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PHOTO above - Mariano

Part 4 of 4

Mariano's POV ...

Angie and I lost sight of Donatello and Francesco somewhere in the swaying, shifting crowd on Cherry Street. I had to hold her hand so we wouldn't get parted, and I knew it'd piss off Francesco even more if he saw me doing it. It seemed like almost all the men in the crowd were ogling Angie with a look that said they'd steal her away in a second if I wasn't holding onto her. I wasn't hip on girlie porn stars because they were definitely not in the porn I watched, but I pretty much had the idea that Angie was the epitome of them.

"Where the hell'd they go?" She was craning her neck looking around for the boys, totally unaware that she was getting more attention in this mob than the Virgin Mary herself, the one the whole party was for. "They'll never find you again, Mariano. Not with all these freakin' people."

I squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Believe me, they're probably still watching us. We just can't see them. Francesco hates it when I'm with you. It drives him crazy. But not Donatello. I think he likes the idea of me fucking girls."

Angie hooted, struggling to pull me against the tide of the crowd in the direction of the new church. "I like that idea too. And I love the idea of Donny fucking you. Ohmygod! It's almost as sexy as Joey Ragazzo fucking me."

Our eyes caught and we burst into silly laughter. "Fuck fuck fuck." I croaked. "I guess that's all we think about, huh?"

"Obviously. But we're going into church now, so we'll have to be pure and devout. Umm ... like you and Donny were in the choir loft."

I nodded eagerly as we stepped out of the crowd and began to ascend the steps leading up to the new church entrance. "You bet, girl. That was pure love and very devout sex."

"Sounds heavenly. I really don't care that much about the love. But I'm hoping Joey is totally devout about the sex."

I pulled open one of the big front doors and followed her into the vestibule, which was dark, dreary, and forlorn because there was nothing in it. "What? You don't care if he loves you?"

She shrugged her bare shoulders. "Love is nice, but that's what makes relationships so complicated. Like, if you and Franky and Donny were just bangin' and not so emotionally involved, it'd be such a majorly hot ride. Sex and more sex ... without all the drama."

"Hey, we're Italian. Drama is part of everything. And I love loving them. I can't imagine it without the love."

"You weren't in love with me." She slipped her hand around my waist as we walked into the nave of the church.

"Uhh ... true. Sorry, I fall in love with dudes, not girls."

She squeezed my side with her fingers. "So you were just using me for sex and to get some neighborhood cred?"

I looked at her and raised my brows. "Yah. Bad me, huh? But you know I love you, even if I'm not in love with you."

Angie laughed. "I should be so jealous of your darling boyfriends. But don't worry, I wasn't in love with you either. I liked your bod and the sex was hot. And I got a lot of cred too, Mariano. Peeps in the neighborhood think you are really hot stuff. They noticed us together. We were totally on the radar. I had that hot little romance with Tony Boo as a result. And I had dates with the Rinaldo twins three times, too."

"Yowza. Those three sure are awesome dudes. You could start writing a book about Dates With Hoods. Did you go out with both twins at the same time?"

"Yep. Downtown. Dining and dancing, then a hotel for the night." She sighed dramatically as we slid into a pew. "You know how those two do everything together. Well, they like to share a girl together, too."

The Rinaldo twins were almost thirty, both single, and they lived together with their mom. They were awesome to look at, tough like the rest of the hoods but a little sweeter, and definitely instant boner material. Spending a night with them in a downtown hotel was right up there on my bucket list.

"Wow. Angie in the middle ..." I crooned as we sat down. "And lucky them to get to share you."

"It was awfully sweet, but their mama put a stop to it. Seems she doesn't mind their being hoodlums and participating in criminal activity, but she definitely fears them falling in love with a girl. Both of them with the same girl, that is. You know how mamas are. Ha! I thought she was going to offer me money to stop seeing them, or some kind of other offer I couldn't refuse."

"Did you hear the rumor," I asked, "that they're going to be initiated into the Mafia this fall? They'll be 'made' men."

"Yes! They'll be the new goodfellas in the neighborhood. Their mama told me about it in her spiel to get me to stop seeing them. Crazy that she's okay with that but not their having a girlfriend."

"She's very religious, Angie. I remember seeing her at Mass all the time when I used to serve. She probably believes that both of them sharing one girl is a sin."

Angie looked outraged. "But not being in the Mafia with all the crap they do?"

I snickered at that. "Come on, you know how everybody gives the mob special dispensation to do whatever they want, same as the priests and nuns. They are totally exempt from the rules the rest of us are expected to live by. Religion and the Mafia rule our world in this hood, sweetie, and I can't wait for the day I can get away from both of them."

"Puh!" She snapped open her little clutch bag. "Well I like a threesome and don't believe it's a sin. How could it be, it's so awesome. And you obviously feel the same way too."

"Of course I do, but I haven't really done it yet," I had to admit. "At least not all the way with both of them. Although I hope to accomplish that goal tonight."

