killua x gon

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awwwwwwwwwwwwwww this ship is cuteeeeeeee so so so so so much!!


me-gon!'falls out of chair'what when how

diva-'pops head in' u invited him and killua to join u for today chapter dinchi

me-when i do that?!

diva-when u lost the game of snaduku

me-that game is horried, but where killua gon?

gon-he had to do something before coming here!

me-yosh! do u know what chapter it is today by the way?


me-'sweat drop' your so inccent should i do this?

kilua-where gon?! who the hell are u??!!

gon- imin here killua!!

killua-'comes in' who is that gon? where this dinchi dude?

me-heheh im dinchi

killua-....your not a dude

me-that i can conferm but thanks for that

gon- that was the person for guests killua! dinchi-san was going tell us what chapter today is!!

killua-oh? what is it?

me-'gulps' um well....its about u and um u


gon-'turns red getting what i meant'

me- someone got it....

killua-hu-gon?? why u so red????


me- on with today!!

killua-wait u never told me what u meant!!



as i smile big as i walk in to the school today, in going tell killua! yes i will tell him that im in love with him!!" hey gon!" lerdio said coming over smiling big, i smile back"hey lerdio! hows everything with your girlfriend?" he smile a bit blushing" w-well im thinking on asking her to um move in with me" i smile big"thats great!! i hope it works out!!" i told him"what about u? going tell kil today?" i nod" i hope he feels the same way"

i mumble he slaps mine back grinning"dont worry dude! he will he might been to shy to tell u his u know?" i nod"besides u had a crush on your best friend since what? 5-6 year?" i ru mine neck"7th year but somewhere around yah" i reply as i close mine locker"good luck today" he said i nod holding five cards"hope he gets them"i mutter as i place the first one in his locker knowing he already went to his locker and dont go to it till the end of the day, and went to put the other four

killua at the end of the day

as i walk with kurapika he encurage me to tell gon but i culd"baka what if he dont like me and it mess our friendship up??" i told him he looks at me weirdly"for one he will for two if for some reason he dont he wont be mad at u for it just going be weird a bit around u guys..when u reilze u had feelings for him ?" he questions

"hmm when we almost got caught in a task from the school" i said recalling it like yesterday


we dove in the car we were given as the targets came out checking"kill-" i cut gon off"shh they might hear u" i whisper as we sat down our heads cant be seen with the dark cover glass windows"what if they notice us kil?"he questions worry"dont worry gon" i grab his hand after seeing him so shaken up"they wont know we were after them, we got what we need anyways from them we just need to get out"

i told him he nodded calming down a bit i look back out i see them coming closer"kil i got an idea but u promise not to be weird about it after?" gon said a bit unsure i wonder why but turn to him"okay i wont promise" he sat on mine lap making me blush and mine eyes widen"g-gon?!" i whsisper yell as i put a finger to mine lips, i stare at him wide eyes

i move a bit hegroan a biti relize i move mine knee up to his thing"s-sorry!" i said/whisper "r-ready?" he said his breath a bit shakly, i turn seeing them about to come to this car and saw gon on me i nod, he took a deep breath when he lean down kissing me

mine eyes widen as mine face flush as i close mine eyes as we kiss

a knock was heard on the window as gon broke the kiss, i clear mine throat from that as i turn mine head acting like nothing was wrong"what?"i said a bit mad suprising mine self"take that somewhere else"he said i look at him"is it wrong of me to make out with mine boyfriend?" i said gripping gon selling it, gon made it more real as he lean on me"lets go home kil we can have more fun there"i shiver at his tone"fine "the guy left aas gon went to the seat and began to drive

"so um....were good right?" he said unsure and worry"yah were good dont worry, by the way never knew u were good at acting" i told him he mutter something i didnt catch

flashback over

kurapika stare at me wide eye as i finshed when i knew i loved gon and not liked liked"holy wait that means u stole gon first kiss!!" he said laughing a bit i blush"h-he also stole mine first as well!" i stutter out making him laugh more, i hufff in emberssment as i open mine locker, a letter falls out hitting mine feet, i bend down and picked it up

"whats that?"kurapika ask seeing it now that he calm" a note... 'if your reading this meaning u didnt throw it out, want to find who wrote this go to where u first met gon from-a person who likes u' they couldnt spell admier right i guess" i said

seeing how cute it was made with a little kz in the front showing it for me, a little heart for any I's in the way it was wrote and the side to show they try spelling admier but gave up after the 8th time, it sweet

