she was beginning to piss me off." I cross my arms. 

"Same here." She nods and takes the blood covered knife, cutting a deep square into her flesh where the beeps of the chip could be heard, and remove the skin, taking the chip out. "Well, got it." 

"Good." I reach my hand down. "Let's throw that cheater chip into the water so nobody can use it." 

Marsa grabs my hand and pulls herself up. "Cheater chip?" 

"Yeah. Its a chip, that was gonna help her win. Its a cheater chip." I laugh softly. 

I giggle. "It just sounds funny." 

"UHMM HII! YEAH, IM STILL HERE!" Eternal says with a smile. "Forget about me?!" 

Marsa and I turn to Eternal, who looks bored. 

"Oh, sorry, Eternal!" Marsa says with a slight smile. 

"Can we go already? I've been standing here for what feels like forever, doing absolutely nothing!" She sighs. 

I nod. "Yes. Let's get going!" 

"THANK GOD." She begins walking. "I swear with you two I feel like such a third wheel." 

Marsa giggles and begins walking. "I'm sorry, Eternal! You could have just left if you wanted!" 

"Yeah, yeah." She shakes her head. 


Authors Note

Hey guys, I am sorry this chapter probably wasn't that good. I promise it will get better in future chapters, I have just not been feeling all that well and I've even had writers block and couldn't figure out what to do! But, the next update will be better because I have some cool ideas. Thanks for reading :)

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