Hums of Analysis

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Within is one of the least-hunted treasures,
Ignored abruptly amidst false pleasures,
Sought to be forgotten, then left to mourn,
Submitting to illusions the soul scorns,
Oh, dear men, analyze than spiral thine heptagonal maze.


Around, a witty word of wicked measures,
Curtaining mask to live all the leisures,
Trap it is, but who would break it down?
Shunned are the whistles of keys from prior prisons,
Oh, dear eyes, analyze than loitering the glittery surface.


Rhyme scheme: AABBC|AABBC

Belief behind:

Eyes may see wrong, ears may hear wrong but the analyzed conclusion should never be influenced by surface of perceptions. The yardbird here is wisdom.


Heptagonal maze: Referring to the seven lives a soul should go through before judgment if to be liberated.


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