Chapter 8

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*this chapter has been edited*

George Edwins, I never once thought I'd see this man ever again. He left our family while I was 14, with no explanation whatsoever, and now here he is, his hazelnut eyes staring at me, trying to gauge out my emotions.

He sat there emotionless, rigid, composed and calm.

How could he do this?

Why is he doing this?

I stood gobsmacked, anger and vulnerability being swept in a current of emotions that threatened to burst forth. I was close to falling, I was close to tears.

All that pent up anger, confusion and sadness suddenly built up in a tidal wave I didn't plan on releasing.

I took a deep breath, trying to compose my seesaw of emotions, one wrong move and I'll tip.

My father's expression slowly lost its resolve, "How you've grown Cecile." He admired, I turned my head away from him, not showing him the effect his words had on me.

I chose not to answer.

Miss Gen gave a small smile, "It's good to see you, I'm glad you made it with no serious injuries."

I rolled my eyes, wanting so hard to yell and scream out my anger and frustrations.

Why would they take us to this place, why would they risk and endanger the lives of all the girls by doing this, what were they gaining from this?

Their smiles never seized, I hated their smiles. They were the reason for all of this.

Everything I ever said or knew about Miss Gen was a complete lie, the kind and generous woman I looked up to was gone, she knew everything that was happening, she was the cause of this.

"I take it the creature that took me is serving you?" I asked, careful not to reveal my knowledge about them. Miss Gen nodded, "Yes, they are the Bandids. They work in alliance with us."

She knew those things were taking those girls, yet she sat there with no hint of worry that she portrayed during her announcement.

I had looked up to this woman at one point. She was someone I dreamt of being like. She was strong, self-willed and had the confidence most girls try to have.

I breathed in heavily as I clenched my fists trying to calm myself. This was madness, didn't they feel any remorse knowing they were responsible for kidnapping all us girls?

I was about to say something when my eyes drifted towards a book at the corner. More specifically MY book. They took my book! I don't know why but I felt fear starting to take over. I just knew that nothing good could come of this.

I had this feeling that my father and Miss Gen were not supposed to read what was inside the book. Sudden movement made me avert my eyes from the book and I noticed Miss Gen approaching me with open arms.

She tried embracing me in a hug but I stepped back denying her access. She let her arms drop to the side, sadness clearly showing in her features, but this woman deserved far more than sadness after what she did.

"How are you Cecile?" She asked generally looking concerned. I rolled my eyes, "I'm great Miss Gen you know. I was abducted by this Bandid creature which was the reason for all the girl's disappearances. Had a great time by the way. You know it has always been a dream of mine to be thrown around like a rag doll and bleed till I black out," I replied sarcastically narrowing my eyes at her.

Miss Gen looked stunned, surprised at my words until her eyes narrowed giving me a similar glare as my own.

"It is for the whole earth's safety that we had to take you, the world as we know it is in danger!"

My eyes widened, but I quickly lost that state of shock as more anger convulsed through me, "Taking innocent people after bruising them up isn't my definition of safety, or protecting the world," I spat.

I saw Miss Gen take angry steps towards me causing me to take some steps back, but she was stopped by my father who had a tight grip on her arm.

She stopped and looked at my father before exhaling a deep breath and facing me. "Okay Cecile we need to talk," she stated.

"Hand me the book first," I said through clenched teeth nodding my head towards the direction of the book.

Both my father and Miss Gen looked towards the book before Miss Gen responded, "No."

I felt my jaw hit the floor before I angrily replied, "What do you mean no? It's my book!" I practically yelled.

This time it was my father who replied, "We can't give you the book until we know what's inside. You were holding onto it like your life depended on it even while unconscious, this makes us believe that it's important. So unless you unlock it we can't give it to you."

His eyes were challenging, his guard up, like he was afraid of something. It felt like he did not want me to know something.

I felt my palms become sweaty. This was bad, if they read the poems and riddles I knew I'd never get the book for sure. I know that this book is my answer to all of this.

But how was the book locked? I'm pretty sure it didn't come with a lock.

I had to find a way to get it without them seeing what's inside.

At least I had an advantage.

"No, I won't unlock it. I don't even have the key." I said shaking my head.

