Chapter 15: Astalos Vs Rathalos

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Third Person POV 




The Rathalos roared at Y/N before thrusting its tail at him. 


The tail missed and stabbed into the ground before pulling it out. 


Y/N slashed at it's chest, earning a roar from her. 

Raven: RUBY! 
She yelled as she rushed towards Y/N before being punched Summer. 

Raven: What are you doing!?
She yelled at Summer. 

Summer: I'm your opponent. 
She said emotionlessly. 

Raven: Don't you care about your daughter!
She yelled at her. 

Summer: No. I don't. 
She said before charging at her. 


She yelled at her. 

Summer: I would believe you Raven but your credibility is impeccable under the circumstances. 
She said as Raven growled at her. 

A/N: Reference? 


Raven slashed at Summer to only miss as the two former teammates looked at each other. 

Raven: Just stop and listen to me! 
She yelled at her. 

Summer: Your tribe took them and used them for your benefits. That tribe you've ran off to are nothing but pests. 
She before kneeing her at the stomach, earning a gasp from Raven before falling onto the ground. 

Raven coughed heavily before receiving a hard kick from Summer, causing her to hit a tree. 


The Rathalos landed on the ground as it attempted to grab Y/N. 

Y/N: Slow. 
He said before shooting lightning at it. 


The Rathalos roared in pain as Y/N continued to shoot lightning at it before seeing a glyph slam its sword at him. 


Y/N dodged out of the way as Weiss continued to fight him. 

Y/N: Still fighting Heiress. 
He said as he glared at her. 

Weiss: Just stop fighting. 
She told him. 

Y/N: Then you'll have to kill me. 
He growls at her. 

Weiss: Please just listen to me! 
She yells at him. 

Y/N: So you can betray me again! 
He yells before shoving his hand into the ground, electrocuting the ground. 

Weiss: AHHHH! 
She screamed in agony before feeling a punch. 

Weiss gasps as Y/N stood in front of her, leaning on his shoulder. 

Y/N: Never again. Never again will I ever lend my hand to a human. 
He said before kicking Weiss into a tree. 

???: You MONSTER! 
He heard a yell. 

Y/N turned around to see Yang running towards him as her eyes glowed bright red. 

Yang: I'm going to kill you for hurting my sister! 
She yells before lunging at him. 


Y/N slashed through Yang's arm, cutting it clean off as Yang crashed into the ground. Laying there motionlessly as he heard a thud behind him. 

???: Yang! Weiss! 

Y/N: Hmm. How ironic kitty. 
He said before turning to see Blake standing by Weiss and Yang. 

Blake: Just stop Y/N! 
She yells at him. 

Blake: Please just stop and come back to Beacon. 
She begged him as tears ran down her cheeks. 

Y/N: For what? So you can fuck your boys behind me again! 
He yells as lightning crackled around his body. 

Blake: I-

He yells as he shoots a blue ball. 

Blake dodged out of the way as she ran towards him with Gambal Shroud. Suddenly she stopped moving as she looked at him in shock. 

She yells as she struggles to move before feeling herself get pulled back. 


Blake gasps as she feels Y/N punch before laying on his arm. 

Y/N: You are weak. Just like Adam. 
He whispered into her ear. 

Blake: Y-Y/N-
She said before passing out. 

Blake fell onto the ground as Y/N looked at her. 

Y/N: You've did this .

???: You monster! 
He heard her voice. 

Y/N slowly turned around to see Ruby looking at his with tears in her eyes. 

Y/N: Am I monster Ruby? Am I really? 
He said as he walked towards her with a blank expression. 

Ruby: You've hurt them all! 
She yells as she fell to her knees. 

Y/N: And you did the same. So who's the monster!? 
He yells at her before grabbing her by the throat. 

Y/N: I'm merely trying to protect my people. And what do yours do!? SLAUGHTER! BUTCHER! EXPERIMENTED ON! 
He yells before kicking her at the stomach. 

Ruby crashed into the ground as she held her stomach in pain, tears running down her cheeks as she laid there. 

Ruby: Y/N. 
She sobs loudly. 


Y/N: AH! 
He yells in pain as Raven slashed at his chest before being tackled by Summer. 

Raven elbowed Summer off as she ran to Yang and the two before opening a portal. 

Summer: Son of a bitch. 
She growls in anger.

Y/N: Leave it be. 
He said as he Ruby looked at them. 

Summer: What are we going to do with her. 

Y/N: Return to Fatalis. 

Here is chapter 15 of Humans Are The True Monsters! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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