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PHOTO above ... FORD

'La soiree d'apres match de foot '


The after-game party at Randie's house was really jumpin'. All the kids who mattered socially at Carlton High were there, plus a bunch of hangers-on. We were all having a major blast on the huge patio in the back yard. There was a swimming pool and some of the kids were splashing around in it. A whirlpool too, a whole lot less splashing in there, more like total making out. And a cabana house, couples slinking in and out of it as the minutes passed by. Hot bodies, both male and female, were writhing all over to the pounding music of a YouTube party mix coming off Randie's PC in her bedroom via speakers attached to the house. One of the many 'boyfriend' things I did for her last year when we were dating.

Behind all this was about five hundred feet of woods that led to my own back yard around the block. It'd sure been cool while Randie and I were going out all that time. Midnight rendezvous in the middle of the woods. Both of us sneaking up and down the path to climb into each other's bedroom windows. All kinds of sexy fun like that. And she and I, and everybody else, expected it to last forever, we were so hot together. Like, we'd probably get married or something.

But it had lasted less than a year and then it all just seemed to fizzle. And neither of us knew why. Well ... I know why now. The sexy girl around the block from me wasn't built like a muscle dude and she didn't have a dick. She wasn't a boy. I could admit it now - to myself and probably most everybody else. After all the fooling around with Jerry and a few other dudes the last few months, the truth I'd been hiding was absolutely clear - I was not straight nor even bisexual, like I'd been thinking and hoping for a couple years. No way. I was gay, queer, a freakin' darn homo. Yup, totally.

I guess closets are really hard to come out of. I mean, first of all you don't even know you're in one, so used to keeping the truth from yourself with smoke and mirrors and maybe even flashing lights and fog machines. Realizing I was nuts about Jerry got me thinking I was bi. Little did I know that was just a baby step. There was a lot more denial to bust out of. Messing around with Laser and a couple of the other guys on the team, and tripling and quadrupling up with them and Jerry, sort of clanked me on the head. Like bang! I was nuts about them all. Crazy nuts. Man, I liked dudes way more than I'd been thinking I did.

I was beginning to understand that liking boys wasn't the weird and awful problematic thing that so many people said it was. It was holy fucking awesome and totally consumed you, filling you with nonstop love and lust throughout the day and night, with regularly spaced volcanic attacks of mind-blowing testosterone making you so horny you could just swoon back and die from it.

No way liking girls ever did that to me.

And of course, Jerry was my number one - my boy, my dude. I loved and adored him the most, way the hell more than anyone else ...

I'd gone into Randie's house a few minutes ago to use the bathroom by the downstairs laundry room, and I was just leaving it when Randie herself walked into the hall.

"There you are, dreamboat," she said. "I was wondering where you went off to."

I grinned at her. "Had to take a leak, sweetie."

She bounced her eyebrows as we came abreast. "Me too. That was an amazing football game earlier. I'm surprised I have any voice left after all that cheering and screaming. And you look so awesome tonight I could eat you right up."

I snorted a response. What? Was she flirting? I was wearing white shorts and a white t-shirt, nothing to look at twice. "Yah right, plain old me. I don't look half as awesome as you do. As usual."

She looked gorgeous in tight red Capri pants and a matching bare-midriff top that showed off her shapely suntanned body. Summer had already ended, but you'd never know it to look at Randie. You'd think it was the Fourth of July. Her dark hair and hypnotic amber eyes added to the effect in the dimly lit hall, and I could feel sparks flying out from my crotch into my legs and torso. But it was nowhere near the amount that bombarded me when I was near Jerry.

Randie grabbed my wrist. "You always say something like that. But you don't need stylish clothes. You look better than any other guy in town just being plain old you." Her eyes narrowed a little and she hesitated a moment, then asked, almost in a whisper, "Is all this stuff I'm hearing about you and Jerry and some of the other boys really true?"

The look in her eyes was one of hurt, but I steeled myself not to succumb to it. It was ten months since we'd broken up. It was over. She could not make me feel like it wasn't. I forced a smile. "Yup, it's all true. I'm queer. I like guys. At first I was thinking I'm bi, but now ... meh. Since I've let myself be into dudes I can't stop thinking about them."

The hurt expression flickered into one of amusement. "Ha! Now you know how we girls feel. You guys drive us crazy. Mentally, physically, and hormonally. All day, all week, all month, all year. So who's it gonna be, huh? Jerry or Laser, or one of the others, or ...?"

"... all of them?" I filled in for her, guessing what she had in mind. I shrugged my shoulders and laughed. "Why pick and choose when they all want to join in?"

"Puh!" She rolled her eyes heavenward. "And if girls sleep around with guys like that you call us sluts."

I nodded with a laugh. "Darn right I do. But you know I always liked the sluts the best."

That got her to grab my crotch and squeeze hard. She gave me an ornery grin. "That's true. We girls just wanna have fun. I guess gay boys do too, huh?"

"Lots of fun," I agreed as she released her grip. "But Jerry's definitely the one, and I think we're gonna make it official soon."