As she fished out the joint Joey had given her, I gazed around at the new church. It was dimly lit with just a few security lights shining by the exits in back and up front on the sides. The place was huge and looked pretty much like the old church, but even bigger. It was devoid of any kind of décor, no religious stuff at all yet, not even altars up front. The floor was tiled with what looked like marble or granite, and the pews installed, but that was all.

My kind of church. I liked it much better without all the God stuff. It was warm and stuffy because the air-conditioning wasn't working yet, and here and there were groups of kids getting high and couples making out. Looked like some serious blowjobs were going on, and the place reeked of marijuana. Which I wasn't crazy about because its smell reminded me of incense, which reminded me of church and serving Mass and the priests. Especially Monsignor.

The fucker! Why wasn't he in here chasing everybody out? If he knew queer stuff was going on, he'd have been here. But like Angie had said, anything to get the heathen into church, even a church that wasn't functioning yet, and as long as the heathen was straight. Like he'd get special points for rounding them up, and they'd all tally up in his private God account.

I snorted a laugh, wondering how many points he lost for every little boy he molested.

Angie lit up her joint and inhaled. "What's so funny?"

"Ha! Just thinking of the misfortunes of being a really cute altar boy in an Italian-Catholic school."

She inhaled a deep hit and passed it to me. "I remember when you served Mass. You were such a doll. And Donny too. The two of you always served together. It was so damn sexy. I'd go home after Mass every time and play with myself." She burst into laughter. "Then I'd have to go to confession and confess it because it was a sin."

"Everything was a fucking sin," I agreed, inhaling lungfuls of the disgusting smoke.

Angie kept passing the joint to me and I took a few hits. I never cared much for being high but I knew it'd relax me. My jaw hurt and my butt, too, from falling on it, and I was tense and riled up. And still shocked that Francesco had gotten so angry at me that he knocked me out.

The jerk. He had no idea that all it proved was how freaking much he loved me.

And all I could do now was like, Game on, dude. And keep on after him.

After a couple minutes I started feeling really chill and leaned back, staring up at the high vaulted ceiling and listening to the feast sounds outside as Angie babbled on about something or other. My mind seemed to totally disjoin from where I was and what we'd been doing. All the aggravation and tension of the afternoon was suddenly whisked away and I grinned happily, eagerly, ready for more. And I knew damn well there'd be plenty more.


A bomb went off high above us and, startled, we both jumped, knocking our shoulders together, and we burst into whoops of laughter.

"Those fucking bombs!" Angie hooted, crushing out what was left of the joint on the newly tiled floor.

"Cazzo! They get me every time," I meant to growl angrily, but it came out sounding more like a silly giggle.

Angie's fingers crawled up my arm. "I love getting high with you. You get so mellow and silly and forget all about acting macho."

"Hey girl." I puffed out my chest. "I am macho. Don't have to act that way. I am the dude, baby. I emit total dude-ness all day long, every day."

She whooped at that. "You guys are all so hung up on being tough guys. I wonder what it'd be like if you were all just natural."

"Don't hold your breath waitin'," I laughed. "A dude couldn't survive in this neighborhood being 'natural'. Whatever that means."

"Well, like Jace Spinozza," she said. "Remember him? He was just a nice sweet guy. Never hung around with the hoods. He went to the seminary and became a priest."

I nodded. "Yah, I knew him. And he's probably eating up little boys now at that suburban parish where they placed him. I know he tried pretty hard to get me and Donatello when he was helping Sister Mary Virginetta with the altar boys as part of his seminary training."

Angie giggled and cozied up against me. "I can't fault him on that. I wanted to get you both back then too. And didn't you want to get Donny?"

"I sure did, but we were only eleven and twelve, and it took me a while to figure out what I was feeling, and a lot of reading about it online. I had to wear a jockstrap when I served Mass with him because I'd get huge boners just being around him."

She cracked up again. "Ohmygod, that's a riot. Boners for Donny at Mass when you were a pre-teen! It's so amazing that you and Franky and Donny grew up together and are now crazy in love." She snorted and laughed. "And I mean cra-a-azy!"

She'd seen something in the corner of her eye and pushed up in the seat to look behind her. "Speaking of whom ..." she laughed, punching my shoulder so I'd look back too.

I pushed up and turned to look. Donatello was standing next to a pew a few rows behind us looking afraid to come any closer, as if we might tell him to get the fuck out of here.

"Damn, he so fuckin' cute," Angie hissed. "I'd forget all about Joey in a second if Donny asked me to go home with him."

"Hey! He's mine," I hissed back. "Fugghettabouttit!" Then to Donatello I said, "Yo! Come on and sit down with us. Angie wants to feel you up all over. Me too."

"Yes! Yes!" she eagerly agreed. "And I'll eat you all up, Donny, you little doll."

He looked at her warily while my dick started getting hard at the sight of him. "You think I'm little too?" he asked her. "I'm way the fuck bigger than you."

That totally cracked her up, The marijuana was obviously working. "It's just a figure of speech," she said sweetly. "You're actually a big doll."

He seemed to like that better and gave her a little smile. Then, "Come on, Mariano," he said to me, keeping his voice down so the others nearby wouldn't hear. "Frank's in the vestibule and we want you to come with us."