"go on! go see who wrote it! i wonder if its gon?" he smirk as i blush"bakakura" i mutter as i left going to where i first met gon in the place where u go and get in school, the gym

in the gym

i look around seeing a teach i havent seen since 5 years ago"heyyy" i said she turn her braids sticking out"killua! great to see u!!" she reply we shook hands, i dodge her cleaf"geez woman! i swaer u carry that like its a hand " i said as she grin, handing me another cute note"did u see who gave this to u?" i ask"yes but im not allow to saw, this is hide and seek" she told me winking

"what dose it says? u have to read it out anyways" she added as i did" it says 'if your reading this one means i didnt back out of our game killua! im so happy to know that!! okay the next note will be where u and gon had to figure out how to get out of a roo from a person who loves u' ..." i read as i stare at the little figure of me smiling with a coco robot in mine hand

i blush how it was so good, do i know this person?!" well go luck u do have a time stamp" i look at her"What?! the person says a time stamp for this?!" she nodded" till 12 tonight actully, good thing no school for u" i glad no school, i thanked her and ran to the old building where we ran into the troup for the first time

at the building 

i walked in seeing how many memories were in here, me and gon came here after we met the troups and they left the school to train, it was great

i went in the room and to mine suprise to see f/n sitting there"f/n?(yes your in here shhhhh there's a reason!!) what u doing here?" she smile at me"hey kill! i was told to wait here for u and give u this cute little card!" i narrow mine eyes"but your number 17 in the troups..(boom there u go since no one knows who number 17 in the manga or the show boom)" i questions her she nod"yah not anymore"

she replys giving me the card, a i read it outloud" it says' sorry to start out for who u ran into, i know u dont like f/n but she was the only one still in school in the troups!! forgive me or not but here the third one! your almost there. go to where gon met his dad when he woke up and thanked u for a month from a person who loves u'" i read she blinks"i have to go now...lerdio says he needs to talk to me" i nod thinking he was man enough to tell her to move in together

as i went to the cousle room

the cousel room

i went in and saw gin grinning at me"hey sport!" i fist pump him"heh who would of known u come, did u know the person was worry doing this for a while till i made the person courage up and do it " i blink in suprise" u talk to a stranger?" he laugh"oh this is good" he laugh having me read the card" it says now 'for give gin for how he acting if u seeing him laugh if u dont knw who i am, thats the point because if u knew then this game wouldnt be fun! you need one more before reaching where i am!

hurry up before it hits 12 or i will be gone! go to where the world tree is from a person who loves u'  "i look as he laughed again"what so funny old man"he got a tick mark but let it slide" on how u dont see it yet brat" he said"now go its almost 11" mine eyes widen as i ran"good luck killua!" i heard

at the tree

i look around looking when someone touch mine shoulder, i turn around suprise as i saw a guard"um are u killua z?" i glad they didnt tell mine last name"yah?" he hand me a card"i was supposed to give this to u if u didnt come they would of got it after 12" i nod taking and thanking him, he left" it says 'sorry sorry no one we knew other then u and gon and your sister was there, you dont allow your sister out much since she super sick so i couldnt ask her and gon well...theres a reason why i didnt ask him, anyways! the last one is at the park where u and gon hanged out!, from a person u know' it change" i said

it dont say a person who loves u, it says a person u know, who is this??"better go" i saw it took me 20 mintues and its almost 11:40

at the park

i gasp for breath looking around, i see gon sitting on a bench waiting, he must have the last one,i saw it about to hit midnight so i went to gon , he turn hearing me standing up, a card in his hand with a flower

"g-gon" i said  bit out of breath, he hands me the note and the letter, he wont look at me for some reason" gon?"he push the note in mine hands i knew he wasnt allow to speak untill i read

"it says this time 'u made it! look around ok? after u do tell gon who did this and the person who loves u will come out!!' "was all it said i look around seeing no one, i face gon

his face suddenly turn red when i look at him"gon? u know who did this?" i ask him slowly he slowly nods"who?" i ask him his face lift up"m-me, i i love u killua" he said stuttering a bit


i stutter as i confess to him that i love him,when we were on the task the person who sent it on that knew that the making out might come to play but i didnt want killua to feel bad, but now i cant hold it in anymore, its been about 2 years since then

when it hits midnight it will been 3 years, 5 years since i loved him, 9 years since we been firends, though only one second to make all this break

i look down seeing him not look at me" u d-dont have to feel t-the same w-"i was cut off when killua went right in front of me and pull me tight into him

he lean down kissing me, i mealted in his embrace and kiss back, the kiss got a bit heated but went gentle when we broke off" i love u as well gon" he breath out i wrap mine arms around his neck"glad to know" he smirk as we kiss again


"omg i knew it!!!"


"yo gon did u know your dad acted like a high school girl right now?"

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