Chapter 20: Guilt

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Yang's POV 


I felt the wind around me as I looked around to see nothing but a large forest. 

"W-Where am I?" 
I asked as I looked around. 

???: Y/N! 
I heard her voice before turning around to see her. 

I asked in confusion as I saw her appearance. 

Scratches running along her arms and legs as she pants heavily, blood running down her forearm and legs. 

"W-What happened to you Ruby?" 
I asked as I went to touch her to only feel myself pass through her. 

I asked as I looked at my hands to only see through them. 

???: Still alive I see. 
I heard his voice as I looked up to see him. 

I asked as I held my arm, feeling his sword once more as I backed up. 

Ruby: Just come back to Beacon. 
I heard pain in her voice. 

Y/N: Why should I? To be experimented on? To help the humans butcher my people? 
I heard anger in his voice. 

Ruby: To help our people!


Y/N: You HELPED them kill our people! 
He yelled as he jumped down, sending Ruby away a bit as I saw his E/C eyes glowing with green. 

Y/N: Mizutsune is dead. Glanveous is dead. My family are DEAD! All because the humans are selfish and nothing but monsters! 
He yelled as he grabbed his sword. 

Ruby: But we can convince them. Together! 
She yelled at him. 

Y/N: The humans don't deserve to live for the atrocities they committed.

Ruby: Not every human deserves to die! 
She yells as she readies her scythe, tears running down her cheeks. 

Y/N: I don't care. Humans did nothing but stand by and watch my people be slaughter and taken away without a second thought. They fear us and they have the right to do so. I'm going to kill them all. As the last Astalos. 

Ruby: No. That won't happen! 
She yells as she charges at him. 

I yelled out as I saw Y/N pull his sword back. 


I screamed as I ran towards her, seeing her fall to the ground as blood dripped onto the ground. 

"You monster!" 
I yelled at him, trying to touch Ruby but couldn't. 

Y/N: Time to die traitor. 
He said as he held his sword above Ruby's head. 

Ruby: I-I-I-I love you. 
She coughs out blood. 


Dream Ends 

Third Person POV 

Yang: Ruby! 
She screamed in fear as she looked around to see that she was in a hospital room. 

Yang: W-W-Where am I? 
She asked as she held her dismembered arm in fear. 

???: Hey baby girl. 
She heard a male voice before turning her head to see a man with blonde hair standing in front of him. 

Yang: D-D-Dad? 
She asked as she looked at him. 

Tai: Came to check up on you. 
He said as he placed his hand on her shoulder. 

Yang: W-W-W-Where's Ruby?
She asked as she looked at him. 

Tai looks away as she looked at him, tears slowly forming her eyes. 

Tai: She isn't here. 
He said sorrowfully. 

Yang: D-D-Damn it. I-I-I failed. 
She cursed to herself, sobbing. 

Tai: It's not your fault. 
He said as he brought her into a hug. 

Yang: I-I-I-I should have protected her. 
She sobs into his shoulder. 

Yang: She should be here. 
She sobs loudly. 

Tai hugs her back quietly as he rubs her back. 

While the two hugged each other, Summer looked at the two with a blank expression before looking at Tai. 

Summer: I'm sorry it came to this Tai. 
She said before jumping off the tree before running off while a tear ran down her cheek. 

To Y/N 

Y/N was walking with a tray of food before seeing Ruby in her cell, looking at the ground with red puffy eyes. 

Y/N: Eat. 
He said as he slid food into the cell before seeing Ruby slowly grab it. 

Ruby: W-Why? 
She asked, her red puffy eyes looking at her. 

Ruby: Why do you hate us so much. 
She said, barely holding her tears as she looked at Y/N's blank expression. 

Y/N: Ask yourself and figure out the answer yourself. 
He said before leaving her alone as Ruby laid on the ground, sobbing quietly as she curled into a ball. 

Ruby: I-I-I'm so sorry. 
She sobs quietly. 

To Fatalis 

Fatalis was standing at a cliff as she felt the wind blowing through her hair before sensing someone behind her. 

Fatalis: What is it Gammoth? 
She asked as she looked at the wavy waters. 

Gammoth: So when are you going to tell him. 
He said to her. 

Fatalis rubbed her stomach as she smiled before looking back at the crashing waves. 

Fatalis: Soon. Soon.

Here is chapter 20 of Humans Are The True Monsters! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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