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RATED MATURE. This chapter contains polyamorous erotic action between consenting males and females. It is from the thriller-in-progress THE DEVIL BEHIND HER by Noirotica, coming soon to Wattpad.


Will Mike, who is straight, let his hot stud gay cousin Giorgio make love to him in order to make his new female editors happy?


Mike stayed on the floor at Saks Fifth Avenue until six o'clock. It'd been a successful day, sales had been terrific, and both Adam and Reece were confident they'd be asked back again after the Times Square video billboard for Amedeo cologne debuted next week.

Jax waited for Mike in the hospitality room with Adam, who Mike was sure would let no one get near her because she'd agreed to let him do her make-up. As a result, she looked glamorous enough for a Vogue cover when they wrapped things up and left the store. Reece and Adam drove back down to the modeling agency and Mike and Jax took a taxi to her apartment so she could get some clothes and other things. She was going to stay at Mike's house for the time being or, hopefully, as Mike had said, forever.

Jax wouldn't hear of it when he said he'd cancel going to Emma Harrington's apartment that night.

"You can't call it off now, Mike," she told him. "You made an agreement and have to go through with it. We're already working on the first book of the trilogy. I have it with me."

"But I don't want to go there now. I want to stay with you and not let you out of my sight. Screw the books. You're more important."

"No way, dude. A deal is a deal. You start breaking deals in business now and you'll be finished before you even start."

So Mike had called Henry, his housekeeper, who was still at the house, having come in late that morning, and asked him to stay overnight so Jax would not have to be alone. Henry agreed to stay, and then Mike called his dad's firm down on Wall Street and talked to Arthur, the office manager. The man agreed to arrange for armed security around the clock for the house for the next few days, and promised there'd be a guard there by seven tonight. Mike wasn't going to take any chances after the appearances made the night before by the fiery-eyed demon.

And of all nights for him to have to go out, he found himself thinking, why was it tonight when he had every reason in the world to stay home?

After leaving Jax's apartment they caught a taxi back down to Mike's.

"So Reece thinks Ronnie will like the pictures he took of us blocking traffic on Fifth Avenue?" Jax asked in the back seat of the cab, chuckling at the memory of what they'd done.

Mike nodded. "Yes. She loves stuff like that for publicity. She knows everybody in town and they'll do just about anything for her - one of the perks of being a famous international beauty."

"Which you are quickly becoming," Jax teased. "What perks will you want?"

"Only one. Being with you," Mike said, hugging her close. He was so thrilled to be with her again. He really did not want to leave her side.

Jax slid her flattened palm up and down the knit shirt covering his chest and abdomen. "I love fooling around with you in taxi cabs."

"How about in my bedroom later tonight?"

Jax feigned outrage. "Oh sure, after you're finished with Emma and Leona?"

"What?" Mike acted just as outraged. "You're the one who insists I go."

"Yes, so you can be an internationally famous writer, in addition to beauty. While I sit at home and be the crazy girl with two personalities who can't do anything."

Mike laughed at her. "You own the publishing company, sweetie. You can go there and sit, and go through that slush pile and all the queries with synopses and chapters and discover bestsellers. Give young writers a break so they don't have to go nuts trying to get published. That's sure a worthy cause." He squeezed her to him and kissed her forehead. "We've got a whole long fabulous life ahead of us. Screw the cult and all the other problems. We'll find a way around them."

Jax rested her head on his shoulder as the taxi roared down 70th Street to go back up around the block to 71st. "You make it sound so easy. Like magic. And silly me, I believe you."

"Good. You need to listen to me. Like Zingara told you to."

She hugged her arms around his slim waistline. "You did look awfully sexy without a shirt on at Saks."

Mike pushed his nose into her thick hair. He breathed in its scent and it made him lightheaded. "If you liked that, baby, wait till you see the rest of me."

Jax broke out into a laugh, slapping him lightly on the stomach. "You sure are getting vain now that you are one of Veronica's Secrets."

Mike nodded. "You bet. Everyone keeps telling me I need to think more highly of myself."

"Your buddy Reece is so cool," she sighed. "What a dreamy hunk."

"He's a trans dude," Mike told her. "He was born a girl. 'Sort of', as he put it."

"Ohmygod!" Jax blurted. "I'd never guess that. He's such a studly guy."

"Exactly what I said when he told me."

"And that Adam, what a doll hunk. You work with such cool people. I think he fell in love with Giorgio when he met him this afternoon."

"Everybody loves Giorgio. Eric says he's one of the most popular gay guys in town."

"And that's really saying something," Jax said, "seeing that New York is the epicenter of the entire gay world."

Mike snorted. "Yeah, and just about everything else too."

