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It's been two days since dad has told me we'd talk about it. It has yet to happen, and with the school year approaching in just a few short days, I was beginning to wonder if that conversation would happen at all. Yet, I didn't dare bring it up again, I'd already created a large enough fuss to last me a lifetime.

Turns out, I'd taken quite a long nap after Yukio broke the Kurikara. I'd been comatose from that night, throughout the next day, until I'd woken up the next morning. During that time, everyone in the monestary was working double time to fix the damage caused by the blow out of that night. The delinquent teen that had been assaulting me, although through the possession of a demon, was sent home under the pretense of starting fights in the cemetery. No one questioned it seeing as how he was a known trouble maker, and everyone here at home knew he wouldn't have any recollection of that night's events, anyway.

However, it was midweek, and with such a short time frame before school began, Yukio was heading back to the academy to finish unpacking. So I found myself standing outside by the front door, anxiously waiting for him to appear with his coat. It was only a few minutes before I saw his lengthy form appear through the doorway. He'd traded out his crutch for an ankle brace, not wanting to cause a fuss at school. He seemed surprised to see me and he paused his trek.

"Nii-san, what are you doing out here?"

I had the urge to roll my eyes at him, "isn't it obvious, I'm bidding you farewell... again."

He gave me an incredulous look, "you did that on Monday, why again? It's no different from before." He shifted his jacket slightly and turned to face me better, no doubt understanding that I had more than just goodbyes in mind.

Nevertheless, I kept face, "I mean, you did save my life, I can take time to wish my younger brother a safe trip." While I was genuine with my statement, it wasn't my whole intention, and I sighed. "Also, you're the only other person who knows dad best." He stared at me expectantly and I found myself growing shy under his pressing gaze. "Uh, do you think that, um, that dad will allow me to go to True Cross?" I cast my eyes away from his, looking down toward his shoes. You couldn't even tell he was hurt. The brace fit snugly inside of his shoe, and the only way you knew he was injured was the slight limp he had after standing. in these past couple of days, I'd watch as he'd struggled to his feet, feeling guilt wash over me. He'd caught me staring once, and ever since, he's been standing up smoother. He had to be covering it up, for my sake or not. Either way, the guilt was still there.

"No," he said coldly, and I winced, forgetting he was supposed to answer. His reply sunk in after a moment and I once again looked up at him. His teal eyes were hardened, almost like stone, and I was shaken by it. He was always warm and understanding, why was he so callous now? Especially after such a simple question, I felt my resolve falter. "Nii-san, has it even occurred to you how hard it would be to do so? Not counting today, there's only two days until the beginning of the school year. And never mind that, how do you expect our father to pay for it?" I flinched as his tone turned sour, "I worked night and day to earn my scholarship. How do you expect to get in?"

I stood in silence, realizing just how unrealistic I was being. Shameful, I quietly said my farewell to Yukio before turning to open the front door. He caught my sleeve, however, and I heard him take a deep breath. "It's not just that, Rin." He was no longer addressing me as a brother, and I turned slightly to cast a glance over my shoulder. He was looking me up and down, making an expression I couldn't name. "Even if the situation was perfect, I'd still be firm on my answer." That piqued my interest and I took a step back, asking him to elaborate. He closed his eyes, sighing, "you are oblivious." Opening his eyes, he set his gaze firmly on me. "If you were to have asked to become an Exorcist before I'd broken the Kurikara, the answer would most likely have been 'yes.' However," he frowned, shifting his jacket to his other arm. With his freed hand, he reached for me, picking up a lock of my hair and twisting it around his fingers. "You're different now, Rin. In good ways and.... not so pleasant ways."

I pushed his hand away, gripping my own hair, trying to piece together what he meant. "What are you going on about?" My fingers traced the area he had, and I found nothing wrong. I was different? I know I've been a bit off kilter since the incident, but I'd been out of commission for awhile after that huge brawl. Who could blame me for being sore and sleepy?

He shook his head, taking his jacket off his arm and throwing it on, the chilly air around us finally getting to him. "Everything, Rin. From head to toe, you're different," he huffed, "but the same."

