Part 8- Save me

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Hey guys im so so so sorry about the delay but i hope this super long chapter with mostly what you asked for in it is enough to repay you all. Im so thankful for all of your comments and votes and love and patience, it really does mean a hell of a lot to me...

I'm really sorry @mehakrocks for not being able to finish this for your birthday, I actually had a exam that day, I really tried... but i hope that this can be a late birthday present 💕

Please let me know your favourite part, line, phrase, or what you dont like... please comment and vote... and actually my wish is that i could make it on to the rankings... i would really love that, if anyone knows how i could try harder to achieve that please let me know 😊❤️

Enjoy ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Vidyut walks in to the room and his face warps immediately at the sight in front of him. Insane rage slowly filled his eyes in utter shock.

Avni was pressed up against Neil, and her head rested on his arm in the crook of his neck. His muscular arms were hugging her protectively like he never wanted to let her go, his cheek was resting on her head as they nuzzled in to each other. They had smiles on their faces in morning after so many years, they had finally found peace in each other arms. The blanket was pulled over them but it was obvious because of the clothes sprawled everywhere, what had happened.

"What the hell is going on... what the hell-" it was hard to not scream these words out and break them out of their dreamy sleep. "They can't- I have to do something right now- right now..."

Then suddenly, a malicious sinister smile appeared on his face. He called out for his servant to enter the room, he entered looking to the floor as Vidyut demanded everyone who works for him to do.

"Yes sir?" He looked up to answer Vidyut but his mouth gaped open at the sight infront of him.

"Oi hello!" The servant's alarmed eyes immediately flicked to Vidyut's fiery ones. "Keep your sick eyes where they were, okay?"

Vidyut wasn't having that go on under his house, only he had a right- and anyway this man hadn't paid any money to see her beauty.

"Take Mr Khanna back to his room- don't let him wake up."

Neil still had his trousers on, even though they were unbuttoned and scruffy. The servant held him up and dragged him back to his room.


Vidyut looked down at Avni with a grin, checking her out from up to down. What if his plan didn't work out last night, it could work out right now...

He sat beside her on the bed, staring at her with filthy eyes.

It was undeniable that she looked stunning right now. Her shiny hair fanned across the pillow around her like a fallen angel, her skin had that gorgeous golden glow from her night with Neil that made her even more irresistible. She looked ravishing, a beautiful calm smile on her face that he had never seen before, and the silky softness of her bare limbs that stuck out of the blanket.

He leaned in closer, breathing in her sweet flowery scent. He reaches for the blanket with a disgustingly perverted smile-

"Maa?!" A confused, bewildered Nishaan stood in the doorway and yelled out for Avni.

Vidyut froze in place in surprise, but Avni's eyes fluttered open slowly with a murmur of Nishaan's name.

As soon as her eyes opened... she was faced with Vidyut right in front of her face and the feel of the coldness of the blanket against her naked skin. She nearly jumped out of her skin as she saw him, she gasped loudly and automatically clutched the blanket over her bare body and guarded herself.

Vidyut recovers from his shock and its when he lets that small smile appear on his face that the cold blooded realisation floods through her. Suddenly she's aware of each and every part of her body, every hair standing up on her body, she could no longer hear Nishaan's calls. Terrified tears rose in her eyes as she frantically tried to remember what happened last night. She couldn't gather even a tint of memory about last night, as if it didn't happen at all, but it clearly had.

She scanned around the room and as soon as she spotted her clothes on the floor, she grabbed them and dressed herself as well as she could under the blanket. She felt so dirty and disgusted, as she felt the air hit the places under where the saree had ripped.

"Good morning Mrs Dewan... or should I say Pandit..." Vidyut smirked and shivers ran through her spine at the sight of it, she fisted her hands to try and control her fearful shaking. Vidyut was skilled at lying at exact right time, straight through his teeth. "How are you feeling now I have made you mine in the truest and utterly whole sense?"

Avni shot out of the bed away from him, clutching the haphazardly draped saree to her as tightly as possible, her eyes were enormously wide in shock and she just trembled speechlessly. Sickened tears streamed down her face as she did nothing to stop them, she looked at Vidyut in absolute horror like you would at a ghost or disfigured monster. But it was herself that felt disfigured right now, she felt violated and grotesque and dirty. Disgustingly filthy.

