Chapter 26: Blake

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Third Person POV

Fatalis was slowly walking down a path as she had her hand on her stomach, feeling her bump slowly starting to form.

Fatalis: How would he take this?
She asked herself before walking into a room to see Vaal Hazak standing in front of a portal.

Vaal Hazak: Queen Fatalis. What do I have the pleasure of your presence?
She asked as she looked at her.

Fatalis: H-How is it going?
She asked, her hand still on her stomach.

Vaal Hazak: The portal is ready for us to leave.
She said as she notices her hand on her stomach.

Vaal Hazak: Still haven't told him yet?
She asked as she looked at her.

Fatalis: I-I-I don't know how to.
She said as she looked at her stomach.

Vaal Hazak: The Great Fatalis. The strongest of all our kind, does not know how to tell her lover. One of the Fated Four. That she is pregnant with his child.
She said with a small giggle.

Fatalis: I just don't know how to.
She said and sat on a table.

Vaal Hazak: Is it a boy or girl?
She asked as she looked at her.

Fatalis: B-B-Boy.
She said as she rubbed her stomach.

Vaal Hazak: Drink this.
She said as she held a bottle of water in front of her.

Fatalis slowly takes it into her hand and drink it.

Fatalis: Thank you.

Vaal Hazak: What about those two girls?
She asked.

Fatalis: Summer's daughter, we'll keep her.
She said to her.

Vaal Hazak: Why.
She hissed.

Vaal Hazak: Are you willing to keep one those whores who broke your love's heart.

Fatalis: Her mother is dead Vaal.

Vaal Hazak: S-S-Summer? H-How? How?
She asked in shock, her eyes widening.

Fatalis: I don't know.

Vaal Hazak: Do you know where her body is at or where it may be at?
She asked.

Fatalis: Why do you think the others are out .

Somewhere Else

???: RUN!
A soldier yelled as he shot at a man charging at him.

???: DIE!


Suddenly the soldier was stabbed through the stomach.

The soldier yelled as he shot at him.

The man moved his head and stabbed a blade through the man's head, killing him immediately.

???: Bloodbath Diablos. What are you doing.

The one ow known as Bloodbath Diablos slowly turned to see Uklanlos walking towards him.

Bloodbath Diablos: Enjoying myself.
He said before ripping the dagger out of the soldier before crushing its head.

Uklanlos: Let's just get the food.
He said to him.

Bloodbath Diablos throws a dagger at a female soldier, earning a scream from her as Uklanlos looked at him.

Uklanlos: Come on. Let's go.
He said to him.

Bloodbath Diablos: Let me have fun with this. Just like they had fun killing my family and experimenting with their bodies like toys.
He said, his eyes filling up with red aura.

To Blake

Blake was in her room as she slowly got up from her bed before looking over to Yang and seeing her drink.

Blake: Yang. You need to stop drinking.
She said as she reached over to grab a bottle from her.

Yang: Leave me alone.
She slurred as she continued drinking.

Blake: Yang.
She said as she covered her nose before taking away the bottle.

Yang: Give it back!
She yelled as Blake held it away from her.

Blake: You need to stop drinking.
She said to her, looking at Yang's dulled lilac eyes.

Yang: Give it to me now!
She yells as she tried to reach for it to only fall onto the ground.

Blake sighs and helps her up.

Yang: Get away from me slut!
She yells at Blake as Blake looked at her with widen eyes before running out of the room. Blake ran out into the hall and ran into Weiss.

Weiss: Hey!
Sh yells as Blake ran down the hall.

Weiss: What happened in here!?
She yelled at Yang.

Yang: Ask the slut.
She slurred as she drink from the bottle before looking at her dismembered arm.

To Blake

Blake was walking down the hall as she had tears running down her cheeks.

Blake: W-W-Why did I...
She sobs to herself as she walked down to the nurse's office.

Blake: Y/N.
She said to herself as she had her hand on her stomach.

Blake: I'm so sorry.
She said before reaching the nurse's office and slowly reached for the door knob before hearing voices behind the door.

Blake: W-What the?
She asked as she leaned in closer, hearing three voices behind it.

Blake: Its Ironwood and Ozpin.
She said as she listened.

Ironwood: Akantor is ready on my command.

