Chapter Three😍😍😍😘😘😘

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Dakota pov
After the teacher call me in I shyly walk in the classroom.
Dakota: h-hello everyone it's nice to meet you all
Everyone: it's nice to to meet you too Dakota
Mrs. Garnet: you may take your seat with Myrakal Tenindje and Hunter you will be with them everyday
Dakota: Thank you
Mrs. Garnet: your welcome dear

I walk to the table the teacher told me to sit I greeted them
Dakota: h-hello
Myrakal: hi my name is Myrakal these are my friends Tenindje and Hunter
Tenindje/Hunter: Hi nice to meet you
Dakota: nice to meet you to guys
Myrakal: do you want to be friends with us we need another friend
Dakota: *looks shocked that you ask him to be friends with him* s-sure
Myrakal: ok but what was that look on your face you look shocked that I ask you to be friends with us
Dakota: yeah about that I didn't have friends everyone hated me and bullied me and the boys always beat me up I went in to depression and started to cut myself and thinking about suicide
Myrakal Tenindje and Hunter:  *hugs Dakota* We know how that feel Myrakal went through that shit until she found me and Tenindje we help her cheer her up when she feels upset or angry she was the same way like you going through and all of us will help you right guys
Myrakal and Tenindje: yeah Don't worry Dakota we are your friends we will make you feel happiness
Dakota:thanks guys your the best especially you Hunter
Hunter: *blush*n-no problem 
Myrakal: are you living with someone
Dakota: no I live alone and  I start to have  nightmares
Myrakal: you know what how about this we meet you at your house you start packing because you are living with us
Dakota: R-Really
Myrakal Tenindje and Hunter: yeah
Dakota: *hugs Myrakal Tenindje and Hunter*thank you

Time skip brought to
You by me
Beating my brothers

Myrakal pov 
After class was over me and my friends was heading to gym
Dakota: oh no
Myrakal: what happened Dakota
Dakota: I left my shorts in my locker
Myrakal:come on I come with you. Tenindje and Hunter you guys go to gym
Hunter and Tenindje: ok if anything happens call us ok
Myrakal and Dakota: ok
Myrakal: come on Dakota
Dakota: ok
Myrakal: Dakota
Dakota: yes
Myrakal: are you gay?
Dakota: *looks scared by the question *y-yes *starts to cry*
Myrakal:oh shit *hugs Dakota * hey hey calm down shhh shhh
Hey look at me
Dakota: *looks at Myrakal with teary eyes*
Myrakal: hey it's ok I'm not gonna judge you ok look I got a secret to tell you Hunter is gay and he is has a crush on you and  you have a  crush on him don't  tell him that I told you ok
Dakota: ok
Dakota pov
Me and Myrakal are walking to my locker to get my  shorts and all of sudden Alex shows up
Alex:  hey baby
Myrakal: who are you talking to me or him
Alex: him
Dakota: why me
Alex :because your cute *puts a hand over Dakota waist * would you like to be mine my boyfriend
Dakota: no I already have a crush on someone else
Alex: who ever it is  I will treat you  better than him

Myrakal*getting angry *Alex you better get your ass away from us or
Alex: or what your a girl you can't fight
Dakota: hey! Leave her alone
Alex: you stay out of this
Dakota: no she is my friend
Alex: *walks up to Dakota and punch him in the face hard and made his lip bleed*
Myrakal:*got fucking  triggered*YOU MOTHRFUCKER I AM GOING TO BEAT YOUR ASS
Alex: I would like to see you try
Myrakal: *punch Alex in the face hard making his nose bleed *
Alex: ow you bitch *get's angry *
Alex and Myrakal: *fighting each other
Alex: *kick Myrakal*
Myrakal: *block the kick from Alex and smirk*what's the matter never seen a girl fight before *kick Alex in the stomach*
Alex: *holds stomach*
Myrakal*grabs his hair and slam his face in to the locker *
Alex: *get's a bloody face*
Myrakal: that's what you get for punching my friend in the face. Come on Dakota let's take you to the nurse *helps Dakota and holds him close* just to tell you I am always over protected
Dakota: you are
Myrakal: yep I was really over protected with Tenindje and Hunter
Dakota: wow
Myrakal: yep who ever mess with my family they get their ass beat by me
Dakota: *snuggle close to Myrakal*
Myrakal: aww you are so cute
Dakota: *blush*noooo
Myrakal: *laughing*ok we are here
Myrakal pov
After that fight I had with Alex we went in the nurse office
Nurse: how can I help you two
Myrakal: Dakota has a bloody lip
he is new to this school
Nurse: aww poor dear come this way do you mind waiting here
Myrakal: sure
Dakota: *looks scared*
Myrakal: hey don't be scared ok I am not going no where
Dakota: ok
Dakota pov
I went with the nurse she went to the cabin to get the cotton balls and some Alcohol she put the alcohol on the cotton ball
Nurse:this is going to sting a little
Dakota: ok
Nurse: *rub the cotton ball with alcohol on Dakota lip*
Dakota: *sit still*
Nurse: ok you are done
Dakota: thank you
Nurse: you are welcome dear
I got up and walk out room the room
Dakota: I'm done
Myrakal: ok