"What have you done?" She hissed in hatred, the hatred and fear in her eyes were inexplicable, harrowing. Her eyes were shattered, they had been broken before but never this badly, never to this state. She never felt like this, like she was not a woman, that she was stained, that her body had been stolen, abused, dirtied.

As Vidyut walked toward Avni who was backing herself in to the wall, they both forgot Nishaan watching the entire thing. Vidyut pinned her fragile body against the wall, enjoying the sight of her shivering underneath him.

"Why are you regretting it now my darling? You seemed to enjoy it last night?" Her sobbing eyes were squeezed shut as if she was trying to block the words out as he spat them at her, he was smiling like a mad man.

He leaned in to her, and begins to trace his fingers on her bare stomach but she throws his hand aside with her teeth gritted in disgust.

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me you monster!"  She screeches in terror and rage, she was tremoring in loud cries, she felt sick at the thought of what he done with her. She couldn't stand the thought that someone else had touched her the way only Neil had the right to- she was ready to give Vidyut anything but not her body... not her love.

"Neil! Neil...please... Neil!" She screamed for him in desperation, her voice broken and vulnerable in agony, her eyes begging. All she needed right now was him, him to take her in to his arms and protect her, comfort her, love her, clean her. But she couldn't help thinking whether he'd ever want her back anymore.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Vidyut slapped her straight across the face, bellowing monstrously with red eyes of rage. Avni looked him back in the eyes as she clutched to her now raw red cheek, with a sharp intake of breath. Her stare started to become defiant, she had a limit to her tolerance. "I told you! Never take his name!"

Nishaan looked on at his maa and papa in terror, innocent naive tears running down his face seeing his mother's pain. He had never seen her break down like this, he had never seen anything but love between his parents because she never let him see different, because she never wanted him to have a broken family like she did. He was horrified by this face of his father, so violent and raging... he didn't recognise this man, this monster. He didn't know what he could do to stop that man hurting his maa, he knew enough to understand that he wasn't strong enough. He sprinted from the doorway to across the corridor.

"Neil. Mera Neil. What will you do if I don't stop taking his name?" She tried her hardest to stay composed, fierce.

Vidyut just smiled as he grabs her hand and twists it painfully, she winces loudly as it turns blue/purple under Vidyut's angry touch, he pins it above her head making her unable to move and trapping her from all corners. Again his filthy fingers wander the skin on her stomach, making her feel nauseous as she struggles in his gasp.

"You really won't stop taking his name?" His voice unsettled her racing heartbeat, each beat calling for Neil. His hands wandered downward threateningly, but she tried to control her shallow breathing and shook her head adamantly. "YOU WONT!?"

He sent a winding punch to her stomach that caused her to stagger downward by its impact. Before she could recover from it he threw her to the side by her hair, making her forehead bang against the edge of the mirror before she fell to the ground. She sobbed in agony, curling in to a ball as a feeble attempt of protecting herself.


Loud cries and whimpers from a small voice is what broke Neil out of his deep sleep, he sat up slowly and had to hold his aching head to collect himself. Last night had already become broken jumbled up memories and the last thing he remembered was drinking away his sorrows. He blinked to clear his eyes as worry pounded in his heart at the crying he could hear.

He could swear his heart literally jumped at what he saw right then, Nishaan stood at his door and was shaking and sobbing violently- he looked like a vulnerable baby- alone and scared. Neil could hear his panicking heartbeat ringing in his ears as the tears filled his eyes, he couldn't bear Nishaan's innocent eyes holding so many tears, he would never let him cry ever again, he promised himself that. It did not matter whether he was Gaurav's child or some stranger's of the street. This boy was too precious to him.

"Nishaan? Beta?" His question was heart breaking, so strained in pain of worry.

"Hero uncle!" Nishaan yelled in relief as he ran to Neil, more chunky sobs leaving his throat.

Neil immediately lifted him on to his lap and hugged him as close as he could to his chest, sheltering Nishaan away from every single pain and worry with his strong arms wrapped around him tightly. Neil frowned as he felt his shirt getting wet as Nishaan cried vigorously in to it, trying to hide his terrified face in his chest. Neil leaned down and pecked his hair repeatedly, rocking him back and forth to comfort him, Neil was being tortured by worry at Nishaan's state. Nishaan was so visibly shaken by what he had seen, Neil could still feel Nishaan shivering as he lulled him in to a calmer state with murmurs of sweet nothings.

