The Third Wave

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Location: Classified                                                                            Time: 0400

A group of twenty people clad in black uniforms with the classic Phoenix symbol of the Strategic Homeland Division or SHD on the left arm of the uniform sat in the briefing room waiting for the Director to brief them on their operation. 

A man in a black suit walks through the doors. Director Brian Connors was a tall white male with short Brown hair that was graying at the tips who had worked with the CIA for 15 years before being reassigned as director of the SHD. 

 "You all know why you are here." He addresses the group at large "Both W1 and W2 of sleeper agents have gone rogue and are a danger not just to Manhattan but the rest of the United States. They could hide in plain sight and we could never tell the difference as well as having access to advanced Shade tech and high intensity combat training. Your mission is simple: kill all W1 and W2 agents. I know this will be hard for most of you but they have abandon our cause and joined a worse one there fore they need to be eliminated. Good luck to you all" he says before exiting through the back of the room

An agent dressed in a white uniform went to the front of the room 

"Well what are you guys waiting for, a formal invitation, let's move!" He shouts all the agents getting up and moving toward the exit and amory

 "What the hell are these things?" Agent Glenn Parker asks his squad leader as he handed him a rectangular device similar to if a lunch tray and a Wi-Fi router had a baby

 "A Shade Tech Jamming Device or STJD. It is designed to jam the Shade Tech that the W1 and W2 agents use, but leave our tech intact" Agent Mason Tanner replies sliding the device into a slot inside his back pack

"Ready to go" a female voice belonging to Agent Kimberly Wiss the team's sniper 

"Seriously Kim how do you get ready so fast?" The fourth and final member of the team Darren Kray says 

"Because I'm always packed and ready" she replies locking her M24 SWS into place on the side of her backpack 

 "Alright Falcon Squad let's move to the flight deck the pilots aren't going to wait for us" Mason says to his squad moving toward the exit to the amory dawning a ballistic mask standard issue for the W3 agents.

About twenty minuets later they have made it to Manhattan and their VTOL aircraft has dropped them off 

 "Let the hunt begin" 

Sorry for the short chapter I'll work on writing longer ones in the future but for now they are gonna be short

Also this is what everyone except Kim is wearing:

Kim is wearing less armor (just a vest) and has a black military cap, black isolated combat shirt and jacket, black isolated combat pants and black combat boots as well as a military backpack

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