Every Story Has A Beginning

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(A/n : Play the music on top of the chapter)

(??? POV)

It's yet another day were humanity is once again trying to fight back against their mortal enemy. The Titans. For me actually this day is something more deeper than any other similar day, many of you may think questions like 'What do you mean by deeper?' or 'How does this very day have a more deeper meaning behind it than saving your life?'. To solve the problem that day is actually the day where my mother and father actually met.

  * He turns his attention to an orange haired Scout that cut her way through the Titans * This is my mom, her name is Rachel Braegon.

(A/n : She's in her scout outfit.)

  Her family has actually close ties with the Reiss family's bloodline. So close that you can call them 'siblings but with different surname', because their family was the same one before many years. She's the holder of the Amazon Titan's powers (A/n : The Amazon Titan is basically the Female Titan and the Warhammer Titan combined together).

* sighs as he saw that his mother's wires snapped in the wrong time making her to start falling, but her fall just stopped by a massive hand that had transparent skin showing its muscles and some places were covered by extremely gray , almost silverish colored plates * That 20 meters Armored Titan who saved my mother is actually my father and his name is Ares.

(A/n : He looks just like that)

I know what you may think about it like this 'If a Titan is your father he's definitely a shifter' or like that 'A Titan is your father!!!? Are you crazy or something!?'. To answer your questions first and foremost, he's not a shifter and he's actually the first as you could say "Pure Blooded" Armored Titan, if that's actually the best way to explain it.

Finally I'm not crazy, because I am three quarters Titan and one quarter human if that solves your questions, but I won't get to explain how I was born exactly. *shivers * Jeez some of you are actually questioning a lot.

* chuckles softly * Oh, where are my manners, my name is Raphael and this is the story of how I became Humanity's Strongest Ally. * looks at his parents and sees that Ares left an ear piercing roar, loud enough to make the ground beneath them to tremble, before proceeding to rip and tear every Titan close to them *

After that day my father and mother had actually started to meet more sooner than expected, in secrecy from both titans and humans alike. She was actually surprised that an Armored Titan existed without being a shifter and secondly, because of how gentle he was to both her and the nature around them.

I remember that once she had said to me that he did something unexpected, something that many Titans as a matter of fact aren't able to do. He opened the mouth plate that covered his mouth and he actually spoke. She was surprised beyond all belief to hear that.

By some moments their unnatural friendship actually ended up as something more than that, it gave its place to a bond of mutual love and as we all know, where love flourishes and blooms new life is about to be born.

(A/n: A big time skip is brought to you by the author thinking that it would be a good idea to not dwell any further on how a three quarters Titan /one quarter human being is able to be born.)

Nine years have passed since then and it seems that it's true about what two sertain sayings say : " Things that we cherish and love don't last forever" and "No one can understand when someone has lost someone or something in their own life until they have lost them forever." . I had went somewhere myself venturing away from my parents, but not that far out of the forest of big trees because being born in my Titan form, my armor hasn't begun to manifest on my body yet, so coming into an encounter with a Titan it wouldn't be the best of things.

I had the feeling that today nothing is going to be well for me because my instincts were telling me that I should be with my parents. I had went running to their place in our cove, the smell of the Titans was getting stronger and stronger the closer I was. When I had arrived there I had seen that I was far too late...

My parents were killed in cold blood by the a horde of mindless Titans. I had dropped on my knees with tears in my red eyes releasing a painful wail to the heavens above as if I was begging for a miracle to have them back. (A/n : I have made it so that the big tree forest is not in wall Maria and also this story takes place after an Expedition of the Scouting Regiment)

(A/n : Stop the music above and begin this one)


(Armin's POV)

I was alongside Eren and Mikasa in my house hearing a story about the nine Titans from my grandfather.

Grandfather : " This legend goes as follows. There are rumors that something other than the Titans and the rest of the fauna lives outside of the walls. Some people, including a friend of mine are saying that they had seen in a past expedition two Titans unlike no others. One was a light orange haired female, but her body was covered with crystallized armor similar to the one that the old warriors and knights were using to wear back in ancient times. The other one was a lot taller than she was and he was covered with almost silvery colored plates. * he chuckles softly seeing that Armin's, Mikasa's and Eren's eyes had widened as a response to his words * The strange thing is that whenever they had seen one of them, the other one was close by and the surprising thing was that they weren't focusing on the Scouts, but on the Titans, as if they were protecting the humanity from their kin. ", he said to them finishing the story.

Me :" So that means that they had seen Titans with intelligence. That's both fascinating and scary at the same time. ", I said still pondering on what my grandfather just told us.

Mikasa :" * her brows furrow slightly in thought * Mr Arlert as you said to us they were always spotted close to one another. Were they like mates or something similar to this? ", she asked making Eren to try and stifle a laugh.

Eren : " * tries his best not to laugh * I'm sorry but intelligent or not I don't think that a Titan knows what does mate or love interest means. * sees that Mikasa gave him a HARSH glare * I meant to say that a Titan by any other name still remains a Titan", he said to us apologetically.

