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(A/n : In the previous chapter of Humanity's Strongest Ally)

If Levi was seeing the Titan shifters as monsters that he had to tame, Raphael to Levi was seeming like a demon that he could only see in his worst nightmares.

(A/n : And now, the continuation)

Author's POV

(A/n : Play the music on top)

Some hours have passed after they had witnessed Raphael's intimidating display towards Levi and the others.

This had some of the cadets and higher ups thinking that Raphael was far too unstable in this form of his in order to be of any good to their cause whilst others were kinda surprised by how he was so quick to openly threaten Levi about it.

Where's Raphael though right now?

He managed to get himself in Hanji's outside lab, sitting with his legs criss cross on the ground whilst Hanji was running some examinations on him since first of all, it was fascinating for her which meant that it could help her on the research about the Titans and secondly, because of the fact that it wasn't every day that a cadet - shifter or not - had turned into an 18 meters tall giant without any changes in their physique and appearance via the transformation.

The place itself had once hosted Hanji's experiments on two Titans.

Those Titans were a blonde, 4 meters class one that was named Sonny and a slightly taller at 7 meters, brunette Titan that was named Bean.

Those two Titans were killed by someone during the night some days ago, a grieving moment for Hanji due to the fact that her ambitious research on the Titans was going to be late since she had no test subjects.

Right now though she was busy examining Raphael as she used a specially reinforced type of syringe in order to take a blood sample from Raphael. A Titan syringe in another way.

The needle of the syringe especially was longer than the usual ones and by far more durable since it was made by the same metal that the blades of the ODM gear were made, making it the perfect medical needle in order to penetrate the skin of either a Titan or an individual who's physiology is similar to that of a Titan.

Raphael : "Oi, don't jab me! *looks at Hanji's syringe* Why did you need to get my blood so much?", he whined towards her with a small pout, rubbing the part of his forearm that Hanji had used the syringe onto since even though the small hole in his skin and muscle tissue was steadily regenerating itself in a faster than usual pace due to his part Titan Physiology.

Hanji : " *chuckles nervously* Apologies for the small needle stab with this needle. It's just that I required your blood in order to examine it, but since your skin even in your normal size was apparently too thick and dense, making it virtually impenetrable to any other type of needles and syringes I've got, I had to use a custom made reinforced one. ", she said to him, going back to the lab section, carrying the vial with Raphael's blood sample delicately in her hands as if it was the most fragile and rare piece of treasure she could find.

Eren :" *his eyes widen* Hold on a second... you were planning on using that type of a syringe on me as well!?", he asked her, kinda shaken up seeing the size of the needle that she was holding, making a shiver run down his spine.

Yeah... he didn't want to even imagine this syringe being close to him, let alone penetrate his skin.

Hanji :" *shrugs* I don't know, I was probably going to use it on you first, but seeing that your skin's density ain't that big compared to your brother so I didn't had to. Normal syringes will suffice for you.

Additionally, right now this type of syringe, along with its reinforced needles will only be used for Raphael only.

Can't risk having any syringe transmitted symptoms go from one cadet to another due to bad hygiene and improper syringe usage now, can't we? ", she explained to him with a small shrug as she had gotten a good portion of the blood sample into a vial for latter usage and then poured the rest of it in a vial in order to examine it further.

During the time that she was experimenting on it, examining how Raphael's blood would react when in contact with the atmospheric air and to her surprise, she had found something particularly interesting.

Three quarters of Raphael's blood was basically evaporating on its own when in contact with the air.

Someone may ask why was that so fascinating to Hanji?

Hadn't she seen the same thing happening at her examinations and experiments on Sonny and Bean?

No, it was different from these times since she had witnessed another two effects happening on top of it.

All of them involved two important factors. The first one being that the one quarter that remained had begun to do something that Hanji had thought was impossible.

That quarter didn't only not begin to evaporate, but was steadily trying to replenish the part that was lost, evident by the fact that the vial was surprisingly getting filled up due to the rapid regenerative process that was happening.

Hanji : '*In her mind* That's interesting', she thought to herself and using a dropper she had collected a few drops of Raphael's blood, putting them on a slide in order to further examine them under the optical microscope.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and play this one instead)

The results she had found were more different than what she had originally anticipated. In all her life as a scientist for the Survey Corps she had examined all types of cellular structure, but the ones that she had seen in Raphael's body didn't even seem ordinary.