That made her eyes big and round. "Awesome. Just don't break his heart like you broke mine."

"Oh come on. I didn't break your heart. You had a whole posse of dudes following you around the day after we broke up."

"Of course I did. I had to keep up my reputation." Then her expression turned sly, like a fox. "But if you and Jerry should decide you actually are a little bi and want a girl in between you, just give me a call. I'm totally down for that."

"You too now?" I asked, more than a little surprised. "You've joined up with Candy and those other girls who like boys who like boys?"

"Ohmygod!" She stepped on and laughed at me over her shoulder. "You guys are so naive. What girl doesn't? We'd all be frustrated bitches if it wasn't for those doll hunks online on Fratpad ... unnhh! And, oh God, the Sean Cody and Corbin Fisher dudes!" She pulled open the bathroom door, adding, "And Gay Hoopla ... oy, those hunks on Hoopla drive me ca-raaa-zeee."

Then she was gone, into the bathroom, the door shut and me gaping at it.

Wow. She watched all those gay porn sites? Damn. Those were my faves too. I figured Candy and her friend Mel and the other girls weren't so weird after all if Randie was into it too. I knew Jerry thought Randie was really hot stuff, but I doubted either one of us would ever go back to girls. What he and I really needed was to stop all the sleeping around and just couple up. Be monogamous. Exclusive. Boyfriends. Go steady. Whatever else they were calling it. Just him and me. Like tonight. Hell, we won our big game and what a way to celebrate. huh? In fact, we could go through the woods to my house right now, tie the knot, and honeymoon our brains out. The heck with the party. I wanted to be alone with my dude.

I couldn't even look at him in the locker room after the game tonight. I had to shower way down on the far end away from him and recite Our Fathers and Hail Marys so I wouldn't get a boner with him and all the other guys naked around me. I was so damn hot for Jerry after watching him flirt with that Tex from Canton during the game. Then, he came here to the party dressed so freakin' sexy that you just want to totally attack him. I mean, like really. No shirt. Just a light leather-look zip-up jacket, totally unzipped and showing off his chest and abs and his incredible V-lines almost down to his pubic hair, his faded beltless jeans riding so damn low on his hips. He was flashing his whole torso, all so pink and smooth and freaking edible I could hardly take my eyes off him. All I wanted was to grab him and stuff my hands down his pants to feel up all the hot stuff he wasn't showing.

Then I had to sit with him and Candy and Mel and act like we were having a great big ball at the party when I was dying to take him over to my house and fuck his brains out.

Yup. That's definitely what I was going to do right now!

Twisting and turning through the writhing dancers, I crossed the patio and headed to where Candy and Mel and the hot red dude in question were sitting. Jerry's eyes widened happily at the sight of me, and that made my heart start banging. I didn't care that he had fooled around with Tex after the game. That was just part of our M.O. the last few months as we battled the demonic forces of Coming Out. But now was different. It was time to do The Real Thing and be A Couple. And maybe just fool around with other dudes together ... now and then.

Jerry and Laser were sitting at a table next to Candy and her friends, along with Donovan and Arnie, the cute team manager. Donovan had brought two older bodybuilder friends with him. They looked like gladiators from that TV show Spartacus. Ohmygod, they were awesome. The dark-haired one was Donovan's cousin Conner, obviously the one who had turned him on gay last night, according to what he'd said before the football game. The other one, a blond like me, was Conner's buddy. They'd been at the game earlier and caused quite a stir among the fans in the grandstand.

Obviously gay and out, they'd come into Randie's yard holding hands and immediately became the focal point of attention. A group was still milling around them. Hell, everybody liked gladiators, even straight guys. They all wanted to be like them, look like they did. Without, of course, having to do all the work it took to get that way.

Donovan himself looked like somebody else, a really happy confident somebody else, not the Donovan we knew. He'd won the freaking football game, always such a huge thing for a defense player. And he'd just yesterday turned gay and was coming out to everyone. He looked extremely hot and handsome. had his arm around cute muscle-pup Arnie's shoulders ... and even had his own gladiators. What more could a dude want? For somebody who everybody always had totally disliked, he was getting a whole lot of love tonight.

I was just about to join Jerry at our table when some dude grabbed me with a hand hooked around my waist and pulled me along with him in the opposite direction from where I was heading. I turned to look and it was Charlie Davis, our center on the football team, and he was hustling me over to the side of the patio by the pool and cabana house.

"I gotta borrow you for a few minutes," he said. "I need some help."

Huh? What was this all about? He really looked serious. "Sure, dude," I said, letting him pull me along. I loved his hand gripping my side and our bods bumping together as we navigated the crowd. "I'm all yours, buddy."

Charlie was shorter than me, about five-nine, and probably weighed a little less, but he was powerfully built for boys our age, like me and Jerry, and I always made sure to check him out in the locker room and showers. Real hot stuff and always a great treat to see his well-developed build. He had brown eyes and curly brown hair, was a martial arts freak, and I'd sure like to fool around with him if that's what he had in mind now.

