Initiation (2K Reads Special)

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(A/n : In the previous chapter of Humanity's Strongest Ally)

Raphael : "Oh, but I know. I was counting on this, but remember... if you try to do anything like that to anyone I care about or do something to openly provoke me like that, I won't be so merciful", he explained to him, leaving the place in secrecy, seemingly fading away from Titus' perspective.

It appears that this awakening had given him more powers than expected.

(A/n : And now the continuation)

(A/n : Play the music on top of the chapter)

(A/n : Author's POV)

It was just a normal evening for the Survey Corps Headquarters, due to the fact that there were plans for an upcoming expedition, there were still preparations that were needed to be made. Many of you could possibly understand then how out of place it was that a sertain person that wore an outfit consisting of a white fedora, a black jacket, gray jeans and black shoes had arrived at the headquarters, wanting to join their cause non the less.

Erwin : "You sertainly have guts to wish to join our cause and be a part of the Survey Corps young man, but are you really ready to fight against what lies outside of the walls?", he asked him suspiciously, since it wasn't an everyday phenomenon that someone had came to the Survey Corps and wanted to be a part of them all willy nilly.

??? :" *chuckles* Oh, I'm pretty sure that I have everything that I'll ever need in order to be a part of your recruits and I have whatever is deemed necessary in order to do as such.", he replied to him calmly, although a hint of determination could be seen in the teen's bright red eyes that seemed to shine menacingly underneath the shadow that was created from his fedora. (A/n : To those who don't know about why didn't Erwin recognize Raphael yet, it's mainly due to the fact that Erwin had seen Raphael only once at the trial and didn't know about what happened to him after that.)

Erwin : "*nods* I'm sure you do, that determination can be seen without any doubts in your eyes, despite their unusual eye color. Additionally, since you had previously said that you have the ability to basically back up your own statements as you said, why don't we get you into a small test.", he suggested to him.

??? :" I'm deeply sorry if I'm interrupting your words sir, but I know that every test has some type of a hidden twist behind it, so I don't know if I'm going to be able to perform well regarding the test, so if you don't mind me asking, what's the twist?", he inquired supporting his point of view. The truth is that he did not tried to express his opinion in a way that seemed to be contradicting Erwin's proposal, but in a more of a polite yet ever so mildly suspicious tone, not wanting to offend him.

Erwin : "You're the methodical one that goes for the main thing as it seems, interesting. Due to the fact that the cadets, captains and other members of the headquarters are getting ready for the upcoming expedition, your test will be a hard one. You'll have to prove to me that you'll be able to back up your words by getting an Omni Directional Maneuver Gear and getting ready to cut down the napes of the fake Titans as fast as possible. Don't hold anything back whilst doing so, do we have ourselves a deal? ", he asked him politely, extending his right hand towards the teen.

??? :" * chuckles and stands up * You've got yourself a deal, Erwin Smith.", he said to him calmly, proceeding to grab the Commander's hand in a firm hand shake, still leaving the Commander baffled as to how he knew his name.

Erwin : " Captain Levi will be waiting for you next to the forest area where the fake Titans are.", he said to him calmly and saw that the teen had left to get the equipment needed in order to take the test.

Erwin : '*In his mind* How did he knew my name? I was sure that I hadn't told him about it yet.', he thought to himself in surprise.

(A/n : Timeskip to after Raphael had put his equipment on is brought to you by me, the author, apologizing once again for not writing the chapter earlier)

After Raphael had put on his Omni Directional Maneuver Gear he had went outside to meet with the surprisingly short captain that was none other than Captain Levi, the one who's known as Humanity's Strongest man.

Raphael : '*In his mind* Either I had gotten taller or Levi is still the same shortie as per usual', he thought to himself sighing, as he had seen that someone else had approached him instead of Levi, but when he had seen the look in the captain's eyes, that man was in for an earful.

??? : " Tsk, why weren't you dressed appropriately? I know that you're a new recruit and such, but being in the Survey Corps means that you'll have to be dressed appropriately.", a voice from a man that seemed slightly older than most cadets at the Survey Corps, this man was none other than the Levi impersonator himself, Oluo Bozado and the reason as to why he had said that towards Raphael was because the latter was still in the outfit that he wore when he came to the Headquarters, minus the jacket of course.

Levi :" *sighs* Stop bothering him Bolzano and let's get over with this. *looks at Raphael* I can guess that Erwin had given you clear instructions about your test?", he had asked him, earning a nod from the teen.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one instead)

Meanwhile, the other cadets had arrived at that place, some of which were basically questioning why Erwin would do a late recruitment and others were there mostly out of curiosity.