(A/n : That's how Raphael's cells looked like under the microscope)

On contrast they seemed strange, mutated even as much as it may sound like it's something taken out of the pages of a fictional novel even though with the amount of things that she had seen and done for the sake of scientific research, it wouldn't surprise her one bit if she was actually in one.

Then she had begun to hurriedly write down what she was looking at as descriptive as she possibly could, along with a theory that she had in mind as to why this was a thing.

Her theory was that since three quarters of Raphael's blood were evaporated whilst the rest of it not only didn't evaporate, but also could regain the regenerative properties of a Titan, that means that his cells might have adapted to the change essentially hybridizing themselves.

This, along with the fact that only three quarters of the cadet's blood got evaporated similarly to her older samples of Titan blood whilst the one quarter remained unaffected, although still able to regenerate, this meant that Raphael was three quarters Titan and only a quarter human.

She had rubbed the temples of her head, trying to ease the minor headache she had gotten from overthinking it.

There could be a logical explanation behind as to why is Raphael a hybrid whilst Eren on the other hand was still human down to his very blood cells although he had the ability to shift as well was puzzling for her, but it was making her all the more determined to get to the cause of it since it would be able to allow her to connect the links and find more about the Titans.

This was getting interesting, very interesting.

(A/n : Timeskip to the next morning)

(A/n : Eren's POV)

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one)

In this morning, I alongside Mikasa had a rude awakening by Levi wanting us to wake up earlier than usual and get ready since we were called to Commander Erwin's office at - forgive my intended pun - short notice and saw that he, Levi and Hanji were looking at me with serious looks.

Erwin : "Ah Eren and Mikasa the cadets that I was looking for. Please have a seat", he said to us, motioning at the two empty seats at the front side of his dark mahogany desk.

Me : "Commander Erwin by all means, why did you called us here in the crack of dawn? ", I asked but Commander's answer was interrupted, in a less than rude manner by Levi.

Levi : " * his scowl deepens * Commander Smith, allow me to tell them. *looks at them* We asked you to come here because you seemed that you've hidden from us a secret about your other sibling, Raphael.... the secret that he's mostly Titan. ", he stated towards us, having mine and Mikasa's eyes to widen in surprise.

They found out the secret so fast!?

Levi :" That's all I have to say. * looks at Hanji * Four eyes over here will explain the rest since science shit isn't my thing ", he said to her in a snarky tone with the all too familiar nickname he had for the ecstatic scientist.

Hanji : "Now after that parenthesis, I'm sure that Eren and Mikasa know what had happened yesterday, but for the rest of you I'll provide a synoptic description for my theory and the proofs I have for it", she said to all of us, trying to contain her excitement as poorly hidden giggles were leaving her lips.

Levi : "*growls* Get to the point four eyes!! ", the lieutenant had barked towards her, having Hanji to yelp and nearly drop the folder.

Erwin :" * looks at Levi * Enough of it Levi! *looks at Hanji * I know that you can't hide your feelings about what you're going to tell us Miss Zoe, but spare us the waiting time and keep a sense of professionalism.", the commander instructed them, getting a nod from Levi and Hanji.

Hanji :" * looks at Erwin * Okay sir! In order to close this small parenthesis, I had basically enacted a small experiment on the blood sample I've managed to get from cadet Raphael, I've found some really interesting things.",she told us and rummaged through her folder, finding two papers that she proceeded to put on Commander Smith's desk.

Hanji :" Both pictures are sketches of my assistant, Morblit. The left one showcasing a blood cell in a normal person whilst the right one showcases a cell in Raphael's blood stream.

Why are Raphael's cells that different you may ask? This is where my theory comes trying to tight it up.

Due to the fact that I had witnessed from yesterday's experiment that although three quarters of Raphael's blood had been evaporated on their own like the blood of the Titans, the other one quarter remained and started regenerating, I've constructed the following theory.

My theory is that the cells in the second picture are basically human cells that adapted and mutated themselves due to their exposure to Titan blood. In other words his cells and the cells from the blood of the Titans had merged together, making Raphael a hybrid. ", she said to them, fixing the position of her glasses.

The truth was that her theory was actually perfectly connecting the dots of back when we met Raphael for the first time in our very lives at his first ever Titan form and it also connects another detail.

Back during the training regime and even in the first day after our parents had adopted Raphael, whether we played, trained or killed Titans as long as Raphael was under the sun he seemed to never be out of stamina or feeling any hunger whatsoever.

Not to mention that Raphael was also able to purr even in his normal state, something quite unpredictable yet a dead giveaway that he was part Titan.