( A/n : Le small time skip to when they went to the forest to get some wood (There was no other Titan attack happening in the moment.))

(Eren's POV)

Armin, Mikasa and I went to the forest to collect some firewood, everything was fine until we heard a sound similar to a wail.

Armin : " * Gets jumpscared by the sound alone * W-Wh-What was that!!?", he said to us terrified out of his wits by hearing that sound.

Mikasa : " Eren was that you?", she asked me in annoyance.

Me : " * gets his hands up in a defensive manner * I didn't do anything like that, I swear!! ", I truthfully said to her knowing from personal experience that an angry Mikasa is NOT a good sight to behold of, but a terrifying nightmare.

Mikasa : " * sighs lightly * Well then that was probably a wolf. Come on slow pokes I won't be the only one who goes to get the firewood.", she said to us and we followed her.

After some time we had stopped hearing a loud sound like a sniffle. So driven by our curiosity we had decided to find out where did it came from. We had followed the sound as silently as we possibly could, but what we had seen was a lot more different than what we had expected. In front of us was a skinless Titan with white hair (A/n : Raphael's initial Titan form is looking like a somewhat shorter, male version of the Female Titan. His actual form is probably going to be revealed in the next chapter of the story.)

(Mikasa's POV)

This particular Titan was sitting there sniffling as if he was crying? As we had learned from school that every Titan was supposed to have no emotion, but right now we are in the presence of one that has displayed an emotion that I know all too well. Sorrow for losing someone you care about.

Eren : " * whispers to her ear * Let's leave, it's too dangerous to be here.", he said to me and we went to leave until we had heard a cracking sound, I looked at Armin's feet and I saw that he had stepped on a small stick, snapping it in the process.

We had heard that the sniffles had stopped and we looked behind us, towards the Titan, but when his red colored eyes were on us he did something unexpected. He had begun to back away from us, his eyes were wide in fear, starting to tear up again as he had started to whimper pitifully.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one)


Eren : " I-Is he crying?", he asked me in slight surprise, I nodded to his statement and did something that I had never thought that I would ever do if I had ever seen a Titan in my life. I swallowed my fears and approached him, despite everything that the others had said to me.

The more I was approaching him, the more the Titan did went back as if he was trying to be one with the tree trunk. Once I was close to him, I put my hand on his shin, his flesh was surprisingly hot, but I chose to ignore it.

Eren : " MIKASA GET AWAY FROM IT IT'S FAR TOO DANGEROUS!!!", he yelled at me making the Titan to whimper loudly. I looked at the Titans face, his face was similar to a boy close to our age (A/n : Because of the fact that Raphael was born as a Titan, his Titan form aged alongside him and has the strange gimmick that it looks similar to how his face looks as a human), before looking back at Eren and Armin.

Me : " Despite the fact that he's a Titan he isn't dangerous Eren, if he was dangerous as you said we would be dead in seconds.", I said to him.

Me : " * looks back at the Titan and pets his shin * Shh, don't worry no one is going to hurt you.", I said to the Titan in a reassuring way and I saw that he opened his mouth making myself, Armin and Eren to gasp in shock at what he did next. He spoke.

??? : " Y-You're not?", he asked me tilting his head to the side, his ears were twitching slightly in confusion.

Me :" * shrugs slightly * You didn't harm us, so we're not going to harm you. I'm Mikasa by the way and they are Armin and Eren.", I said to him.

Raphael : " I'm Raphael", he said to us having us being slightly surprised that a Titan actually had a name. Alas worry about our titanic (pun intended) friend had taken the place of surprise, because I took many steps back seeing that he was whimpering in pain and fell forwards as his body was beginning to dissappear in a large amount of steam.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one)


We were actually sad, because we were unable to understand why did our first and only friendly Titan that we have met in our lives had died, disappearing into thin air right before our eyes and we were unable to do something to prevent it.

When the steam had dissipated, we had seen something that made us to gasp in shock and blink many times not believing what we see in our eyes. In the place of the Titan there was a young boy close to our age.

(A/n : That's how Raphael looks like in his human form. Because Raphael is categorized as a Human Shifter meaning that he's actually a natural born Titan able to shift to a human, his human form has the characteristics of his Titan form and he doesn't have the markings that Titan Shifters have around their eyes when he gets out of his Titan form (a.k.a Birth Form(Both initial and fully developed). As for his clothes let's just say that back when his parents were alive he had shifted once into his human form and his mother had previously bought clothes for him in secrecy. Finally think that he's at the same age as them. )

Eren : "Whaa? How's it possible for a human to be here in the place of a Titan?", he asked confused.

Armin : " I would like to know that myself", he said to us thinking that his eyes are playing tricks to him.

Me : " * stifles a laugh at their puzzled faces * Guys this boy is Raphael.", I truthfully said to them as Raphael nodded in approval.

Eren /Armin : " * in unison * But how is this possible?", they said to us in unison having me and Raphael to laugh.