He hadn't told Jax what happened last night, at his house or up by her place. He didn't want to frighten her any more than she already was. When they arrived at his house a couple minutes later, Mike introduced Jax to Henry and told them both only that there was a stranger on the grounds last night and that a security guard would be on the premises in-house for the next few days. Then he and Jax went up to the sixth floor where he quickly showered and changed into sweats. He and Giorgio planned to wear the leatherboy clothes tonight, so he'd change into those later.

Jax had brought his manuscript along on thumb drive and planned to start going over it, so he set her up at the table near the galley and gave her his gun, showing her how to use it. The idea of needing a gun frightened her, but she knew he was worried and said nothing about it nor asked for details. It was more than enough for her to deal with knowing the cult was seeking them out. She didn't care to know any more.

Giorgio arrived and went upstairs to shower. The security guard came a little after that and Mike showed him around the big townhouse, from the ground floor up to the sixth, introduced him to the others, and then set him up in the office on the main floor near the stairs and elevator. Mike told him about the person impersonating the demon last night, in the back yard and in the museum grounds next door, and asked him not to mention anything about it to Jax and Henry. Just guard them and call 911 if anything happened. Hopefully, he'd be home before midnight.

Then Mike went back up to join Giorgio and they changed into the leather clothes - pants, harnesses over their bare chests, slave collars, and boots, and then they went upstairs to say goodbye to Jax. She was sitting at the table working on the manuscript on her laptop, jotting notes on a steno pad, and she looked up at them with wide eyes and a big grin.

"Ohmygod! You guys really do look sexy like that. I wish I was in on this deal too."

She got up and gave Giorgio a kiss on the cheek, and Mike a more substantial one on the lips.

Holding her by the shoulders, he made a sour face and groaned. "This is so fucked. You sending me off to have sex with some other woman."

"Hey, man up," she said, grabbing his arms and shaking him a little. "This is big business, dude. It's just the way the game is played."

She pointed to the stack of manuscripts by his computer. "Do you want those books in the stores and ranking on the bestseller lists? You want Disney making them into movies? Then you go fuck Emma's brains out and make her happy. I don't like it either and I'm sure Giorgio doesn't too. But it's the way things work and it's not a big deal. It's just sex. Enjoy it. She's a gorgeous woman. Leona too. Have fun with them and do a good job."

Mike looked at her dubiously, then he gave his head a little shake as if to dismiss the thoughts troubling him. He upcocked an eyebrow. "You sound like you run the fucking publishing company already. The hell with that internship and school. You should just quit college and take over J&P right now."

Then, turning to Giorgio, he grabbed him by the arm. "Come on, bro. We're outta here."

Giorgio winked at her and then they were walking down the hall toward the elevator. Jax smiled as she watched them.

"Oh, they'll do a real good job," she sighed aloud. "And he's right, the hell with all this preparation. I own the goddamn company. I should just assert myself and take a nice cushy job at Jackson and Parks. Now!"


Mike took Jax's advice and manned up. Totally. He remembered the message on the index card he'd found in his father's suit pocket, the going everywhere, doing everything, and allowing no one or nothing to stop him. Especially himself. He put a big smile on his face and drove all interfering thoughts from his mind – the out-of-date morality he'd learned as a child which would do him no good in the world he lived in now, the Satanic cult and all the dangers it presented to him and Jax - and he focused on doing a good job tonight of making his editors, yes, his editors, happy.

They took the elevator down to the ground floor in order to avoid running into Henry and the security guard on the main floor above, and went out the service door to 71st Street. Giorgio had the Jeep parked out front but they walked over to Fifth Avenue to catch a taxi, not wanting to worry about parking down in midtown where they were headed.

On the way down, Mike filled Giorgio in on what had happened last night across the avenue from Jax's apartment, how he had clobbered the cult member on the head in the park bushes with his gun, then called 911 to come and get him. He hadn't had a chance all day to talk to him about it.

"Serves that big asshole right," Giorgio said with a grunt. "stalking her like that. Good idea, tossing his wallet. They probably put him in jail with no I.D. and his gun in his hand. But next time you want to play NYPD Blue, call me. You shouldn't be doing it alone. What if there'd been more than one guy there?"

Mike shrugged. "Then I would've laid back and called you. I hope that fiery-eyed demon doesn't show up again tonight at the house. I don't want the darn thing frightening Henry and Jax."

"They'll be fine with the guard there," Giorgio assured him. "No one can get in the house and if they see it outside, they'll call the police. Like you should've done."

"Yah, I should have. But I didn't even think of it. I just ran up to Jax's place, I was so worried about her."

The taxi pulled up in front of a high rise apartment building in the Murray Hill neighborhood and the boys got out after paying the fare. The middle-aged doorman tried his best to remain expressionless as he called the apartment upstairs to announce their arrival, but his face didn't remain as bland as he was striving for, and the mixed emotions of surprise, admiration, and disapproval kept playing over it.