Mikasa : "We understand your theory about Raphael being a Titan, but I have to ask, what's our part to your plan?", my sister, Mikasa had asked them politely.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and play this one)

Levi : "* sighs* It's quite simple since your elder brother appears to hate my guts to the point that I'm fairly certain that he could kill me if I did as much as step close to the both of you, you and Eren will be the ones that get the news over to him.", he said to us with his hands crossed in front of his chest and right on que there was a knock on the door.

Erwin :" Who is it? ", the commander said towards the one knocking on the door and the door opened, revealing Raphael back to his human height.

Raphael : "* chuckles * They don't have to tell me anything about the fact that I am three quarters Titan. I knew it all along ", he said to them.

Erwin : "* nods * Very well then, *looks at Hanji * although I actually have to congratulate you Miss Zoe on being basically spot on in your theory, I'd like you to keep your theory as a certified, private secret of the Survey Corps and not tell it to anyone else. ", he said to her, having me, Raphael and Mikasa to be happy about it and grateful towards the commander.

Hanji :" B-But it's the theory that I'm the most proud about being factually correct. I-I can't let it be a secret for a selective few!! ", she said to him with a pout in shock about the commander's.... for lack of a better word, command.

(A/n : Author's POV)

Raphael : "* sighs softly rubbing the bridge of his nose * Miss Zoe with all due respect, think about it like this.

Imagine that you were in my shoes and someone else had made an actually correct and proven theory about what you really are and publish it.

How would you think that the rest of humanity is going to react to if they find out about it?

Who's to prevent them from rioting against the Survey Corps, making demands that they should kill you?

Also, case that isn't too persuasive for you or too believable of a reason, let me do you a better one.

Imagine if the Military Police find out about it, along with the proofs ?

Who's to prove against it and stop them from using it in order to persuade the Military Court to close the Survey Corps permanently ?

Would you be satisfied?

Would you feel happy about having a proven theory about yourself being used against the Survey Corps?

Think those questions within your mind Miss Zoe since although I can try to persuade you from publishing your theory since at the end of the day, it's your theory, not mine. ", he said to her looking at her in her eyes, his bright red irises locked with their light brown counterparts.

Hanji :" * nods solemnly * I-I see. I wouldn't want it to happen to anyone since I didn't even anticipate the theory itself to be correct at the first place.

I was thinking so much about this theory as a scientist that I haven't sat down to think about the ethical and political repercussions it would have with revealing such sensitive informations to the public, especially when they're about a member of the Survey Corps.

*bows* My apologies to everyone about it, especially towards you Raphael Yeager since the whole theory was about you specifically and thank you for showing me the error in my way of thinking.

I-I won't publish the theory and have it as a private folder in the Folder case of the Survey Corps ", she said to him with a solemn frown, making Raphael to sigh and do something that was not expected.

He hugged her gently, having a bright red blush to appear on Hanji's face.

Hanji :" Why do you hug me? ", she asked him politely, eliciting a small chuckle from the white haired teen.

Raphael : "It's just that if there's one thing I hate is seeing my friends crying or being sad.

You may not think things through as you should Hanji, but you have a heart that has a good moral compass.

In other words, as my mother had told me, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, because surprisingly enough they are the only two factors that know what we truly want to become ", he said to her calmly with a small smile.

Hanji :" O-Okay, I'll do as you say, but can you please let me go now you baka? ", she asked him with a small pout, having him to chuckle slightly towards her.

(A/n : Stop the music here)

A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here.

First of all, happy Easter to all of you and secondly, I present to you the latest chapter of my story Humanity's Strongest Ally called Answers, I hope that all of you will enjoy reading the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

In a brief summary of this chapter we've seen Hanji's theory and the reveal to the rest that Raphael is three quarters Titan. Also, I hope that you enjoyed the way I've found in order to tie up the small tease that I had in the description of the novel.

Finally, I have to say that in case you haven't noticed my minor edit on a previous chapter, I've changed the picture of how Raphael looks like and it's this one :

The picture itself wasn't drawn by me, but it was made with the help of the Star Wars, But Anime Style picrew OC maker.

All credit for it goes to the mastermind behind the creation of the picrew I used (even though they stated that crediting them isn't necessary for non monetized works, but I did it either way so that I can sleep peacefully and not have anything bad happening to this story)

Concluding, I once again hope that all of you will enjoy reading my story as much as I enjoyed writing it and I hope that I'll see all of you in another chapter in another story of mine.

Number of words : 3043 Words

Music that I'm currently listening to :

(A/n : Yup, this music is just that good)

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