Chapter 35: Reunions

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Third Person POV 

Yang: Ruby? 
She gasped, seeing her with her kusarigama wrapped around her arms as his red cape blew with the wind. 


Yang: RUBY!? 
She yelled as she she saw her kusarigama bearing against his gauntlet. 

Yang: Why? Why are you doing this!? 
She yelled, seeing her silver eyes glaring at her. 

Ruby: Why? Why? Ask Raven. 
She growls before kicking her away, sending her back. 

Yang: Raven is dead! My mom is dead! 
She yelled as she glared at her, her eyes turning red. 

Ruby: Oh is she? Good. Tell me. Did she die of her wounds or poison? 
She grins. 

Yang: Y-Y-You did that? 
She asked with shock. 

Ruby: Why wouldn't I? She took away my mother. 
She growls as she charges at her. 

Yang: What? 


The two sisters clashed once more as they glared at each other, Ruby's kusarigama grinding against her sister's gauntlets. 

Yang: W-Why? 
She asked with sadness. 

Ruby: She killed mom. With no hesitation. 

Yang: She would have never done that. 

Ruby: Really now. A sword wound. A stab wound. And I wonder who would have a sword. 

Yang: M-Maybe it was Y/n. 
She said as she struggled to keep her kusarigama away from her. 

Ruby: And why would he attack her and kill her when he is hellbent on protecting his people. While Ozpin is working with a man hellbent on destroying Y/N and his people. 

Yang: B-Bu-
She said before being cracked across the jaw. 

Yang staggered back in pain as she held her jaw in pain. Yang slowly looked at Ruby to only see her chain before feeling it wrap around her throat. 

Yang: What a-a-are you doing. 
She gasped before being kicked at the stomach, sending her off to a tree. 

Ruby: Isn't it obvious. 
She said before groaning in pain, holding her side in pain as blood slowly dripped down her side. 

Ruby: Damn it. 
She groans in pain before feeling Uklanlos wrap his arm around her. 

Uklanlos: We got to get to the portal. 
He said before carrying to the portal. 

Yang: R-Ruby. C-C-Come back. 

To Fatalis 

Fatalis was standing in front of the cave entrance as she looked out to see countless atlesians dead on the ground, skulls showing before turning to see Vaal Hazak. 

Vaal Hazak: What are you doing here? You're supposed to be through the portal. 
She said as she looked at her, her hand gripping on an atlesian soldier's throat. 

Fatalis: I just wanted to wait for him. 
She said, rubbing her bump. 

Vaal Hazak: My queen. Your safety is top priority. 
She said 

Fatalis: B-But...
She said, looking down at her bump. 

Vaal Hazak: Your safety is top priority. They're all out there to protect you and Xeno. 
She said as she glared at the soldier. 

Vaal Hazak: Now why don't you scream me. 
She grinned as the soldier screamed in agony, his skin slowly thinning as he struggled to get out of Vaal Hazak's grip. 

Fatalis: Y/N. 

To Ironwood 

Ironwood; Why hasn't they taken down that cannon! 
He yelled as a bulkhead was shot down by a blue beam. 

Soldier 1: I lost all contact with team SSSN, CRDL, and WY when they got on shore. 

Soldier 2: All the others are answering. 
One said before hearing a scream. 

Soldier: Help! OH GOD! HELP! 
He screamed before hearing a loud roar. 

Goodwitch: Oh my god. 
She said before walking out of the room, leaving Ozpin and Ironwood. 

Ozpin: What are you planning. 
He said to him. 

Ironwood: Planning on destroying them all. 
He said to him. 

Ozpin: Then what. 

Ironwood: We can weaponize them to fight Salem. 

Ozpin: Then what. 

Ironwood: We can live in peace. 

To Goodwitch 

Goodwitch was walking down the hall as she shook her head before being grabbed from behind, thrashing around as she struggled to get out of a hold as a hand came over her mouth. 

???: Shh human. 
The stranger said as Goodwitch looked at the hand in black gloves before feeling a pair of fangs in her neck. 

Goodwitch: J-J-James. 
She said before falling to the ground, passing out as the man slowly dragged her into a closest. 

???: Good night human. 
The man said as he went to the door, revealing himself as he looked at her. 

His red goggles, his black mask, black hat, and black leather cloak. 

???: Time to kill Ironwood. 

To Y/N 


Neptune: GAH! 
He yelled in pain as he skidded back, holding his trident in hand. 

Neptune: W-W-Why is he so strong. 
He said, panting heavily as Y/N slowly walked towards him. 

Neptune: Y-You monster. 

Y/N: Am I now. 
He said as his E/C eyes glared at him. 

Neptune: I'm causing a mass slaughter of innocent people. 
He said as he held his trident up, ready to fight. 

Y/N: You humans slaughter each other. From faunas to humans. All because you all believe different things. 

Neptune: We don't kill innocents. 
He said, glaring at his adversary. 

Y/N: Innocent! INNOCENT! 
He yelled as a loud boom echoed through the area. 

Y/N: You very humans massacred my people. Experimented on! Butchered! And no one bothered to save them. No one ever did. All humans are the same. 
He growled before charging at Neptune. 


Neptune: is this about team RWBY? 
He asked as he struggled against Y/N, seeing his green armor slowly turned blue. 

Y/N: What about them. Just random girls who decided to rip my heart out. 
He growled before kicking Neptune away. 

Neptune: Gah! 
He gasped in pain as Y/N shot a blue ball towards him. 

Neptune: Oh shit. 


Neptune: AHH! 
He screamed as he hit his back against a rock before falling onto the ground. 

Neptune: W-Weiss. 
He said weakly before feeling him get pulled towards Y/N. 

Neptune: W-W-What th-SHANK 

Neptune grabbed Y/N's blade as he attempted to take it out before slowly going motionless. 

Y/N ripped his sword out of Neptune's throat as he dropped to the ground before hearing a loud boom. 

Y/N: What the. 
He said as his eyes widen, seeing a large missile. 

Y/N: Don't tell me. 

To ??? 

???: What did you do human. 
The man growled as he glared at a heavily wounded Ironwood. 

Ironwood: What would grant Remnant a tomorrow. A dust bomb. You snake son of a bitch. 

Here is chapter 35 of Humans Are The True Monsters! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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