Humanity's Saviors

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(A/n : Play the music on top)

(A/n : In the previous chapter of Humanity's Strongest Ally)

Raphael : ' *In his mind* I'm going to kill every single existing Titan. No. Holding. Back!!!', he thought to himself as he had flew as high as he could possibly go and shouted, but his shout, one of pain and rage wasn't a normal one. It had a deep, ominous, almost demonic echo behind his voice.

(A/n : And now the continuation)

(A/n : Author's POV)

After Raphael's roar towards the sky a MASSIVE lightning bolt had hit him as bones, muscles, skin tissue and Titan crystal had appeared enveloping him, turning him into his Titan form. The Excalibur Titan, the sign that he had changed his mind, he was going to save humanity even if it meant that he had to accept his heritage as a half Titan to protect his loved ones.

He had landed on the floor on top of a few shorter, 8 meter class Titans, reducing them into an unrecognizable, bloody paste of bone and Titan tissue remains. A Titan of a height about 13 meters had came trying to attack him from behind, but he was swiftly decapitated by Raphael's Titan hand the forearm of which had turned into a crystallized blade.

(A/n : Somewhere away from the battlefield)

???1 : " Damn it!!!", a blonde haired mascular teen had cursed from the top of a building a few meters away from the battlefield, seeing the massive lightning and a Titan with dark crystal plated armor attacking Titans. This teen was Reiner Braum.

Annie : " Reiner what happened?", she said to him.

Reiner : " He has appeared again from back at Wall Maria. Berthold has recovered, but I start to heavily doubt about the fact that his Titan would be enough to crack him open.", he said to him, not knowing that unbeknownst to them a certain freckled cadet was hearing them all along.

Marco :" Wait a second? What do you mean by this Titan and Berthold's Titan!? ", he said to them as his eyes had widened in shock to the revelation before him and he had quickly bolted away.

Reiner : " BERTHOLD TAKE BODT DOWN!!! HE KNOWS!!!", he yelled towards Berthold who was still on flight with his maneuver gear, quite literally tackling Marco on a nearby building's roof.

Marco : " * has a look of betrayal in his eyes * Why are you doing this!!? Let me go, please!! I won't t...",he said but was quickly silenced by a punch from Annie as Berthold had proceeded to get Marco's maneuver gear, but little did they knew that someone else had heard their words.

Reiner : " What are we going to do with him? ", he asked them.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one)

(A/n : Back with Raphael. Still in Author's POV )

Raphael was beating Titans left and right, hitting them with blows that had such destructive force behind them that were either exploding the heads of the Titans, sending the rest of their bodies flying like ragdolls or punch straight through them like a hot knife through butter.

He had then heard muffled cries from somewhere nearby them, but he could hear that a Titan that was going to bite on a soldier that was falling and he had went running towards there and managed to kill all the nearby Titans in the area.

The thing is that whilst he was doing it, he was extremely fast, way faster than any other Titan he had seen and for some weird reason when he was almost about to hit on a building, his Titan had seemed to phase right through it as if his Titan form's legs weren't there!!!

Raphael : ' *In his mind * It appears that my Titan form is evolving along with me, who am I kidding? It's a part of me, my true self after all', he thought to himself, still running to save his comrade.

Once he had reached close, he had turned his left fist into crystallized knuckle-dusters and punched the smaller Titan that had went to bite on Marco with such force that he had basically exploded into millions of gory pieces and then managed to gently pick up Marco before he had fallen on the ground. He knew that he was unconscious so he had went towards a place where others were. He had to stop a guttural growl from erupting within him to the scent that was in his nose, the ones that were actually responsible for nearly killing Marco were Annie, Berthold and Reiner and their scents were fresh, meaning that it wasn't too long.

(A/n : With the others (a.k.a Mikasa and Armin), Eren has still turned into a Titan like in the original in case anyone wondered and some parts of it went similarly. Also, yup Marco the freckled Jesus is still alive in this story TwT)

Armin and Mikasa had arrived at the HQ which was basically surrounded by Titans that would be happy to have a human as a meal, but some of them were dispatched by some of the cadets and a mysterious Titan. His body structure was lean and extremely well toned, his tanned skin tissue and parts of the long brown hair were covered in blood from the many Titans he had killed whilst his bright green eyes were looking around for its possible next prey.

Christa: " Armin and the others have arrived!!!", she yelled in joy.

Connie : " You will NEVER believe what we've found!! There's a Titan that's actually fighting against his own kin!!! Think about it since he has a beef with his kin we could help him with killing the Titans and save the wall Sina from falling. Isn't that great!!!?", he said to them.

Jean :" You've got to be f***ing kidding me!!! Use a Titan in order to kill another!!! It can't be possible to be done since you don't know if it's going to come against US after there's no other Titan for him to beat up to kingdom come!!! It's better to kill it now!!! ", he said to them, believing that the possibility of having a Titan to help them win an all out war against Titans would be a really bad thing to do.