I whined, "you're giving me a headache with this stupid puzzle. Cut to the chase, Yukio, what's so different about me?"

"Fine," he snapped, reaching out and grabbing my wrist. He pushed up my long sleeve and clucked his tongue. "You're more fragile. Maybe you haven't noticed it, but I have. Dad's even mentioned it." I scoffed, he must've don't more than just hurt his ankle that night. "It's not like you're actually smaller, but you hold yourself in a way that just makes you seem vulnerable."

"I still don't know what you mean, Yukio. So I've been slouching? That doesn't make me different. I'm still the same brother you've always known."

He laughed, but the action wasn't lighthearted, "the brother I knew was a half demon. He had jet black hair and piercing, blue eyes." He let go of my wrist, grabbing me by the shoulder and pushing me back. "He had a lot of vigor to him, and a temper to rival an ornery toddler,"


"Shut it. You are different. You're still my brother, and you always will be," his face softened and he loosened his grip on me. "But, you need to go look in the mirror, Rin. You don't look the same way: not just in appearance, but in personality."

It was silent between us for a moment, but then I scoffed. "I think you hit your head, Nii-chan." I laughed playfully and he sighed, reaching out and ruffling my hair.

"You'll see, trust me, Rin."

I swallowed, forcing another smile onto my face. "I'm sure I will, Lil' bro." Chuckling, I pushed past the conversation and mentioned the time, "you'll be late for your train if you don't leave soon."

He hummed, "you're right, I'll be going, then." I watched as he strolled over to the monestary gate, opening the latch and slipping through. Before too long, he was out of my sight and on his way. I turned back to the door, going back inside and leaning against the wooden doorframe. I cleared my throat, trying to remove the lump that was starting to form. Yukio was being over dramatic, no one can change like that, not in a few days. And certainly not without the help of cosmetics.

Pushing my sleeve up, I trailed my fingers over where he'd grabbed me. Sure I was a little paler than usual, not too noticeable, but I'd passed it off as feeling under the weather. I sighed, pushing my sleeve back down and making my way back to my room. I made a pit stop at the bathroom, however, as nature called. It'd be a lie to say that curiosity didn't have a play in that choice, too. Once finished, I washed my hands, nervously keeping my eyes away from the mirror.

I dried my hands and sighed, raising my gaze to my reflection. The mirror was fair in size, it was narrow, but I could see my form from my hair down to the sink. I assessed myself, not really seeing anything. It's not like I sprouted freckles like Yukio or anything. I was just... just... normal?

I rolled my eyes in frustration, giving myself one more glance before - huh... one more glance.

Now I knew what he meant, as I leaned over the counter and stared at my reflection, I felt my heart flutter. He had jet black hair and piercing, blue eyes. I reached up and pulled at my eyelids, as if to dislodge the foreign object from my face. Why? Why was it different?

Quickly, I opened the door, glancing to the right and left before stepping into the hallway and snatching a picture frame off the wall. I brought it back into the bathroom and held it up to the mirror, doing a side by side comparison. It was a junior high picture of me, about two years old at this point, but the age difference isn't what I was focused on.

I stared at the picture: blue eyes, black hair. Then I turned to my reflection: blue eyes, black hair. But how? I see it! I saw what Yukio meant, the change. In frustration I shoved the picture to the counter. Ripping my shirt over my shoulders and planting my palms against the sink. Was I really paler? How was that possible? My gaze traced over my faint scars. After years of causing chaos and participating in fights, I'd accumulated a handful of injuries. They were a pale lavender, barely noticeable against the porcelain of my torso.

I sighed and rubbed my face, picking the picture frame back up. Surely physical changes couldn't happen overnight? Not without some sort of change in chemistry or something.... chemistry? Would science have an answer for this?

Still holding the picture, I stepped out of the bathroom, turning off the light behind me. I slowly stepped through the hallways, my mind preoccupied with unanswered questions. There was only one person who could answer them, if he could, and I found myself knocking on his door. There was a creak and he sounded surprised, "Rin? What's wrong? Where's your shirt?" I didn't answer them and simply shook my head, pushing my way into his room and standing in the open.

