Hums of Disease

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Illness, a stumble in the walk of finesse,
Oh body, mind, esprit, wisdom and bliss!
Thou shant suffer nor be left unheard,
Thine sheaths surround the eternal light,
Oh, diseases! Immunize them than splintering these precious pot.


Health, an equilibrium of joyous wellness,
Oh, penta-cloaks fending what is his,
Thou cradle the dazzle of every wizard,
May the glory drench the universe in delight,
Oh, diseases! thine thorns may corrupt the orb of remedies not.


Rhyme scheme: ABCDE|ABCDE

Belief Behind:

Diseases immunize health and help the soul gain it's karmic and yogic wisdom.


Penta-cloaks: It refers to the concept of panchakosha or the five shealths that cover the soul.

1. Annamaya, the physical sheath
2. Prānamaya, the energy sheath
3. Manomaya, the mind layer
4. Vigyānamaya, the layer of wisdom
5. Ānandhamaya, the layer of inner bliss.

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