Mikasa, Armin and Eren were still there in between the other cadets. They weren't the same as they used to be emotionally after the fact that they had basically given Armin's best friend, Mikasa's and Eren's brother to the Military Police as a lab experiment, because of the fact that there were two Titan shifters, one of which being Eren.

They had gasped, seeing the teen's white hair being exposed once he had removed his fedora, wondering about if the teen in front of them was Raphael, but they weren't close enough to him in order to see his facial characteristics.

Mikasa : ' *In her mind* Raphael, is that you?', she thought to herself with a small sniffle, ignoring the looks she was getting from the others, until everyone brought their gazes once again towards the teen.

Levi : "On my mark. Get ready... Go!!!", he said to him, starting his watch, timing his performance and then they had seen that Raphael had taken off, similarly to as if he was a rocket.

He had then spotted the first quote-on-quote Titan he had to kill, flying fast above its nape and then started to come downwards towards the 'Titan' like a hawk with a speed high enough that made him seem like a blurr, whilst only the reflection of the sun on his blades was the only thing that was able to be seen and then he had went for the next Titan.

Connie : "He's so fast!!!", he said, seeing that the teen was basically moving from faux Titan to faux Titan with elegant maneuvers that made him look like a snake, coiling around its victim, before he had managed to deliver the finishing blow.

Eren : ' *In his mind* He's not only moving fast, he's terrifyingly precise on his strikes as well.', he thought to himself, his greenish blue eyes were wide at what he was seeing.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin playing this one)

Raphael on the other hand had moved towards the final 'Titan', but instead of attacking it, he had went straight up, positioning his cables in such a way that he was hurled upwards, above the canopy of the forest.

His bright red eyes were locked at the target and then he had grabbed the swords of his gear in such a way that had their blade pointed downwards and then he had started spinning, extremely fast whilst he was diving downwards towards his target, like a thunderbolt from the heavens above. He had managed to slice the Titan's nape downwards with precision of such high caliber that would make even the most accurate surgeon to pale in comparison.

The most surprising fact that made his achievement all the more bizarre, yet otherworldly was the fact that there was not a single sound made during the entire thing, other than the gentle rustling of leaves, as if a gale had passed through them whilst Raphael was descending towards the ground like a hawk that had spotted its prey.

Oluo : "Tsk, look at him trying to do Levi's signature technique, what a show off", he said to them, although deep down into his core, he was shaken by the mysterious fact that the teen hadn't made a single sound doing that!!!

Levi : '*In his mind* How did he managed to do my technique so easily and why now?', he thought to himself, looking down at his watch and noticed something that made his face to seem completely drained out of color as his emotionless facade was shattered for a bit understanding why the teen decided to get the final "kill" in such a flamboyant way; He had already finished the other Titans faster than he did, meaning that this one was indeed the teen's final faux Titan.

The Captain, along with the other cadets were surprised by the fact that he was by them, some seconds after the last time they had seen him.

Oluo : " C-Captain Levi, what's going o....", he stammered, but was unable to continue seeing the time that was presented on Levi's notes. That teens time of completion was shorter than Levi's time by five. Whole. Minutes.

Oluo : " * looks at the teen* W-Who are you? ", he asked him with a nervous stutter, still surprised by the fact that the teen was basically faster than the one who was known for so long as Humanity's Strongest.

(A/n : Stop with the previous music and start this one instead)

Raphael : " * sighs softly as he was sheathing his blades* Well, it was about time that someone had asked me that question. My name is Raphael Yeager, pleased to meet you all.", he said to them politely with a small bow, albeit the fact that he was shortly afterwards nearly tackled to the ground by a sertain dark haired girl.

Raphael :"I've missed you too Mikasa", he said to her calmly with a small chuckle, proceeding to return the hug to the oriental, hearing her silent sniffles.

Mikasa : "I-I thought that I lost you", she whimpered with a small stutter, soaking up the affection that she had missed for so long.

Raphael : " It seems that sometimes you forget that I won't be far from you and the others that easily.", he said to her calmly, trying to reassure her that he wasn't going to leave her alone again.

Eren : "I've missed you so much, big bro", he said to him calmly, giving him a hug, although he wasn't the overly affectionate type of person.

Raphael : "I've missed you too little bro", he said to him.