Miss Gen rolled her eyes, "You're a terrible liar, we can see the key hanging around your neck," she said.

I frowned, looking down only to discover that my emerald necklace was now an emerald key. I lifted it up and examined it. It was a necklace a few moments ago, how could it turn into a key?

"Well?" I heard Miss Gen's voice irritably ask, I looked up to find her a few inches away from me with my book in hand. My father not far off. "Are you going to do this the easy way or the hard way?" She continued.

I gulped and my hands shakily went to the lock and I turned the key opening the book. My father and Miss Gen's attention was now on the book and I closed my eyes waiting for them to take the book away.

"It's empty?" My father asked, confused but still alert.

"What?" I asked as my eyes snapped open. Miss Gen cleared her throat and handed me my book. Except there were no poems or riddled writing.

It was now robbed of any writing, a book filled with blank papers, I felt relief flood through me as the book had somehow changed its form just like my emerald necklace.

I sighed, clutching the book, knowing that my road to get answers wasn't blocked.

"Well why don't we talk about why your here then, shall we? Miss Gen asked.

My father nodded, "I know you might think we are bad, but once you hear our reasoning, though our measures were extreme you'll understand."

I was glad that this book somehow changed and they didn't find out. I nodded my head and followed them towards the desk.

I don't think they'd be able to change my mind about how I feel.

I sat down holding the book tightly in my hands.

"I'm sure youre wondering why your here?" Miss Gen asked.

"Obviously," I answered, rolling my eyes. She ignored my attitude and started explaining.

"Years ago, humans and creatures lived together in the earth dimension, living in harmony and never once did we think of the looming danger these creatures could have, it all changed one day, and with that we had to take certain measures to detain them, letting their existence fade away with time in the minds of humans."

"You see Cecile, most humans have this false idea that they live alone in this world, but that's not the case. We live in a world where there are mutants, monsters, hybrids and super advanced humans roaming around, back then they used to walk the earth freely but their existence was causing the human race population to diminish.

We were at peace with this creatures but they broke our trust by going off on a killing rampage. They had a power that could wipe out the entire human race, and with it could either rule or kill off every human. Leaving their kind to roam the earth as we are no more.

We had to do something and so we devised a way to keep them by trapping them in this un-inhabited dimension wherein they will be kept in order to be controlled. We acted quickly and captured them. They can never pass this dimension to ours, only we can.

They've been in this dimension for as long as I can remember and their memory or existence in the human world slowly died. They became a fallacy, a figment of one's imagination. Their forces were weakened, but this creatures are uniting and getting stronger by the centuries and if we don't do anything the human race could be in danger.

You and the 49 girls have been taken to help put a stop to this. Cecile your generation has to be tested, put through hardships in order to infiltrate each of the creature's kind in order to take the leader's elemental. In other words their crystal.

We call it an elemental because it takes shape according to the creature which holds possession to it, sometimes it may look like an orb or a sphere, it comes in different forms, containing part of the creature's power, color of strength and so much more. Each and every elemental needs to be collected in order to end this once and for all. We have suffered enough at their hands. If they use them to their benefit, humanity as we know it will be no more," Miss Gen said, her voice filled with sadness.

I did not think that they were at all justified for what they did, but I understood now. We had to save humanity, we couldn't let them win and rule over us, not with that power.

"That's why we've collected the last hunters to battle with them. To capture the elementals, so we may use it to our advantage," my father proclaimed.

"But what can I do? What is it that the girls of Sauran High can do? Who are we?" I asked.

"You my dear can do so much. It's in your blood, in your nature. We will first determine what type of hunter you are once your bow and arrow blossoms. Then we can train you." Miss Gen replied.

"It is your destiny after all. To keep balance to the two dimensions. As a Sarion." My father spoke.

Shocked at the revelation, I stared wide eyed at them, but with determination I nodded my head.

It is my destiny.


Another chapter. Whoa! This is so awesome. If you are loving this book so far please share, vote and comment. No copying my book, it wouldn't be right to have you claiming my work as your own, or taking the ideas I thought of. So please if you wanna live don't.

This is another edited version, which I hope you are enjoy. Thank you yet again for reading this, I appreciate anyone who has decided to read this book, as it's my first ever.

Thank you and till next time. Mwah!


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