Yah right, huh? There goes bad me again. I was on my way to get Jerry!

Charlie pulled me over to the cabana house and around the side where there was a narrow space between it and a hedge of evergreens that lined the property.

"What's up, dude?" I asked as he leaned against the cabana wall and pulled me along with him. Which I didn't think unusual because we were always touching each other on the field. LOL. I always played with his butt when we were in formation and he was bent over forward in front of me and had to snap me the football between his legs.

"You gotta help me, Ford. Please! You know how I've been crushing on Randie lately. I'd been coming on strong to her all along and, man, she was responding so cool. It was awesome. Until ..."

He stopped speaking and looked me right in the eyes for a moment. Then he frowned. "Then all this homo stuff started up. You and Jerry and Laser and the others. Jeez, and now fuckin' Donovan. And Candy and the girls are so into it, even Randie now. It's like she won't look at me tonight because I'm not a gay boy. What the fuck? How'm I supposed to catch her eye again?"

He was only a couple inches away and I could feel his breath on my face. It smelled like he'd already had way too much to drink, but he was such a hottie that his being so close was growing me a boner.

I noisily cleared my throat. "Charlie, if you don't let me go and move away, I'm gonna fuckin' kiss you."

"Puh! Well maybe that's what I need," he retorted. "To be seen makin' out with you. If Randie thinks I'm into guys, maybe she'll gimme some action. I ain't afraid to make out with a dude if it means I get to fuck her tonight."

I pushed myself away from the wall and tried to pull apart from him. "Whoa now, man. You're drunk and I don't wanna be playing games with Randie. She's already got more than enough reasons to be mad at me. She ..."

Charlie threw himself into me and both his arms wrapped around my back. "Aw come on, Ford. Do me a favor, huh? I let you feel up my ass every time we get in a scrimmage. What the hell? I don't care if you're queer. I love ya like crazy. But I'm horny as a mother fuck and dyin' for Randie. Let's go back out there and you act like you're puttin' the make on me. Randie'll see it and get excited thinkin' I'm queer too."

Then he kissed me, smack on the lips. Juicy, drooly, liquored, and sexy as fuck because he smashed his crotch against mine when he did it. "See. I can kiss you. No big whoop, huh?"

Then he let out a laugh and he kissed me again.

I was loving it. My teammate center, whose butt I'd had a million imagines about the last couple years, molesting me. I had no doubt he was totally straight and that made it so damn incredibly sexy.

He smooched me a third time. "See. It ain't no big deal, Ford."

"Yeah, but I'm getting a boner," i hissed, pressing hard against him. "And you're not."

"Maybe if I try a little more deep-tongue action it'll turn me on? That'd be sure to excite Randie if I had a nice big bulge from kissing the quarterback."

His tongue shot into my mouth and, before I even knew it, we were into some real deep mouth-to-mouth resuscitation that instantly got my head spinning. What a fucking hottie! My first straight-boy kiss, a drunk straight-boy kiss, and I spun out and forgot about everything else except the hunky dudebro in my arms.

Then, out of nowhere came a big booming shout, and, "Whoa! What the fuck is this?"

Charlie and I jerked apart, almost biting each other's tongues. It had sounded like freaking Godzilla.

We turned to look and ... oh cripes no ... it was Jerry, all red and fuming and looking like he was two seconds away from total combustion.

"Ford! You fucking goon," he yelled at me. "Whaddaya doin' with him?"

Charlie gaped at Jerry and in a flash whirled around behind me, firmly planting me between himself and the fire-breathing dragon.

"Jeezus!" he muttered in my ear. "Calm your boyfriend down, huh? He looks freakin' scary."

He sure as hell did. So much for Charlie's red, green, blue, black, and maybe even pink martial arts belts. Guess all that crap doesn't mean much when some big angry dude catches you smooching his boo.

I thrust my hands out at Jerry as he rushed at us, expecting to see smoke coming out of his ears any second. "Whoa! Stop! Just stop, dude. It's not what you think."

He came to an abrupt halt. "It sure as hell looks like what I think!"

Ohmygod. This was such a volatile moment and all I could think of was his unzipped jacket showing off his lean ripped torso and those awesome V-lines disappearing down into his low-riding jeans. He was the absolute hunk of all hunks.

I really had to concentrate to keep my eyes focused on his face. "Don't get all angry at me," I warned him. "You fooled around with that boy Tex after the game. What's good for the goose is good for the gander!"

"Oh fuck you," he sneered, trying to calm himself down. "We ain't no geese or ganders. Tonight was supposed to be our night to make our relationship official because we won the game. And then you go off on me with ... with Charlie?"

"Let me explain," I managed to squeak out in not so soothing a tone. "In a few minutes you and I are gonna leave the party and cut through the woods to my house and spend the whole night together. In bed and naked. Okay? Charlie was kissing me because he's crushing on Randie. He wants to practice making out with me to get her attention and make her think he likes boys too. She's been totally groovin' on me and you and Laser and the other gay dudes lately, the same as Candy and Mel and the other girls."