"Nishaan beta... kya hua? Tumhara Hero uncle ko batunga na?" He fondles with his hair softly to try and get him to respond but Nishaan was too frightened to even move away from the warmth and security of Neil's hug.

"Beta? Kya hua? Kisi ne kuch kaha? Kuch kiya?" Neil voice was so gentle that it almost washed calmness over Nishaan like a lullaby would, he didn't want to think about it anymore he just wanted to stay here where he knew he would be safe- with his hero uncle.

"Aap mujhe raksha karenga na?" He whimpered in fear, his voice teetering and breaking Neil's heart.

"Of course mera bachha... of course... tumhara Hero uncle humesha hai tumhe raksha karne ki..." He kissed Nishaan's forehead, tears running down his face, as he choked on his words because of his cries. "Par kya hua tho batana padega na beta?"

"Wo aadmi rakshaas hai hero uncle! Please mujhe uske paas phir se kabhi nahi jaana hai!" His voice was terror-striken, as if it had scarred him permanently as if the same memories would replay in his head all his life.

Neil's brows furrowed in rage, cuddling Nishaan closer to him, he felt the concern thundering in his chest, "khon? Kisi ko himat tha mera Nishaan ko dhara ne ko? Nishaan... batao please..."

Nishaan shook his head no, and Neil could see in the way that he squeezed his crying eyes shut and gripping Neil's shirt in his small fists how afraid he was.

"Beta..." Neil caressed his face and lifted it to look at him expectantly, both their eyes were red and watery. "Tumhara hero uncle tumhara saath hai... mein tumhe kuch nahi hone dooga... batao mujhe..."

"M-m-m-" Neil's frown deepened at Nishaan stuttering. "Mumma-"

Neil looked like he had been slapped around the face.

"Avni!?" Neil straightened up in fearful alertness, instantly pertrified. "Avni!"

His heart was pounding at the speed of lightning, and he could feel it pulse in restlessness in every fiber of his body. It was if he was suddenly drowning, freefalling in to the depths of a chasm... the rest of the world disappearing and just her name ringing in his ears. Excruciating fear infested his body. Devastation froze his face in a frown and parted lips. He looked like his breath was beaten out of him, like he had forgotten how to breathe, agony drowning his lungs

He ran- quicker than he ever had before.


Vidyut walked toward her delicate shaking frame with a wicked smile, humming as his eyes scavenged on her body like a predator. She held her saree tightly to herself in distress, trying to grasp on to any of the dignity she had left as she cried helplessly.

"You wont listen to me huh, baby? Pakka? Because you know what I am capable of... and what i will do, you know whats at risk... are you sure you wont listen to me?"

She flinched, her glassy eyes widening in fear. "Nahi! Not Neil... I will listen- I'll listen..."

"Good girl... Now your mine... and I'm free to do what ever i want with you... and your irresistibly s*xy body..." Vidyut hissed, biting his lips as he approached her. She grimaced in disgust, she could feel his hot breath against her bare skin raising goosebumps up on her body. She squeezed her teary eyes closed, bracing herself.

"Please... no... Neil..." She whispered desperately, chanting Neil's name under her breath like a prayer between her cries.

"No point calling out for your Neil now... he cant do anything to save you..." Vidyut was inches away from her, she could feel his gaze burning her with that dangerous smirk. "If he hadn't been so ignorant that day then maybe he could have stopped all of this... but now? But now... your mine baby.Mine to admire, mine to touch, mine to caress, mine to use, mine to hurt... mine to sell... whatever i want... and that Neil wont be able to do anything..."

"Please! No! No! Please.... Neil! Bachao mujhe.... please... Neil..." His one hand skimmed over her upper thigh. She let out a agonised cry as his other hand reached out to brush against her breasts,

"HEY!" A deafening scream of fury sounded before a vicious punch landed around Vidyut's face, making him stagger backward with a bleeding nose.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" Neil stood in between them, with a bloody fist. He was shaking like a maniac, his eyes were so red they looked like they were bleeding. He had never looked so destructively angry before- so explosive- so dangerous.

He grabbed Vidyut's collar, his bloodshot eyes piercing through Vidyut's ones. Neil was livid. Raging. His stare could have been enough to kill Vidyut right then and there.


It was like a wild animal had possessed him as he let out a growl as he kicked and punched, elbowed and strangled him uncontrollably. Vidyut may have been an extremely strong man but he was nothing next to the monster of Neil's rage. Vidyut was panting with threads of blood trickling down his skin. Neil grabbed his hand and then looked up at him, fuming.