Myrakal pov
Dakota and I walk to gym
Myrakal: you ok
Dakota: yeah but my lip still hurt
Myrakal: don't worry Dakota it will heal soon just be careful
Dakota: ok thanks
Myrakal: for what❓
Dakota: for caring about me
Myrakal: *hugs Dakota* I am always going to care about you are like a brother to me ok never forget that me hunter and Tenindje always love you
Dakota: *crying hugs Myrakal*
Myrakal: *hugs Dakota back*come on let's go to gym before it rings
Dakota: ok

With Hunter and Tenindje
Hunter pov
I was worried about Myrakal and Dakota they're not here yet I try to call Myrakal phone put she did not pick up I feel like I'm going to  have a panic attack.
Tenindje:Hunter calm down don't worry about them especially Myrakal you know how she is like she said who ever mess with her family they get their ass beat by her she always put us first then her she looks out for us care for us even protect us.
Hunter: yeah your right I should calm myself down
Tenindje: that's the spirit come on we wait for them in the gym
Myrakal pov
Me and Dakota was almost to the gym
Myrakal: where almost their Dakota
Dakota: ok
Mikey: hey babe what's your name
Dakota: who me or her
Mikey: her
Myrakal: My name is get the fuck away from me and my friend before I beat your ass like I did  Alex
Mikey:  wait you beat Alex ass he is my friend why did you do that*get's angry*
Myrakal: I did it because he hurt my friend
Mikey: that doesn't mean you hurt him you are going down bitch oh wait you can't fight this is going to be easy for me
Myrakal: you better watch your mouth because I beat Alex ass he had a bloody face so I can fight and you are going down fucker
Dakota stay back I don't want you to get hurt again
Dakota: ok *steps back away from the fight * 
Myrakal and Mikey: *starting to fight*
Mikey: *throws punch at Myrakal*
Myrakal: *caught the hand and brake his hand and punch and kick him in the face over and over and over*
Mikey: *got knock the fuck out and hit the floor *
Myrakal: come on Dakota
Dakota: ok. Myrakal are you OK
Myrakal: yeah I be ok come on don't worry about me
Dakota: ok *still worry about you *
Time skip brought to you by Goku over protected with Vegeta
Myrakal pov
I feel like passing out but I can't make Dakota worry about me I need to make it  to gym without passing out
Myrakal: we made it even though I had to fight two boys
Dakota: yeah *sees hunter and tenindje* guys!
Hunter and Tenindje:  *turns around and see Dakota and Myrakal then runs to them and tackled them in a hug*
Hunter and Tenindje: *hugs you guys  tightly* what happened two you guys
Dakota: you wanna tell them Myrakal or you want me to tell them
Myrakal: I can tell them
Tenindje and Hunter: tell us what ❓
Myrakal: that I got in to two fights with two boys
Tenindje and Hunter: what!?! Are you ok
Myrakal: guys let me finish
Hunter and Tenindje: ok
Myrakal: Me and Dakota was walking to his locker after we got to his locker he got his shorts and all of sudden fucking Alex came over to us calling Dakota baby and ask him to be his boyfriend
and Dakota said no  I have a crush on someone else then Alex said who ever it is I can treat you better than him. So I was getting angry I told Alex you to get his ass away from us or then he told me or what your a girl you can't fight then Dakota stand up for me and Alex told Dakota to stay out of this then Dakota said no she is my friend then this fucker triggered me he punch Dakota face hard by making his lip bleed Dakota was crying I beat his fucking ass so bad that he had a bloody face.  Then I took Dakota to the nurse office she took care of him when he was done we started to head to gym then Mikey came up to us but this time he call me babe and ask for my name.  I said my name is get the fuck away from me and my friend before I beat your ass like Alex we stared to fight he said the same thing You can't fight your a girl.  When he throws a punch at me  I caught his hand  and broke then I punch and kick him in the face over and over again until he was like Alex with a bloody face he I have six words to say they got knock the fuck out.
Tenindje and Hunter: wow
Dakota: yeah she is strong
Myrakal: thanks
Dakota: no problem
Tenindje: but Dakota are you ok though
Dakota: yeah I be fine thanks to Myrakal for caring about me
Myrakal: like I said I will always care for and hunter tenindje
Hunter/Tenindje: yeah
Myrakal: come on
Tenindje /Hunter /Dakota:ok

Hey you beautiful readers thanks for reading this lovely chapter I was thinking should I make hunter confess to Dakota when school is over or when they go to the prom dance it's up to guys to decide

Well I see you awesome readers at the next story love you guys 😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍😇😇😇😇😇😇😋😋😋😋😚😚😚😙😙😗

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