Jerry just stood there looking like the big lovable dumb jock he is. Oh man, my heart was banging and my dick throbbing. Dude was ready to fight over me. It was so wonderful.

Then his sneer flared up a little again. "Damn it! Are you sure that's all that's happening?"

Charlie had let me go and taken a step backward, away from me. I stepped forward and grasped Jerry's hands. "That's it, babe. The only thing I want to do tonight is get in bed with you and stay there. All night long. Really! Now go and find Randie and tell her Charlie and I are making out behind the cabana."

He looked back at Charlie like he still didn't wholly believe me.

"Go on, man," Charlie urged. "Go get her. I don't want Ford. I want Randie. I can't help it if all the girls are digging boys who like boys. You guys started it and they're all hooked on it now."

"All right. Okay! I'll go get her." Jerry made a face at Charlie, then looked at me. "He's way too cute for you to be messing around with, Ford. I don't trust you. You're a big flirt and a total slut. Way worse than me."

With that, he turned and stomped away and I leaned back against the cabana wall and let out a pent-up breath.

"You guys are really far out," Charlie laughed, leaning back next to me. "It's pretty obvious that boy-and-boy is a lot fuckin' crazier than boy-and-girl."

I snorted. "Tell me about it. I thought he was going to kill us."

"Aw, I could've dropped him with a few moves. He's sort of a klutz, you know. But I love you guys and sure don't want to be fighting with him."

"Yah, and I don't want to get Randie mad at me. But it looks like it's probably gonna happen. So ...," I slid over and slipped my arms around him. "In that case I may as well get something outta the whole deal."

I pulled him tight and started feeling up his butt. Charlie grunted a laugh and said, "You and my ass. You're always grabbing it. It'd always make me wonder if you had imagines about fucking me."

"You bet I did. Especially after a game or practice when I'd copped a few good feels. And then I would try to convince myself it's perfectly normal for a straight quarterback to want to fuck his center. Damn, I was in some deep shit denial, huh?"

Charlie's hands slid up to my shoulders. Apparently he was not interested in my butt. "Yup, lotsa denial, buddy. But ... ugh ... I don't think I'd like getting fucked. Sounds like it hurts."

"Meh. Some dudes enjoy it, others don't. Never tried it myself yet, but I sure hope to soon. Maybe tonight with Jerry."

Charlie sighed. "Me too. Tonight with Randie. I hope."

I snorted, my fingers memorizing every inch of his behind. "Randie can't fuck you. She doesn't have a dick."

Charlie hooted. "You know what I mean, dude. I'll be fucking her." Then he pushed back a little so we'd be lips to lips. "Let's start kissing again. Hopefully Jerry found her and she'll be showing up here any second now."

Yes, Jerry had indeed found her. Right in the center of things with Laser and Candy and Mel, and Donovan and his little entourage. I'm sure he enjoyed the fuck out of making such a sensation when he said to Randie, "I thought you and Charlie were making all kinds of eyes at each other lately."

"Sort of," she replied with a little shrug, flicking back strands of hair over her shoulder. Everyone was looking at her and she knew it. She loved it. "Just a little flirting here and there. Maybe something will come of it. Who knows?"

"Ha!" Jerry folded his arms across his chest with a sneering grin. "I don't know about that, sweetie. Right now he's making out with Ford behind the cabana house."

Randie's eyes widened in disbelief, same as Candy's and Mel's did, and just about everyone else who had heard.

"He's making out with Ford?" Randie demanded, upticking a finely drawn eyebrow. "Are you kidding me?"

"Hell no. Why would I kid about that? They're kissing up a storm back there. Guess Ford's gotta have a different dude every freakin' day now, huh?"

Candy and Mel had jumped up to their feet. Laser, Donovan and Arnie too. Curiosity and excitement were written all over their faces.

"This I gotta see!" Candy rushed forward.

"Well ... me too!" Randie fell in step with her. "The creep! And here he was putting the make on me for weeks."

"Don't call Charlie a creep," Candy retorted. "He's so hot. And if he likes boys, that makes him even hotter."

"And he's been trying to get your attention all night, Randie," Mel said from behind them, pulling Laser along with her by the hand. "It's like you've been ignoring him."

Randie shot her back an outraged look. "I've been busy with the party, making sure everything's okay. Jeez, I hope he's not mad at me."

"Don't worry about it," Mel soothed. "He's really digging you. But if he digs Ford too, that's even sexier."

"I suppose so," Randie agreed, hurrying on.

Jerry snorted a chuckle as he saw the little smile twisting Randie's lips. She obviously liked it that Charlie was making out with a dude. It was turning her on. Mel gave Jerry a questioning look, but he just shrugged his shoulders and didn't offer her any of his insider insight.

As they pushed their way through the crowd, Donovan, Arnie, and the gladiators too, and some of the others who'd been hanging around the group followed. Everyone wanted to see what was going on.