Jean : "Greeeat, now I'll have once again to get used to two Yeagers getting on my nerves", he groaned, but decided to instantly shut up seeing the menacing looks that he was getting from Mikasa, Eren and Raphael, which due to the latter's bright red eyes made shivers to run down his spinal column and some small snickers to get out of the others, all happening in Jean's dismay and the others enjoyment.

Once the initiation test had ended, they had returned to the headquarters since apparently all the preparations for the expedition were over so that meant they had some days off in for them to relax and get themselves ready for what was going to happen next.

On their way to the headquarters and to their rooms, Raphael was basically being bombarded with questions after questions about what happened back at the Military Police headquarters, by the trio.

Armin : " What was like being in the MPs headquarters?", he asked him politely, albeit in an inquisitive way.

Raphael : "It wasn't as bad as I thought, except for some tests that they had done to me.", he replied to him, although by the tone of his voice, it was clear that nothing was as bad as he told them.

Mikasa : "What do you mean by tests, d-did they experimented on you?", she asked him politely, albeit the fact that her brother was acting kinda suspiciously by trying to hide the truth from them.

Raphael : " *sighs softly* Follow me inside", he said to them calmly, motioning for them to follow him into his room at the headquarters once they've arrived there, closing the door behind him once they had entered in the room.

Raphael : "Are you ready to learn about the truth of what happened when I was at the Military Police headquarters?", he asked them politely about it and seeing that they nodded he hummed.

Raphael : "Very well then, once I had woken up from being knocked out by one of them, I had seen that I was in a laboratory. It didn't had any windows so I guessed it was beneath the ground and it was.
After my vision had stopped being blurred out, I had seen that I was basically tied onto a chair connected to some short of a mechanism. The scientist - well.... if you could call him that way without insulting the scientists - that was there had injected me with a serum that stopped my healing factor.
He had then said to me about how much of a failure to everyone I was and he had explained to me that this place wasn't a laboratory, but a torture chamber, where as expected, he started to torture me until I fell unconscious and then had his helper to mend up my wounds so that I wouldn't die from natural causes such as blood loss.
He was thinking that he would be able to break my spirit equally as easy as my body, but although my body was restraint, my spirit was unbound. I wasn't planning to stay there and let him do as he pleased, feeling something snap within me and then the only thing that I saw was red and my partial Titan instincts going to complete overdrive as I paid them back with the same price. They wanted a storm, I gave them a hurricane.", he explained to them with a stern expression

Mikasa : " And what happened to the scientists.", she asked him politely.

Raphael : "They're unconscious, one of them at least" he said to her

Eren : "Then how did you get out of there?", he asked him.

Raphael : "That's a story for another time.* looks at Eren * Did you have any news about our mother?", he asked the brunette, having the latter to hum slightly in thought.

Eren : " Our mom had told us to be careful about everything that's going on, especially during what's going to happen in the expedition. ", he replied to him calmly, which made Raphael to sigh at his words, seeing that the brunette was obviously lying due to the trademark red tips of his ears.

Raphael :" *sighs* I can see that you are lying to me Eren, specifically because the tips of your ears are beet red so please, let me know the truth about what you've been thinking or told to our mother.", he said to him politely, making the teen to blush slightly, mainly due to embarrassment from being caught red eared (A/n : No pun intention) for the fact that he was lying.

Eren :" *sighs* Fiiiiine, I've told to mom everything that happened, the battle in Trost, the fact that we were both caught and brought into a martial court, along with the fact that you had gone with the Military Police. I-I didn't told her anything about why we were brought in or the fact that I'm a Titan Shifter as well, I thought that she wasn't ready to know that yet since I-I didn't know how she would react.", he said towards the white haired teen, making the latter to nod. At least their mother wasn't worried sick about him so that's a plus.

(A/n : End of the chapter)

A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here and I present to you the latest chapter of my AoT story called Initiation (2K Reads Special) as a way to celebrate properly the fact that my story has reached the 2K Reads after so long.
Additionally, I have to say to all of you that I'm sorry for not responding to role plays in Wattpad since most of them have already been moved to Discord and my sincere apologies for not being able to write a chapter of my stories earlier on since I was in a kind of a burn out, due to mainly reading for my college, along with my examinations that happened to be more.... tricky than what I've originally anticipated, so it took me a while to get some inspiration for what I was about to write.
Finally, I hope you all have a great rest of your day (or night, depending on your respective country's time zones) and I'll see you once again in another chapter of my stories.

Number Of Words : 3002 Words

Music That I'm currently listening to :

(Oh hello nostalgia, I didn't knew that it was you knocking on the door)

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