(A/n : Small time skip to when they arrive in the front gates of Wall Maria)

(Eren's POV)

So today we have met Raphael a person that can turn into a 12 meter class skinless Titan and vice-versa. If someone had the idea to tell something along the lines of being a good friend of a Titan that's able to become a human to me before I am a hundred percent sure that I would actually punch their face in. But ironically enough here I am befriending one for that matter.

I was snapped by my train of thoughts as I had seen that Mikasa knocked at the massive gate which was opened by the Garrison soldiers.

Hannes : " * chuckles * Well, well look who's back", he said to us.

Me : " * pinches his nose * Mr Hannes could you please get as far away from us as possibly, your breath reeks of alcohol.", I said to him disgusted.

Hannes : " Well some times Eren you have to know that being a part of the Garrison Regiment does not mean that you aren't able to drink once in a while. ", he said to me.

Me :" Then that's the obvious reason why the Titans have stopped attacking us, they did it probably out of pity because they think that they could get in as easily as they are able to seeing that most of the troops are dead drunk!!! ", I yelled at him and he only did as much as laugh at us. (A/n : Can I get a F in the chat for Hannes)

Hannes : " Well there's no Titan attack seen for years and no Titan is able to easily climb a wall 50 meters tall!!! * turns his attention to Raphael * I don't think that I have seen this boy with you any time before. * looks at Raphael's eyes * What's your name boy?", he said to him and I saw that Raphael was extremely nervous. I hope that anxiety isn't going to turn him back into a Titan, because that would be a hard thing to explain, I thought to myself until Raphael spoke.

Raphael :" * Bows slightly * My name is Raphael, pleasure to meet you Mr Hannes.", he said to him.

Hannes : " Well at least he has good manners. * laughs slightly much to Eren's, Armin's and Mikasa's surprise * Anyways, I hope you enjoy it here Raphael."

(A/n : Le small time skip to when Raphael, Mikasa and Eren arrived at the Yeager household is brought to you by King Crimson)

(Mikasa's POV)

After we had said our goodbyes to Armin we had went to our home.

Eren :" Mom, dad we are home!! ", he shouted as soon as he closed the door, which made Raphael to cover his ears. It seems like some abilities from when he was a Titan still remained after shifting, I thought to myself as we were getting to the kitchen to see our parents.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one)


Grisha :" * stops reading his newspaper and fixes the position of his glasses * Well hello there Eren and Mikasa. It seems like you brought someone else with you here today. What's your name? ", he greeted us.

Raphael : " My name is Raphael mister...?", he said to our father having the latter to chuckle alongside our mother.

Grisha :" No need for formalities young Raphael, my name is Grisha and * motions to Carla * she's my wife Carla. I guess you have met our children Eren and Mikasa. ", he said to him.

Carla : " Now that we are all here, let's eat.", she said to us calmly.

(Time skip to about the end of the lunch. Also for those who wonder, because Raphael is a quarter human he has some human abilities as well, such as the fact that he's able to eat normal food as well or not being limited to not move during night etc.)

(A/n : Still in Mikasa's POV)

We were all eating together until I heard a small yelp from where Raphael was sitting, I turned to him and saw that he had accidentally cut himself using his knife and his cut was steaming in front of our eyes before it closed as if it was never there to begin with.

(A/n : Raphael because he's about three quarters Titan and one quarter human, he has a different way of transformation back to his Titan form. As for what is this way going to be I'm going to let you know probably in the next chapter. )

Carla : " * looks at Mikasa * Mikasa could you please explain to us why did Raphael healed exactly as if he was a Titan?", my mother asked me sternly and before I had the chance to reply Raphael took it on himself and said to us his story up until the point of where we came here.

( A/n : Time skip to after Raphael's explaining)

Raphael :" That's why I am able to heal like that, it's because I'm a Titan as well. * closes his eyes * If you want to punish me, feel free to do so.", he said to them closing his eyes, allowing a tear to fall.

It seems like sorrow and grief is something that happens to both titans and humans alike, I thought to myself, but I was snapped from my train of thoughts seeing that our parents were whispering in between them and it seems like they came to an agreement as I saw that our father turned to us.

Grisha : " * clears his throat * We have heard your story young Raphael and we have decided that because you don't have anywhere else to go for that matter, you can stay with us.", he said to Raphael smiling.

Raphael : " * wipes his tears * Thanks, but I don't want you to see me as a burden ", he replied solemnly to our father.

Carla :" We would never see as a burden our newest family member. * sees that Raphael looks at her surprised * Welcome to your new family, Raphael Yeager.", she said to him.

Raphael : " * hugs Grisha and Carla crying happily * Thank you so much!!!!", he said to them as we saw that Grisha and Carla motioned to me and Eren for a family hug. It seems that we will have Raphael who's three quarters Titan and only one quarter human as a brother. Who had ever seen that coming?

(A/n : Stop the music here)

A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here and I present to you the first chapter of my first Attack on Titan X OC story called Every Story Has A Beginning, featuring Raphael Braegon Yeager my Attack on Titan OC . I hope that you enjoy reading it and until we meet again in the next chapter I wish to all of you my fellow Wattpaders, from the bottom of my heart, happy reading and I hope you have a great rest of your weekend.

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