"Dad?" My voice was timid and I cleared my throat, "we learned something in junior high, and it's bothering me."

"Ah, sure." His footsteps thudded against the thin carpet and I heard him sit on his bed. I was facing away from him and hugging the picture frame close. "What's on your mind, kiddo?"

I swallowed audibly, "in science, we learned about how scientists would toy with rat embryos, doing all sorts of things." I cursed myself for not having paid more attention in that class, as I was struggling to voice my thoughts. "Anyway, when the rats were fully developed, they weren't normal rats anymore." I chewed on my lip, shifted my weight onto one of my legs. "What is that?"

"Eh? What's this got to do with anything?" I answered him with silence and I heard him scratch his beard. "Well, it sounds a lot like DNA modifying." My eyebrows rose and I shifted my weight once again, turning a bit in the process. I darted my eyes to his sitting position, but he wasn't looking at me. "It's frowned upon, seeing as how those innocent creatures could end up with disabilities because of it. But I do know that modifying genes can range from changing hair colors all the way to adding another leg."

Changing colors? "C-Can that happen outside of a lab? And after birth?"

Now he was looking at me. No doubt catching onto how distressed I was. His irises roamed over me a few times and I sensed the gears turning in his head. "Oh," was all he said, and it was silent between us. The air was still and you could've heard someone breathe on the other side of the door. Finally, he stood up and shortened the distance between us. His arm moved and he gripped the frame I'd been protecting. I hesitated, but relented after a few tense moments. He took one look at the photo inside before setting it down carefully on his duvet.

Then, his arms were around me. A small noise escaped me and he hummed, shifting our positions so that my head was in his hands. I nervously looked around the room, before finally settling my eyes on him. "You've noticed, haven't you." I nodded, as much as I could in his grasp. He nodded as well, his voice low, "I noticed it the morning after you'd blacked out. You were still unconscious, but in the morning light, I saw how your hair was a different hue."

My hair? I pulled away from him, reaching up and running my hands through it. Abruptly, I recalled how Yukio had fixated on it, as well. My lone parent shook his head, "it's not like you've become blonde. That'd be too noticeable. Believe me, nothing about you has changed that drastically. You're ID card will still have you labeled as black haired." He hummed, taking a step back, allowing myself another foot of space. "However, you've always had such dark hair, you still do. Before, sunlight did almost nothing to brighten that mop on top of that head of yours." He smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "But since a few days ago, when the sun hits you, or you're in a brightly lit room. It shines through with a brunette hue. One akin to your brothers actually." He mused on this for a moment, and I sighed, bringing his attention back.

"I never noticed that," I twisted a lock, emphatically, "seeing as how there aren't any mirrors outside."

"It's not that different, Rin. It's still black, but it's just more... normal." Normal? What was so unique about my hair before all of this? He didn't seem to notice my expression, however. "And your eyes, I know that's what's gotten to you." I nodded, dropping my hand to my side. "They've always been a bright, crystal blue." I knew that, I'd always been complimented for them. Girls gushed over how pretty they were, and how jealous they were of me. "And, like I've said, they're still blue, but, not as... ethereal."


He grunted, and I sensed he was becoming frustrated with how he was explaining things. "You've always been a beautiful child. Both you and your brother turned heads when you were little. You were different, though. Your dark hair, bright eyes, charisma, athleticism," crimson orbs pierced through me, and I suddenly felt very transparent. "You were on a different level than the rest of humanity. You know why?" I shook my head, "your ancestry."

I flinched. "You're saying I got my good looks from my sperm donor?" I basically hissed at him and I watched as he held back a smile. Good to know he saw my frustration as comical.

"That 'sperm donor' makes up half of your chromosomes, Rin. Being a half demon quite literally made you appear 'out of this world.'" I scoffed at him, but he shushed me. "But with your demonic side sealed inside of the Kurikara, you were human, and you still are."

"Dad, cut the bullshit." I ground out.

"You're still as dense, aren't you." He chided, giving me a look. "The kurikara is gone, along with your demonic side. Why would you get to keep the appearances?"

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