Meanwhile, back behind the cabana house, Charlie and I were in the middle of a steamy deep-tongue kiss. And wow, he was really into it. He must've wanted Randie really bad, let me tell you. Our crotches were smashed hotly together and Charlie even had a boner.

Dude was really going to town.

Wow, what straight boys won't do to get a girl!

He was so wide and solid it was like hugging a stone Greek god. And being in such a hot clinch with him was definitely making me want to be in an even hotter one with Jerry.

Then ...

"What the hell's going on here?"

It was Randie, just about screaming. There was no not recognizing that voice. She'd screamed at me lots of times before. Charlie and I jumped and turned to look at her as she stood at the corner of the cabana like a crazed Greek harpy ready to attack. And there was a whole crowd behind her – all our friends.

"Ohmehgosh! Look at the two of them?" cried Mel, gaping at us like a kid who'd just spotted Minnie and Mickey at Disneyland.

"I most certainly am!" That was Candy, and she let out a triumphant laugh. Then there was a whir and a click as her phone snapped a photo of us. "Ohmygod. So sexy! The quarterback and his center. Who knew football was so incredibly gay?"

Oh no! Who the hell knew where that photo was going to end up? Probably on Facebook or in the school paper. Jerry was standing behind her with his arms folded across his chest like a disgusted dad who'd just found his son doing something naughty with another boy. The hypocrite. I knew he'd jump on Charlie's bones in a nanosecond if he had the chance.

Behind him and the girls were the other guys, even the two hunky gladiators, all smiling happily, chuckling too, obviously liking the look of me and Charlie crushed together.

"Charlie Davis, you big flirt!" Randie thrust herself at us, grabbing our shoulders with hands as strong as the Wicked Witch of the West. "You've been hittin' on me for weeks and here you are now humping yourself all over Ford!"

She was shoving at us, but I didn't know if her intention was to separate us or squeeze in between us.

Charlie really laid it on her. "I couldn't help myself, Randie. Honest to God. Ford's so damn hot. Like, he pulled me back here and how could I say no?"

Which got her to stare really nasty daggers at me. "You big whore! Do you have to have every hot guy on the football team? Pretty soon there'll be no one left for us girls."

Yikes. Obviously she was going to be annoyed with me for some time to come, just as I had figured. But not with Charlie. She possessively hooked her arm around his shoulder and yanked him away from me. There was a resounding 'Oh!' from everyone as they saw our bulging crotches.

Randie shoved her nose in my face and hissed, "You've got Jerry. Keep your damn hands off Charlie!"

Then she bulled him away like Donovan did offensive linemen and I was left with the others all gaping at me. I sent the back of her head a really big mental harpoon. Ex-girlfriends! They really love it when they can get back at you.

Candy snorted and took another picture of me, aiming low. "Nice package down there, fella. Guess everybody's after Carlton High's quarterback, huh?"

I just shrugged. At that point I really didn't give much a fuck about anything. One look at Jerry standing there showing off his V-lines made everything else totally unimportant. Even the fact that I was standing in front of everyone with a bulging boner.

Mel hooted. "Ohmehgosh, Ford. I've never seen you at such a loss for words."

"And I'm sure you never will again," I snapped at her. Then I stepped forward, grabbed Jerry by the arm and pulled him along with me.

"I am so totally outta here!" I grunted.

The guys were all laughing as I shoved our way through them. They pounded on our shoulders and jabbed at our chests. Laser grabbed my bulge and Arnie my butt. The blond gladiator gave me such a nice punch on my left pec that I wanted to stop so he could hit me more and harder. God was he hot! But I lowered my arm to Jerry's side so I could feel his smooth right hip and that got my mind back on track again. And I headed right toward the woods at the end of the back yard.

"Sure it's okay to leave?" Jerry asked doubtfully. "It's still sort of early."

"The hell with it. They know we're spending the night together, and I ain't stayin' after that crazy fiasco. Don't you want to be alone with me?"

"Of course I do." He threw his arm around my shoulders as we headed down the path that led to my house. "But you sure looked like you were having a hella good time with Charlie."

"I was," I snickered. "But I'm gonna have an even better time with you."

We soon stepped out of the woods into my back yard. My parents' house was a big stone and redwood split-level with lots of huge windows. But we didn't have the big patio, pool, and cabana like at Randie's, just a small brick patio behind the house and my dad's little gurgling fish pond. We crossed the lawn toward them as I looked at the media room on the east end of the house and could see the flickering of the television through the large plate glass.

"My folks are watching TV," I said to Jerry as I pulled him toward the opposite end of the house. "Netflix is their current drug of choice. They're watching that series You. Pretty weird shit for peeps their age. I'm surprised my mom likes it."

"Man, I loved it," Jerry replied. "Watched the first two seasons in one weekend. That dude's a real psycho. He falls so crazy hard in love with those dippy broads and then later, when he realizes they're not perfect, he wants to kill them. Totally cool. Sure beats Riverdale. If I have to see any more of Betty and Veronica I'll probably start killing girls too. Or maybe myself."

