Chapter 7

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The Hunter's stared through the fence as they filled the space between us and the trees. I stood stiffly, my skin cool and bare. Vulnerable. My nakedness on full display along with the other humans.

I swallowed down the acid rising in my throat. Some of them looked almost human aside from slightly tapered ears and a beauty that didn't sit quite right. They were a little too perfect, a little too unnatural and it gave me a sense of wrongness as I looked at them, as if I was looking at an image that wasn't there. 

Others wore their inhumanity with pride, with glittering scales, long silken wings, and skin that came in various colorful shades.  Then there were the masked ones. They stood still with their faces concealed—all for their eyes, which glinted unnaturally in the dark of night, reminding me of a predator. It was hard to tell if some were male or female, whereas others were obvious with broad biceps and lithe curves. But one thing was clear with all of them; they were warriors. 

Some wore arrows made of wood with glinting silver. Others held spears with sharply carved points. Then there were swords and knives strapped to hips and backs made of gleaming black and opalescent blades.

Yet, one stood out among the rest.

I didn't even need to hear Marlais's whispered, "That's him!" to know it was Prince Eirian.

He was tall, his skin the color of dark sand spun together with iridescent dust—light shimmering scales decorated his skin, like drops of molten gold. They were scattered across his revealed shoulders and neck, and likely down his torso which was concealed beneath his tunic. He had wild curly hair, which sat in tight coils around his head. Above all else, it was hard to miss his piercing eyes. They glowed the way a sunset did as it reflected off the sea.

"He's coming this way!" Marlais exclaimed excitedly as she prodded me even closer to the fence. I pursed my lips and looked on definitely.

Eirian wandered the outside of the fence, stopping here and there to tilt his head in consideration as he passed. When he reached me, his eyes widened as his golden irises met my own hateful gaze. I could practically feel Marlais's glee. He quickly glanced at Marlais behind me, and though I couldn't seem to see their exchange, he gave a short nod, as if confirming something, returning his gaze to me. His bright eyes were lit with curiosity...and something else.

He moved on, yet I continued to watch him. His scaled skin almost glowed all on its own, even in the darkness of night, as if he held pure sunlight in his veins. His ears, mostly hidden in the thick curls that framed his face, were extended to fine points. One was decorated with golden rings running down its length.

Another horn sounded, ripping my attention away from Eirian. Marlais's sharp nails landed on my shoulder, pulling me away.

"Let's get you dressed then. He's seen you." Marlais's gaze lingered on Eirian. "You did well. It's best now that you hide before the Night Court comes."

A new horn sounded, this time closer. The sound was longer and more haunting than the last one, sending a shiver down my spine. New figures entered the clearing, some short and stout with large weapons, others tall and willowy, with long arms that nearly dragged on the ground. My heart started thumping in horror, my eyes growing wide. These weren't fae—not like Eirian and the others I had just seen.

They were monsters.

Marlais pulled a sheer white dress over my head and started to tie it in the back. I could still see some of my black undergarments peeking through the material.

More creatures wandered in, some of them gleefully running up to the humans that still were arranged around the perimeter, their number much fewer now.

One male stood out as he approached. He had a more humanoid appearance, but his skin was molten and black—the color of volcanic ash, cracked with what looked like fire running through his veins. It contrasted against the white hair braided off his face.

Alongside him were other even darker creatures, following in his wake. They moved as if made of shadow and smoke bearing wide feral grins that revealed sharp, glittering teeth. Behind them was another set of large creatures. They had long pointed ears sprouting atop their bald heads, their skin the color of rotten leaves, their eyes milky and grey.

Marlais grasped my arm, spinning me around. "Don't make eye contact with them!" she hissed. "They will think you are interested. You only make eye contact with the Prince, you hear?"

I pressed my lips together, deciding to heed her warning as I looked down at my feet. My heart was hammering, and I missed the numbness I had felt before. I had no idea what was coming next.

Marlais's fingers dug into me without warning, and I flinched looking up into her drawn azure features. Her gaze was set on a point behind me, out among the gathering competitors. I turned slowly, trying to be careful of where I set my eyes.

A figure moved among the newcomers. Goosebumps broke my skin into a cold sweat as red eyes the color of freshly spilled blood locked onto mine. I was unable to look away. Something sizzled through me, like a warm gust of wind.

Unlike the other monstrous fae beings surrounding him, he looked closer to human. Elongated, sharp features that would have been handsome were it not for the severity of them. A hungry grin curled his lips and revealed sharp pointed teeth. His hair was dark and sat around his head in a mess, giving him a feral untamed quality. 

He was large—towering over most of the gathering males. His body was made of carved, sculpted muscle beneath his tunic, the sleeves cut off to reveal arms peppered with scars. A long sword hilt stuck up from where it was holstered on his back, and as he walked into the clearing, the other Night Court fae stepped away from him. If they hadn't, he looked like he would have cut his own path right through them.

His eyes did not leave mine as he walked right up to the fence, staring at me. I was farther from the barrier now and dressed, but for several long terrifying moments, I felt open and vulnerable before his eyes. Like I was completely naked, and nothing was holding him back from me. However, his expression held no hunger or lust. After a moment, his mouth widened, revealing a slow bone-chilling smile that left no doubt in my mind that I had caught his attention. Heat filled me, sweat beading across my skin despite the cool air.

I felt murmurs break out around me, and Marlais spun me around again and fixed me with a hard stare.

"I told you not to look them in the eye. Do you have any idea what you have just done!? That is the last male whose attention you wanted to grab, you fool." She lifted her hands to run them through her increasingly disheveled hair. Then Marlais glanced back at the retreating faerie outside the fence. He was strutting through the other men, baring his teeth at them.

"Oh, this is not good. But I suppose if Eirian does not choose you, he will."

I licked my lips. Only then getting over my terror. " he?" I croaked, my voice having lost its previous fire.

Marlais glanced at me, then back at the faerie. "It's best you don't find that out, dearie. Now come along. We must finish preparing you for the Hunt. The battle is about to begin and I don't suspect it will take long to determine the Hunters this time around. You can tell they are all eager to fight."

She started leading me further from the fence and into the center of the ring. I looked at Marlais, my stomach tightening as it filled with dread.


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