Results #13

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Welcome to the Results of the 13th Annual(but not really annual) Hunger Games!

May the odds be ever in your favor!


Thalia shoots an arrow at Probably Won't Win, but misses and kills Whisper instead

The Entire Population of Singapore and Big Brother fight That One Background Margarita Guy from Jurassic Park and You Mom. The Entire Population of Singapore and Big Brother survive

Geronimo S. stabs Hush while her back is turned

the second entry... what a mouthful

Day One:

Your Dad bashes Elijah's head in with a mace

Probably Won't Win stalks Kyria

Prince questions his sanity

Princess, The Entire Population of Antarctica, and Mr. Leopardwhiskers fight. The Entire Population of Antarctica runs away when Princess kills Mr. Leopardwhiskers

Madame Zeroni and the Entire Population of Singapore hunt for other tributes

Night One:

Najib tends to Your Dad's wounds.

Madame Zeroni passes out from exhaustion

Karai begs for Geronimo S. to kill her. He refuses.

B.O.B. destroys Rosmah's supplies while she sleeps

Thalia's trap kills the Entire Population of Singapore

what kind of trap did Thalia use?!

Day Two:

Floofy Cat chases Rosmah

Probably Won't Win sets off a landmine, killing Karai and Najib

Big Brother chases off the Entire Population of Antarctica

i mean Big Brother is supposed to be scary but??

also Rosmah is having a very hard time ://

Night Two:

Prince and a Samurai work together to drown Probably Won't Win

The Entire Population of Antarctica questions their sanity

Geronimo S lets Kyria into his shelter

Your Dad receives fresh food from a sponsor

Day Three:

Geronimo S. overhears Big Brother and Floofy Cat talking in the distance

Prince scares a Samurai off

Shadoria taints Rosmah's food, killing her

Princess sprains her ankle running from the Entire Population of Antarctica

Night Three:

Geronimo S. and Thalia tell each other stories about themselves

Kyria attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccesful

B.O.B., Floofy Cat, the Entire Population of Antarctica, Your Dad, and Shadoria sleep in shifts

Prince loses sight of where he is

Madame Zeroni fends Big Brother, Princess, and a Samurai away from her fire


Day Four:

Big Brother dies of hunger

Floofy Cat decapitates B.O.B. with a sword

Princess tends to Your Dad's wounds

everyone keeps tending to Your Dad's wounds what

Night Four:

Floofy Cat loses sight of where he is.

Princess tends to her wounds.

Thalia, Shadoria, Kyria, and Madame Zeroni sleep in shifts.

The Entire Population of Antarctica sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Prince, Your Dad, and A Samurai sleep in shifts.

Geronimo S is awoken by nightmares.  

Day Five:

Prince questions his sanity

Floofy Cat begs for Madame Zeroni to kill her. She refuses

Your Dad sprains her ankle while running from Shadoria

oops someone better tend to Your Dad's wounds again

also, Prince is not okay

Night Five:

Prince defeats Princess in a fight, but spares her life

Floofy Cat and a Samurai threaten a double suicide. It fails, and they die.

royalty sparing royalty

The Feast:

Madame Zeroni bashes Geronimo's head against a rock several times.

Thalia, Kyria, Your Dad, and Shadoria do not go.

Prince steps on a landmine

The Entire Population of Antarctica tracks down and kills Princess

both Prince and Princess died :(

Day Six:

Shadoria discovers a cave

Your Dad scares Kyria away

Madame Zeroni thinks about home

Thalia injures herself

The Entire Population of Antarctica travels to higher ground

Night Six:

Thalia severely injures Shadoria, but puts her out of her misery

Kyria thinks about winning

Your Dad looks at the night sky

The Entire Population of Antarctica stays awake all night

Madame Zeroni sleeps

Day Seven:

Your Dad dies of dysentery

The Entire Population of Antarctica steals from Thalia when she isn't looking

Kyria begs for Madame Zeroni to kill her. She refuses

why does everyone keep beggin for Madam Zeroni to kill them??

Night Seven:

Madame Zeroni severely injures the Entire Population of Antarctica and leaves them to die

Kyria tries to treat her infection

Thalia tries and fails to start a fire

Day Eight:

Madame Zeroni receives water from a sponsor

Kyria begs for Thalia to kill her. She refuses.

Night Eight:

Thalia and Kyria huddle for warmth

Madame Zeroni sees a fire, but does not investigate

but whose fire did Madam Zeroni see...?

and also I guess Thalia and Kyria became friends after Kyria begged Thalia for death

Day Nine:

Madame Zeroni shoots an arrow into Kyria's head

Thalia steps on a landmine

okay i'm just---

i'm just gonna stick with this: District 1 is cursed for me, can't win there

the winner is me again, Madame Zeroni from District 3

Madame Zeroni and Thalia have the most kills, with 3 each

Big Brother, the Entire Population of Singapore, and Probably Won't Win all have 2 kills

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