Inevitable Death

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"So, Marsa, what's that secret power of yours?" I ask, laying on my side staring at the fire. 

"Oh, yeah, right." She says, clearing her throat. "Well, you see, I don't know how to explain it." 

"Why not?" Eternal asks, picking at the part of the deer that was given to her. 

"All I know is, I didn't stay invisible for very long. I began to levitate up into the air, and as I did, I lost my vision, I lost all ability to hear and see, my body went completely numb, and before I knew it my feet were back on the ground, and when my vision came back, some trees were on fire, and all the animals that were in it were dead and fried on the ground, the deer on the other hand was just dead and bleeding heavily." 

"Holy shit are you serious?" I look at her. " didn't know about this power?" 

"No. I knew nothing about it." 

"That's...honestly really badass." Eternal laughs nervously. 

"Yeah, I guess." Marsa says and laughs slightly. 

"I can't wait to see it. It'll probably look epic." I say. 

"I just hope if it does happen again, none of you get hurt." 

"I'm sure we won't." Eternal says. 

Marsa yawns and rubs her eyes. "I hope not." 

I chuckle. "You know, it does seem like it's really late. Maybe we should get some sleep. I'm tired myself." 

Marsa nods. "That's probably a good idea. We will probably have a long day tomorrow." 

"That's true." Eternal says putting her food down and falling onto her back staring at the sky. 

Marsa and I lay on our backs as well, staring at the sky. 

"You know...when I was a kid, I would go outside at night, I guess around 9 pm and I would lay on the ground in the backyard with my little headphones on listening to some of my favorite songs from my CD player until I fell asleep. I always woke up in my bed the next morning, though. Even though the war was going on then, for some reason the stars in the sky and my favorite music made me forget about it, it made it easier for me to fall asleep. I don't know why....." Marsa says. "The reason I'm telling you guys this is because if I do end up dying, I want to die looking at the stars, so I can go peacefully. Don't forget me telling you that." 

"But, Marsa...the stars in this sky are fake." Eternal says. 

"That doesn't matter to me. That doesn't matter to me at all. I just want to die staring at the beautiful night sky." 

"I'm going to try my hardest, my very hardest to help keep you alive, Marsa. Even if it means me dying the process, okay? That way, you can see the real stars again." I say, staring at the sky in peace. 

"You don't have to do that, Zachary." 

"I don't want you to go without seeing the real stars at least one more time." I say. "So, I'm going to try my hardest to make sure you do." 

Amelia's P.O.V

"Betrice, you stay here, okay? I'm gonna go look for some food." 

Betrice nods, and rubs her eyes, laying on the ground. "Will do..." She says softly. 

I sigh and walk away, looking around. "There has to be food around here somewhere." I look over as i say that and see a tree with a ton of bananas hanging from it, but kind of high up. "Ah yes! Bananas! But how in the hell am I going to get those?" I look down for a moment, thinking. "Oh wait, I can fly! Duh." I close my eyes and take in a few deep breaths, thinking one thought over and over again before lifting up into the air. "Holy crap I did it!" I open my eyes looking down at the ground, which i'm only a few feet away from, and lift my arm in a upwards motion and begin to fly towards the bunch of bananas and then stop. "Well that was easier then expected." I giggle and grab the bananas from the tree and clutch them to my chest. " do I get down...?" I look around and then back at the ground. "Ah! Maybe this will work?" I close my eyes tightly and once again, begin to think of only one thought and suddenly begin falling. "WAIT SHIT NO-" Before I can do anything I fall hard to the ground. "OW!" I wince in pain and sit up, still clutching the bananas. "Hm...maybe I should be more specific when I think about getting back to the ground..." I sigh and slowly get myself back up. "I should head back to Betrice now." I start walking back to where I left her, and see her laying on the ground cuddling up to her Lion. 

"I'm glad you're back..." She says quietly. 

"Mhm." I sit down on the ground by her and hand her a banana. "You need to eat." 

"I don't want to eat." 

"Tough nuts! I fell on my ass for these bananas!" 

"I didn't tell you to go get the bananas...." She says. 

"Oh my god the stubbornness that is within you child." I groan and set the bananas down taking one for myself. 

After a few minutes, Betrice sits up. "Hey.....I just realized something....." 

"What is it?" I ask looking at her, eating the banana. 

"I can rewind time and save Luna....I can erase everything I did and she can still be here!" 