"It's amazing," Angie whispered in my ear. "You were right. It didn't take them long at all to find you."

I nodded. "Told ya so." It was even faster than usual. Francesco must have been feeling really awful about what he'd done. To Donatello I said, "I'm with Angie now. We're having a good time. If I go with you two it'll be the same crap all over again. Everything I do is wrong and Franky gets pissed off. He'll fuckin' knock me out again."

His classic wounded look came into his eyes. Jeezuz! You just wanted to jump and grab him and squeeze him when he did that. I don't know how Angie and I managed to stay in the pew and not go attack him. But ... fuck! I had to play hard-to-get. I wasn't going to immediately start kissing their asses, although I did intend to do a lot of that later. Literally.

Donatello moved a pew closer. I could tell he was going to start up his new assertive thing. He narrowed his eyes at me and planted his hands firmly on his hips, looking as badass as a local hood.

Angie squealed and my dick throbbed.

"He's sorry, Mariano," boy toy said. "He's gonna apologize. He lost it. You know how that happens with him, and he's really upset. We can go over to my place and ... talk. Watch the fireworks later out in front of the apartments. Just get up and come with me, dammit!"

Ohmygod! That was a request I couldn't possibly refuse. I loved him like that, all tough and macho and telling me what to do. But I did refuse, and in an even more badass neighborhood attitude than his. "Tell Franky if he wants me to come with you guys he's gotta ask me himself, and apologize first. Fuck him. And since this is a church, he's gotta get down on his freakin' knees and do it!"

Donatello stood there a moment gaping at me, then a pleading expression came into his eyes. Mariano, please don't fuck this all up, I knew he was trying to tell me. I want to be with you tonight.

I looked at him just as intensely, my eyes telling him, I want to be with you too, but go tell that mother fucker what I said!

Amazing how we understood each other.

He turned around and walked back down the aisle toward the vestibule.

Angie sighed. "Ohmygod. This is like a fucking movie. Such drama. Quanta mostra! I should be writing a boylove book about you guys on Cyberpad. The fangirls would die. Do you think Franky will actually come and apologize?"

"Of course he will. This is his regular routine, but usually it's just over normal dude stuff. Now that we're ramping it up into love and romance, it's getting even crazier."

"Crazy hot, you mean. It's so damn sexy!" She giggled again. "Franky is gonna absolutely die to have to apologize in front of me."

"He can do it. He has to be like an Osacr-winning actor to deal with some of the crap that happens with customers at the restaurant."

"Ooh! Here he comes!"

We both stood up and leaned against the back of the pew ahead, watching Francesco as he walked up the aisle. In his snug tank top and skin-tight jeans, he looked like a dude right off a TUMBLR blog, way too macho-gay for inside a church in Little Italy. He had no fucking idea of the vibes he sent out. Straight guys in the neighborhood did not dress that sexy. His face was somber and he was looking at a point behind us, not at us. Most of the others in the church were looking at him, too, as he stepped into the pew two rows behind us and knelt down on the kneeler. Everybody in the neighborhood knew him.

Then he looked at me. His pretty pink face was turning red and I knew this was really hard for him, especially with Angie here. I didn't want him to be submissive to me, I wouldn't like him so much if we weren't equals. But he had to learn to accept me as I was, like I accepted him and every crazy thing about him.

I saw Donatello watching from the last row of pews.

Francesco's hands gripped the top of the pew in front of him. He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry I punched you, Mariano, and made all that commotion at Joey's house. I'm sorry I shut you out all summer. I didn't know what else to do, I've been so crazy. I went to see a shrink ... about ... us ... and my obsessive thinking and worrying about it. She wants me to try a medicine for it that she thinks will help. I'll probably get it next week."

He looked warily at Angie, then back to me. "Please come with me and Donny. We'll go someplace and chill. Just us three. I don't want to fight anymore."

That probably would have been more than enough for me had I not been high from the pot. But I felt really good and slightly amused at what he was doing. Which I should not have been. He was really being sincere. But I totally fucked up and pressed him for more.

"Can't you apologize to Angie, too? She got knocked down right along with me, like several of the others did."

He gaped at her for a moment as if deciding what to do. But then his face immediately got redder, his hands gripped the top of the pew tighter, and he pushed himself to his feet.

"Can't we just go?" he asked with a wild expression. "You know I fuckin' hate it when you're with her. I ..."

I pushed away from the pew behind and cut him off. "Whoa! Cool it, Frank. All right! I'll come. Don't get all pissed off again. We'll ..."

But I could see he was already gone over the edge. He was just as wild as he'd been in Joey's back yard.

"You're fuckin' stoned, Mariano! I can smell the damn grass from here. I don't know why you hang around with her." He gave Angie an especially disgusted look. "Look at her! Just a neighborhood puttana. A fuckin' whore. She's just a slut. She's hardly even wearing anything. Maybe you should buy her some clothes, huh? Maybe you ..."