Ymir :" * looks at the Titan * Doesn't that seem off? ", she asked them, making the others to also look outside and see that the Titan was being jumped on by others that had begun to eat through his flesh.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one)

Armin : " T-They're eating him? Where they supposed to be doing this? ", he said and even though hope seemed slim, something had seemed to shine and then they had seen what it was. One of the Titans that were extremely close to bitting range of the abnormal's nape had his head SHOT clean off by an arrow made out of a dark gray colored crystal.

The ground started trembling as a MASSIVE Titan clad in a dark gray armor was walking towards their place. His golden eyes were looking at the Titans, his left hand was close to his chest, similar to protecting something or although it seemed impossible someone whilst his right hand had a crystal structure similar to a crossbow on it.

Christa : " T-This is the biggest one yet, a t-twenty eight meters c-class", she said to them, stuttering in fear seeing the impossibly tall Titan kneeling close to the building, leaving not something, but someONE to gently slide from the Titan's massive palm to the ground below. The recognition of the others to the person in front of them was described by their eyes widening to the point of being on the same size as if they were an owl's ones and the fact that Jean out of all had started to tear up. The person was Marco Bodt.

Jean : " M-Marco", he said as he proceeded to get the unconscious teen in an embrace as the massive crystallized Titan had stood up from the ground and went to help the other one who was being eaten, a small hint of recognition was in the 15 meters one's green eyes.

Connie : " Wait a second? Is that...", he said to them, making Armin to gasp in shock.

Armin : " It's the abnormal that ate Thomas!!!", he said to them as the 15 meters one had roared loudly, mustering every little bit of his remaining strength in order to manage to run towards the smaller 10 meters abnormal, biting hard on its nape and then proceeded to slam it on the ground, swiftly killing it by ripping off its nape and spine, before falling to one knee since for some weird reason, due to his anger he had managed to unbeknownst to him regen his limbs. Having then both Titans roaring loud in victory. Everything seemed to have ended well for now, but it seemed like there was still some embers of the Attack Titan's fighting spirit as he had taken a battle stance against the much taller Excalibur Titan. For him even trying to provoke the Armored one it was a match made in Paradis.

(A/n : Stop with the previous music and begin with this one)

(A/n : Hands down one of my favorite remixed OSTs from AoT)

The Excalibur Titan on the other hand had done something that wasn't thought of being possible by a Titan, he had chuckled slightly at his adversary, but still had gotten a battle stance, the weird thing was that his face plate was down, showing his slight smirk since Raphael knew from the fact that he was going to fight him even though he didn't had the upper hand, revealing to him in combination with the distinct eye color that the mysterious Titan was Eren Yeager, his adoptive younger brother.

Christa : " Wait a second? Why did he chuckle?", she asked them perplexed about the strange fact of seeing a Titan expressing actual emotions.

Armin : " It's as if they actually know one another", he said to her, making the younger girl's eyes to widen slightly in surprise to how close the revelation could be since humanity didn't know that many things about the abnormal Titans, the possibility of two of them knowing one another wouldn't be that strange.

The tension between them awaiting for someone to do the first move was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Then they had started to fight, Eren's Titan form was the one to do the first move with which he had managed to land a blow on Raphael's Excalibur Titan, but due to the fact that his Titan form was fully covered by crystallized plating, it made him to not move at all.

Jean : " Ok now, how the f*** is that fair? The other Titan has seemingly no weak spot.", he said, admitting that it was probably a fight in vain for the shorter one.

The Excalibur Titan had moved his right hand and faster than Eren's Titan would recover he had managed to deal a devastating blow on the smaller Titan, knocking him down on his back, having his lower jaw dislocated by the attack itself.

The smaller Titan had huffed slightly, steam escaped through his nostrils and mouth as he had stood up, seemingly still dazed by the impressively hard blow, but once he had looked at his opponent, he had seen him having his hand extended, the crystallized back of it was facing him and the fingers stretched and then curled as if he was saying to him 'come at me' the same smirk was still plastered on his face, which had made the shorter one to emit a low growl which slowly turned into a loud roar as he was running towards the taller one in blind rage, making his emerald green eyes to glow blue for a split second like a stormy sky after the strong winds had forced the clouds to get away.

The Excalibur Titan had smirked slightly, expecting a head first, slightly non strategic attack from the smaller one as he had proceeded to side step the first punch and before the other was about to land, he had once again seemed to phase through it. (A/n : Titan Phasing : One of the Excalibur Titan's many signature abilities, the ability itself allows his body to be fully intangible, making him to either evade serious attacks that would kill him had they been strong enough to pierce his armor, evade damaging those whom were close to his location and finally manage to blind side and ambush an unsuspecting opponent) as you might have seen the downside of this ability is that it has a rather long, stamina related cool down seeing the time that passed from when he had used it the first time, making it basically the longer he was in the intangible state, the longer it would take to use it again.)