"IS IT THIS HAND!? IS IT THIS HAND THAT TOUCHED MY AVNI!?" He barked in rage, putting so much force on it that all of Vidyut's knuckles cracked out of place and he screamed as blood drew out of his dislocated wrist.

"AND THIS MOUTH!? THIS MOUTH SAID ALL THOSE SICK THINGS ABOUT MY WIFE!?" Vidyut coughed out bright crimson blood as Neil's violent punch landed straight on his mouth.

Avni collapsed to ground in heart-wrenching howls of affliction. The excruciating sound grated against Neil's ears- breaking him, his heart crushing in to a million fragments in a second. He immediately turned and fell to his knees beside her, forgetting everything.

Just looking at her in this state felt being sentenced to feel the pain of dying, and fuelled the beast of anger inside him, fear making his blood turn to ice. Her eyes were so soulless and empty, her knees were folded to his chest and her eyes were squeezed shut and she had her hands over her ears as if trying to block something out. He felt sick at the way her clothes were shredded and her flesh was scarred with scratches and cuts. She was convulsing in sobs and he had never seen her so weak and fragile, so destroyed.

He gently cupped her face and scanned her up and down with panicking weeping eyes, he checked over every part of her body so carefully and lovingly. She drowned in the love and comfort his eyes held and finally the numbness in her heart thawed away, his soft broken whisper was like a sweet nectar to her ears, "Avni... Im so sorry-"

She suddenly clutched to his shirt in bunches with her fists and tried to hide herself as much as she could in to his chest and away from Vidyut, sobbing manically. She was practically curled in to his lap like a small baby.

He wordlessly wrapped his arms around her as tightly as humanly possible, rivulets of feverous tears streaming continuously from his bright red eyes. The agony of her cries was unbearable... his world was crumbling apart, his heart splintering, agony soaring through his chest.

He desperately peppered millions of kisses on every bit of skin he could find, his tears falling in to her hair. She was hyperventilating in fright, and her words came slow and short as if she was gasping for air.

"Neil-Please- dont leave me- please-"

He shook his head no, his melted brown orbs were soft with tears of deep rooted pain and guilt as he tucked away the loose strands of her hair behind her ear and caressed her hair gently.

"Its okay baby... your safe now... dhar na mat... mein hu yaha... i wont let anything happen to you baby..."

He looked back up at Vidyut, his eyes hollow in rage.

"I'm going to kill you." He stands up, walking towards Vidyut with fatal anger in his eyes. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

This time, the bleeding vidyut just wiped away the blood with the back of his hand and let his infamous smirk reappear.

"Why blame me Mr Khanna, when the fault is equally yours?" Neil frowned in confusion, making Vidyut laugh dryly and sarcastically. "Oh you look confused Mr Khanna... well let me explain..."

"First of all, let me reintroduce myself..." He held out his hand to hand shake- which Neil obviously ignored with a harsh blazing stare, "Hi Mr Khanna, nice to meet you... I'm Mr Vidyut R..."

Neil's face portrays the shock he is feeling, his mouth a small o.

"Sorry? You don't understand? Let me sit down before I explain more..." Vidyut laughed heartily at Neil's reaction, and starts to walk over to Avni to sit beside her. Neil's protective instinct immediately kicks in as he stands in the way and shoves Vidyut back with curled fists and gritted teeth.

"Alright... alright... fine... I'll stay standing..." He never loses that smile and that was what was so angering, so unsettling. "So yes Mr Khanna... I am Vidyut R. The same Vidyut R whose mother you imprisoned, the same Vidyut that vowed to avenge you- steal everything away from you. And look? How i stole your everything away from you straight under your nose!? Your sexy avni was with me all these years-"

"DON'T YOU DARE TAKE HER NAME!" Neil came at him again like a ravaging beast, but before he could do anything Vidyut grabbed him by the collar and something about the look in his eyes stopped Neil.

"Hold on a minute Mr Khanna... I'm not done... listen man i dont know why you are getting so angry at me when its your fault... Hear me out. Okay?" Vidyut looked indifferent as if this was the most causal thing in the world. "I know your weakness was Avni all along... and so i knew that all I had to do was break your heart... but you know whats really sad? Whats really sad is that I stole away all of your most precious moments... infact I found out that your wife was pregnant with your child before you did!"