He was yelling and everyone in the church was looking at us now, and Donny was running up toward us from the back. Oh yah, I was definitely stoned because it took me several seconds to realize Angie was now yelling at Francesco, and he was standing there stunned and wide-eyed.

"Don't you fuckin' slut-shame me, you prick. I'm not a whore. I'm just a girl who likes sex and plenty of it. And I'm not afraid of it or ashamed of it like you are. And you're dressed just as sexy as I am in your muscle shirt and tight pants. What the fuck? I'm just showin' more skin because ... because girls do. But I can see every muscle and bulge on that hot bod of yours, especially the big one in your crotch. Ooh!"

She'd pushed herself away from the pew and stamped her foot. "You show yourself off just as much as I do, especially your ass in tight pants. But because I'm a girl it makes me a slut? Fuck you, Franky. Whyn'cha just go home and go back in your closet?"

Donatello had hurried into the pew and was already pulling Francesco out of it before Angie even finished her tirade. He gave me another pleading look as he roughly pulled dude back down the aisle. Francesco kept looking back at me, his eyes pleading too. I could tell he was already regretting everything he'd said.

Angie huffed angrily and looked around at the others in the church. "Guess we had an audience for that, huh? And they say the girls are the drama queens? You guys have them all beat to hell. Jeezus! He's got a fuckin' one-track mind, and he certainly does need that OCD med his shrink's talkin' about. Maybe then he'll be the nice sweet boy he really is, somewhere deep down there inside."

"I'm sorry, Angie." I was getting frantic now, starting to tremble. "Dammit! I pushed him too far again. I'm just as bad as he is. I shouldn't ..."

She started pushing me out the pew. "Go on, Mariano. Go get him. I'm fine. That was sort of fun." She giggled now and sucked in a deep breath. "I've been dying to tell off one of these slut-shaming dudes around here. Go get Franky and fuck that boy till it comes out of his ears. That's what he needs. Some hot man-lovin' to calm him down. And you and Donny are the ones to do it."

I turned to smooch her goodbye and then ran down the aisle, hoping the boys hadn't left already and got lost out there in the crowd. My chill giggly high had quickly been replaced by high freaky anxiety, and I was so pissed at myself because I couldn't stop pushing Francesco too far and screwing things up over and over again.

They were waiting for me in the vestibule., Francesco leaning against the wall, Donatello next to him like a mother hawk. I walked up to them but didn't know what to say or do. What was treating Francesco decently and lovingly? What was pushing all his buttons and making him crazy? I just didn't know anymore.

"Don't say a fuckin' word," Donatello warned me. "You two are always at each other's throats and it's just not funny anymore. It never fuckin' was! If we're gonna be together ... we gotta get along."

I spoke anyway, I'm such a fucker. I looked directly at Francesco. "Are we going to be together?"

I knew that look he was giving me, like he was lost in a web of confusion that was trapping him from every angle and he didn't know what the fuck to do. But he was just too tough to give in to it and he stiffened up and said:

"I'm thinkin' about it."

"Thinking?" I wanted to slug him. After that big scene in there he was still being belligerent? I got all hot again. "Well, I'm thinking of spending the night with Angie. So fuck you, Frank!"

Like an idiot, I spun around and took a step forward, only to be grabbed from behind on the shoulder by a claw-like hand. I spun around expecting Donatello, but it was Francesco, holding me like freaking Godzilla, and pretty much looking like him too.

He was glaring at me. "You're coming with us. Just shut the fuck up and stop all your crap. We're going to Donny's apartment."

Whoa! This was utterly awesome. He was touching me in public and telling me what to do. But of course, I wasn't going to listen. At least not totally.

"We can go to my house. My dad's not there. He's staying the night at Sylvia's place."

His eyes flared at me. "Okay, we'll go to your house. What's the fucking difference?" His hand slid down and he grabbed my upper arm like he was going to break it. "Come on, Donny. Let's get outta here!"

He pushed open one of the doors and whisked me out, Donatello following. It was dark now and there were people sitting all over the steps watching the action on Cherry Street and we had to be careful on the way down, the way he was hauling me along like we'd just been in a battle and I was his prisoner of war.

He was totally crushing my bicep and tricep and it hurt like hell.

I loved it.

My mood swung way high again as we entered the mob on the street and Francesco did not let me go. I was freaking giddy with delight that he was pulling me through the feast crowd like he couldn't wait to get me home. Actually touching me in front of all these people! So possessively too. And Donatello behind me, holding onto my belt, his fingers playing on the skin of my back above it.

Yow. It must have looked as obvious as having total all out sex right in front of them all. My boys were taking me home and didn't give a hoot who knew about it.

I know. I should have kept quiet about it. But I didn't. "Umm ... you guys are touching me in public, you know?"

"Yah we know, Mariano," Francesco growled, trying to maneuver me around the congested corner of Circle Street, which led on to my street. "Just keep the fuck quiet or we'll beat the crap out of you in public, too."

"You already did that tonight, Franky," I reminded him.

He leered at me. "And I apologized. On my goddamn knees. But if I do it again, no apology. You fucking deserve it."

