episode 14

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Sanskar comes to ragini who was ready to leave in auto..he stops her nd asks her to sit on bike...before she could speak..sanskar stops her nd says chup chap sit orelse i should forget this is a clg..i will take u in my way...ragini widened her eyes as she got what he meant..she sits helplessly..

Sanskar asks her to hold him orelse she will fell...ragini doesnt bothered she sits keeping some distance bw them...sanskar says im not a stranger hold me tight..but ragini doesnt..sanskar drives..he puts sudden break which makes ragini hits sanskar back....ragini jerked nd moved away..again sanskar puts sudden brk..ragini again hits his back.ragini looks at him with annoying face...sanskar sees this through d mirror nd says with naughty smile.. i already told thaf hold me but u didnt listened...ragini glares at him nd holds him by placing her hand on his shoulder...sanskar takes off her hand frm his shoulder nd pulls her close..he keeps her hand around his waist by holding it..he was driving with one hand(hope u guys understand)...ragini looks on...

Ragini comes out frm washroom after got fresh..she was about to wear her mangalsutra..sanskar stops her nd he makes her wear mangalsutra while ragini stares at him lovingly.. He fills her hairline with sindhur..he kissed her forehead nd he went out..ragini blushing touching her forehead..
Sujatha came to ragini nd gives one shoping bag nd asks her to open...ragini opens nd sees light pink short dress...sujatha says i went shoping i liked this dress alot.i thought it suits u so i bought for u....ragini says but mami u knw na i didnt wear this type of dresses..sujatha says i knw but..i want to see u in this dress .. wear this for me...ragini nodded nd goes to washroom...
After got change ragini comes out wearing that dress which was above knee length..she only looking at her dress nd pulls down nd says see mami how short this dress is..ragini doesnt get reply she looks up nd shocked seeing sanskar who was looking at her with mouth opened...(sujatha went to her room as she got a call ..then only sanskar came)..sanskar steps towards ragini who was nervous...ragini turns to go washroom but sanskar pulls her holding her wrist nd pins her to d wall...ragini was breathing heavily as sanskar was very close to her..he was scanning her top to bottom..ragini was hell nervous...he leaned even more close..ragini closed her eyes feeling his hot breath on her neck..sanskar wishpered in her ears..u r looking hot..its better that u r not wear modern like this orelse i cant imagine my situation..ragini controlling her blush...sanskar smiles seeing her..he caressed her cheek nd about to kiss but stops hearing door knock...they composed...sanskar opens d door...sujatha gets in..

Sujatha: wow ragini u r looking amazing in this dress..i told u na this dress suits u...
Sanskar:mom u bought it na
Sujatha:ha..how is it
Sanskar(staring ragini):stunning
Sujatha smiles..while ragini gets shy...
Sujatha:k u both come dinner...

Saying she left..
Ragini about to go for change..sanskar called her...ragini turns quickly sanskar clicks her photo with his mobile...ragini asks what he did...y he took her picture..delete it...sanskar says y should i delete..ragini asks plz delete it...

sanskar:no..come for dinner ..im hungry saying he goes for dinner leaving ragini with cute puppy face...

After having dinner ragini came to room nd doesnt find sanskar..she sees sanskar mbl on bed nd thought to delete her photo..she takes it but she was unable to open as it asks password..she tries 2 3 names but it  doesnt open...she hears sanskar voice frm her back..

Sanskar:what r u doing..

Ragini( turns while hiding mbl n her back):n..no..nothing...

sanskar : nothing? na( while stepping towards her)..Ragini nodded her head while stepping back..but she was near bed so she hits bed..sanskar neard her ragini closed her eyes with fear...sanskar slowly wishperd give me my phone..ragini thinks she caught..she nodded as no...

sanskar tries to take his mbl but ragini bends back to not giveup to sanskar By d result ragini who was unbalanced fell on bed followed by sanskar who also bend to take his mbl...they have eyelock..sanskar was lost in her face...he looked at her rosy lips nd about to kiss ragini gets flashes how he forced her that night she pushed him angrily nd goes to sofa nd sleeps..he feels bad....after sometime ragini dozzed off but sanskar only stares at her with so much of love..he moves to her nd tucks hair strands which was falling on her beautiful face...he recalling how rudly he behaved after their marriage nd how he makes her hurt..he feels guilty..he says to sleeping ragini im sorry ragini i hurted u somuch...but i promice i will never make u cry..i will give only happiness to u..i love u..he kissed her cheek..he lifts her in his arms nd placed on bed...he too lay on besides her...he dozzed off while staring at ragini....

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