Avni turned rigid, her breathing ragged. This wasn't meant to come out like this.

Neil gasped, his eyes filling with tears as he felt this undefinable agony but extreme joy rising up inside him and making his hands shake, his face was ashen and his insides contracted. And this sloundering emotion consumed him completely like he was drowning in tar, "Nishaan?"

"Yes Nishaan... and it was easy from there, infact you made it easy... you remember those pictures? Those pictures that ruined your relationship? Those pictures that meant you hurled disgusting accusations at your wife? Those pictures that looked like Avni was unfaithful? Well that was me... I kept a gun up against your Avni's stomach and forced her to listen to me while taking those pictures..." He grinned at the devastation on Neil's face. "It was all for you, for your baby... could you imagine how scared she must have been? She thought she could run home to her Neil who would readily comfort her in his arms, she thought she could tell you everything and you would understand and stop me... but what did she get? You weren't ready to hear a single word Neil... you broke her trust, her heart. And so she ran away to Australia, all alone... pregnant and no idea how she would survive on her own with a child..."

Neil had a hand on his heart and the colour drained from his face, guilt was written all over his face. Guilt was etched in to his furrowed brows, bloodied glassy eyes, and fisted hands that were trembling. His eyes were crimson from the strain of those tears, and irrevocable monster of rage his eyes had somehow suddenly died away and nauseous shame replaced them and he suddenly looked tiny, and fragile.

"She couldn't hide from me for long... and this time revenge wasn't the centre of my actions, your Avni is a very beautiful woman Mr Khanna, it's hard not to get caught up in her alluring looks and fierce attitude, I wanted her. But you think a woman like Avni would agree to be with me so easily? No. Something had to be at stake, and that was you. And your son. She lived through torture everyday you know? Hit, punches, burns, bites... so on so forth... i mean just look at her, you can see the wounds."

Neil closed his eyes, too ashamed to face her.  His face was in visible agony.  Floods of tortured, harrowing, excruciating tears ran down his raw red cheeks but he didn't bother to wipe them away. Something died inside him. It looked like his lungs had burst, and he longer could breathe, that his heart had stopped, and was bleeding out on to his feet.

"But you know what Mr Khanna? I don't think even once she has said that she wont suffer it- that she wouldn't suffer it for you... You broke her trust. You never realised that she was begging for your help. That she fell to my feet to save your life. That she lived her life in constant pain, in constant fear that i may cross my limits even though you did nothing to deserve it... we never married Mr Khanna, she never betrayed you... you betrayed her. And oh lord Mr Khanna... its incredible... to have such a beautiful woman in your house, to see her squirm under her your control, play her to your wishes-"

He pushes Vidyut roughly to hit the wall, the beast was awakened in Neil again. His jaw clenched and he shook like a volcano ready to erupt. He was erratic, he had lost any sanity he had left and that look in his eyes was terrifyingly bloodthirsty and murderous- he didn't look like he had any of the righteous ACP Neil Khanna left inside him. He wouldn't hesitate before killing this Vidyut.

"Oh ho Khanna! Don't bother being angry now..." That grin made Neil's heart race in panic. "... its too late..."

Neil's face was drained of colour, like he had seen a ghost, his jaw unclenched and his arms fell lifelessly by his side. There was absolute horror on his face, utterly aghast.

"Too late?" His whisper was dry and hoarse, like he was suddenly parched.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN TOO LATE!? WHAT DID YOU DO!? WHAT THE F*CK DID YOU DO YOU WITH MY AVNI, YOU FILTHY F*CKING  BASTARD!?" He screamed like his life depended on it. His arms wrapped around Vidyut's neck and strangled him violently, Vidyut's face was turning blueish at the stop of blood circulation.

But he didn't stop with that arrogant smirk, and tried to speak out the next words through his struggle to breathe, "what did i do? I made her mine."

Neil's hands loosened and he froze, his eyes wide in terrified shock. Ripples of sickening guilt churned in his stomach, making his knees go weak. It was if he was slowly drifting out of consciousness, like this was too horrific to not be a nightmare. He stumbled back meekly.

He turned around and fell to his knees in front of Avni, and she could see the small boy in his eyes. The one that was terrified, shivering in the dark loneliness of fear,  the one that was begging for assurance, the one fighting so hard not to break down.