"Do you...really wanna play with time like that...? Don't you think it will result in consequences?" 

"I still want to try....If I have the power to save my friend, I am going to save her." She stands up. 

"Are you sure about this?" 

"I want my best friend back, Amelia." 

"I know you do...but don't you think that things happen for a reason? You need to learn that she-" 

"Stop, Amelia, please....I want to try." She takes in a deep breath. "Bye, Amelia." 

I stare at her. "Be-" She locks her eyes on the ground and begins mumbling words in a unknown language before closing her eyes and lifting her head and her hand as everything goes into blackness. 

Betrice's P.O.V

"So, are you sure we should take other people's supplies?" Luna looks at me. 

I slowly turn to her and my eyes widen. "It....worked..." 

Luna tilts her head. "What worked?" 

"I...I.." I shake my head. "Nothing, it's nothing. we shouldn't take from other people. We should just go and get our own stuff, okay?" 

"You're being weird....Are you okay? You were just saying we should go and take other people's supplies..." 

"Uhm..." I sigh. "Luna, I need to tell you something." 

She stops walking. "What is it?" 

"You were dead. You died and I used one of my powers to rewind time and to bring you back to change that." 

She stares at me for a very long time. "You brought me back from the dead....??" 

"Yes. I brought you back. Octavia killed you after we took their supplies, she did it right in front of me and she did it brutally, that's why we can't take their stuff, or anybody's. We need to be careful, okay? I don't want to lose you again." 

Luna grabs me and hugs me tightly. "Thank you for bringing me back..."

"Of...course." I hug her back, practically squeezing her. "Now...let's go get our own supplies, okay?" 

"Sounds good." Luna nods and pulls away. 

"Good." I smile and grab her hand, and begin walking off in the other direction. 

Robert's P.O.V

"Hmmm....I want to have a little fun with my powers...." I say. 

"How so?" Carl asks, sharpening a stick. 

"I want to put somebody under my control..." 

"Ohhh, mind control?" Carl asks, looking at me. 

"Mhm." I nod, sharpening a stick. 

"That would be pretty interesting. But dude, don't do it to me." 

I laugh. "I won't, promise." I begin tapping my chin. "But who could I do it to?" 

"The first person you see, besides me." 

"But what if it's someone I like?" I look at him. 

"Hey! It was just a suggestion. I mean you're the one who wants to play around with your powers." 

"True. Hm...alright. You know what, I'll do that." I stand up. "Wanna come walking with me?" 

"Sure." Carl says, standing up. "Can I bring my stick?" 

I laugh. "I don't care." I pick up my bag and snap my fingers and Esmond runs over to me. "Let's go." 

Carl nods and pats his lap for Masky to run over and we both begin walking. 

"So I have to put the first person I see under my control?" 

"Yup!" Carl nods. 

"Huh...alright." We both keep walking, and walking. 

"Oh! Hey Robert!" Betrice shouts. 

I turn over to her and then widen my eyes. "Shit!" I hit Carl's arm. "I don't want to put her under my control! She's my ally!" 

"You don't have to make her do anything bad." 

"True. I just want to have fun with it." I smile. "Hey Betrice, hey Luna!" 

They both walk over to us. "What are you guys up to?" Betrice asks. 

"We were just wondering. You guys?" 

"We are trying to find food." Betrice smiles. 

"Ahhhhhh...." I stare in Betrice's eyes, locking them onto hers, not blinking, causing her to do the same. 

Luna gives me a look. "What the hell are you doing?" 

I don't break eye contact with Betrice and mumble one word. "Smile." 

She smiles and I smirk. "It works...." I break the eye contact. "Jump up and down singing the abc's." 

She begins jumping up and down without questions. "A B C D E F G-" 

"Stop." She stops. "So you really are under my possession." 

Luna glares at me. "Excuse me? Why did you put her under your possession?!" 

"Hey, calm down. I'm not going to do anything, I just wanna have some fun." I look back at Betrice. "Hmm...give Luna a hug." 

Betrice turns to Luna and walks over to her, giving her a hug. 

"Squeeezeee herrr." 

She hugs her tighter. "Robert, Jesus Christ, stop!" Luna squirms. 

"But come on, it's fun." I laugh. 

"No it's not!" She says. 

"Oh fine. Stop hugging her." 