"We're Italian boys in a Little Italy hood," Donatello broke in to tell us, as if we didn't already know it. "And we can touch each other. It's expected."

Well, glad to see my lessons in neighborhood behavior were sinking in ... after they'd abandoned me all summer because I touched them.

They say boys will be boys. I guess even boys who love each other have got to fight. We were wired that way. And it doesn't change for the better when they get older. All these women today who want men to change, become less manly, less macho, sweeter and more sensitive, more like women. Ha! Good luck, girls. Why should men change? They've been controlling everything the last few millennia the way they are.

What's in it for them to be different, except a big huge nothing?

Turning the corner onto my street, we ran into some of Donatello's fangirls. About a dozen of them, junior high girls, a real teenybopper brigade.



"Donny Donatello!"

They were shouting and jumping and squealing like piglets, and probably would have attacked him had Francesco and I not been there. I put my free arm, the one Francesco was not crushing, around Donatello's shoulder in a strict show of 'hands off'. It made me sort of understand Francesco's 'thing' about Angie.

Yah, leave my dudes alone, girls!

"Donny Donatello' grinned and smiled at his fans, said some really nice things, and was as all-out cute as he could possibly be. Which I know gave me and Francesco big boners (not that we were capable of getting small ones), and he would surely have given them to the girls too, if they'd had dicks.

Our bulges were totally bulging.

Francesco kept trying to pull us away, and finally he just did a major yank and we were off down to my house and Donatello had to shout out some hasty goodbyes. Even my street was jammed, being a major city thoroughfare that led into the neighborhood. But we didn't lessen our holds on each other and it was so freaking cool to walk down my street in front of everybody with my arm around Donatello and Francesco holding me like he was never going to fucking let me go. Just like straight guys do every day in Italy.

I was so excited to be bringing my boyfriends home that my hands were shaking and I couldn't fit the key into the front door lock.

"Here, let me do it, Mariano." Donatello took the key chain from my hand and calmly fit the house key into the lock and pushed open the door.

I grinned a thanks at him and shoved hunky boy toy in and squeezed his butt. Francesco scowled at me but I shoved him in, too, and squeezed his butt. When I closed the door and switched on the lights, they were standing there in the living room with serious faces and hands on their hips. I snorted a laugh. They looked like two brand new army recruits awaiting orders.

Francesco let out a deep breath. "We gotta talk, Mariano."

"Talk? Are you kidding me? We can talk till the fuckin' cows come home and it won't do any good." I pointed to the stairway that led up to my bedroom. "Get the fuck upstairs!"

He didn't seem to like that. "Aaaayyhh? Whaddaya mean?"

"I mean get your ass up to my bedroom, Franky. The real reason you and I keep fighting is because what we really want to be doing is making out with each other, sucking and fucking and everything else that includes."

God, it was all so clear to me now. Maybe because I was stoned? Some people claimed pot really cleared your head and helped you to see the truth about things. Maybe they were right?

I stepped toward him. "I love you and you love me. And until we're making love the way dudes need to do it, we're gonna be frustrated and angry and taking it out on each other by being mean and stupid and nasty. I know you're uptight about being queer, but you really haven't been queer with me yet, and that's stopping you from knowing how wonderful it is. And that's why you didn't want to see me all summer, because then you didn't have to think about it and how much you want me!"

He looked over at Donatello and then back at me with an expression I couldn't fathom until he said, "Jeezus! That's exactly what the shrink said last week. All of it."

"Well she's fuckin' right, dude. You're lucky to have such a smart shrink who knows exactly what you need. Now get up to my bedroom!"

But now he looked scared, like he had earlier in the stall in the school bathroom. "But ... I ... I ..."

I didn't want to fucking hear it. I understood how those assholes felt who got their guns and went out and shot everybody they could. They hated the fucking world. And I hated the world that had made Francesco afraid to love me. For whatever reason, he'd been able to get it on with Donatello, but he was still afraid to love me.

I stooped down and rushed forward, banged my head against his thighs as my arms wrapped around his legs, and I scooped him up over my shoulder and headed for the stairs.

"Mariano! Dammit! Let me down you fucker! Donny, stop him! Jeezus Christ you ..."

He was yelling like a lunatic as I headed up the stairs, Donatello right behind me, shouting, "Franky, shut up! He's right. We gotta all be together now. Nothing'll change unless we do!"

Man the fuck, was Francesco ever heavy! He was probably closer to two hundred pounds than I was and, even though I was used to carrying heavy things at work and working out with them at the gym, carrying big hefty dudes up stairways was not my forte. Plus, he was squirming to get loose and I was stoned. By the time I reached the landing and started up the second set of stairs, I lost my balance and we went tumbling down.

At least these stairs were carpeted, unlike the ones in the church choir loft. That made the fall a little smoother but we still oofed and ouched and grunted and groaned, including Donatello who toppled right on top of us.

"You fucking big jerks!" Francesco was buried underneath me and Donatello, pushing and squirming and trying to get us off him.

Yah right. Good luck, Franky boy.