"Am I?" His question was so quiet, he seemed so small and vulnerable. He was pleading for mercy, his patience was wearing thin and panicked guilt was making his eyes glassy with tears.

Words were beyond her, she couldn't gulp back the words stuck in her throat. She could only let her arms open, and her body sag, as she with red teary eyes weakly nodded and whimpered...

"Its too late Neil..."

With a loud howling, ear-splitting sob, he  scooped avni in to his arms and up against his chest. He buried his face in her bust, clinging on to her desperately as he shook frantically in weeps. Her hands went immediately to fondle with his hair and she rests her head on his, pressing her lips in between his strands.

They rocked back and forth as they clutched on to one other, refusing to let go, Neil was crying convulsively in insufferable agony and Avni frowned as she heard him mumbling incoherent things in to her chest.

"Yeh sab meri galati hai... please avni mujhe maaf karo... main- yeh kaise- sach nahi hai... yeh sab- yeh bura saapna... avni baby please mujhe maaf karo...mein yeh-"

They didn't even notice Vidyut disappearing from the room. Vidyut thought: ' yes Neil knows the truth but the lie I told about using Avni was the cleverest pawn I have ever played. And I am Vidyut R, I would never give back Avni her precious Neil without taking something in return.

Avni made Neil look up at her, cupping his face gently. His crying eyes couldn't look her in the eyes properly, his eyes flitting around the room with shame. Then avni flashed him her stunning soft smile, and his eyes teared up even more in awe. His avni was so strong, he could see the grief in her scarred eyes but she still smiled, for him. It just made the guilt cut even deeper.

"Kyu roh rahi hu baba? mat roh na neil..." she sniffled back her cries as she wiped away the tears on his cheek with her thumb. She leans over a plants a tender kiss on his temple, making his heart flutter. But something was wrong in the way her hands were shaking, her voice was so false, her eyes were crumbling.

She stands up, making his heart jump up in worry, she almost trips over her in her faintness but steadies herself, "Ab mere liye kyu roh rahi hu? Tum abhi bhi kyu mujhe bardaash kar rahi ho huh Neil?"

He looked startled, overwhelmed with astonishment as he stood up with her, looking at her with a puzzled frown.

"Mein manhoos hu Neil, I will only bring bad luck in to your life, i can't keep you safe, I cant keep you happy..." Tears flowed down her face as she trembled as she spoke, she was in a terrible state that made Neil torturously break apart. "For five years I've tried to keep you safe, to not worry you with anything, but look what has happened? I'm a sh*t wife and a sh*t mother Neil... why do you love me? Chod do mujhe na? Aise kyu karab kar rahi ho tumhari zindagi?"

She shut her eyes, wrapping her arms around herself as if protecting herself trying to swallow the pain in her lungs that stung her harshly. She bit her lip to hold back the wails lingering on her lips.

"And anyway, vidyut ne- vidyut ne- ne- ab mein gandi hu Neil! Gandi! Gandi! Gandi! Gandi!-"

Neil couldn't bear hearing those words repeatedly from her lips, he couldn't bear the pain in her voice as she screamed them. He pinned her to the wall roughly, and for a second she was scared by his eyes, they were blazing, she was afraid she'll disappear in to ashes.

He smashed his lips against hers, capturing her lips roughly. He kisses her ferociously, possesively as if marking her lips as his. His tongue runs along her bottom lip as he devours the taste of her, famished for so long. Shivers run through her spine making her toes curl in pleasure as he bites her lips. Desperate, heated passion radiates from his lips to hers as he tried to make make her understand without words that weren't enough, how much he needed her. His hands roamed across her body wildly, desperate to erase all of Vidyut's touch with his, claim her as his. Tears rolled down from her eyes at how right his touch felt, how loving, how different to Vidyut's.

"What nonsense are you saying! You are mine Avni! Tum meri thi, meri ho, aur humesha meri hi rehenga!" He rasped out in rage, his hands tightly gripping to her shoulders and shaking her.

"Mein ab tumhari nahi ho Neil! Yeh- yeh choot dekh!? Yaha?! Yaha!? Yaha!-" she manically stabs at her wounds, and scars, aggravating them, Neil grabs her wrists with crying furious eyes, stopping her. "Yeh choot- yeh daag dikh rahi ho?! Vidyut ne- Vidyut ne mujhe daag diya hai Neil... mein tumhari Avni nahi ho ab-"

"CHUP!" He slams his finger on her lips to silence her, his eyes were crimson, each vessel prominent as she felt him heave with anger, she froze in surprise with wide eyes. "Bilkhul chup... kaise khey sakthi ho yeh sab?! Nobody can dare snatch you away from me... understand? Mein poore duniya se ladunga Avni... but I will not lose you..."