Betrice lets go and looks at me. "Hm..." I look down at the ground and smirk. "Betrice, give Luna a little kiss." 

Luna's eyes widen. "I said stop it!" She says angrily and looks at Betrice who grabs her hand. "No, Betrice, stop! We're just friends!" She tries to pull away. "Robert what the hell?!" 

I shrug. "A kiss wont hurt your guys' friendship." 

"Robert Parsons....stop!" She shouts and pulls away with all of her grip and trips backwards, falling on the ground smashing her head on a rock, so hard that it immediately cracks open, causing her to black out. 

"A-ahh!!" I begin to freak out. "Betrice, stop! Don't listen to me anymore. You are in full control of yourself!" 

Betrice falls to the ground, onto her knees with her face in her hands. "What....happened...?" She lifts her head, looking at me. 

"I...I..." I slowly lift my hand and point to Luna who's blood is draining from her head. 

Betrice's eyes widen largely. "N-NO! NOT AGAIN!" She runs over to Luna, and bends down. " no no...not again..." 

I run over to Luna, and Carl follows behind me. 

"What do you mean again?" Carl asks. 

"She died before! B-but I rewound time and got her back and now she'! She can't die again! I-I need to rewind again!" 

"No." Carl grabs Betrice and pulls her away from Luna. "It's best that you don't unless you want to see her go again."

"What the hell are you talking about, Carl?! I need to bring her back!"

"Betrice it's not worth it! Her death is inevitable! She's supposed to die today, whether you like it or not. Bringing her back won't stop her death....she's meant to die today."

"N-no! Dammit no!" She squirms. "She would've been fine if...." She begins to grind her teeth in anger and looks at me. "You." She pulls away from Carl's grip standing up. "You made me lose my best friend again."

My eyes widen. "What?! I didn't mean to, Betrice! I was just having fun!"

"I don't give a shit what you were trying to do. It's because of you I had to see my friend die again." She pulls out her spear. 

Carl grabs her arm and pulls her down, roughly onto her back. "She was going to die, anyways. Get it? I know you aren't an idiot, so understand when I tell you no matter what, she was going to die whether you like it or not!"

She stares up at Carl. "But you don't's basically been my fault both times...whatever Robert did to me, made me basically kill her, and the first time....well it was all my's my fault!"

"No it's not-"

"Just.....shut up..." Betrice sits up and gets herself back up, and glares at me. "We were allies, and believe me, I did like you....but because of you, I killed my best friend....AGAIN!" She lifts her spear in the air and as she's about to hit me with it, she stops herself and falls down to her knees, crying.

I stare at her, widened eyes and walk up to her, bending down in front of her, gently placing my hand on my shoulder. "Betrice...I'm sorry. I was just trying to have fun...I didn't mean for this to happen, okay? I really didn't. But you need to understand something, it's not always your fault for things that happen. This may seem like yours but truly, it''s mine, and I'm sorry."

She looks at me, puffy eyed, tears running down her cheeks. "'ve j-just left ev-everything alone...."

"But you didn't know, Betrice. You wanted to bring her back out of the good in your heart. You didn't know that her death was inevitable, that she was meant to die today." Carl says. "In some ways, it's not your fault she's dead at all, it's fates." 

Betrice puts her one hand on the ground and pushes herself up, and wipes her eyes. "Is she dead, or is she just blacked out?" 

"She's dying slowly. She's still alive, but she wont be for long." 

Betrice sniffles and puts her spear away, walking over to Luna and bends down picking her up. "Do one favor for me, don't use your powers to play around ever again." She turns around and begins to stumble away with Luna. 

Betrice's P.O.V

"I'm so sorry that you had to die twice in one day...." I continue to walk, and walk, until I reach a meadow, a small but beautiful meadow and lay her down in the grass and begin collecting flowers all around the meadow and place them all over her body, including one in her hair. "I love you, Luna. Always will.....I'm going to fight as much as I can, because I know you would want me to get out of this alive." I kiss her forehead before standing up, and walking away back into the woods. "I should've listened to least I got to see my best friend again." I smile slightly. "Maybe things were just meant to be this way. At least she doesn't have to be in this hell any longer."

Authors Note

Hey guys! I'm so sorry it took so long for this update, but I did it all in just one night. I'm sorry if it's kinda boring? But uh, that's going to change in the next chapter because...well many people are going to die. Yay! Much fun! XD anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it, thanks for reading <3

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