Ozpin: I see.

Ironwood: So where is Summer's body?

Ozpin: In the lab.

Ironwood: What are you going to tell Tai?

Ozpin: That Summer will be buried alongside the others but will be used for experimentation. Now we need to wait for Ms Belladonna.

Ironwood: Once the baby is extracted, it'll be used to for experimentation for weapons and for breeding animals to exterminate the grimm forever.

Ozpin: Yeah.
He said as they heard a thud at the door.

Ironwood: What was that?
He asked before opening the door to see no one there.

Ironwood: Check the cameras.
He said as he looked around.

To Blake

Blake was running out of the building as tears ran down her cheeks.

Blake: H-H-How could he?
She asked herself as she ran down the hall before hearing the alarm go off.

Ozpin: Anyone who comes across Ms Belladonna is to be bring her to my office.
He said through the intercom as she ran.

As she ran, she came to the cliff of the Emerald Forest before turning around to see the atlesian soldiers soldiers standing with a man in red armor looking at her.

???: Come with us.
A man in armor said as he looked at her.

Blake: N-No.
She said, her hand on her stomach.

???: It wasn't a request.
He said as an atlesian soldier grabbed her by the arm.

Blake: LET GO OF ME!
She yelled as she struggled to get out of the soldier's hold.

Atlesian Soldier: AH!
He yelled in pain before throwing her onto the ground.

Atlesian Soldier: Stupid bitch.
He groaned in pain before grabbing her by the hair.

Blake: AHH!
She screamed in pain as she tried to get out of the soldier's hold.

???: Bring her to the office.
He said before hearing lightning boom through the sky.

Atlesian Soldiers: AHHHHHH!
The soldiers screamed in agony before falling to the ground.


The man slowly turned around to see Y/N standing in front of him, in front of Blake as he held his sword in hand.

Blake: Y-Y/N?
She asked as Y/N glared at the man.

Y/N: Akantor. What have they done to you.
He said with anger, holding his sword in hand.

Akantor didn't say anything before pulling out his hammer.

Akantor charged at him and swung his hammer at him. Y/N dodged out of the way as he swung his sword at him to only bounce off.

Y/N: Shit.
He said as he sees Akantor spin around and hit him with the handle.

Y/N staggered back as he held his jaw in pain before hit at the chest, being sent to the side of the cliff.

Blake: Y/N!
She yelled as Y/N landed near the end of the cliff.

Akantor: Y/N L/N. Your time is near its end.
He said as he dragged his hammer behind him before putting his foot on Y/N's chest.

Y/N struggled to take his foot off of his chest as he groaned in pain.

Akantor: Time to die.
He said as he raised his hammer.

Before he could slam his hammer onto him, Y/N suddenly shot a ball of blue energy.

Akantor: Missed.
He chuckles before being suddenly pulled back.

Akantor: WHAT THE!?
He yelled as he struggled to get back onto the ground.

Y/N slowly got up before shooting blue lightning at Akantor, sending him away.

Y/N slowly walked to Blake before dropping onto his knees, coughing up blood before feeling Blake's arms around him.

Blake: Hey. Stay awake.
She said as she looked at him, his eyes slowly closing as blood dripped down his armor.

Blake: Y-Y/N. Please.
She begged him as tears ran down her cheeks.


Y/N: V-V-Valstrax. I-I-I-Island.

To Ironwood

Ironwood: I thought you nearly had her!
He yelled at him.

Akantor: That was until that bitch's dog came and got her.
He said as Ozpin looked ath im.


Suddenly the room shook as they turned to see Nergigante smash a building before seeing a white cloak on its hand.

Ozpin: They came for her body.
He said with anger as Nergigante roared loudly.

Ironwood: Shoot it down!
He yelled into his mic while gunfire roared throughout the sky.

Nergigante growled before slamming its fist int the ground, launching spikes into the soldiers on the ground. Their screams echoing through the area as Ozpin looked at it in fear.

Ozpin: Oh my god.
He said before seeing Nergigante fly off, leaving them in shock.

Ironwood: Follow it Akantor.

Akantor: With pleasure.

Props to Comethazel for plot suggestion!

Here is Chapter 26 of Humans Are The True Monsters! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far?

What do you all think should happen next?

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