Chapter Fifteen- Strong Hold

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"Tae? Are you sick?"

Jungkook's voice was softer than before, although I could still tell he was angry.

I shook my head, the tears once again stinging my eyes as I fell on the floor in front of the toilet, unsatisfied.

All of the contents of my stomach had been emptied out in my earlier event, only leaving me begging for more to relieve myself of this dreaded feeling.

Jungkook sat next to me, enough distance for us to not be touching. He sighed dramatically before he spoke the words I was trying to avoid. "W-When did you relapse?"

I curled up into a ball against the wall, not wanting him to see how pathetic I was.

"I-" I took a deep breath before clearing my throat. "H-Hobi heard me, uh, t-throwing u-up, and he came here to c-comfort and h-help me and that's what we were d-d-doing."

Jungkook's facial features softened. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

I shrugged. Tears started to fall onto my cheeks again as the pressure of it all became too much.

He scooted closer and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest.

Jungkook POV

I held him in my arms, praying that he would feel safe and comfortable. It pained me to see him hurting, and feeling as if he can't talk to me.

I heard him take in a shaky breath. I hugged him even tighter, trying to act like a security blanket for him.

"Shh, baby it's okay."

I felt his body freeze, his head lifting up to look me in the eyes.

"W-Why?" He struggled to release some of the pressure of my grip on him.

"Why what?"

He shook his head, threatening to pull his hair out with his fingertips. "Why did you just call me baby?"

My eyebrows furrowed together at his question. "B-Because you're my boyfriend?"

He scoffed. "If I was truly your boyfriend, and if you truly cared, you would actually treat me like your boyfriend instead of practically ignoring me all week." He stared at me with glossy eyes, still on the verge of tears.

His words hit me like a ton of bricks. Tears prickled my eyes as I nodded, chewing on my bottom lip.

"If you don't want me to be your boyfriend, I-I understand. I only want what is b-b-best for y-you." I could feel my throat threatening to close off at the words coming out of my mouth.

Taehyung instantly shook his head. "I-I love you, so much, but it-" He grabbed a hold of my shirt and buried his face into my chest. "It hurts to see you spend more time with Jimin than you do with me."

I hesitantly wrapped my arms back around him, kissing the top of his head. "I-" I couldn't speak. I wasn't sure what to say to him at this point. I was the one that lead to his relapsing. I was the reason why he had to suffer and feel pain. That is all of my fault. I choked back a sob, trying not to disturb him.

I failed, watching as he whipped his head up to look me in the eyes.

"Oh Kookie..." He whispered, reaching up to wipe the tears off of my cheeks.

"Tae, baby, I-This is my fault. I-I-I" A wretched sob escaped my mouth. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. "Fuck, I-I caused this. I-I broke y-you, after I had p-promised to n-never h-h-hurt you, I-I-"

"Jungkook, stop. It's okay. Please, take a breath." Taehyung demonstrated a few deep breaths for me to follow, my shaky breaths trying to imitate him. I could feel myself beginning to calm down, but it was hard, the guilt swallowing me whole.

"I-I am so so sorry, Tae. I-"

He cut me off my pecking my lips, pulling away with a smile. "Kookie, we both did things wrong. This happens. Now we know what to do and what not to do. We know we need to communicate things with each other."

"And I know to treat you better. God, I am so fucking sorry for causing this." I couldn't meet his eyes. "You deserve so much better than me, Tae. You really do."

He shook his head quickly, a sigh escaping his lips before he spoke. "Jeon Jungkook, there is nobody on this planet, in this galaxy, that I deserve more than you. You're sitting here in tears because you feel guilty for causing me any sort of pain. Why would I ever want anyone else?"

I met his eyes then, a sense of hope flooding over me. "Y-You don't want anyone else?"

He scoffed, chuckling. "No, silly. I want you, and only you. You are the only person I could ever love like this."

I couldn't help but smile as I lean forward, pressing my lips softly against his. I could feel him smiling before we both pulled away.

"God, Tae, I love you so fucking much. I am so in love with you."

His smile grew from ear to ear. "And I am so in love with you, Kookie."


Happy Persona release day bitchachos. I already own two versions ITS FINE lol

Also this chapter was horrible fml

Love y'all so much <3

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