Hums Of Penalty

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Life, streaming nine emotions endowed to expire,
Tagged with seasons of surprise and sabotage,
A precise prologue of sizzles and shimmer,
Oh, the quenchless pursuits of purple truces,
Cage me less, thine penalty shan't be my reign.


Death, spring of peace and pearly rain,
Rummaging fire of eternal truths,
Sore than venom but a loyal sorcerer,
Ignite my penalties to exit the mirage,
Oh, the elixir, bloom the petals of the serene pyre.


Rhyme scheme: ABCDE|EDCBA

Belief Behind:

Life is a beautiful lie, and death is a harsh truth. This yardbird wishes to choose truth over false facts. Amidst the two faces living is the only penalty.


Nine emotions: Nava rasa is the nine expressions of life. They are Shringara (love), Vira (valor), Karuna (mercy), Adbhuta (amazement), Raudra (fury), Hasya (happiness and humor), Bhayanaka (fear), bibhatsa (revulsion), and Shanta (peace).


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