She weeped bitterly and shoved his hands off her, making his eyes pierce with hurt. "Why don't you understand Neil?! I hate this body now! I f*cking hate it! Can't you understand how it feels? To have pain of the way he tortured me, the hits, the cuts, the burns and bruises to still linger on my skin?! Closing my eyes and only being able to see how his lustful eyes stared at me in that sick way!? To know... to know that the monster has touched this body, abused it... used it to satisfy his filthy needs- He f*cked this corpse Neil... Don't you remember- dont you remember that he f*cked your wife?!"

She almost laughed sadistically as Neil closed his eyes, the tears bursting forth like a damn as nauseous bile rose up his throat. He couldn't even face just the thought of what that Vidyut did to his avni.

Her screeches suddenly died down to a broken whisper. "I don't want to feel dirty anymore please Neil... I'm so tired... mein ab aur nahi jeena chaati..."

"Pagal hoga hu kya!? Kya bol rahi ho!? Tum kab kitni selfish hogayi Avni!? Kya mujhe koi dard nahi hai?! Is it easy for me!?"

There was such dark agony in his eyes, torment in the tears dripping down his cheeks and affliction in his voice that it made her heart ache.

"Don't you know how much it hurts to see tears in your eyes? To see you so weak and fragile? Don't you know how it feels like a stab in my chest each time i realise that you suffered on your own for so long and you couldn't tell me? That I couldn't protect you from him? Can't you see it f*cking killing me, that I'm going f*cking insane because that beast laid his hands on you!?"

"Neil...please listen to me... I'm dirty now ... why can't you realise? What if later on you realise you don't want someone so broken, so scared and scarred and dirty? What if you don't- don't- love me anymore?"

Shock is imprinted in his eyes as he stares at her blankly as he finally realises her insecurities. Guilt hits him like a tonne of bricks seeing the fear and loneliness in her watery eyes and it feels like someone was wrenching his heart out of his chest.

He single-handedly pulls her closer by her waist, his grip intensely tight. His eyes were screaming with love for her and glimmering with fear of losing her as he cupped her face gently. Her eyes flickered shut in emotion and tears dripped down from them as  he kisses her the cut on forehead softly. His tears touched her skin as he pressed a feathery kiss on her temple,  and then her cheek before pressing a small yet burning kiss on her plush lips, with every word of his love on his lips that flooded her with emotions.

"Don't you dare ever think i will stop loving you... chaiyye kuch bhi ho, mere liye tum meri hi avni ho. My stunning, smart, loving, Avni... the strongest most beautiful woman I have ever known and the one I love more than anybody on earth aur kuch bhi, kuch bhi yeh badal nahi saktha... samji? And i will not let anybody take you away from me... not Vidyut and not even you yourself..."

As she finally got  the reassurance her heart was begging for, she let the burden of trapped pain in her chest out in heaving sobs as she collapsed in to his chest in wails of agony. He hugged her tightly, cuddling her to his chest desperately as tears fell from his own eyes. She rested her head on his heart and could hear the thud of his racing heartbeat and could feel how terrified he was in that moment, yet he just rubbed her back comfortingly... hiding his pain to protect her. He rested his chin on her head and just held her for as long as she needed, letting her cry out all her fear and pain as she clutched his shirt in her fists. He whispered sweet nothings in her ears as she mumbled out the words that were locked in her lungs for so long.

"I-I-I didn't lose in faith in you Neil- I knew you would save me- i- I knew you would-but I couldn't put you in danger Neil- I didn't want you in danger- whenever he hurt me, or hit me- i only thought about you... please don't leave me- please- im so tired of fighting on my own..."

He shook his head, tears flowing down his face as he weeped internally, kissing her hair longingly. He whispered lovingly, making her smile slightly.

"Ab mein hu na? Ab tumhari ladai sab katam... Jab tumhari Neil yaha hai tum ko kisi ki bhi saath ladne ki zarowath nahi hai... kuch bhi sehne ki zarowath nahi hai... mein poore duniya se ladunga, mein kuch bhi karunga meri jaan ko raksha karne ke liye... and for hurting my avni he will have to pay..."

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