Hums of Frustration

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Defeats, frustrating gallons of bitter pulp,
Churning anguish waves of the dump,
Succumbing the fuels feeding the flames,
Letting fortes retire into the cavern of blames,
Oh, the feathery eclipses, thine wisdom shall dawn in the frowns of the south.


Success, the crystal dews of sweet slurp,
Savoring joyous rhythm in thine hump,
Ruffling the scabs of frustrated frosts,
Shining peace pearls of sour droughts,

Oh, divine miracles, thine shimmers shall illumine clouds of the north.


Rhyme scheme: ABCCD|ABEED

Belief Behind:

Failures shape the path of success. And the yardbird persistence flutters amidst the shines and fogs of the ups and downs.


It is believed in the Indian story of Dakshina Moorthy that the one who knows everything should face the south, the direction of ambiguity, challenges, and death. His students, the seven stars, will face north to seek his divine knowledge.


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