"All right, Ms. Harrington," the man said into the phone piece. "I'll send them up."

He hung up the device and pressed a sequence of buttons on the panel to buzz the door. "Go on up, fellas. Apartment twenty-fifteen. Elevators straight ahead."

Mike thanked him as Giorgio pulled open the door, and they crossed the elegantly furnished lobby to the elevators.

Giorgio grunted a laugh as they waited for a car. "That guy didn't know what to think of us, if we were cool, or hot, or just plain fools."

Mike shrugged. "Maybe he didn't like this look and what it represents, but he obviously knows Emma and Leona and he sure won't think we're fools going up to have some fun with them."

Giorgio grinned. "I guess you're right about that. I wonder if he thinks we're pros?" he mused, as a car arrived and opened its doors.

They stepped inside and Mike pressed the button for the twentieth floor. "I'm sure we look good enough to be pros. But, hell, this is the first and the last time I'm doing it. How about you?"

Giorgio leaned against the wall, grinning slyly. "Hey, I've got a lot of whoring around left to do. I don't have that two hundred million coming when I turn twenty-four, like you do. I may have to sell this hot bod plenty more times to make my way."

"Fuck, G, I'll give you half of mine. One hundred million will be more than enough for me. I don't want it all."

Giorgio smirked and shook his head. "Mike, it's amazing how little you know yourself. Nothing will ever be enough for you. That silver spoon you were born with in your mouth was just a taste. You want it all, bro, even a girl that most guys would quickly realize can't possibly be theirs. You play the innocent, but you're willing to push yourself to do anything. You spent the whole last year writing those books with your head up in the fucking Andromeda galaxy. I thought you'd never come back down to Earth. Now we're screwing editors so you can get the books published. And I'm a crazy mother fucker to go along with you and what you want to do, but I'm a sucker and I love you. I've gotta start going after my own shit the way you go after yours."

The elevator stopped and the doors opened and the boys stepped out. Mike had no time to think about what Giorgio had just said because Emma was standing at an open door about forty feet down the hall, waiting for them. She looked sexy and seductive in a shimmering black velour sweatsuit that lovingly hugged her curves and was perfectly accented by shiny black stiletto heels. She smiled and waved them on down, in her hand a long black leash swaying back and forth.

Mike put on his game face, the big charming smile he'd been practicing all day at Saks, and he and Giorgio strode down the hall. And he wasn't even halfway there before Mother Nature came to his assistance. Emma looked so hot he was starting to get turned on already.

He nudged Giorgio in the arm. "Damn, this sure oughtta be fun."

Emma looked back into the apartment. "Honey, hurry and see what's coming down the hall!"

A moment later, Leona poked her head out, followed by the rest of her, all round and curvy in a pink velour sweatsuit similar to Emma's, shining pink spike heels on her feet. She held a black leash in her hand too.

"Yo, check her out," Giorgio snorted. "If I gotta have a blonde I'd really prefer Liam Hemsworth. But I guess she'll do."

Mike grunted. "I still think you're not really gay."

"Dude, how little you know."

Then they were right there with the girls embracing them like long lost lovers, hugging, kissing, feeling, touching, as if a passion bomb had exploded all over them and freed them of any and all inhibitions. Mike's lips were searching the sweetness of Emma's mouth, his hands sliding up her smooth skin inside the back of her sweats top. She wasn't wearing a bra and he was just about to move his hands around to her front when she hissed in his ear, "Let's get this party inside. We'll get arrested out here."

She had found it impossible not to throw herself at Mike. Although he was big and masculine, there was something about his prettiness that brought out the feminine in him, and it drove her crazy. She was not attracted to men hardly at all compared to her attraction to women, but every now and then one just shouted out to her, and he was the tops of any she'd known before. She pushed him from behind into the apartment foyer, giggling.

Giorgio picked up Leona, whom he'd been practically mauling, and tossed her over his shoulder so her shapely butt was right by his face, and he bit her square on it as he walked into the apartment before setting her down on her feet. She squealed with laughter and squeezed his crotch, which was attractively bulged in the tight leather pants. Emma closed the door behind them.

"Whew!" She fanned herself with her hand. "So hot and sexy! And we're all supposed to be gay, not so gonzo for the opposite sex."

Mike's hands were running up her sides from behind. He knew that once he got to those beautiful breasts of hers under the velour, he'd forget about everything else around him.

"I'm not gay," he said to her, and pulled her close to him, hands on her soft flat tummy.

"You're not?" she looked up at him in surprise. "I thought all Veronica's Secrets were gay. That's supposed to be the secret."