I hooted as we reached the west wing. It was elevated a half storey higher than the rest of the house where the grade ascended as the road out front went uphill. My bedroom was in there along with a guest room and a library, and I usually had the whole wing to myself.

"I gave up on that show," I said as I unlocked the back door. "I got so tired of waiting for some hot boy action. Jeez, all that girlie stuff. I mean, Veronica in the Mafia? Oh. come on. And Betty chasing a black-hooded serial killer? Like, for months. Ugh. I wanted to see some serious Archie and Reggie dude action. If not making out, then at least beating the crap outta each other. Or maybe some Kevin and Moose. They are really fuckin' hot."

Jerry grunted in agreement as I pulled the door open and let him in. "Ha! Me too. I kept streaming ahead looking for some dude action. But Archie and Reggie will never get together. That'd be totally too hot for TV. Besides, they gotta be totally straight and uber-macho. But Kevin and Moose get together eventually. In bed too. But in a fucking underground bunker, of all places. Looks like a big sewer pipe. And wearing more underwear than most dudes wear clothes. And these weird-ass game players came in, like Dungeons and Dragons. I have no idea what that was about. Way too complicated a story. And then Kevin's dad came in too - the freakin' sheriff. Interrupted him and Moose finally getting together. It was so damn stupid. I was watching it on my PC and got so disgusted I clicked straight over to Pornhub and watched some naked muscle dudes going at it."

I followed him into the back hall and locked the door behind me. "You mean dudes like me and you?"

I could feel his breath on my face in the dark. "Nah, they were a little older. Bigger and more muscular, like Donovan's gladiators. But nowhere near as freakin' wonderful as me and you."

Haha! I liked hearing that. He sure had the right idea. I wrapped my arms around him and pushed him slowly down the hall, bumping him in the butt with my crotch, my hands smoothing over his exposed abs and tempting V-lines. Oh yah, this was way better than Charlie.

"You are so right," I hissed in his ear. "If you and me were on Riverdale, there'd be no way Veronica and Betty could steal the show. They'd get rid of them. And we'd sure as fuck do some blazing hot boy stuff. Tons of it."

"You mean like we're gonna do now?" he asked as I lifted him a little from behind to help him up the stairs to the balcony on the higher level.

"You bet. Right now. To make it official. You and me - boyfriends. A couple!"

As I raised him my hands slid up to his firm muscular pecs and my fingers flicked his already pebbled nipples, sending a jolt of pleasure up my hands and arms and throughout my body. It caused me to falter a moment and I stumbled. We both tumbled down onto the stairs, me right on top of him.


"Yow my arm!"


"Ugh. Right on my kneecap!"

But, fortunately, the stairs were carpeted. Good thing. It saved us from getting hurt. We definitely weren't lightweights. But it felt so good to suddenly be on top of him, all the fuck over him.

"Puh! And they call me a klutz," Jerry laughed, totally wrapped now in my arms and legs. "What? Am I too heavy for you? Or are you just a weakling?"

I pulled him tighter, nibbling on his ear as my hands explored his beautifully developed chest. "You're a big bad boy, babe. And I'm just as weak as can be ... falling, falling, falling for you."

I couldn't control myself. I couldn't hold off until we were in my bedroom. He was in my arms now and I had to feel him up all over. I was like breathless, my heart banging, and it felt like I was going to come in my pants any second now. I was so freaking turned on.

"Oh man, Jerry. I love your body."

My hands slid down parting the flimsy jacket, then went bumpity bump bump over his awesome slabs of abs. I was gnawing on his neck as my fingers found those V-lines I was so obsessed with, and I began to follow them downward to his crotch.

Jerry giggled and squirmed. "What? You gonna bite my neck? You a vampire now?"

I slurped a big one by his carotid artery. "Ohmygod. If I had fangs I'd suck every drop of your blood so I could be pink and orange and red all over just like you."

"Orange?" he grunted, trying to turn his head to see me. "What the fuck about me is orange?"

But I was already a goner and hardly heard him. My fingers on the V-lines had reached the waistband of his jeans and slid down under, zeroing in on the bottom of that awesome V. And he was commando, no underwear. Yowza! My right hand fisted his big hard dick and started pumping, my left hand grabbed his balls, and my own dick was was grinding his butt as we rocked back and forth on the stairs.

"Don'cha want to go in your bedroom?" he whispered.

"No! I can't wait. I wanna hold you and feel you up all over." I started sucking on his neck again. "I could fuckin' eat you all up, dude. Totally every bit of you."

He snickered, pressing back hard against me. "You're a horny vampire, Ford. I bet Edward never did this to Bella in Twilight."

I had to laugh at that. "Nor would I, she's such a skank. But I bet he did it to Jacob plenty of times."

"Ha! Now you're talkin'. I read all three books and watched all four movies and don't remember seeing that. It'd definitely be my fave scene, though." Then he turned to smooch my cheek. "Can't we at least take off our clothes?"

It felt so good humping my boner into his butt. "Yah, but then I'll have to fuck you."

