Chapter 12: The Past Stays In The Past

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Third Person POV 

Fatalis landed on a dark land while grimm growled at her, ready to pounce onto her as she smirked. 


Fatalis sent a lightning strike at a grimm, disintegrating it before the others as they lowered their heads before Fatalis. 

The Black Dragon. 

The Last of the black dragons. 

???: Well. Well. Well. What do we have here. 
She heard a voice. 

Fatalis turned around and saw her. A woman with pale skin while black veins ran all over her body. Wearing a black dress as she looked at her. 

Fatalis: Salem. Queen of the grimm. 

Salem: Fatalis. Queen of the monsters. The Last Black Dragon. So many legends of your powers. 
She said as she looked at her. 

Fatalis: Hmm. 

Salem: Why have you come here. Never thought to have the Queen of the monsters before me. 
She said with a smirk. 

Fatalis smirked as red lightning crackled around her body. 

Fatalis: Let's see who walks out alive. 
She smirks. 

Salem: Want my head? Come and get it. 

Fatalis: Gladly. 
She grins widely. 

To Pyrrha 

Pyrrha: W-Where is he? 
She asked Deviljho while she held a white fang ember by the throat. 

Deviljho: How am I suppose to know human.
She growls at Pyrrha, causing her to look down. 

Deviljho: We lost another member of the Fated Four. Now only Gammoth and Y/N remain. 
She said as she held the white fang member tightly by the throat. 

Female White Fang Member: P-P-P-Please. 
She begs as she tries to get Deviljho to let go of her. 


Deviljho: SHUT UP! 
She yelled at the white fang member. 

She yells as she slammed the white fang member onto the ground, blood splattering onto the ground. 

Deviljho looked at the white fang member as she laid on the floor, blood dripping onto the ground. 

Deviljho: Hmm. Weak. Hmm. Typical humans. 
She said and tossed the dead white fang member outside. 

Pyrrha: W-W-Why d-d-did you do that? 
She asked. 

Great Girros: Why not. 
He said as he walked in. 

Great Girros: They came in. They invaded our home. What right do they have here. They don't have the right to remain alive. 
He said as he looks at her. 

Pyrrha: B-B-But we just can't kill t-them like that.
She said as she looked at him. 

Great Girros: What would you have done if someone just killed your friend in front of you. Your family in front of you. What would have you done? 

Pyrrha: I-I-I 
She struggles to speak as she looked down. 

Great Girros: Exactly what I would have thought. You would have done the same thing. Be glad we haven't killed you yet either. 
He said before walking out with Deviljho, leaving Pyrrha in the room. 

Pyrrha: Y/N. Do you really hate the humans this much? 
She asked herself as she hugged herself, tears running down her cheeks. 

To Summer

Summer was sitting on a cliff, only hearing the wind blowing through her hair as the waves crashed against the cliff. 

Summer was sitting there as she held her hands together. As if she was meditating. 

Summer's POV 


???: What should we name her? 
I heard his voice as I looked at our newborn. 


"Ruby Rose." 
I said as I looked at her with tears. 

???: That's a beautiful name for our baby girl Summer. 

???: When are you going to come back mama? 

I turned around as I saw her looking at me. 

"I'll come right back and I'll teach you how to cook." 
I told her. 

???: Promise? 

"Pinky promise Yang." 

???: You do realize that something about your daughter. 

"Of course I do Queen Fatalis." 

Fatalis: Then tell me. Tell me what she has. 

"She has the same ability as I." 

Flashback Ends 


???: What are you doing out here. 
I heard his voice. 

"I should be the one asking you that. Y/N." 

Y/N: Hmm. What were you thinking about. 

"Just something."
I told him. 

Y/N: Hmm. The white fang were nothing child's play. 

"No surprise. After all, the humans are a foolish race." 

Y/N: They call us monsters yet they massacre those who don't agree with them or fear. Hmm. Humans are the true monsters. 

To Ruby 

Yang; Rubes. You got to eat. 
She said as she passed a plate to her. 

Blake: Yeah. You haven't eaten all day today.
She said as she sat on her book. 

Ruby: I'm not hungry. 
She said, her voice raspy from the lack of water. 

Weiss: Just eat your dolt. Your growling stomach is saying other wise.

Ruby: I'm not hungry.
She said as she heard a ring. 

Intercom: May team RWBY, please come to Ozpin's office 

Yang: Let's go. 
She said as the girls nod before getting up and walking to Ozpin's office. 

Ruby kept to herself as she looked down, only thinking about Y/N and how she broke his heart. His trust. 

While the four were walking, Yang winked at a guy walking by them. Blake rolled her eyes as she continued to walk until she looked at Ruby. 

Blake: Ruby? Are you okay? 
She asked. 

Ruby: I'm fine. 
She said, lying to her. 

Blake: Really? Because you don't look to well. 

Weiss: Maybe we should get her to the doctor. 
She said. 

Ruby: No. I'm fine. 
She lied once more. 

Yang: Guys. If she's fine, she's fine. Right sis? 
She asked as she wraps her arms around her shoulder. 

Ruby: Y-Yeah. 
She said as they arrived at Ozpin's office. 

Ozpin: Hello Team RWBY. How are you all doing? 

Yang/Blake/Weiss: We're doing fine. 

Ruby: Y-Yeah. 
She said emptily. 

Ozpin: I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here.
He said as he pulled out a file. 

Ozpin: I have a mission for you four. And it's in Mistral. 

RWBY: We won't fail you. 

Ozpin: Good. 

To Y/N 

Y/N was kneeling in front of Fatalis as she held the head of Salem in hand. 

Y/N: What do you request of me my lady? 
He asked. 

Fatalis: Go get Kulve Tarroth in Mistral. Kill anyone in your way my boltreaver. 

Here is Chapter 12 of Humans Are The True Monsters! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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