"Not Mike," Giorgio said, as Leona attached the leash she was holding to the ring on his collar. "He's a total kinkster, but he's straight."

Mike sent Giorgio a sharp look as Emma turned to look at him. Smiling, she attached the leash she held to his slave collar. "Yikes! An actual straight boy? I haven't had one of those since college."

"How did you manage to grow up with Mike and not try to turn him gay?" Leona asked Giorgio.

"Oh ... let me tell you, I tried," Giorgio lied, grinning ear to ear as he looked at Mike, one raised eyebrow daring him to refute his statement. "It didn't work. But he knows all about it and I taught him a few tricks along the way. He's totally cool about it all."

"I wish I'd had somebody like that to grow up with," Leona sighed. "It would have made things so much easier, and been fun too."

Mike tried his darnedest not to send Giorgio an outraged look. Truth was, his cousin hadn't told him anything. Nada. All he knew about being gay was what he'd learned in the last few days. He knew he'd have to let Giorgio take the lead here. These women were lovers who liked to be fucked by gay men together so they could experience orgasm the very best way nature intended. Ronnie had obviously not mentioned to them that he was straight.

"Come see the view," Emma sang out, pulling Mike on with the leash into a big living room off the entrance foyer, dimly lit now in the darkening twilight. Soft music was playing from expensive stereo equipment set on the shelves of built-in bookcases lining one wall. The room was beautifully furnished in contemporary pieces and had a well-lived-in look with books laying about, a half-empty cup of coffee on an end table, Glamour and Cosmopolitan magazines here and there, and a copy of the New York Post with today's latest scandalous tabloid headline.

Leona and Giorgio followed them, both giggling about something. Mike turned to look and a pang of envy coursed through him. Giorgio never had to try at anything, it all came so naturally to him. He always fit in so easily, with everybody everywhere. Not like himself, Mike was thinking, always the one who had to push to belong, try harder than the others, dream bigger. He put his arm around Emma's shoulder as they approached the wall of windows overlooking the splendors of Manhattan, telling himself, Be in the moment, dude. Just here and now. Don't think about anything else!

The windows faced midtown and the hundreds of beautiful skyscrapers glittered in the darkening skies like a fantasy city on a far away planet, like in the books he liked to read and write. The Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building with their lit-up glittering art-deco spires were the most prominent, and the view thrilled Mike, as the skyline of New York always did.

"Oh man, it's beautiful, Emma," he said, resting his chin on her shoulder and breathing in the fragrance of her hair. "I see midtown from the other side up at my house, but not this high and not this close."

"Whoa ... check it out," he heard Giorgio exclaim as he and Leona joined them at the windows. "Majorly awesome! This is one of the best views of Manhattan I've ever seen."

Leona pointed into a room at their right. "There's a balcony off the den, but we seldom go out there. It's really too high up here for being outdoors."

"I'll say," Giorgio agreed, scooting up to the windows and looking down. "I know that half of New York is up in the air, but I like the part near the ground much better."

"My kind of guy," Leona nodded in agreement. "If it was up to me, we'd be living in a first floor walk-up. But Emma has much loftier aspirations and she won the coin toss. So here we are."

"Say, would you boys like a drink?" Emma asked. "We have whiskey, wine, even beer, if you like."

"Nah, nothing for me," Giorgio said, moving back toward Leona as she pulled him on the leash.

"I'm good too," Mike said, his palm gliding up and down the back of Emma's soft velour top.

"Then how about we show you the bedroom?" Emma suggested, noticing by the look in Leona's eyes that the woman was more than ready to get things going. She liked men far more than Emma herself did and Giorgio was just her type, a raw hunk as masculine and down-to-earth as can be. She turned and stepped on, pulling Mike along with the leash. "Maybe we can get down to ... um ... biz-ness?"

"What kind of biz-ness you got in mind?" Mike teased her.

She tossed back her long auburn hair and laughed. "Oh, maybe a little bit of this ... and a little bit of that."

"Or maybe a whole lot of both?" Giorgio joked from behind, as Leona pulled him on with them.

The boys were led down a long dimly lit carpeted hall past a bathroom and another couple rooms to a big bedroom at its end with its own bathroom. The lighting was soft but a little brighter, and Mike figured the girls wanted to see what was going to happen in this room. It looked like a Hollywood set, a star's bedroom in a Beverly Hills mansion. The bed was huge, big enough for all of them, its silver spread pulled down revealing black silk sheets, big fluffy black and silver pillows, and a headboard shaped like the top half of a star, all covered in glittering silver and black, its topmost point almost reaching the ceiling. The wall of windows offered the same view of Manhattan as the living room, slightly muted by floor to ceiling sheer curtains.