He turned further, trying to look at me. "Awesome. Oughta be fun on these stairs."

Definitely a whole lot of fun. But it felt like I was ready to orgasm any second now holding him with our clothes on. Dudegasm and brogasm like Yellowstone Park's Old Faithful geyser right in my Calvins while I humped his butt, gnawed on his neck, and jerked him off. I'd been figuring he'd fuck me, but now in this position ... yah ... I'd be the fucker, and we could do it the other way around later tonight.

"Umm ... I'll count to three," I grunted in his ear. "Then let's split and rip our clothes off. I have a lubed condom in my pocket and we'll do it right here, you sitting on me."

"All right!" He liked that idea. "Ride 'em cowboy, eh? Get ready, dude. I'm gonna make you gallop."

I started counting. "One ... two ... three!"

We burst apart like an explosion and, in seconds, shoes and clothes were flying in every direction, down into the hall below and up onto the balcony above. But things didn't go quite as planned. I pulled the wrapped condom out of the pocket before tossing my shorts and was just about to rip it open when I saw Jerry totally naked and right next to me, his big hard dick bobbing.

It's like I went totally nuts. I dropped the condom, grabbed Jerry, pushed him back against the steps, kissed his startled face on the lips, then slid down his yummy chest and abs to his crotch and whomped down on his turgid length, sucking it into my mouth like I was drowning and it was the air I needed to stay alive. His cock was big and beautiful and I managed to get it all in without choking to death, although I think I came pretty close. I sucked it back and forth and up and down to all his rapturous groans and yips and cute little whining noises.

"You keep this up. Ford," I vaguely heard him yowl, "and I'm gonna come in your mouth before you even get a chance to fuck me."

Oh man, what did I want to do? This or that? Both, of course, and a whole lot more. I struggled to calm myself down, told myself we had all night to mess around, all night to do everything imaginable and then sleep till noon tomorrow because it was Saturday.

I raised my head and let his dick slip out of my mouth, then licked a mouthful of his reddish-orange pubic hair. It was like fluffy carrot-flavored cotton candy. My tongue trailed up his left side V-line, then jumped over to his abs, which I licked and sucked up to his pecs and attacked his nipples once again. Then I kissed him on the lips as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm gonna fuck you," I breathed into his mouth. "And then we'll have the whole night to do everything else we can think of. It'll be like a wedding night. In fact, I love you so much, hunk babe, that I'd marry you tomorrow. But we wouldn't be able to, we're only seventeen. Boys have to be eighteen to get married in Ohio without parental consent. And I know my folks would never consent to my marrying you."

That cracked him up and he hooted. "Why? I'm not good enough? It's not like I live on the wrong side of the tracks. We don't have any tracks around here. Everybody's rich in this town."

I snorted. "Numbskull. You're a dude. And I'm pretty sure my folks want me to marry a girl."

"Ha! They got a big surprise in store for them, don't they?"

"You bet they do."

With that, I slipped off him to sit on the step at his side. I picked up the condom wrapper and ripped it open, eager to get things goin' on.

Jerry pulled it from my fingers. "Let me do it."

I leaned back, my elbows on the next step up. This was just all too sexy, especially out here in the hallway in the dark. My heart was banging away as he grabbed my dick to steady it as he gently slipped the condom down over it, kissing me softly on the lips as he did. It felt so awesome. I thought I was going to come like a race horse right into it.

Then he pushed himself up, grabbed the railings on each side of the stairs, and straddled me with his hot jockbutt right in my face.

"I'll need some juicing up," he laughed. "Sorry, but I don't have a self-lubricating butt like some of those dudes in the yaoi stories."

The next moment he bent over forward, his cheeks spread, and his smooth hairless butthole was pushing at my nose. I grabbed his beefy thighs and raised my head a tad and, ohmyfuckinggod, did I ever juice dude up! I sucked up enough saliva to drown a whale and almost got totally lost in prepping my pretty preppy boyfriend.

While he made all kinds of whimpering noises.

That very enjoyable step complete, I grabbed the big boy toy by his slim waist and pushed him slowly down onto me. Even in the dimly lit hall my aim was perfect – like, wow what a target! And he came down on me so tight and smooth that I let out a string of yelps that they must've heard back through the woods at Randie's house.

I wrapped my left arm around Jerry's chest as he settled down on me, my hand clutching at his right pec. His head lolled next to mine and I could see the glazed look in his eyes.

"You like that, don't you?" I whispered.

He was obviously speechless. All he could do was nod, and I humped up into him in response. He let out a long and languid 'ahhhaaahhhaaahh'.

I kept thrusting slowly up in response to his downward ones and, as we tenderly kissed, I fisted his dick and started pumping it. Our movement was smooth and exquisite, wonderfully in tune with each other. We moaned and groaned right into each other's mouths and I was captivated by the intensity and heat of our embrace. The utter bliss of fucking a dude was so x million times more awesome than anything I'd ever experienced with a girl.

