Chapter Twenty- Approval

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Three Months Later.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this, baby?" I asked Taehyung as I moved his bangs out of his eyes.

The older male nodded with a nervous smile. "I-I wouldn't feel right not doing it."

I nodded at his words, leaning forward and pecking his lips. "Then let's do it." I lifted him off my lap, his hand intertwining with mine as we exited the dorm, headed down to the BigHit offices.


"Are you boys serious?"

I swallowed nervously and nodded. "We discussed this a lot, and we are ready."

Mister Bang sighed, rubbing his temples with his fingers. "I want to support you, I do. But I'm also here for the company, and this could ruin the company."

Taehyung cleared his throat. "If our fans choose to stop being our fans because of this, then I honestly don't want them as our fans. Our fans should love us unconditionally."

I nodded alongside him, giving his hand a squeeze.

After a moment of silence, Mister Bang stood up and walked around his desk, arms spread wide. He pulled us into a three-person hug, his head between Taehyung's and I's heads.

"I love you two, I hope you both know that. I approve your request."

Taehyung and I jumped up and down out of excitement.


The next day

"How are we all feeling tonight?" The crowd erupted into cheers as Namjoon started his speech during the halfway point of the concert.

"Are we having fun!?" Hoseok chimed in, laughing at the response afterwards.

We all went through and gave our prepared speeches. I could feel the sweat on my forehead and palms becoming thicker as the moment neared.

"Hello guys!" Taehyung began his speech, meeting eyes with me. "Jungkookie and I have a surprise for you all!"

He nudged me, every person in the room had their eyes on me.

"For the past few months, we have been keeping something secret from our fans!"

The crowd roared, many people raising lighted signs in the air of our faces, many reading "Taekook."

I lifted the microphone up to my mouth again, taking in a deep breath. "Taehyung and I..." I reached for his hand. "Are in a relationship with each other."

The crowd erupted in screams, making me chuckle. Taehyung tried to hush the crowd, the volume level slowly dying down.

"And we are in love with each other."

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Hoseok and Jimin chanted together, the rest of the group joining in.

Taehyung's cheeks turned bright red as I leaned forward and kissed his cheek, not wanting to get in trouble for crossing the line.

"Everyone!" I announced into the microphone. "I need to step off stage for a moment, and then we will get this party back on the road!"

I listened to the audience as I walked off stage, catching a glimpse of the member's confused faces, all except for Jimin, who wore a smug look on his face.


Taehyung POV

"Well, are we all enjoying the concert? Yeah?" Namjoon stepped up to fill the time since Jungkook awkwardly and suddenly walked off the stage.

Hoseok and Jimin danced together, making everyone laugh.

I felt a hand tug on mine, making me turn around to see Jungkook. He had switched microphones so now both of his hands were free.

The crowd grew silent as Jungkook guided me up to the front of the stage, having us face each other.

He gave my hand a squeeze. "I know we have only been dating for a few months, but we have known, and loved, each other for many years. You own a piece of my heart, Kim Taehyung."

I smiled, a prominent blush on my cheeks.

"And while it may seem quite early for this..." his voice trailed off as he reached into his jacket pocket as he got down on one knee.

"I couldn't wait to make you mine forever, for eternity. So, with all that being said, Kim Taehyung, V, my dearest love, will you accept this marriage proposal, which is also a promise of eternity?"

I nodded immediately, feeling like I was floating. He put the ring on my finger and stood up, lifting me up by the waist before pecking my lips.

The crowd cheered, and the rest of Bangtan made kissy noises in their microphones as Jungkook spun me around another time or two before setting me down.

"Everyone, my fiancè, Kim Taehyung!"

The End


So sorry about the kind of abrupt ending y'all. I really lose passion and ideas for this story, and I hate to drag something out when I am just not feeling it anymore.

I originally started this because many authors, including myself, use self-harm (including eating disorders) as a consequence of some sort of abuse or rough life. I wanted to sort of change this stigma a little.

I had a pretty damn good life, and I still do. But I have diagnosed depression, as well as I have Bulimia (binge and purge), which has been a large part of my life for the past year, give or take.

This story was never intended to be a lengthy one, and I'm honestly shocked I was able to make it this far.

I might write a bonus chapter, depending on how I'm feeling.

Thank you all for sticking with me through this shitshow of a story.

Until next time.


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