Emma and Leona led the boys over to the big bed. Stopping at its foot, they unattached the leashes from the leather collars and tossed them off into a corner.

"No need to keep these on," Leona said. "I don't think you guys will be running away?"

Mike snickered. "No chance of that!"

"Ditto," Giorgio agreed.

Mike wondered how often they had done this before with other guys, it all seemed to be going so routinely. What followed only served to reinforce that belief.

Emma said, "Why don't you boys sit down on the bed and watch while Leona and I undress each other? Then when we're done, you two can stand up and do the same."

"That," Giorgio responded, "sounds like an excellent idea."

All smiles, he grabbed Mike's arm and pulled him down on the bed with him. Mike gave him a what-the-fuck look and shook his arm free, concentrating on the girls in front of him, trying not to think of what he'd have to do next. As the girls moved back a couple steps and Emma reached to help Leona with her top, Giorgio leaned on Mike and rested his chin on his shoulder.

"Listen, dickhead," he hissed in Mike's ear. "We gotta make these gals happy, and the more we're all over each other, and them, the happier they'll be. Don't fight me."

Mike had a sudden chill of apprehension as his mind zigzagged through a maze of conflicting thoughts. Mother fuck! Of course, more was going to be expected of him than he'd imagined. He felt a moment's fleeting panic, as if he had to jump up and run the hell out of there. But he stifled it down, his jaw molded into a strong hard line. He put his arm around Giorgio's shoulder and pulled him close as Emma pulled off Leona's top and her breasts swayed out in graceful freedom.

Mike's lips moved up to Giorgio's ear. "I didn't expect to have to play gay. This is way over my head."

Giorgio turned and kissed him, right on the lips. Then he whispered, "Isn't life just chock full of surprises? Follow my lead. And relax."

"Yo!" Giorgio then exclaimed, looking back at the girls. "Bellazza, Leona!"

Her blonde hair had fallen back down around her shoulders and her full breasts stood firm, the undersides pushing up the nipples, pink-brown and erect.

"What's that mean?" she asked with a smile.

"That you're a beautiful girl," Mike joined in, watching her now, her pretty face, her beautiful breasts, her flat tummy and shapely hips. He was relaxing a little, thinking maybe he'd get through this without making a fool of himself. He knew now that he'd have to play gay with Giorgio because the girls would expect it. It's not that it was such an awful thing to have to do. It had just caught him by surprise. He hadn't expected ...

Emma was kneeling down on the floor next to Leona slowly pulling off the pink spiked heel shoe from her left foot. She tossed it over to the corner with a little smile and then did the same with the shoe on the right foot. Then, as if she were in a world all her own, she reached up to the waist band of the pretty pink pants and began pulling them slowly down. Curvy hips were revealed and an exquisite V-shape between gorgeous thighs that distracted Mike and gave him something more imminent to think about, the pretty pink lips of a shaved pussy beckoning to be touched. By the time Emma had pulled the pants off, tossed them away and stood back up, Mike was growing hard inside his pants and it was uncomfortable as hell because the leather pants were so tight.

"Yo!" Giorgio enthused, raising Mike's fist in the air and pumping it high. "You look good enough to eat, baby."

Mike laughed and punched Giorgio's cheek with the same fist. Looking back at Leona, he added, "And he's one crotch-hungry dude."

Leona grinned and jiggled her assets. "And I can't wait!"

She then turned eagerly to undress Emma, and she went about it in the same slow sensuous manner. But it was even sexier because she was already naked herself and offering new and wonderful views of her luscious body with every twist and turn. Emma was proving to be almost a matching sexy bookend to Leona but with her skin tone just a little darker, her breasts a little smaller, her waist a little slimmer, her pubic mound a bit more prominent, and it's shaved lips even a little prettier.

"Yowza!" Mike cheered. "Yup, I'm ready, sweetie. Rarin' to go!"

And he was squirming in discomfort with his hard cock crammed in the tight pants. Giorgio nudged him, laughing. "What? Your dick's too big for those leathers?"

Mike growled at him. "Yeah, but not too big for your mouth once you undress me."

"Please!" Giorgio hissed. "Don't get me so excited, dude. You know I've been dreaming about that for a long time."

"The way this scene's going, bro, your dream just might come true."

Rolling his eyes as if to say 'Yah, right!', Giorgio jabbed Mike in the arm and shouted, "Woo hoo! Girls, you are too hot. Like totally majorly hot!"

Mike joined in, his mouth watering at the array of tits and twat standing in front of him. "I'm drooling, girls. I can eat both of you right up, right now!"

They were standing side by side with their arms around each others' backs, swaying ever-so-gently to give a little bounce to the breasts and movement to the enticing thighs. They were beautiful and could have both been porn star queens, Mike was thinking. Two gorgeous women together always turned him on, and until now he'd only seen it on Internet porn sites, never before live and in person.