Donatello grinned at me, threw his arm around my shoulder and a leg around one of mine, and we pressed down onto Francesco even harder. Our arms were pinning him down, our lips attacking his mouth, nose, chin, cheeks, eyes, anywhere we could kiss that beautiful face of his the way he kept thrusting it this way and that to avoid us.

"Stop it you guys! Let me go! Donny, I'll break your arm later, you fucker. Don't help him do this. We ..."

I managed to clamp my mouth down on his and stop his volley of words. He tried to bite me but I was insistent, and he slowly began to allow my tongue into his mouth, his whining complaints changing into sighs and pleasurable groans.

Donatello was whispering into his ear, "Let him kiss you, Franky. Stop being so afraid of him. He loves you. He loves us. We fuckin' love him!"

It took a few minutes, but Donatello and I finally quieted him down with our kisses. Talk about a dudepile. It was awesome, the three of us crammed into that narrow set of stairs, me and boy toy on top of Francesco, our arms and legs intertwined, all that beef and muscle and denim, those three huge boners, and Francesco actually kissing us back

What more could a dude want?

It was a real three-way smash-up, three throbbing volcanic organs ready to erupt. My right hand was squeezing its way underneath Francesco's tee near his waist, then into his ridiculously tight jeans and ... jockstrap ... he was wearing a jockstrap, the sexy fucker. No wonder he looked so hot in those tight pants. I was doing the same thing to Donatello with my other hand and, when I had both my cupped palms in place holding their cheeks I dropped my middle fingers down into their cracks.

They both started squealing and Donatello shoved his hand down the back of my pants to do the same, and that got me squealing too. All Francesco could do with us two big lugs on top of him was hump up at our awesome crotch-barrier, and feeling his hard dick against my own, and boy toy's finger playing with my hole, was driving me nuts.

Who said you couldn't have sex with your clothes on? Why is everyone in such a hurry to get naked? This was insanely awesome. No wonder the priests and nuns told us same-sex sex was a sin. They wanted to keep it all for themselves. We could have humped ourselves into orgasmic bliss on those stairs and died and went to boylove heaven. But Francesco needed serious loving, not just horny dry-humping, and Donatello and I were more than ready to love him all up and down and all around.

I reluctantly withdrew my hands from their butts and pushed up, hissing to Donatello, "Let's get him up and onto my bed."

Francesco stiffened. "Hey, whaddaya think you're gonna do?"

I smashed a quick kiss on his lips. "Take your clothes off. Suck your dick. Fuck you. Stuff like that."

He started grappling at us. "Aww, come on guys. I'm not ready for this. I ... I ..."

"Shut the fuck up," Donatello growled at him, pushing up to his knees. "What? You want another five-six years to think about it? It's not just about you, Franky. It's all three of us. And me and Mariano got you outnumbered."

Atta boy, Donny Donatello! Yo did I ever like him this way. Tough and bossy ... he was killing me. Like, I was falling in love with him all over again.

Francesco quieted down to grunts and groans as we got to our feet and pulled him up with us.

"No one's fucking me!" he commanded as, our arms around him, we hefted him up to the second floor. "You hear? I don't wanna get fucked. I'm a top!"

"Yah right," I chuckled, shoving them both down the hall toward my room. "Just like your mama."

He shoved back at me. "Shut up about my mom! I'm serious. No getting fucked. I'm ... I'm ... okay dammit! I'm anal retentive."

Both Donatello and I cracked up laughing as we hauled him into the bedroom. I pulled Francesco tight and kissed him again.

"You are totally anal retentive," I told him. "To the fucking max. But don't worry, Donny and I will eventually loosen up that pretty blond boy pussy of yours. In the meantime, you can fuck me. That's an offer I know you can't refuse. Nobody could!"

I grabbed his bulging crotch and squeezed it as Donatello and I flung him onto my bed. I'd left the bedspread folded down, the blanket and top sheet too, and the lamp on the night stand next to the bed turned on so we'd be able to see each other. There was a very visible tube of lube beneath it.

"You planned this whole fuckin' thing, didn't you?" Francesco shook his head as he looked at it.

"You bet your hot ass I did." I reached down and grabbed one of his feet. "And now I wanna see it. I haven't seen your yummy butt since the showers after our final JV football game Two years ago."

Donatello hooted as he grabbed Francesco's other foot and we pulled off his Nike trainers. "Ohmygod! That's a long time to go without Franky's chachy butt."

We flung his shoes off into the shadows and pulled off his socks. "Damn right, Donny. You are literally gonna see me kiss his ass."

His jeans were next, but whoa! What a problem. We were so fucking in a hurry to get him naked, it was a major roadblock. They were so tight it was like they were painted on.

"Jeezus, Franky! How the fuck did you get into these?" I groaned, as Donatello and I struggled to pull them off. They were skin tight. I thought I was going to have to get a scissors.

Donatello shoved me aside. "Let me do it, I know how."

