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(chapter xx)

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☽⋅.} ───── ⊰

Alicea walked alongside her husband, pulling at her uniform in discomfort. It was officially her first day at RAD after a long time of healing mentally and physically.

She had to wait for the approval from Wysteria, who had been keeping in check of her energy for a while now. It had finally happened and Alicea was excited to be joining her family and no longer having to spend all her time alone when they went to school.

            "I don't understand why these clothes have to be so restricting," Alicea pouted, after Lucifer took her hand in his, not wanting her to keep pulling at her uniform.

            "You would get used to it after a few years," The married couple both jerked at the female who was hovering upside down in front of them. The playful demon smirked in victory at the idea of 'scaring' Lucifer," Well, I can always help with adjustments" Amadis lowered herself to the ground and showed off her outfit.

            "I would prefer if my wife didn't have her clothes altered by you, Amadis" Lucifer closed his eyes," I don't want demons to look at her the way they look at you,"

             Amadis snickered," I should feel insulted, but I do enjoy the way I rile up others," Before teleporting away, she leaned towards Alicea and kissed her cheek. Leaving Lucifer growling and wrapping his arm around his wife. He wiped her cheek with a handkerchief mildly pouting that Amadis slipped past him.

Alicea was still getting used to Amadis appearing randomly since she was not allowed at the House of Lamentation. Though it was not as if she even listened to the rule and no one actually put the effort into stopping her. Alicea genuinely enjoyed the playful demon's company, when she wasn't trying to rile up anyone.

            "You know, Amadis is so good for Belphie," Alicea suddenly confessed," Someone with her energy and enthusiasm is not as awful as what others tend to make it as."

            Lucifer's hand stopped moving from wiping her cheek," Amadis and Belphie? That's hardly a pair I'd put together"

            "Well," Alicea's lips lifted mischievously and tilted her head," Wouldn't you come to an agreement, that we both weren't exactly a couple people would 'pair' with each other?"

Lucifer sighed. He was unable to comment back knowing she was right. Alicea was young as Lilith and as carefree as his sister was, so was she. To his eyes, she was a youngling Angel he'd never have predicted to end up marrying one day and even though she'd ever be committed to one person, due to her flirty nature. However, he later learned that Alicea wasn't everything he labelled her as.

Her way of communicating was the only way she knew how to avoid others from knowing any of her weaknesses. From her awkwardness to clumsiness—all of which she hid behind a forced persona that'd do a brilliant job in hiding them.

Since Lilith had known Alicea far longer than he had—she knew this. His sister never introduced them until she gained a balance of trust and that was a lot longer than one could imagine. Give or take, the females took almost seven hundred years to even be friends.

           "How foolish of me to forget," Lucifer started to smirk," My wife was rather a wild Angel who refused to listen to the rules"

            "Listen, I did listen to some rules," Alicea huffed at him.

            "Yes, yes, such rules that did not apply when you played pranks on your fellow Angels" Lucifer crossed his arms and started to walk," Teatime was even dangerous, knowing that you, Lilith or even Beel and Belphie had mischief rolled up your sleeves"

            "Listen, most of the harm done was just adding either salt or spice, nothing harmful," Alicea shook her head, holding back her laughter. She remembered Michael, Simeon and Lucifer refusing to have tea for years after the incident. The three have not known about the mischief until Mammon accidentally overheard the four making fun of the situation and shouting it loudly—enough for Lucifer to hear the diabolical prank that had been unsolved for a while.

The four of them all had been rightfully punished, but not before they got back at Mammon. Let's just say, Mammon had to deal with bright yellow hair for a few years. He never let them live it down, but he failed at all attempts to get the four back.

            "You know, it's not so bad—

            "When you start a sentence like that, it usually turns out the opposite of what you intended for," Lucifer interrupted Alicea blatantly.

            "Lighten up, Lucifer," Alicea waved her hands absently," Look, we aren't Angel's anymore, the rules applied in heaven are far from what we need to worry about" She stated glancing at her husband that cocked an eyebrow," I'm not getting into causing a rebellion or trouble for Lord Diavolo, so relax" Alicea reached over and rubbed in between his eyebrows that started to furrow.

            "I would be open to hearing what you have in mind if it's as you claim is not causing trouble for Lord Diavolo or anyone for the matter."

            Alicea stopped in her tracks and crossed her arms behind her back. A big grin made it on her face as Lucifer turned to face her," I want you to re-marry me, Lucifer" Lucifer blinked. His body refused to move a single inch as he stared at his wife.


            Alicea giggled," You know, we technically were reborn as demons and I thought that it'd be nice if we renewed our vows. I am not asking we do something extravagant, but we have a bunch of new people in our lives that never had the chance to attend our first wedding."

             Lucifer reached over and grabbed Alicea's hands," I'd marry you as many times as you wish, Alicea"

            Alicea beamed brightly, before throwing herself into Lucifer's chest," Well, I guess we'd better tell everyone the news! Ah—" She leaned back and winked," That is after we finish our lessons for today." Lucifer chuckled and placed a kiss on her eyelids.

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