Emma smiled at him and Giorgio. She loved the way they were so affectionate with each other, sitting there all so huggy and close. She couldn't wait to see them naked. "Are you guys getting turned on yet?" she crooned.

Giorgio hooted, hugging Mike cheek-to-cheek. "Darn right! I'm getting so turned on I can't keep my hands off him."

Mike wailed, "My cock's gonna bust right through this tight leather any second now."

Leona took Emma by the hand. "Then why don't you fellas undress each other while Emma and I watch?"

"Awesome," Giorgio agreed, smiling in anticipation. He stood up and pulled Mike along with him.

They changed places with the girls, Mike watching Emma and Leona as they moved past to get a glimpse of their backsides. They were beautifully shaped with delicious heart-shaped butts and the kind of spaced-apart upper thighs that drive men wild. Mike held that vivid sexy picture in his mind to help get him through what was to come next. As the girls turned to sit on the bed, Giorgio grabbed Mike by the slave collar and pulled him roughly up to him, chin to chin.

"I owe you one of these collar grabs, bitch. Remember?" he hissed at Mike. Then he kissed him boldly on the lips, whispering, "You can be rough with me, they'll like that. And you undress me first."

"Sounds like fun," Mike muttered, and kneed Giorgio in the balls, causing him to let go of the collar and double over.

Mike grabbed Giorgio by the shoulders, pulled him up and spun him around and got him into an armlock up his back that had him instantly groaning.

"Okay, tough guy," Mike said for them all to hear. "I can still pull a few surprises on you, huh? Promise me you'll behave and I'll let you go."

Giorgio grunted as he squirmed and squealed. "Okay! I promise."

The girls were crying out with delight.

"Ohmygod!" Emma exclaimed. "Leatherboys fighting!"

"So fucking hot!" Leona burst out. "I'm getting wet all over and they still have their clothes on."

Mike eased up on the hold and wrapped his arms around Giorgio from behind, slamming his crotch against his butt. He turned to the bed. "I really am straight, girls, but I love Giorgio like nobody else in this world. Even though he gets a kick out of bashing me around."

"Ooh! Take his clothes off and then rough him up some more," Leona begged.

"You bet, honey!" Mike laughed.

He was grinding his bulging crotch against Giorgio's butt as he loosened the slave collar and then tossed it in the corner where the other clothing items had gone. Then he pulled Giorgio even closer as he reached down to loosen the harness on the sides.

He hissed, "Hey, butt boy, this is sort of fun."

Giorgio pushed back hard against him. "You're tellin' me? I always thought you were queer."

"Nah ... just for tonight. Enjoy it while you can."

Mike pulled the harness up over Giorgio's head and tossed it away, turning him to face the girls and getting behind him, his hands in front roving over Giorgio's lean muscular V-shaped torso.

"How's this for a bod?" he asked the girls. "Macho dude, huh?"

"He's to die for," Emma sighed. "If only he had a pretty pussy instead of a cock."

Leona nudged her side. "Aw, come on. It's the cock that makes him so hot. Beats using a dildo and the scissors position over and over again."

Mike slowly moved to Giorgio's side, grinning at the big smile on his cousin's face.

"If I move into the house with you," Giorgio asked, "will you undress me every night?"

Mike snorted. "Only the first. Then I'll tie you up and throw you in your closet and leave you there."

"Oh cripes! Not that," Giorgio sneered at him. "I couldn't stand being in the closet again!"

The girls laughed as Mike unbuckled the leather belt holding up Giorgio's pants. "Shall we take a look at the cock in question?" he asked.

"Oh yes, yes!" Leona gasped.

Mike pulled down the zipper then got down on his knees and grabbed the leather on each side of Giorgio's slim waist, then yanked down the pants. Giorgio's big hard dick came bobbing out, sticking straight out at them. Mike looked at it critically for a moment. It looked just like his but, dammit, it was bigger. Not a whole lot, but enough to make him jealous.

He shrugged and said, "Whaddya think, girls?"

Emma snickered. "Oh my, I could use one of those on a daily basis."

"It's so pretty," Leona sighed. "They say Italian boys have the nicest boners."

Mike laughed as he pulled off one of Giorgio's boots. "It's all that pizza we eat. Goes right to the cock and balls."

Mike pulled off the other boot and helped Giorgio out of the skin tight pants and his socks. Then he jumped back up and turned Giorgio around so they could see his backside.

"Talk about a butt boy, huh?" he said, fondling the muscular bubble-like mounds. "If I didn't have a dick of my own, I'd strap on a fake one to fuck this dude here."