I watched as he slowly peeled the stretchy denim down from Francesco's hips, revealing dude's bulging junk in a sexy white jock with a black waistband, his meaty well-developed thighs and shapely calves. My mouth was watering and I could feel precum leaking in my briefs. Donatello flung the pants away and went around the other side of the bed to pull off Francesco's tank top.

Then the blond muscleboy beauty was naked except for the jock, staring up at me from my bed apprehensively. He was so perfectly beautiful I didn't know why I'd been thinking lately that he needed to hunk up some more. Probably because I never got to see him naked and forgot how awesome he already was.

"You got a lot of nerve calling Angie a slut," I told him, grabbing the waistband of his jock. "She doesn't wear underwear half this fuckin' sexy."

I pulled it down and his stiff dick popped up at me. At its root was a neat little bush of curly blond hair. It looked like lemon-flavored cotton candy and I wanted to eat it. I knew I'd take some yummy bites later. I pulled the jock off his gorgeous legs and threw it at Donatello, who scrunched it up in a ball and shoved his nose into it, inhaling in a couple deep breaths.

Then like Superman, faster than a speeding bullet, we were naked too and jumped on the bed on top of Francesco, I'm surprised it didn't break. We were almost six hundred pounds of meaty hunk and my bed wasn't used to such weight, and definitely not such action.

We grabbed Francesco and frantically made a sandwich with him in the middle. Like we couldn't do it fast enough. It was a sandwich years in the making, and we were fucking starving. We squeezed him so tight between us it would have hurt him had he not been so tough. I had him in front, face to face, and I was kissing him deep and passionately, my arms all the way around Donatello too. The thrill, the touch, the reality of actually being skin to skin, mouth to mouth, dick to dick with my hubby dude, finally, after all these years, was so overwhelming I thought I was going to spin totally out and never come back to Earth again.

"Oh Franky, I love you! Don't you ever cut me out again. I can't live without you!"

He brushed his lips on mine and squeezed me like a bear. "I won't. I promise I won't. Just be patient with me. You know how fucked up I am."

I told him I'd be as patient as a saint, that it wasn't his fault he was fucked up, it was the way we were brought up to hate and be ashamed of ourselves for being the way we were. I told him Donatello and I would help him, he'd learn to think differently about it and that we'd be with each other our whole lives through. I knew I could help him. I could do anything if it'd mean we could be together like this. The crush of his chest, his sweet breath on my lips, Donatello's arms around us both as he humped Francesco from behind – I knew I'd do whatever I had to in order to keep this in my life.

"You'll get those meds," I told him. "You'll see. They'll stop you from thinking all that negative crap. My uncle had to get them because the business was driving him nuts, so much stress. Now he acts like he doesn't give a fuck about anything. We'll be okay. I swear, we'll all be okay, Franky. I know we can do it!"

I wanted him all. Just holding him like this wasn't enough, even though it was so damn fucking much. I wanted my mouth all over him. Lick him. Taste him. I loved his body but I'd never really been intimate with it. I slowly began pushing downward, kissing his chin and then his Adam's Apple, laving it with my tongue. My hands slid over from Donatello's back to Francesco's sides and I smoothed them along his muscular lats up to his armpits. I played with the bushy hair there, picturing in my mind how blond it was, as my lips moved down to his chest and I laved the defined bottom cut of his left pec, then grabbed the nipple there and sucked on it.

I heard him moaning, but it stopped abruptly and I looked up to see he'd turned his face to Donatello who was now kissing him from behind.

My tongue traced a line across to his right pec and my lips grabbed the nipple there. It was now erect, big and round and standing at attention, and I sucked on it as my hands slid down along his sides kneading the meaty boy beef on his ribs and abdomen. His abs weren't as defined as mine and Donatello's, probably due to all the pasta he ate at the restaurant, but I loved the extra padding and the sexy love handles above his protruding obliques which vee'd down so sexily to his crotch.

Then, before I knew it, my face was down there, my teeth tugging at the cotton candy pubic hair. It wasn't lemon-flavored, but his crotch had its very own heady taste and my tongue darted all over it as my hands moved behind to his butt cheeks where I could feel Donatello's gorged cock humping against him.

I pulled my head back and let Francesco's dick wang up at my face, its pretty pointed head poking my eye. Then it was in my mouth filling me up as I whomped down on it, its thickness, its hardness, the way it was throbbing, making me force it all the way in to the far back of my throat. Francesco was groaning as I sucked up and down and grabbed Donatello's dick and fisted it as he continued to pound against dude's humpy butt.

Talk about blissed out! Both my boys' dicks, one in my mouth, the other in my fist. And we'd only just begun. I threw my other arm around Donatello's butt and held him tight as he grunted and groaned on Francesco while I sucked his beautiful throbbing dick.

The bed was creaking and swaying to our rhythm as we sighed and moaned and groaned in beautiful unison, like the Next Door Buddies or those pretty muscleboys from Bel Ami having an orgy. But there were only three of us, not eight or ten like in the videos, and I knew by the sheer intensity of our passion that we were soon going to start erupting ribbons of sweet cream all over each other.

I pulled away from them and scooted over onto my back. "Donny, come here and kiss me!"

