Chapter 16

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~Anika's POV~

I woke up from my deep sleep. Yes I again slept but I can only sleep peacefully with Shivaay. But I really don't know the reason. My eyes searches him but didn't found anywhere. I get down from the bed and went towards the washroom. I came out taking a hot shower and now I'm ready for office. I went down and listen some sounds from the kitchen, I moved to the kitchen and found him making breakfast. Is he mad or what! His hand is injured and he is making breakfast. I moved towards him and shouted at him.

A: Shivaji! Are you made? Your hand is still not cured and you're making breakfast! If you were hungry you could inform me but no, you're making breakfast.

S: Actually Anika I didn't want to bother you so....

A: OMG! Your hand is bleeding. That's why I shouted on you.
(Taking his hand in her)

S: you're still shouting.
(Puppy face)

A: don't act cute with me..

I started clearing his wounds with cotton while he hissed in pain. I looked at him and he smiled at me. I can feel his gaze on me which made my cheeks red. After bandaging his hand I stood up for going towards the kitchen when I feel a tug in my wrist. I turn around and found Shivaay with care in his eyes.

S: are you alright now?

I nodded with a smile and move towards the kitchen. I come with our breakfast and we both start eating. Shivaay wasn't able to eat with his hand so I make him eat with my hands. While having breakfast my phone ringed and the caller is Abeer Sinha. Shivaay looked at my phone then at my face. Anger and worry was clearly visible in his eyes. I answer the call.

Ab: hey Ms. Anika aren't you coming to the office today?

A: yes I'll come and may I know the reason why did you call me?

Ab: can't I call you without any reason?

A: come to the point Mr. Abeer.

Ab: come and meet me at my office after an hour I have to discuss something important.

A: okay..

I city the call and Shivaay is looking at me with a questing face.

S: why did he call you?

A: we have signed a deal together and now we're business partners.

S: what! You signed a deal with him? After knowing his true colors how could you do this?

A: we're only business partners Shivaay and he can't hurt me...

S: you know what? Do whatever you want.

He stormed out of the house without listening to me. After some time I left for Sinha's office as I have to meet him.

~Shivaay's POV~

Is she mad? How can she do this? She never thinks about her safety. But I shouldn't shout on her. I'm also a businessman and I should understand all this. Shit yaar. She must be upset with me.

I moved towards my room and take a cold shower to calm myself. I came out and was ready for my office when I got a idea. I immediately called Khanna and ordered him to do the work.

I was doing some work in the office when I got a call from Gauri. They both have gone to Paris for honeymoon. I answered the call.

G: hello bhaiya! How are you?

S: I'm fine Gauri. How are you both? Actually I got busy in work so I didn't get the time to call you..

G: it's okay bhaiya. Bhaiya I want to ask you something.

S: tell na..

G: actually bhaiya I'm trying to call di. But she isn't answering the call. I called Era massi but she is in her village. I also called Lia but she told me that Anika didn't come to the office. So I'm really worried for her.

S: you don't worry.. I'm going to find her.

G: thank you bhaiya..

I cut the call but now I'm felling very restless and only one question is running on my mind.. "Where are you Anika? "

Precap- 😡😢💏

Really very sorry for the late update but I was very busy with my exams.

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