"No way," Emma cried, waving her hand no-no-no at him. "You have to fuck me tonight! If you want to bang him, you'll have to wait till you get home."

"Don't worry, sweetie," Mike assured her with a laugh. "I'd really rather be with you."

Giorgio spun around and grabbed Mike by the waist. "Now it's my turn, bro."

And Mike let him fawn all over him, touching, feeling, kissing, probing, figuring he'd probably been wanting to do it since they were kids. At last Giorgio pulled Mike's pants down and his cock came bobbing out, freeing it from the cramped discomfort, much to the delight of the girls on the bed. Then they got his boots and pants off and Giorgio stood up and there they were, a naked hunk-dude buffet for these oddly sexed glamour girls who only wanted men when they could have one each together.

"Do some boy-on-boy," Emma pleaded. She and Leona had experienced other duos of naked men together, but never a combination as sexy and exciting as these two. She was dying to see them make out with each other. "You two are hotter than Channing Tatum and Theo James. Leona and I are getting all moist and wet!"

"Right, you guys are so totally hotter than even them," Leona panted. "God, we'll get the bed sheets all juiced and stained tonight."

Giorgio needed no further encouragement. He grabbed Mike and pulled him into an embrace, and Mike knew better than to balk or pull back. This was something the girls wanted and he and Giorgio were there to please them. They stared at each other for a moment, both uncertain. Then Mike said:

"Go on, bro. This is your department."

Giorgio was just a little bit taller and his lips were even with Mike's nose. He winked at Mike and kissed his nose lightly, then he lowered his lips to Mike's and kissed him hungrily on the mouth, probing deeply with his tongue as his arms pulled Mike close, their hard muscular chests fast against each other, their hard erect cocks pushing into each other's crotches.

Mike fought the instinct to pull away and sunk into it, returning the kiss as best he could in such a moment, his hands running up Giorgio's back and stopping to press against his shoulder blades. He let himself flow with it. This was Giorgio and he loved him, and he knew Giorgio was enjoying this in a way he never could.

It was so different to him, this man upon man, this muscle upon muscle, hardness everywhere instead of the softness of a female. It wasn't what he was used to, but it was ... nice. Mike sunk more into it as Giorgio began to grind his cock against Mike's own, slowly, up and down and around, and Mike's arousal increased as streaks of tingling sensation shot up his shaft. He pulled his lips away from Giorgio's and pressed them to his ear.

"You mother fucker! You're turning me on."

Giorgio laughed. "I know. Damn, I'm lovin' it!"

Then his mouth covered Mike's hungrily again. The strong hardness of his lips were almost bruising and Mike was shocked at his own eager response. He sensed that he was lost in this now as an ecstasy of sensation way beyond his understanding riddled through him and he felt Giorgio grab both their cocks together in his strong fist and begin to stroke them up and down, up and down, hard together, as jolts of fiery sensation coursed throughout his whole body, waves and waves scorching through him.

"Ohmygod!" Leona was squealing. "I never saw guys doing it together so hot!"

"Just look at them," her lover sighed."When do you ever see such two hot guys? We should be filming this. It'd be an Internet sensation."

The two women were holding and caressing each other now, so turned on by the naked male splendor in front of them.

Mike tore his lips from Giorgio's and hissed in his ear, "Stop it, dude, or I'm gonna shoot out all over you. And Emma won't like that. This load is for her."

Giorgio grunted. "Fuck! You ought to be able to do two in a row."

"I got Jax at home. I'd rather save it for her."

Giorgio grunted, pulling away his hand. "Yah right. Gotta have sex with all the girls tonight, huh?"

"Jealous?" Mike whispered.

"After this," Giorgio sneered, "fuckin' damn right!"

"Hey, you guys," Emma was calling. "You two are killing us. Come on, don't you guys come all over each other. We want it."

"Right!" Leona cried, jumping up and grabbing Giorgio by the arm, pulling him gently away from Mike and looking at Mike accusingly. "I want him. You two can do this at home all the time. He's mine tonight!"

Giorgio stepped back, breathing hard, his one hand still on Mike's arm. He gave him a lingering look, not wanting to let him go.

"Come on, hot stuff," Leona urged, grabbing his hand and prying it from Mike's muscular arm. "I know, he's too much, the kind that really gets under your skin. But so are you, and you're totally under my skin right now."

She pulled him off toward the bed and Mike stood there bemused, glad that part was over but surprised how he had responded. Emma pushed herself up and came over to him. Her hands slid around his back and she pressed her warm flesh against him.

"Don't worry, Mike," she said in soothing tones, her eyes searching his. "Even the straightest of men have a little gay in them. Especially a guy like you. You're too in tune with nature not to have the sensuality for all of it."