I grabbed Francesco's hand as Donatello let him go and crawled over to me. He had the happiest expression on his face as he slammed down onto me, smothering me with all his hunky glory.

"This is outta-this-world awesome, Mariano," he whispered. "Thanks for making it happen!"

Then he laid a kiss on me that I thought was going to make me melt. Francesco squirmed over to join us and then they were both kissing me like they'd just discovered how abso-fucking-lutely wonderful I was and hadn't any idea of it before.

Mother hunchers! If I didn't love them so much I would have punched both their lights out.

I struggled up from their embrace for air. After a couple frantic gulps, I said, "Donny, get the lube for Franky. Spit roast me. Franky, you fuck me in the ass. Donny, you fuck me in the mouth."

"Shit the fuck yeah!" Donny beamed a big smile, pounded his chest, then pushed away to grab the lube tube from the night stand.

Francesco had pushed up onto his elbow and was looking down at me. He gently smoothed a hand over my stomach. "I'm really sorry I punched you at Joey's house, Mariano."

Gazing up at his pretty blues only inches away, I was suddenly overwhelmed with such emotion I thought I was going to start crying. "It's okay, dude. I know you did it because you love me."

Then I added, "Are you okay?"

He nodded, a little smile playing on his lips. "I'm real good. Thanks for doing ... uh ... whatever the fuck it was you did to get us ending up like this tonight."

He pressed down and kissed me so sweetly and tenderly that I did start to cry. Tears were seeping out of my eyes when Donatello yanked dude up to his knees and started lubing his dick.

"Look Franky! You made Mariano cry. See how much he loves us."

"I know. I know." He was still holding my hand and he squeezed it. "I'm sorry, Donny, I'll make it up to him." Then he snorted a laugh. "I'll fuck him really good. That oughta get him smiling again."

The sight of them above me, Donatello pumping Francesco's dick with lube, was the damn sexiest thing I'd ever seen. Yah, oh yah, there was the love part, and that was awesome. But then there was the sex ...

I squeezed Francesco's hand and swiped at the stupid tears with my other hand. "You'd better fuck me real good, Franky. After all, you're a goddamn top. That is, until the day I fuck you and turn you into an insatiable level-five power bottom!"

Well, I wasn't going to hold my breath till that day, but I sure was going to look forward to it.

Donatello hooted. "Haha! I can't wait to see that. The day anal-retentive Franky gets un-retented!"

"Yah" I agreed, laughing along with him. "Then we'll have to have both the JV and Varsity teams come over to help keep him happy."

"Aww, come on, you guys. Stop it." Francesco pulled me up to a sitting position. "Now get on your hands and knees, Mariano. We're gonna fuck you into a freaking coma!"


You know, I think they did.

Because the next thing I remember was ...

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

And my eyes flew open. I gaped at the ceiling above as the bombs went off, bursting in the air, one right after the other, several at the same time, seemingly endless in the big finale of the midnight fireworks.

I was on my back, Franky and Donny half on top of me, one on each side, my arms around them.

We were drenched in sweat, the bed totally in disarray and, I could feel our love cream on me, sticky and gooey all over. They were both fast asleep, breathing slow and even, peacefully, the fireworks not even awakening them.

I looked out the window and could see some of the colors of the fireworks above the rooftops. The final crescendo exploded and went on over a minute long, a boom boom boom bang bang bang badaboom cacophony that could easily have raised the dead.

But not my Franky and Donny. No way. They must have knocked themselves out fucking me into that coma. I couldn't even remember what we'd done after the spit roasting. It must have been a whole hella lot. The bed looked like a tornado had hit it.

I squeezed them both with my arms and kissed their foreheads. Franky and Donny. I knew I'd never call them their Italian names again. I'd do everything exactly the way they wanted me to do it. Same as they'd do the things I wanted to do, because I knew I'd always be able to convince them I was right. We'd go away next year to live in Hollywood and live happily ever after in La La Land.

We'd have to, and I knew they'd soon realize that. We could not live our lives as lovers here where we would have to hide the truth. There were places where boys who love boys could live freely and be themselves openly, but Little Italy was not one of them.

The last bomb of the tumultuous finale fizzled and the crowds in the neighborhood cheered in jubilation, a roar that could probably be heard on the cruise ships traveling out there along the coast. And I couldn't help thinking, all this for the Mother of God?

I hugged my beautiful lovers to me tightly.

If there actually was a God and he did have a mother, which was really a pretty weird notion, I figured she'd really like me and Franky and Donny exactly the way we were. After all, we totally loved each other and were doing just what came naturally. To us.

I think she'd tell her son, "Hey, straighten up. You're God. You made them like that. Deal with it. Stop the sin bullcrap!"

You know how moms are.

Maybe that's why she was assumed into heaven body and soul, still living. They needed her there to straighten things out.

Maybe some day they'll get the message down here on Earth too ...

Only the Beginning ...

PHOTO above - Donny


Thanks everybody for reading this story, voting, and commenting.

More sexy, emotional, and humorous stories about the boys from Little Italy to come!

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