Armin : " W-What the...?", he said with a small stutter, surprised by the fact that a Titan was able of phasing as simply as that, but his and the Attack Titan's surprised were turned into shock since the Excalibur Titan had came out of his intangible state, colliding an extremely strong crystallized fist with the smaller Titan's sternum, punching straight through it lifting the smaller Titan to about eyes level with him and then he had done something more impossible than what he had done. He had talked.

Excalibur : " * chuckles slightly * You might have done well in our fight brother, but to go against someone leagues above you without proper knowledge of your Titan is a poor choice of action.", he said to him, getting his fist out of the smaller Titan's body since his Titan instincts were dangerously close to take control, making him as well to fall on his knees panting heavily since he had used a lot of stamina in the fight against the Titans.

(A/n : With the others)

(A/n : Mikasa's POV)

We had seen that the taller Armored Titan had fallen on his knees panting heavily as steam was coming out of his mouth his eyes had a slight flicker in between golden and red as his head was looking down towards the cold ground where bodies of both Titans and fallen cadets as strangely enough the crystallized armor of his nape seemed to thaw off.

Cadet 1 : " That's great!! Now we can kill both of them at once and end this madness!!!", he said to them, going to pull out his swords, but he had stopped when he had received an ice cold glare from me.

Armin : " Wait!!! Check this out", he said to us and for some weird reason there was movement on the napes of the abnormal Titans that had just previously fought and for some weird reason they were opened on their own and steam had appeared along with two forms one on each nape that made my heart to ache. On the smaller Rogue Titan, the form that had appeared was that of Eren's and on the other Titan was that of Raphael's which had made me think :

(A/n : Flashback)

Ship Crew Member : " AN UNKNOWN TYPE OF TITAN IS GETTING CLOSER TO THE SHIP!!!", he had shouted to all that were on board of the ship. Me, Eren, Armin and his grandfather have turned towards the Titan and it was getting closer to us and the ship, making the others to be terrified for their lives by having a Titan that close to them.

On the other hand, this Titan was much more different than the others. His body was fully clad by a dark gray, almost silver colored crystallized armor, every gap that it had had a protective layer of a white colored crystal. It's mouth was covered by a mouth plate that had slits on where it's cheeks were supposed to be positioned at. It's eyes were a bright golden color and it's hair were white and in a spiked up hair style. Finally, his eyelids and places around his eyes and his ears were not covered in crystal, but with softly tanned skin and were guarded by smaller crystal forms similar to slits.

I heard many people gasp in shock and immediately began to back up seeing that his massive hand was coming on the deck of the ship. His fingers had been stretched as he had gently tilted his hand making me and Eren to gasp at the two people that slid gently from his palm on the deck. The people were Raphael and Carla, our beloved brother and mother accordingly.

(A/n : End of the flashback. Still in Mikasa's POV)

This could only mean that my assumptions of the Armored Titan from back then... the one whom was covered entirely in light silver and dark silver crystallized armor, the one who had saved mine and Eren's our mother and brother was actually Raphael's Titan which means that there's more than meets the eye about Raphael's Titan.

Jean : " Connie, Mikasa get away from them!! It's far too dangerous!!", he said to me and Connie as we had bolted off of the roof that we were perched onto just about a few moments ago, I had landed at where Eren was and Connie went to where Raphael was. I had gotten my head close to his chest and I could've sworn that my heart had forgotten how to beat for a second as tears of joy had come to my eyes both from hearing Eren's heartbeat and from what Connie had said.

Connie : " HE'S ALIVE!!!!", he yelled at us in joy and I couldn't hold back my tears any longer... I had begun to cry since both of my siblings were alive and well.

Although it seemed that my happiness  would not last for this long since some other soldiers seeing that both Eren and Raphael had appeared from within the Titans was the reason for them to get them away from us, on their backs of their beige colored jackets we could see that they had an insignia similar to a unicorn which meant only one thing. Garrison Corps. Oh boy things are going to get complicated.

(A/n : To be continued)

(A/n : Stop the music here)

A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here and I present to you the latest chapter of my story Humanity's Strongest Ally called Humanity's Saviors. From this chapter I have solved your problems about the Titan phasing ability that he had unlocked and there are also some others that might be awakened in him. To those who think that Raphael might seem unkillable in Titan form the true weakness of him is in his human form since even as a human he still has the anatomy of a Titan. Finally, due to the fact that I'm on holidays my time on Wattpad might be a bit less than other days, but I still hope that you will enjoy my updates on my books such as this one. I wish to all of you a wonderful rest of your day or night depending on the time zone that you're from.

Amount of words : 3229 words

Song that I'm currently listening to : DMC - Vergil's Theme - Bury the Light

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