Mike's burning lips found their way instinctively to hers and she easily succumbed to his forceful domination. He forced her lips open with his thrusting tongue, back on home ground the way things felt right for him, and he began to search the recesses of her mouth. Her softness set him on fire and she responded with a heightened ardor, her hands exploring the muscles of his back as he did the same, fingertips sliding down her warm smoothness to the soft mounds of her behind. There they lingered only a moment before, fingers splayed out on the rounded mounds, he pulled her almost savagely against him, the hardness of his cock throbbing against the softness of her tummy.

Emma pulled her mouth away, saying breathlessly, "Why don't we get on the bed and join Leona and Giorgio?"

Mike nodded, drugged now with the flood of passion, not wanting to let her go. He followed behind, holding the sides of her waist, climbing onto the big bed along with her where Giorgio and Leona were squirming and moaning a lustful passion. Emma stretched out next to Leona and Mike's hand slid across her silken belly as he joined her and it moved down to the sweetness between her legs, moist and wet now as his probing fingers told him.

He was vaguely aware of Giorgio's and Leona's thrusting and moaning as his tongue caressed first one of Emma's sensitive and swollen nipples and then the other, and his hand moved gently up to caress the undersides of her breasts. The gentle massaging sent currents of desire sweeping through her, and she let out a soft moan as he shifted and moved and his tongue and lips left a searing fire of a trail down from the valley between her breasts to her tummy to her beautiful thighs, which he kissed and caressed and then buried his face in the beautiful sweetness between them.

Mike probed and searched with his tongue, lost in the passion of his own unsated needs. He explored the outer and inner lips, teased at the nub of her desire, tasted her flowing juices and explored the inner reaches of her sanctum while his hands roamed the soft lines of her back, her waist, her hips and behind.

She was sighing and moaning and crying out. "Ohmygod! Mike! Ohmygod!"

And he heard Leona doing the same, vaguely wondering what Giorgio was doing to her but not having any desire to look as Emma started thrusting and thrusting right into his face as he pleasured her, sighing and crying out, her hands holding his head, fingers threading through his thick curly hair.

"Oh! Oh! Oh Mike! My God!"

Tremors quaked through her body and a flood of sweet fluid came from within her, almost drowning him like a raging torrent of love potion from the gods. He pulled away, replacing his tongue with two fingers, stroking gently, smoothly, as he kissed the insides of her thighs and kneaded the mounds of her behind until the tremors slowly subsided and the cries and sighs softened and faded and her passion was spent.

Only then did Mike look over to Giorgio, who was right next to him in a similar position with Leona, and Mike gave him a drugged-like grin. Giorgio reached over and pinched Mike's left nipple, laughing.

"Time for a grand finale, huh?"

Mike nodded and they both pulled themselves up in kneeling positions over the girls, aligning their cocks with the juicy pussies, smiling questioningly at the two satiated ecstatic faces below them.

"Yes! Yes!" Emma gasped, grabbing Leona's hand between them. This was the moment they both always longed for, when they could be together with two beautiful young men who were fucking them into delirium.

"Oh please! Please!" Leona cried, her eyes glazed over. "You guys are just to die for."

"Puh!" Emma hooted, deliriously. "I'm already dead!"

And the boys entered the awaiting thresholds, slowly at first, gently, probing, then deeper, quicker, and they lowered themselves as the girls grabbed at them, pulling them down and wrapping their legs around them as they cried out in joy.

"Mike! Oh Lord! Ohmygod!"

"Giorgio! Oh deeper! More! More!"

The boys' hard bodies were atop the girls' squirming thrusting ones beneath them, they all four now lost and captive in an exquisite rapture of pure and explosive passion that was so much more than just sexual and loving. It was primal, spiritual, a sublime togetherness of need and desire that was shattering, if only for these fleeting moments, the hard shells each had built around themselves to protect from a world that judged and controlled and condemned often without mercy.

A golden wave of passion flowed between them all, fire spread from their loins to their hearts, scorching them in ecstasy. The sighing and moaning and crying out resounded into a crescendo of joy and the girls yielded to the burning tremors of sweetness exploding within them, flooding out through their very cores over the shafts of the boys in which sparking sensation cascaded up through their crotches and abdomens, bursting the fires of euphoria through their bodies and souls.

As their supreme moments came together in unison, Mike buried his face in Emma's hair, whispering passionate sweet nothings in her ear as she herself was locked in a delirious kiss of ecstasy with Leona. Mike felt Giorgio's arm slip around his back, hugging him hard and, as they all gasped in wild orgasmic pleasure, he heard Giorgio croaking in his ear:

"Bro! Fuck! Dude! Mikey!"

**COMING IN 2023 ... a dark psychological thriller set in New York City


Thanks for reading! More stories on the way ...

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