Sheathed in his smooth tightness, zinging sensations were pounding from my groin and radiating throughout me. The heft of his weight on me, his throbbing cock in my hand, my lips smashing against his, and my tongue deep in his mouth all added to the immensity of pleasure. I wanted to stay locked together with him forever, the love and lust and passion never to end. And I knew that Jerry felt the same. His response was incredible, his hands roaming all over me underneath him everywhere he could reach, his gasps and sighs punctuated by yelping high notes every time I hit that special spot inside him.

Suddenly he shifted and it broke apart our kiss. I saw him grab the railing spokes on each side with his hands and he jacked his butt up a couple inches, then tried to sit up like he'd been before. But I quickly tugged at him to pull him back down.

'No. Stay down here on me. Please! I wanna kiss you. I love you ..."

His head lolled back against mine again, his eyes glazed over like he'd just dropped acid and coke together. "Okay," he gasped. "But faster ... go faster. And deeper. Deeper."

We locked mouths again, and with him now being slightly raised I was able to thrust harder and deeper into him, and I did. I let him have it exactly the way he wanted, over and over again while I held him tight to me, my right hand pumping his dick. We segued into a quicker rhythm, fast now as his grunts and groans and high notes increased. I could feel the passion all coming together inside me, a powerful surge of sensation building up everywhere and threatening to blow me up into a million tiny pieces of joy.

Jerry was just about shouting, and I was too. We'd both explode soon, I knew it, like Fourth of July fireworks. And, like What's-His-Name sitting on the wall, it'd take us forever to put ourselves back together again.

I pulled my lips away from his. "I love you, Jerry," I gasped into his beautiful face.

He yelped like a coyote in heat. Then, "I love you too, Ford."

Whoa my god! It was fire to hear him say it.

He laughed and kissed me, our lips locked together again as the tingling surging urgency in us both quickened our undulations and the incredible pleasure they brought until we were both nearly shrieking.

I knew my time had come, and his too. His dick was thick and throbbing and swelling along the bottom, ready to pop. I thrust into him, harder, deeper, again and then again, and then I lost all sense of where I was and what I was doing as the flood surge of ecstasy overwhelmed me, my entire body flaming like it was ablaze.

Then it was like bombs exploding, lightning flashing. The Gates of Heaven opened and my head spun as the paroxysms of my orgasm shook me, the staircase too, and Jerry on top of me, as the very same was happening to him.

He cried out, "Yowww ... ohhhhh .... Aaahhhahhhahhh ... Ford you fucker!"

That very instant, hot jizz pumped out of his cock and shot up into the air, falling down all over us. I was doing the very same thing deep inside him, while crying out some gibbersish I didn't even understand. Spasms of pleasure wracked through us both. Spurts and spurts of semen erupted. All we could do was hold onto each other in the joy of the moment, hoping it would last forever.

But we were mere mortals, not the gods on high it felt like at the moment, and so it did end, the passion slowly ebbed. Jerry let go the railing spokes and rested down against me. We lay there breathing hard in big huge gulps, head to head and cheek to cheek, in that warm happy cozy aftermath of lovemaking.

"Isn't it weird?" he whispered. "We've been buds since we were kids and now we're ... jeez ... doing this ... both of us queer and officially boyfriends."

"Ha! We shoul've been doing this since we were kids!'

"Don't worry 'bout a thing, babe. We'll make up for all that lost time."

My hand was splotched all over with his semen and it was lumped here and there on his abs too. I began swirling my hand on his stomach to spread it out. "Definitely. You can stay over every night. My folks never come to this part of the house. We'll have it all to ourselves."

Jerry rubbed his nose against mine, snickering. "And we'll probably want to do it on the stairs here all the time."

A sudden idea came to me. "Hey, tomorrow we can make a sexy Coupling Up video for Tik Tok. Our friends'll die over it."

"Yeah, especially Candy and Mel," he laughed. "In fact, they probably followed us here through the woods and are right now looking in the window."

I hooted at that. "Then tough balloons for them. They missed out. There's no windows that look right in here. This stairway is a fangirl-safe sex spot. But we can dedicate the video to them. Randy too, just to bust her balls. We'll do a 'reveal' video. You know how they do those. We'll label it 'Coupling Up BoyFriends', do a short sexy dance shirtless and wearing skimpy gym shorts that show of our bulges ... then slowly raise the view to reveal our faces."

"Cool." Jerry smooched me on the cheek. "We'll kill 'em. We're so fine that the girls'll all go crazy and the boys'll all be jealous. Well, except the gay one. They'll love it. What an awesome weekend, huh? We won the big game with Canton Garfield, I sixty-nined with that sexy Tex, me and you became boyfriends, and with our video tomorrow we'll be the talk of Carlton High. What the hell more is there?"

I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed, then humped his hip with my now flaccid dick. "There's the rest of the night, hunk dude. Me and you in the dark and all the fuckin' and suckin' we can cram into it. Ain't we just the luckiest dudes in all Ohio? Maybe even the whole darn USA?"

PHOTO above ... FORD


Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting! More Carlton High stories to come in the future.

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