Chapter Eight😝😜

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Dakota pov
I woke up and look around I noticed that hunter is not with me. I got up and turn around to see hunter with no shirt on his hair was wet and a towel rap around his waist I was blushing then hunter came up to me with a smirk.
Hunter:like what you see Dakota
Hunter:I'm just messing with you
Dakota:I hate you
Hunter:you love me
Hunter:*chuckles*your cute
Dakota:*blushes harder*stooop
Hunter:*chuckles*alright I stop
Dakota:thank you
Myrakala:*smirks at Dakota*
Dakota:*blush nervous*
Hunter:Did I miss something*looks confused*
Myrakal:yeah you did
Hunter:what did I miss?
Myrakal:*walks to hunter and show him the picture*
Hunter:*smirks at Dakota*
Dakota:*blush dark red embarrassed*
Hunter:sorry I didn't mean to Dakota
Dakota:it's fine

That's it for now I will continue on chapter nine
Love you my awesome readers

Myrakal out

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