Chapter ten

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Sam felt bad about yelling at you, but kept avoiding going up to talk with you. What if you hated him now or even worse were scared of him. He didn't want to be his father or Rani, he cared for you even though he wasn't sure why. You hadn't even spent that much time with him and he was always concerned about you.

"Dude if you keep avoiding this it will only make it worse, " Dean said to his brother. Sam hadn't even realized that he had been pacing.
"She doesn't want to see me, " Sam responded. How in the world could he even face you? Saying sorry wasn't going to make you feel better.
"Nonsense have you seen how much she admires you?" Dean asked. As smart as his brother was, if he didn't see how you saw him then he was an idiot.
"Of course I do but I don't.. " Sam trailed off.

"You don't want to turn into Dad, " Dean finished for him. "Look man Y/n is a girl who has no idea what she can do or about the danger around her, " he continued. "All she knows is that she has you, so what are you going to do about it?" Dean asked. He needed Sam to see the bigger picture here, you were like a mini female Sam. Always wanting to help out even when you were told you couldn't. Dean also had started to see you as the niece he never had, because his brother acted so fatherly with you.

"I'm going to be honest with her and keep her safe, " Sam responded. Nothing more needed to be said after that, he walked up to your room only to find you asleep. It shouldn't have suprised him because it was quite late at night. But what surprised him was the black haired woman wearing a dress standing by your bed. He couldn't see her face, but she was gently touching your forehead. Sam quietly grabbed the shotgun he kept nearby and was ready to kill whoever this was, to protect you when he heard the woman speak.

"I'm sorry my love, you've inherited my gifts I never meant for you to, I hope you can forgive me, " Sam couldn't hold back a gasp because he recognized that voice, but it wasn't possible. Unfortunately before he could think about it too long the woman noticed him. "Sam, " she said to him. Just as suprised to see him.
"Sarah, " that was all Sam could say because the last time he saw her, she had been strangled to death by Crowley.

Sarah overcame her shock quickly and approached him, but Sam backed away.
"Sam?" She asked in confusion.
"This isn't real, " Sam said to her. "Stay away from her, " his main priority besides saving the world was protecting you. Sarah glitched out a bit due to being a spirit but got closer to Sam anyway.
"Sam please don't shout, I can't have you wake her, " Sarah said referring to you. She hadn't seen you since you were eight years old. Rani had been inside her so long that she had no idea how much time had passed.

"How do I know that you're the real Sarah?" Sam asked still ready to kill this illusion if it meant saving you.
"I first encourted you when you arrived in New York when a cursed painting was in one of my Dad's art shows " Sarah responded. "You saved me from the ghost girl and you stayed for awhile after that, and we had a great time, "
Sam dropped his weapon in pure shock at the revelation that this really was Sarah. The impact almost woke you but Sarah managed to cover Sam's mouth before he could respond. "Shush please don't scream our little girl needs her rest, " Sarah whispered to him.

Sam while muffled asked what she meant by that but Sarah just told him that she had a lot to explain.
"Sam I wanted you to know this for a longtime and I was going to tell you when I saw you, " Sarah explained. "But I died so I couldn't, you weren't the only one with secrets, " she said.
"What are you talking about?" Sam asked playing dumb. He knew what she was trying to say, but he wanted to be wrong. Both because he didn't know how to be a father and because it meant he left Sarah while she was pregnant.
"Sam please just let me explain everything, I found something out a few days after you left " Sarah responded.

Sam again went speechless realizing what Sarah was telling him. If she was telling the truth, ot meant that you were Sarah's daughter. It also meant that you were his daughter as well. "I think you know what I'm trying to say, y/n is yours Sam, " Sarah said to him. "I had her nine months after you left I knew she wouldn't be safe so I tried to protect her, " she continued. "But that only worked for eight years, I told her everything I knew about you and she wanted to find you, " she kept going. "She loved you, and even when I got remarried she still wanted to find you, after Crowley killed me, " she trailed off. "Rani got her hands on our little girl and altered her memories, so she wouldn't know me or you,"

"Why did you never tell me?" Sam asked through tears. Sarah placed her hand on his cheek and he closed his eyes at her touch. Even as a ghost her touch was still warm. All Sam could think about in that moment was you, how in the world could he protect you? He had no idea how to be a father, let alone tell you the truth.
"It didn't have a way or reaching you or know of you were alive and I was worried you wouldn't want her, " Sarah amitted. Sam said that was ridiculous because how could he not want you? Even before he knew you were his daughter, you were like a light in his dark life.

"Sam you have to keep her safe, and don't let the demons know about her, " Sarah warned. "They will use her abilities for their benefit, she's an empath like my mother,  "
"I won't let anything happen to her, " he responded. Sarah gave him a small smile before she told that she couldn't stay anymore. Sam protested saying he wanted her to stay but they both knew she couldn't.
"Sam you know what will happen if I do, " she told him. He said nothing at that, hating that she was right.

"It will be okay, I'll be fine and you'll be okay too, " she told him. "One last thing my husband is going to try and find her, don't let him, "
Sam asked why that was but she didn't answer. He also apologized for getting her killed, she told it was okay before disappearing.  You stirred in your sleep catching his attention.
"Who is there?" You asked half asleep. Sam didn't know if it was instinct or something else that made him touch you to calm you down.
"Hey its okay, " he whispered to you.

"Sam?" You asked. It hurt when you said that because he wanted you to know the truth. But now wasn't the time, so it he let it go.
"I didn't mean to wake you y/n, just wanted to talk, " Sam responded.
"I'm sorry for going out, I won't do it again," you told him thinking he was still mad.
"Actually I think the best way for the others and I to protect you is to teach you how to hunt, " Your eyes lite up at his words.
"You serious?" You asked and Sam laughed a bit.
"I am but that doesn't mean I like it, " Sam answered.

You were his daughter, and he wanted you as far from the hunting life as possible. But with you being an empath and angels being after you. He didn't have much choice.
"Thank you, " you said to him repeatedly and hugged him. "Is this okay?" You asked.
"Its better than okay, " Sam replied hugging you back.

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